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Name: __________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Period: ______
Ocean Floor and Chemistry Directed Reading; Water on Earth
Academic Ninth Grade Science
Chapter 2. Section 1; Pages 36-45; Earth’s Oceans
1. How much of the Earth’s surface is covered with water?
a. 25%
b. 53%
c. 71%
d. 82%
2. What divides the global ocean into four main oceans?
a. Rivers
b. Mountain ranges
c. The equator
d. The continents
3. Which of the following is the largest ocean?
a. Atlantic Ocean
b. Arctic Ocean
c. Indian Ocean
d. Pacific Ocean
4. Which is about half the size of the Pacific Ocean?
a. Atlantic Ocean
b. Arctic Ocean
c. Indian Ocean
d. Pacific Ocean
5. Which ocean is mostly covered by ice?
a. Atlantic Ocean
b. Arctic Ocean
c. Indian Ocean
d. Pacific Ocean
6. Which is the third-largest ocean?
a. Atlantic Ocean
b. Arctic Ocean
c. Indian Ocean
d. Pacific Ocean
7. How was the Earth different 4.5 billion years ago?
a. It was covered by water. b. There were no oceans.
c. The Earth had not formed. d. There were two oceans.
8. How did oceans form from rain?
a. The rain filled volcanoes.
b. The rain evaporated.
c. The rain filled deeper levels of Earth’s surface.
d. The rain turned to gas.
9. Which of the following statements about salt in the ocean is true?
a. It is poisonous.
b. It is saltier than the salt we eat.
c. It is sodium chloride.
d. It is less salty than the salt we eat.
Chock-Full of Solids
10. What is salinity?
a. The amount of dissolved salts in a liquid
b. The amount of sodium in a liquid
c. The amount of water that has evaporated
d. The amount of solids in a liquid
Climate Affects Salinity
11. Which waters tend to be more saline?
a. Coastal waters in cool, humid environments
b. River waters
c. Coastal waters in hot, dry climates
d. Coastal waters near river outlets
12. Which of the following happens when water evaporates?
a. Dissolved salts in the water also evaporate.
b. Table salt is harvested.
c. Dissolved salts rise to the surface of the water.
d. Salts and dissolved salts in the water are left behind.
Water Movement Affects Salinity
13. Which of the following has a higher salinity?
a. Water in areas with swift currents b. Water at high tide
c. Water in the slow-moving areas d. Waterfalls
Temperature Zones
14. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Ocean water gets warmer as it gets deeper.
b. Ocean water gets cooler as it gets deeper.
c. The temperature of ocean water never changes.
d. Ocean water is coldest near the surface.
Surface Temperature Changes
15. Why is the ocean’s surface water warmer in the summer?
a. Tides are higher in the summer.
b. Marine animals are more active in the summer.
c. People wear swimsuits in the summer.
d. More direct sunlight warms the ocean water in the summer.
16. What is the water cycle?
a. The effect of the moon on Earth
b. The movement of water from rivers to oceans
c. Movement of water from ocean to atmosphere to land back to ocean
d. Movement of water from ocean to atmosphere and back to ocean
17. Water is heated by the sun and rises as
a gas into the atmosphere
18. Droplets fall back to the Earth’s surface
19. Water vapor cools and turns to liquid
water on dust particles
20. What is the most important function of Earth’s oceans?
a. They are home to thousands of animal species.
b. They provide a safe place for recreational activities.
c. They absorb and hold energy from sunlight.
d. They have strong currents.
A Thermal Exchange
21. What would happen if the ocean didn’t perform its most
important function?
a. Nights would be extremely cold; days would be extremely hot.
b. The air would be freezing all the time.
c. Life as we know it would not change.
d. Nothing would happen.
Have Heat, Will Travel
22. Why do some coastal lands have warmer climates?
a. These areas have fewer clouds.
b. Higher latitudes create warmer temperatures.
c. The coast has more sunlight.
d. Currents move warm water into these areas.
