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False advertising wikipedia , lookup

Indolent 代替 lazy
Pinnacle 代替 Summit
truism 老生常谈 = platitude
Ludicrous 代替 ridiculous
portals 代替 door, entrance
Arduous 代替 hard 艰难的
Hubbub 吵闹声;骚动
Juvenile = adolescent a. n.
(教育)爱尔兰诗人 William B. Yeats:
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
(好句)But the devotees of the Goddess of Luck do not mean this at all. They hold that some
men are born lucky and others unlucky, as though some Fortune presided at their birth; and that,
irrespective of all merits, success goes to those on whom Fortune smiles and defeat to those on
whom she frowns. Or at least luck is regarded as a kind of attribute of a man like a capacity for
arithmetic or games.
Advertising and its Effects
In today's society, one must consider - Is there any advantage of advertising? In many cases,
it is only disadvantage - an annoying hindrance in our daily lives. It gets on our nerves,
distorts the truth, and adds to the cost of the product. Advertising is designed for one purpose
- to sell. To achieve this goal, advertises are willing to stretch and distort the truth, just to
convincing people to buy their product. For example, an advertiser may convince buyers to
purchase their product by stating that has been tested and found superior. In reality, the
product is not likely to be better than any other - the tests themselves doubtlessly conducted
by the promoting company - conducted to ensure at least something is superior about the
product, even if it is only the color. These advertisements are worded carefully so that they
are telling the "literal truth" - the truth is exactly what the words say, although people
misinterpret the message by using conversational logic as something different - something
better. By using ingenious tactics like these, the populace is deceived into buying a product
that may not do what is required, or a product that a buyer may have never really needed.
This is why advertising is a bad thing, for our society.
Advertising is used to promote goods, services, images, and anything else that advertisers
want to publicize. It is becoming a major part of mass media. At times, we may view it
positively, at other times we may just skip or ignore it. In order to attract audience,
advertisers use various techniques on their advertisement to make people aware of the firm's
products, services, or brands. Although the methods used by advertisers are infinitely, they
have a common goal to persuade those who may become their customers to buy their
products. An excellent advertisement will create a deep impression on its potential customers
through particular techniques.
Radio and Television Advertising
We are constantly surrounded by advertising. From bus stop benches to television
commercials. Everywhere we look something is being advertised. Two of the best ways to
advertise are radio and television. These two mediums effect virtually everyone. Most of us
listen to the radio or watch television at some point each day. Because of this, many of us are
able to remember products by the jingles or slogans that are used. An example of this is the
slogan for Charmin tissue. Anytime you see Mr. Whipple you think of Charmin, and the slogan
"Don't squeeze the Charmin.? This type of advertising keeps the products in the mind of the
consumer. Therefore, when the consumer goes to the market, he will reach for the Charmin.
If you were a person trying to advertise for a product or a store, before deciding which
medium you should advertise in, there are some questions you should ask yourself. The
potential advertiser should know who they are, what they are selling and to whom they are
selling it. When you advertise you should have a realistic profile of your customers. By
defining your target audience, you will be able to aim your advertisements at them. Therefore,
a business should take the time to do some research and plan their advertising strategies.
For the small advertiser, radio is the most effective medium. It can reach a target audience
and people are likely to hear the advertisement more than once. Most people spend a great
deal of time listening to the radio. They listen while they are commuting to work, are at the
office, and while commuting home. Radios greatest advantage is mobility. It can and does go
everywhere. Its weakness, which can also be viewed as a strength is that it is limited to two
things, sound, and silence. Radio also works on the power of suggestion and the imagination
of the listener. Radio advertising rates are determined by the size of the listening audience.
The size of the audience is determined by polls, census data, and surveys. Because radio has
a lost of competition for its audience, the audience you are paying for is anticipated and
potential, it is not guaranteed. Advertising in radio is bought in "spots.? These spots can run
form 10 seconds to 60 seconds. You have the option to choose when you would like the spot
to run and how many times you would like it to run. If you choose prime rate, the spot will
cost you more, however it is guaranteed to run at a certain time.
