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Islamic University
Nursing College
Name:----------------------------- No: --------------
I-Mention Only 5 of the following
Final Exam.
ِAnatomy& phys.(A)
(15 points )
1- Tunics of the eye
2- Hormones of the pituitary gland
3- Bones of the upper limb
4- Muscles of anterior abdominal wall
5- Parts of the inner ear and function of each
6- Muscles used for injection
II-Define Only 5 of the following
1- Auditory tube
2- Cholenergic fibres
3- Haversian canal
4- Filteration
5- Tarsal bones
6- Tropic hormone
( 10points )
Time: 2 hours
III-Put ( ) opposite true and ( ) opposite false statements: ( 15 points )
) Phagocytosis is an active method of transport.
) Epidermis is simple squamous keratinized epithelium.
) Osteoclasts are bone forming cells.
) Skull bones develop in cartilage.
) The lumbar regions lie lateral to the umbilical region.
) The nucleus always contains only one nucleolus.
) Epithelial tissues are avascular.
) Transitional epithelium is present in respiratory tract.
) Fibrocartilage is present between vertebrae.
) Circumduction is commonly seen in hinge joints .
( ) Transmission of an impulse is electro-chemical event.
( ) Optic disc has only cones.
( )At the optic chiasma ;the fibers from the lateral side of each eye cross over to
the opposite side.
( ) In cretinism the body proportions remain childlike.
( ) Axons conduct impulses away from the cell body.
III-fill the following spaces with proper words:
( 20 points +1 )
*---------------------is hypoglycemic hormone
* the posterior chamber of the eye is filled by ------------------* in photopupillary reflex , pupil will--------------------when exposed to direct light
* the number of cranial nerves is -----------------------* the only cranial nerve that reach chest and abdomen is-----------*---------------------------is the powerhouse of the cell
* blood is a type of -----------------------tissue
* the --------------------------nervous system is the house keeping system
* the specific cell that responds to chemicals dissolved in saliva is called----------* each axonal terminal is separated from the next neuron by----------------------* serous membranes are-------------------------------------epithelium.
* hypotonic solution leads to-----------------------of cells.
* the fibrous connective tissue covering diaphysis is called-------------------------* the cell body of sensory neuron is located in --------------------* os coxa has a deep socket called------------------------* iodine is needed for-------------------hormone generation
*--------------------hormone causes uterine contraction
*--------------------hormone causes water reabsorption in kidneys
* reflexes that regulate the activity of smooth muscles; heart and glands are called----------* the primary motor area is located anterior to the --------------------* the vertebrae that have a foramen in its transverse processes are------------------------
IV-Match table A With table B
Table A
( )-Proprioceptors
( )-Chemoreceptors
( )-Mechanoreceptors
( )-Pain receptors
( )-Photoreceptors
( 20 points )
Table B
a-receptors in the tongue
b-receptors in the ears
c-may be rods or cones
d-naked nerve endings
e-in muscles and tendons
f-touch receptors
Table A
Table B
( )-Calcitonin
a-every cell is a target
( )-Parathormone
b-hypercalcemic hormone
( )-Glucocorticoids
c-hyperglycemic hormone
( )-Thyroxin
d-deposits calcium in bones
( )-Growth hormone
e-related to pituitary dwarfism
f-tropic hormone
Table A
Table B
( )-Olfactory nerve
a-activates facial muscles
( )-Occulomotor
b-first cranial nerve
( )-Trigeminal
c-nerve of hearing and equilibrium
( )-Vestibulococlear
d-supplies thoracic and abdominal viscera
( )-Facial
e-fifth cranial nerve
f-motor nerve for the eye
Table A
Table B
( )-Quadreseps
a-flex the knee
( )-Hamstring
b-prime mover for elbow flexion
( )-Biceps brachii
c-one muscle for mastication
( )-Sternocledomastoid
d-flex the head
( )-Maseter
e-extends the knee
f-dorsiflexor of the foot
V- Choose the correct answer
( 10 points )
( ) -The relatively constant internal environment of the body is maintained by
a- negative feedback
b- metabolism
c- positive feedback
d- homeostasis
( ) -The rate of metabolism of all body cells is regulated by
a- calcitonin
b- thyroxine
c- parathyroid hormone
( ) -Androgens are produced by the
a- ovaries
b- testes
c- islets of Langerhans
d- hypothalamus
( ) -Failure of the pituitary to stop producing growth hormone after body growth results in
a- giantism
b- acromegaly
c- goiter
d- cretinism
( ) -The endocrine gland located at the base of the throat, just inferior to the Adam's apple is
a- pineal gland
b- hypothalamus
c- thyroid
d- pituitary
( ) - The cluster of cells in the pancreas that produce hormones are the
a- islets of Langerhans
b- nodules
c- pancreatic cortex
d- pancreatic medulla
( ) - Estrogens and progesterone are produced by
a- testes
b- ovaries
c- adrenal glands
( ) -Most hormones of the endocrine system are regulated by a
a- negative feedback mechanism b- positive feedback mechanism
c- hormone-gene complex
d- hormone-receptor complex
( ) -The hormone that stimulates the contraction of smooth muscle in the uterus is:
a- FSH
b- LH
c- oxytocin
d- thyroxine
e- estrogen
( ) -Nervousness, increased body temperature, and increased blood pressure are
indications of
a- hyperthyroidism b-hypothyroidism c-increased insulin d-increased glucagons
VI- Label the following
( 10 points )