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Final Exam Review _A__ 2010-2011
Correct Points
___ = ______% grade
Chapter(s) Key Concepts 1. p 22
2. p 44
3. p 70
4. p 96
5. p 116
Total Points Possible 75
1. List: The 5 major characteristics of Living Things
a. living organisms are made of cells
B. grows and develops
C. obtains and uses energy
D. responds to their environment
E. able to reproduce
2. Question: How many variables does a scientific experiment use at a time?
Answer: Scientific method uses one variable.
3. Question: What is used to measure a variable’s effects?
Answer: The control is used to measure a variable’s effects.
4. List: The four major steps of the scientific method:
a. stating problem
b. Proposing hypothesis for problem
c. Testing the hypothesis in an experiment
d. Analyzing results and drawing conclusion
5. Question: What is the key difference among atoms of different elements?
Answer: The key differences among atoms of different elements is their number of protons and electrons.
6. Question: Which chemical bonds transfer electrons?
Answer: The chemical bonds that transfer electrons are the ionic bonds.
7. Question: Which chemical bonds share electrons?
Answer: The chemical bonds that share electrons are covalent bonds.
8. Fill in the blank: ___________molecules (for example: water) can dissolve ionic substances.
Answer: a molecules that can dissolve ionic substances are polar molecules.
9. Fill in the blank: ___________ of a water solution indicates its concentration of H+ ions and OH- ions.
10. Answer: the ph of water solution indicates its concentration of H+ ions and OH- ions.
Fill in the blank: ___________ atoms are the organic compounds that form the backbone of every large
molecule in living organisms.
Answer: carbon atoms are the organic compounds that form the backbone of every large molecule in
living organisms.
11. Question: What is a large molecule made of units of monomers called?
Answer: the large molecule made of units of monomers is a polymer
12. Question: What is a macromolecule?
Answer: Macromolecules are large organic polymers.
13. List: The 4 major classes of macromolecules:
a. carbohydrates
b. lipids
c. proteins
d .nucleic acid
14. Question: What are the proteins called that catalyze almost every chemical reaction in living things?
Answer: the proteins are called enzymes
15. Question: Stereoisomers have the same atoms and the same bonds, but how do they differ?
Answer: The atoms are oriented differently in space.
16. Fill in the blank: Anton van Leeuwenhoek used microscopes to identify small ___________________
Answer: To identify small living things.
17. Fill in the blank: Robert Hooke was the first person to identify _________________
Answer: To identify cells
18. List: The 3 components of the Cell Theory
a. cells are living things
b. cells are the smallest working units of living things
c. cells arise from division of other cells
19. Fill in the blank: The ________________________separates and protects the cell from its surroundings.
Answer: Cell membrane.
20. Question: What is a lipid bilayer?
Answer: the lipid bilayer is the double layer of lipids in the cell membrane.
21. List & Match: The 2 types of transport used to move substances in and out of cells.
a. Passive transport moves substances from areas of higher concentration to
An area of lower concentration.
b. Active transport uses energy across a concentration difference.
22. Question: Which cell structure contains almost all the cell’s DNA?
Answer: nucleus
23. Question: What is an organelle?
Answer: Organelle is a small structure that performs a specialized function within cell.
24. List: The name of the organelle that does the described function.
a. Ribosomes assembles proteins
b. endoplasmic reticulum processes, & transports proteins & other macromolecules
c. Golgi apparatus helps the ER package and ship proteins
d. Lysomes do the housekeeping in the cell
e. cytoskeleton supports the cell (skeleton)
f. Vacuole storage containers
g. Mitochondria produces energy from chemical fuel
h. Chlorplast harvest the energy of the sunlight
25. Fill in the blank with either (animal or plant)
a. Vacuoles store fats, proteins and carbohydrates in animal cells.
b. Vacuoles store water and dissolved salts in Plant cells.
c. Chloroplasts provide energy for plant cells.
26. Fill in the blank: The
states that, billions of years ago eukaryotic cells arose as
a combination of different prokaryotic cells.
Answer: Endosymbiont Hypothesis
27. Fill in the blank: High energy bonds in ______________ are used for storing and releasing energy in cells.
Answer: ATP
28. Fill in the blank: ________________ is the chemical reaction process caused by the breaking down of
molecules of glucose.
Answer: glycolysis
29. Fill in the blank: The process (from question 27) can continue without oxygen by a process known as
____________________, and there are two types __________________and _____________________.
a. Fermentation
b. lactic Acid
c. alcohol Fermentation
30. Question: What is respiration?
Answer: The oxidative process occurring within living cells by which the chemical energy of organic
molecules is released in a series of metabolic steps involving the consumption of oxygen and the liberation
of carbon dioxide and water.
31. Question: In the cytoplasm during respiration, glucose is broken down during glycolysis into
_________________________ hint* (an acid).
Answer: lactic acid
32. Fill in the blank: Green plants use sunlight to produce energy in the form of _________________________.
This process is known as _______________________________.
a. carbohydrates
b. photosynthesis
33. Fill in the blank: Electrical charges (energy) across both animal and plant cell membranes can be used to
attach a ________________ to ______ to make _______.
a. phosphate
b. adenosine diphosphate or also known as ADP
c. adenosine triphosphate or also known as ATP
34. Question: What is chemiosmosis?
35. Question: What is the name of the process where eukaryotic cells divide into 2 independent cells?
36. List: The 4 cycles when a cell copies itself and divides.
37. List: The 4 phases of mitosis.
38. Describe: The parts of a chromosome.
39. List: How cells are grouped in multicellular cells.