Television is the strongest medium to advertise in and also the most expensive. Like radio,
the cost of advertising on television in. The television day is broken down as follows, morning,
midday, early fringe, primetime, and 11 PM to sign off. Morning and midday are usually filled
with local shows, game show, soaps, and perhaps even a midday movie. This time period is
aimed at the housewife or homebody. Early fringe runs from 4pm to 7:30pm, during this
time-varied programs are shown, including news, children's shows or rerun comedies.
Primetime is the most expensive time to advertise. This is when most people are in front of
their televisions and the network shows are run. Primetime is from 8:00 to 11:00 PM. From
11:00pm to sign off, the audience dwindles. Most people retire for the evening. During this
time the news is shown, movies and other reruns. There are seasons in television
programming. The most expensive season to advertise in is fall. This is when new network
programming begins. During this time an abundance of back to school ads are shown. Then
before you know it the holidays are here and there are even more reasons to advertise. Then
again, at the end of summer things pick up and the cycle begins again. Both radio and
television advertising are good ways to make your product or service known. However, the
key to any successful advertising is to know your market. By doing this you will know the best
way to promote your product.
The Impact of Advertising in Our Society
The impact of advertising on our society is a fiercely debated topic, and has been ever since
the conception of advertising in its most basic form. There are negative and positive social
and economic impacts upon society from advertising in its various forms. For instance,
advertising promoting public welfare has a positive social impact upon society, whereas
advertising portraying women as sex objects has negative social impacts. There are also
positive economic impacts on society such as providing funding for the media and stimulating
an active, competitive economy.
There are a number of proven ways to persuade the consumer that he or she needs the
product being advertised. These methods of persuasion, instead of concentrating on the
actual product, usually concentrate on the benefits that will be brought to the consumer.
These benefits may include the hope of more money and better jobs, popularity and personal
prestige, praise from others, more comfort, social advancement, improved appearance, or
better health. For example, an automobile advertisement, as well as mentioning the
mechanical attributes of the car, would most likely focus on the excitement, prestige, and
social advancement it may bring the buyer. This social advancement is very often sexual, or
involving attraction of the other sex?so the car advertisement may also mention the
glamorous women/men that the consumer will attract with his/her fancy car. Advertising has
been blamed for a great variety of negative social impacts. One of the major criticisms
received by advertising is that it forces people to buy things they don 抰 really need, often by
projecting negative emotions such as fear, anxiety or guilt upon the consumer. It is claimed
that advertising plays with our basic human emotions and takes advantage of them, using
them as merely another technique to sell goods or services.
Advertising also encourages people to buy products by making them think that purchasing
and consuming are the major activities of their lives. It is said to also evoke fears of inferiority
upon the consumer by depicting the 憂 ormal?person as young, attractive, wealthy, and
successful. This may encourage a person to act on his or her desire for success and, for
instance, go out and purchase that particular brand of make-up or deodorant hoping to
emulate the seeming success of the person depicted in the advertisement. In opposition,
advertisers state that the public is intelligent enough to, and quite capable of, making up its
own mind and will definitely not buy anything they do not want or need. People are not
inclined to be swayed by false claims that they need a particular product, and will usually be
very discriminating in what they take as being true, when it comes to advertising. In fact,
advertisers would say that there are many positive social impacts on our society from
Advertising can be used to increase awareness in society about particular issues, and in so
doing, becomes a form of education. Anti drug advertising such as "It 抯 OK to say NO", and
drink driving campaigns are just two examples of how society uses the advertising industry
as a means to promote public welfare. Other forms of socially positive advertising include
those advocating safe sex, thereby considerably slowing the spread of deadly STDs
throughout the community. As well as social benefits outlined in the previous paragraph;
there are economic benefits experienced by society, as a result of advertising. Without
advertising, the media, including newspaper, television, radio, etc, would be much less
vigorous. Advertising provides revenue for commercial mediums, which would otherwise
need to be funded by the actual consumer of these mediums. For example, a newspaper
would cost up to three times as much money (since advertising provides two thirds of the
revenue of the print media), or all television, bar government funded networks, would be
pay-TV (since nearly ALL revenue for television is provided by advertising, while the
consumer provides no financial support except for providing the service of watching the
advertising messages). So we can see a major economic infrastructure based around
advertising, in which the big companies fund and subsidize the commercial media by way of
advertising. The price a consumer may have to pay to receive very cheap, or even free news
and entertainment may include sitting through a 30 second advertisement break while
watching a prime-time television program, or flicking a couple of extra pages in a magazine
to move through the advertisements to get to the articles.
