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Unit 1- Constructive and Destructive Processes
See last page
Chapter 2 Lesson 3 (pgs 90-91)
Earth’s Structure
 Earth has 4 layers- the ____________________, the mantle, the inner core, and
the ______________ core
 The ________________ is thin and is made of solid rock
 The _________________ is mostly rock, but some mantle rock is soft
 The ______________________ core is liquid iron
 The ____________________ core is iron and nickel and is solid because of
intense pressure
 Earth’s crust and upper most mantle are divided into _________________
 Plates are blocks of ______________ and upper mantle rock that fit together like
puzzle pieces
 Plates “float” on the softer rock of the mantle. Plates move as rock flows.
 The movement of one plate affects others because they fit together tightly
 Constructive processes help to ___________ Earth’s surface. Examples include:
o Deposition
o _________________________
o Volcanoes
o faults
 Destructive processes break down the Earth’s surface. Examples include:
o __________________
o Weathering
o Earthquakes
o Volcanoes
o Impact of organisms (plants)
Additional Notes:
Chapter 2 Lesson 1 (pgs 64-67)
Mountains, Hills, and Plains
 a ____________________ is a natural land shape or feature
 there are 5 main landforms- mountains, _________________, canyons,
_____________________, and plateaus
a mountain is a landform that is much _________________ than the surrounding
a plain is a large, _____________________ landform
canyons are deep valleys with __________________ sides
valleys are areas of _________________ land between mountains
plateaus are elevated, ____________________ pieces of land
A sand dune is another landform- it is a sand hill that has been created by
Additional Notes:
Chapter 2 Lesson 3 (pgs. 94-97)
 Magma is molten (melted) rock beneath Earth’s surface. It forms in areas where
plates ____________________ against each other or pull away from each other.
 Lava is molten rock (magma) that has reached Earth’s surface
 A volcano is a _____________________ made of lava, ash, or other materials
from eruptions
 A volcano is formed as more and more lava flows from the vent, or
___________________, in the Earth’s crust
 Lava may ooze slowly or it may explode
How Mountains Form
 Mountains are the _____________________ landforms on Earth
 They form when the ____________________ is crumpled and pushed upward by
the movements of the plates
 Many mountains form where _________________________ come together
o The edge of the denser plate is forced into the __________________,
while the less dense plate is pushed up
o If the plates are the _______________ density, both plates are pushed up
 An __________________________ is movement of the ground caused by a
sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust
 The place within the Earth that released the energy is called the
__________________________. The area directly above the focus is the
__________________________ (where the most damage occurs)
 Earthquakes are caused by 3 types of plate movement
o Plates pushing together
o Plates sliding past each other
o Plates pulling apart
Most earthquakes occur along a fault or _______________ in the Earth’s crust
o Scientist classify earthquakes by estimating their ________________________
(amount of energy released
o The __________________________ measures earthquake magnitude
o Earthquakes can be _______________________- create mountains and lakes
o Earthquakes can be _______________________- damaging roads, bridges, and
Additional Notes:
Chapter 2 Lesson 2 (pgs. 78-83)
Changes Caused by Wind
 ____________________ is the process of wearing away rocks by natural means
 Blowing wind can cause sand to hit rock and over time the sand will wear away
the rock by breaking it into smaller pieces
Changes Caused by Moving Water
 Water can change Earth’s surface by carrying soil and small pieces of rock
away from landforms
 ______________________ is the process of moving sediment by wind,
water, or ice
 A rapidly moving river erodes its banks (making it wider) and its bottom
(making it deeper)
 The moving water carries sediment downstream
 When the water slows, the sediment is deposited which can cause the river
the become more narrow and shallow
Erosion and Deposition
 Moving wind and water has _______________________
 Fast wind or water can erode a lot of sediment
 Slow wind or water erodes only a small amount of sediment
 Examples of water erosion are:
o _____________________- carrying away sediments as it runs
down a hill (creates gullies or ditches in the ground over time)
o Ocean waves- constant wave action can change sloping shorelines
into cliffs
o Ocean waves also bring more sand onto the beach (deposition)
 ____________________________ is the process where sediments drops
out of the water and settles to the bottom
 A _____________________ is formed where sediment has been
deposited at the mouth of a river
 Flooding can also deposit sediment near a river
o River sends water over its banks
o After rains water returns to river leaving sediment on the land
o These areas are called flood plains (rich in nutrients and good for
Sinkholes and Landslides
 Water can also erode rock underground causing caves to form
 A sinkhole forms when the roof of a cave near Earth’s surface
 Gravity can also cause landforms to change
o _____________________________ (when gravity forces soil,
rocks, and mud to move quickly down a slope)
Plants can also cause weathering and erosion
Plants growing on rocks send roots into tiny cracks or holes into the
rock. As the plants grow the roots become larger and break the rock
into smaller pieces
Plants also protect landforms
o Prevent erosion by holding soil and sand into place preventing
wind and water erosion
Additional Notes:
Chapter 2 Lesson 4
Seismological Studies
 A _________________________ is a scientist who studies
 A __________________________ measures movements in the Earth’s
 The data is used to help seismologists locate the earthquake’s epicenter
and to help identify or predict areas most likely to shake when rocks
shift at faults
Flood Control
 Flooding can be _________________________
o Plants along the banks of rivers and lakes are adapted to grow in flooding
o The erosion from flooding can carve out shallow areas for animals to drink
and aquatic life to hide
Flooding can be ________________________ for people
o Damage houses, towns, and crops
o Two methods for controlling floods
o Dams hold back water that otherwise would rush downstream forming a
o A ______________________ is a wall of earth or concrete built along the
banks of a waterway that keeps rising waters within it’s banks
Beach Reclamation
o Waves and currents cause beach erosion
o In beach _________________________, sand is dredged, or scooped out, of a
channel and dumped onto a beach
o People also build __________________________, a wall-like structure that sticks
out into the ocean, to prevent the sand from being eroded away
Additional Notes:
Define the following vocabulary words.
Sand dunes
ring of fire
Richter scale
Plate tectonics
rock falls
Inner core
Outer core