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Early Rome, the Republic, Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus
quiz study guide
Refer to powerpoints and notes posted on the website for help
Early Rome:
Italian peninsula
started as a city-state
influenced by Etruscans and Greeks; descended from Latins
o Etruscans taught architecture, engineering and religion
less rugged terrain than Greece; more farmland; easier to travel
Alps to the north, Appenines running down the middle
City of Rome built on 7 hills, the Tiber River going through the middle
“Republic”=thing of the people
Etruscans defeated by Romans by 509BC
Patricians=rich, landowners.
Senate=representative Patricians that speak for the people
o 2 consuls head the Senate.
 Command armies
 Supervise business of g’vt
Plebians=poor people
Dictator given power temporarily in times of emergency
o Cincinnatus=famous temporary dictator who defended Rome and gave
up power after victory
Rome: Engineering an Empire video notes—see my webpage for answers to the
questions based on the video
Decline of the Republic
 Civil Wars over who should hold power—Senate or the influential politicians
 Slave uprisings and revolts
 Legions loyal to commanders over Senate
o Ambitious general
o Loved by his soldiers
o Caesar rises to power with Pompey and Cassius (The First Triumvirate)
o Caesar and Pompey struggle for power
o Caesar goes on a 9-year military campaign into Gaul, conquering
territories—“Veni, Vidi, Vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered)
o Pompey and Senate declare Caesar must disband his army because he
is too popular with them and they are too dangerous
o Caesar does not disband the army; he crosses the Rubicon and invades
Rome—“The die is cast!”
o Caesar’s reforms: jobs to the jobless, public land to the poor, Roman
citizenship more common, invented Julian calendar
o Assassinated in 44BC on the Senate floor (opponent’s worry Caesar is
too powerful)
o Octavian, the adopted heir of Julius Caesar fights against Marc Antony
for control of the Roman Empire and wins. Marc Antony commits
suicide with Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt
o Octavian receives title of Caesar Augustus (meaning the exalted one)
from the Senate. Augustus has absolute power.
o Augustus contributes
 A stable government by allowing self-governance of provinces
 The best man for the job gets it, regardless of social class
 Postal service
 A census and a tax system that is considerate of the poor
 Unemployed people put to work on building roads and temples
o Augustus has negative effects
Takes away power from the people by limiting Senate power
Sets precedent of absolute power, taken advantage of by
following corrupt emperors
 Rules with iron fist; merciless
Caligula and Nero = bad , probably insane, emperors
o Caligula appointed his horse consul
o Nero persecuted Christians harshly and probably was responsible for
burning most of the city down
Hadrian and Marcus Aerilius = good emperors
o Hadrian sets standard Roman law throughout the empire; built
Hadrian’s Wall in Britain to keep out attackers
o Marcus Aerilius was virtuous, noble and committed to duty. He read
philosophy when on his military campaign
PAX ROMANA (The Peace of Rome) 200-year period started by Augustus and
ending with Marcus Aerilius
o No wars in the Empire
o A good time to be a Roman citizen
o Stable government
o Empire stretches from Britain to Mesopotamia
Bread and Circuses
o Entertainment for the citizens, to keep minds off of real problems
o The Coliseum used for gladiator fights, naval reenactments, circuses,
feeding Christians to the lions, festivals