The Internet is based very heavily around advertising, and this is one of the major incentives
for individuals and institutions to provide content online. Advertising is so important because
it is extremely difficult and impractical to attempt to bill the consumer directly. Security issues
involving credit card fraud and the sheer inconvenience and hassle surrounding minor
financial transactions over the Internet have made it very undesirable for companies to
charge the consumer for content. Some may argue that the economic drawback of
advertising in our society is that it raises the price of goods and services. The basis of this
argument is that, while companies subsidize the mass media with advertising, we, the
consumer, subsidize advertising by paying a grossly increased price for heavily advertised
goods and services. For instance, a box of detergent costs around two or three dollars to
produce, but the consumer might pay around seven or eight dollars. A large proportion of the
difference obviously supports the heavy advertising television and print media campaigns. In
response to this argument, it can be said that advertising stimulates a much more active
economy, with vigorous competition between institutions, and higher buying rates of
products, which leads to lower product costs for the consumer anyway. The effects upon
society brought about by advertising come in mixed forms, depending on the purpose and
execution of various campaigns. However, society as we know it is based very heavily upon
advertising, and the negative social and economic impacts are not serious enough to
outweigh the many positive social and economic effects on our society.
Personal Opinions
In reading and doing this book report, I have learned many things. I have learned about the
forms of advertising, tactics of advertising, how to advertise if I were trying to promote a
product or a store. Most of all, I learned the pros, cons, and traps of advertising and being the
consumer. I believe that the books were very informative. By reading the book by Jack Engel,
entitled, Advertising: The Process and Practice I learned about the various techniques and
tactics of the advertiser made me think twice about purchasing merchandise after seeing an
advertisements. By reading How to Advertise: A Handbook for the Small Business, I learned
about the different techniques of effective advertising if I were to advertise for a small
business or company. Not only was this an enjoyable report to do but it will definitely make
me think twice about buying a product after seeing or hearing and advertisement, it has
made me a more wary and better consumer.
Works Cited
Dean, Sandra Linville. How to Advertise: A Handbook for the Small Business. Enterprise
Publishing, 1983. ISC, 1985.
Engel, Jack. Advertising: The Process and Practice. McGraw, 1980.
Success and Luck! Is Success A Result of Luck?
Some of the critics do not believe that the pinnacle (顶峰) of success stands only on the three
pillars of Judgment, Industry, and Health. They point out that I have omitted one vital
factor—Luck. So widespread is this belief, largely pagan in its origin, that mere fortune(命
运) either makes or unmakes men, that it seems worth while to discuss and refute this
dangerous delusion.
Of course, if the doctrine merely means that men are the victims of circumstances and
surroundings, it is a truism (=platitude). It is luckier to be born heir to a peerage and
$100,000 than to be born in Whitechapel. Past and present Chancellors of the Exchequer
have gone far in removing much of this discrepancy in fortune. Again, a disaster which
destroys a single individual may alter the whole course of a survivor's career.
But the devotees of the Goddess of Luck do not mean this at all. They hold that some men are
born lucky and others unlucky, as though some Fortune presided at their birth; and that,
irrespective of all merits, success goes to those on whom Fortune smiles and defeat to those
on whom she frowns (皱眉). Or at least luck is regarded as a kind of attribute of a man like a
capacity for arithmetic or games.