Chapter 2, Section 2; Pages 46-51; The Ocean Floor
Seeing by Sonar
1. What does sonar stand for?
a. Sound and radar
b. Sound navigation and radio
c. Sub-ocean navigation and ranging
d. Sound navigation and ranging
2. Sonar technology is based on the echo-ranging behavior of
a. Sea lions
b. Bats
c. Moths
d. Seals
3. What can scientists do with sonar technology?
a. Play music for dolphins
b. Figure out the ocean’s depth
c. Measure the length of an ocean
d. Calculate the speed of sound
Oceanography via Satellite
4. What is Seasat used to measure?
a. Changes in the ocean’s height
b. Changes in the ocean’s landforms
c. The direction and speed of ocean currents
d. The movement of waves hitting the shoreline
Studying the Ocean with Geosat
5. What does Geosat measure?
a. Changes in the ocean’s height
b. Changes in the ocean’s landforms
c. The direction and speed of ocean currents
d. The velocity of waves hitting the shoreline
6. How is using a satellite to make maps of the ocean floor better
than using sonar readings from ships?
a. Satellites are farther away from the ocean.
b. Satellites cover much more territory.
c. Ships are always getting lost.
d. Satellites are less expensive.
7. Begins at the shoreline
8. Is between the continental shelf and
the continental rise
9. Is the base of the continental slope
10. Is covered by mud
Continental Margin
Mid-Ocean Ridges
Ocean Trench
Deep-Ocean Basin
Continental Rise
Abyssal Plain
Continental Shelf
Continental Slope
Rift Valley
Regions of the Ocean Floor
11. The two major regions of the ocean floor are the continental
margin and the _________________.
12. If the ocean were a giant swimming pool, the ______________
would be the shallow end.
Underwater Real Estate
13. Mountain chains formed by magma coming through rift zones
are called ________________.
14. Mountains on the ocean floor that can turn into volcanic islands
are called ______________________.
15. When one ocean plate is forced underneath another plate, a(n)
_________________ forms.
16. When mid-ocean ridges form, a(n) ______________________
forms between them.
Piloted Vessels: Alvin and Deep Flight
17. What is Alvin?
a. An airplane
b. A sunken ship
c. A research vessel
d. A scientist
18. What kinds of missions has Alvin been used for?
a. Searching for sunken ships and exploring the ocean floor
b. Searching for new oceans
c. Exploring the moon
d. Studying clouds
19. What is Deep Flight?
a. A high-flying airplane
b. An underwater airplane
c. A home for pilots
d. A sunken ship
Robotic Vessels: JASON II and Medea
20. Why are robotic vessels better than piloted vessels?
a. They are more expensive, but safer.
b. They are safer and less expensive.
c. They are easier to build.
d. They are shaped like fish.
21. What part of the ocean does JASON II explore?
a. The ocean surface
c. The ocean floor
b. The shoreline
d. The mid-level currents
Chapter 2, Section 3; Pages 52-57; Life In The Ocean
1. Live on or in the ocean floor
2. Free-swimming in the open ocean
3. Drift freely near the ocean surface
a. Plankton
b. Nekton
c. Benthos
4. What is the benthic environment?
a. The intertidal zone between low and high tides
b. The region near the ocean floor
c. The region and all the organisms near the ocean floor
d. The plankton zone
The Intertidal Zone
5. What is special about marine life in the intertidal zone?
a. Marine life always floats freely near the water’s surface.
b. Marine life must be able to live underwater and on dry land.
c. Marine life always burrows into sand for protection.
d. Marine life grows very quickly.
The Sublittoral Zone
6. How is the sublittoral zone more stable than the intertidal zone?
a. The sublittoral zone extends to the continental shelf.
b. The sublittoral zone’s temperature, water pressure, and sunlight are
more constant.
c. The sublittoral zone’s plants and animals stay in its upper regions.
d. The sublittoral zone’s organisms live with many changes.
The Bathyal Zone
7. Why are plants scarce in the bathyal zone?
a. There is too much sunlight.
b. There is a lack of sunlight.
c. It is too cold.
d. It is too hot.
The Abyssal Zone
8. Why do scientists know so little about the abyssal zone?
a. It is not worth exploring.
b. It is covered by ice.
c. There are too many animals living there.
d. It is too deep and dark.
The Hadal Zone
9. Which is the deepest benthic zone?
a. The abyssal zone
b. The hadal zone
c. The bathyal zone
d. The sublittoral zone
The Pelagic Environment
10. What is the zone near the surface & at the middle depths?
a. The pelagic environment
b. The surface environment
c. The benthic environment
The Neritic Zone
11. Which statement describes the neritic zone?
a. It is cool and shallow.
b. It is warm and deep.
c. It is cool and deep.
d. It is warm and shallow.
12. What does the neritic zone contains the largest concentration of?
a. Pollution
b. Research vessels
c. Marine life
d. Giant squids
The Oceanic Zone
13. What does water in the oceanic zone cover?
a. The continental shelf and all shorelines
b. The neritic zone and the continental shelf
c. The entire sea floor, including the continental shelf
d. The entire sea floor except for the continental shelf