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Islamic University
Nursing College
Anat.&Phys.(A) for
Midwives , Final exam.
Name:----------------------------- No: -------------------
27/1/ 2010
Answer the following questions
---------------------------------------I-Define Only 5 of the followings
( 10 marks)
2-Midsagittal section:
3-Tropic hormone:
4-Mixed gland:
II-Mention in short Only 5 only
( 15 marks)
1- Muscles used for injection:
2- Characters of skull of the newborn:
3- Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland:
4- Pure sensory cranial nerves:
5- Tunics of the eye:
6- Characters of female pelvis:
Time: 2 hours
III-Match table A with table B
Table A
( )-Proprioceptors
( )-Chemoreceptors
( )-Mechanoreceptors
( )-Pain receptors
( )-Photoreceptors
Table B
a-receptors in the tongue
b-receptors in the ears
c-may be rods or cones
d-naked nerve endings
e-in muscles and tendons
f-touch receptors
Table A
( )-Calcitonin
( )-Parathormone
( )-Glucocorticoids
( )-estrogens
( )-ADH
Table B
a-female sex hormone
b-hypercalcemic hormone
c-hyperglycemic hormone
d-hypocalcemic hormone
e-related to diabetes insipidus
f-tropic hormone
( 25 marks)
Table A
( )-Progesterone
( )-Epinephrine
( )-Testosterone
( )-Insulin
( )-Oxytocin
Table B
a-male sex hormone
b-promotes sodium and water reabsorption
c-hypoglycemic hormone
d-stimulates milk ejection
e-secreted by corpus luteum
f-needed in alarm stage of stress
( )-Olfactory nerve
( )-Vagus
( )-Oculomotor
( )-Vestibulococlear
( )-Facial
Table B
a-activates facial muscles
b-first cranial nerve
c-nerve of hearing and equilibrium
d-supplies thoracic and abdominal viscera
e-fifth cranial nerve
f-motor nerve for external eye muscles
Table A
( )-Deltoid
( )-Gastrocnemius
( )-Biceps brachii
( )-Sternocledomastoid
( )-internal oblique
Table B
a-muscle in anterior abdominal wall
b-causes elbow flexion
c-triangular shape
d-flex the head
e-extends the knee
f-causes planter flexion
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VI-Put / or \ opposite each statements
( 10 points )
( )- Most homeostatic control mechanisms are positive feedback mechanisms.
( )-The knee is distal to the thigh.
( )-Ribosomes are membrane bags containing powerful digesting enzymes.
( )-Epithelial tissues are avascular.
( )-Fibrocartilage is present between vertebrae.
( )-The CNS consists of the brain and cranial nerves.
( )-The cornea has no blood vessels.
( )-The dynamic equilibrium receptors are found in the semicircular canals.
( )-In cretinism, the body proportions remain childlike.
( )-anterior pituitary is controlled by thalamus.
V-Fill the following spaces with proper words
( 20+2 points)
*Gonadotropic hormones are released from---------------------------------------and their
names are-----------------------and-------------------------*-------------------prepare the body to cope with alarm stage of stress while--------------------acts during the resistance stage
*The stimuli that activate the endocrine organs are-----------------------------;------------------and-------------------------------------------*Increased intraocular pressure is called------------------*The -----------------------nervous system is the fight-flight system
*Each axonal terminal is separated from the next neuron by-----------------------;this gap is
crossed by a chemical substance called----------------------------*Bones of the pelvis are---------------------------;-------------------and------------------* ---------------------carry impulses to and from the spinal cord.
*In directional terms;------------------------means towards the head.
*Hypertonic solution leads to-----------------------of cells.
* The fibrous connective tissue covering diaphysis is called-------------------------*The middle ear is connected to the throat by-----------------* The ventral body cavities are------------------------------and-------------------------VI-Label the following
(5 points)
VII-Multiple choice :
(15+1 points)
( )-The basic functional unit of the nervous system is the:
b- dendron.
c-nerve cell body
( )-The cerebral cortex is characterized by numerous shallow grooves called:
a-the cerebral lobes.
b- gyri.
d- neural tubes.
( )-The transparent anterior portion of the sclera is the:
b-ciliary body
c- cornea.
( )-The area of the retina of highest visual acuity is:
a- uvea b. optic disc c. fovea centralis d. blind spot
e. both b and d
( ) -The tip of the tongue is very sensitive to which taste(s)?
a. bitter
b. salty
c. sour
d. sweet
e. both b and d
( )-Estrogens are produced by the
b- islets of Langerhans
c- testes
d- hypothalamus
( )-Hypothyroidism in old age results in
b- myxedema
c- Cushing's syndrome
d- goiter
( )-A "fight or flight" situation does not stimulate the secretion of
a- noradrenaline
c- adrenaline
( )-The secretions from which of these glands differs between males and females?
d- gonad
( )-Estrogen and progesterone are produced by
b- ovaries
c- testes
d- adrenal glands
( )-Failure of the pituitary to stop producing growth hormone before body
growth is completed results in
a-kidney failure
b- acromegaly
( )-Another name for adrenaline is
d- norepinephrine
( )- The anatomical term meaning toward the midline of the body is:
b. inferior.
c. distal.
d. lateral.
e. medial.
( )- Which of the following is NOT a posterior body landmark?
a.Popliteal. b. Sternal.
c. Scapular.
d. Occipital
e. Vertebral.
( )- The uptake of liquids that contain dissolved proteins or fats into a cell
is called:
a.osmosis. b. pinocytosis c. passive transport.
( )- Which of the following bones is NOT a part of the axial skeleton?
b-frontal bone
c- clavicle
d- vertebra
Good Luck