This view is in essence the belief of the true gambler—not the man who backs his skill at cards,
or his knowledge of racing against his rival—but who goes to the tables at Monte Carlo
backing runs of good or ill luck. It has been defined as a belief in the imagined tendencies of
chance to produce events continuously favourable or continuously unfavourable.
The whole conception is a nightmare of the mind, peculiarly unfavourable to success in
business. The laws of games of chance are as inexorable as those of the universe. A skilful
player will, in the long run, defeat a less skilful one; the bank at Monte Carlo will always beat
the individual if he stays long enough. I presume that the bank there is managed honestly,
although I neither know nor care whether it is.
But this at least is certain—the cagnotte gains 3% on every spin. Mathematically, a man is
bound to lose the capital he invests in every thirty throws when his luck is neither good nor
bad. In the long run his luck will leave him with a balanced book—minus the cagnotte. My
advice to any man would be, "Never play roulette at all; but if you must play, hold the
The Press, of course, often publishes stories of great fortunes made at Monte Carlo. The
proprietors there understand publicity. Such statements bring them new patrons.
It is necessary to dwell on this gambling side of the question, because every man who
believes in luck has a touch of the gambler in him, though he may never have played a stake.
And from the point of view of real success in affairs the gambler is doomed in advance. It is
a frame of mind which a man should discourage severely when he finds it within the citadel of
his mind. It is a view which too frequently infects young men with more ambition than
The view of Fortune as some shining goddess sweeping down from heaven and touching the
lucky recipient with her pinions of gold dazzles the mind of youth. Men think that with a single
stroke they will either be made rich for life or impoverished for ever.
The more usual view is less ambitious. It is the complaint that Fortune has never looked a
man's way. Failure due to lack of industry is excused on the ground that the goddess has
proved adverse. There is a third form of this mental disease. A young man spoke to me in
Monte Carlo the other day, and said, "I could do anything if only I had the chance, but that
chance never comes my way." On that same evening I saw the aspirant throwing away
whatever chance he may have had at the tables.
A similar type of character is to be found in the young man who consistently refuses
good offers or even small chances of work because they are not good enough for
him. He expects that Luck will suddenly bestow on him a ready-made position or a
gorgeous chance suitable to the high opinions he holds of his own capacities. After
a time people tire of giving him any openings at all. In wooing the Goddess of Luck
he has neglected the Goddess of Opportunity.
These men in middle age fall into a well-known class. They can be seen haunting the Temple,
and explaining to their more industrious and successful associates that they would have been
Lord Chancellor if a big brief had ever come their way.
They develop that terrible disease known as "the genius of the untried." Their case is almost
as pitiful or ludicrous (=ridiculous) as that of the man of very moderate abilities whom drink
or some other vice has rendered quite incapable. There will still be found men to whisper to
each other as he passes, "Ah, if Brown didn't drink, he might do anything."
Far different will be the mental standpoint of the man who really means to succeed.
He will banish (=abolish, eliminate) the idea of luck from his mind. He will accept
every opportunity, however small it may appear, which seems to lead to the
possibility of greater things. He will not wait on luck to open the portals (=door,
entrance) to fortune. He will seize opportunity by the forelock and develop its
chances by his industry (勤勉).
Here and there he may go wrong, where judgment or experience is lacking. But out of his
very defeats he will learn to do better in the future, and in the maturity of his knowledge he
will attain success. At least, he will not be found sitting down and whining that luck alone has
been against him.
There remains a far more subtle (微妙的,诡秘的,不知不觉中起作用的) argument in favour of the
gambling temperament which believes in luck. It is that certain men possess a kind of sixth
sense in the realm of speculative (投机的,不确定的) enterprise. These men, it is said,
know by inherent instinct, divorced from reasoned knowledge, what enterprise will succeed
or fail, or whether the market will rise or fall. They are the children of fortune.
The real diagnosis of these cases is a very different one from that put forward by the mystic
apostles of the Golden Luck. Eminent men who are closely in touch with the great affairs of
politics or business often act on what appears to be a mere instinct of this kind. But, in truth,
they have absorbed, through a careful and continuous study of events both in the present and
the past, so much knowledge, that their minds reach a conclusion automatically, just as the
heart beats without any stimulus from the brain.
Ask them for the reasons of their decision, and they become inarticulate or
long-hoarded experience of their subconscious self. When they prove right in their
forecast, the world exclaims, "What luck!" Well, if luck of that kind is long enough
continued it will be best ascribed to judgment.
The real "lucky" speculator is of a very different character. He makes a brilliant coup or so
and then disappears in some overwhelming disaster. He is as quick in losing his
fortune as he is in making it. Nothing except Judgment and Industry, backed by
Health, will ensure real and permanent success. The rest is sheer ( 纯 粹 的 )
superstition. 本段论述运气的不可靠性
Two pictures may be put before the believer in luck as an element in success. The one is
Monte Carlo—where the Goddess Fortune is chiefly worshipped—steeped in almost perpetual
sunshine, piled in castellated masses against its hills, gaining the sense of the illimitable from
the blue horizon of the Mediterranean—a shining land meant for clean exercise and repose.
Yet there youth is only seen in its depravity, while old age flocks to the central gambling hell
to excite or mortify its jaded appetites by playing a game it is bound to lose.
Here you may see in their decay the people who believe in luck, steeped in an atmosphere of
smoke and excitement, while beauty of Nature or the pursuits of health call to them in vain.
Three badly lighted tennis courts compete with thirty splendidly furnished casino rooms. But
of means for obtaining the results of exercise without the exertion there is no end. The Salle
des Bains offers to the fat and the jaded the hot bath, the electric massage, and all the
mechanical instruments for restoring energy. Modern science and art combine to outdo the
attractions of the baths of Imperial Rome.
In far different surroundings from these were born the careers of the living captains of
modern industry and finance—Inchcape, Pirrie, Cowdray, Leverhulme, or McKenna. These
men believed in industry, not in fortune, and in judgment rather than in chance. The youth of
this generation will do well to be guided by their example, and follow their road to success.
Not by the worship of the Goddess of Luck were the great fortunes established or the great
reputations made.
It is natural and right for youth to hope, but if hope turns to a belief in luck, it
becomes a poison to the mind. The youth of the world has before it a splendid
opportunity, but let it remember always that nothing but work and brains counts,
and that a man can even work himself into brains. No goddess will open to any man
the portals of the temple of success. Young men must advance boldly to the central
shrine along the arduous but well-tried avenues of Judgment and Industry.
So you'd like to... move from the big city to a small town or the
country. (T9)
Are you tired of living in overcrowded large metropolitan areas with all the hectic, harried
pace, traffic jams, lengthy commutes to work, and smog? Are you worried about escalating
crime rates?
Fed up with the never-ending pressure of keeping up with the Jones's, struggling to
stay on the so-called fast track, juggling schedules, dealing with rude people,
paying high rents and other rising expenses? Do you feel somehow strangely
disconnected from your surroundings? Are you lonely and sick of all of the drama of
the Sex and the City type of rules/gamesplaying rampant in the urban romantic
Are you a gentle soul who yearns for a simpler life? a safer place in which to raise your family?
A buccolic locale in which to nurture your creativity and restore your spirit? Perhaps you
fantasize about growing your own organic vegetables or raising livestock. Maybe you are
dreaming of a place with fresh air, clean water, low crime rates and a reasonable
cost of living. Would you like to reside in a place with lots of beautiful scenery where you can
enjoy wholesome good times with friendly, helpful neighbors or perhaps spend quiet evenings
at home reading and relaxing in front of a cozy fireplace with that someone special?
Do you think you could find a real home as well as success, fulfillment and happiness in a
smaller city, a village or even a farm? Well, so do a lot of people who are equally as
disenchanted with the day to day challenge of surviving in the urban labyrinths! While some
may shrug off a move to a rural area as a mere pipe dream, many other people are not just
wishin' and hoping' or settling for the occasional weekend farm getaway, they're actually
making the conscious choice of pulling up stakes and are seeking greener pastures for
good! They're getting back to the land...and in touch with themselves and their families once
again in the process.
Those people have discovered that small town living is not necessarily staid or boring, and
that the mega-cities are not the only places to find happiness and fulfillment anymore! Many
people are finding business and personal success on their own terms, not to mention
re-discovering creativity and enjoying the spiritually restorative aspects of the many small
communities that dot the American and Canadian landscapes.
I know all of this from personal experience. For the past three years, I've lived and thrived in
a university town of about 50,000 with a wonderful man whom I met via the Internet. Prior
to moving to Oregon, I had spent most of my life in areas with 100,000 or more, and there
were many times that I had felt all of those negative things I described earlier...and much
Please don't get me wrong...I do enjoy the culture,amenties and diversity that a city can best
offer to a person. However, making the move to small town USA has changed my life...for the
better! Not only did I get to meet my sweetheart, and increase my income, I also broke a
seven year writer's block! I've never felt healthier and happier than I do now, so I can
definitely recommend small town/rural living to anyone who wants to improve the
quality of their lives.
People choose rural living over a metropolitan lifestyle for various reasons. Some
people move in search of a more basic or simpler way of living. Others want to have
solitude so they can write the Great American Novel or perfect their arts/crafts.
Some want a more wholesome place in which to raise a family.
Some people are actually returnees--they were originally from smaller communities, but
they chose to come "home" to care for aging parents or to get back to their roots by
reconnecting with other family members and old friends.
Some choose to live their retirement in small towns where the cost of living is
considerably better than in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles or other major
metropolitan areas. Still many others who are still years away from retirement
have happily turned their backs on the pressure of working grueling 80 hour
workweeks in corporate jungles. They've gladly exchanged their gray flannel suits for
denim. Some of those former cubicle denizens are now telecommuters or they are
successfully living their dreams of running bed and breakfast inns, tea rooms, small scale
farms, unique craft or antique shops, or they may even be running serious high tech or online
businesses from the comfort of a 150 to 200 year old farmhouse!
Just about anything is possible in small towns these days. With tenacity(坚韧,韧性) and careful
planning, it really is possible to enjoy a better quality of life in the slow lane. Of course,
making the switch from being a city dweller to a townsperson is not easy, but there's
plenty of help available. Here are a few suggestions for successful transitioning from an urban
to a rural lifestyle:
1) Get in touch with a local Chamber of Commerce and gather information. They're more than
happy to give you brochures and talk to you about the benefits of relocating to their humble
locale. You can also get a wealth of information through county and state government offices.
2) On those country weekend visits, make an effort to get to know the locals by
skipping the obvious touristy spots. Talk to the locals! Eat where the locals eat. Shop
where the locals shop. Attend the church services. Go to various events and fairs.
3) Once you've arrived in your new community, go ahead and attend the farmer's market,
garden club, sports events and school board meetings. It shows that you're willing to invest
in your new community, but don't give the impression that you're trying to take over. Wait
awhile and see "just how it's done."
4) Do show yourself as friendly, but don't let yourself get pushed into joining any "cliques".
Be VERY careful about listening to or passing on never know who is
related to whom!
5) Try to remain neutral about any community disputes. Don't constantly compare life in your
new town with life back where you moved from. Doing so is a fast way to alienate your new
6) Job wise--either be prepared to accept a lower salary, to commute to a larger urban area,
or find new and creative ways to earn income in your new community. Opportunities abound
if you know how and where to look.
7) Don't think that saying goodbye to city life means saying goodbye to great restaurants,
arts and culture. Many small towns are home to excellent world renowned arts and cultural
organizations such as the Oregon Shakespeare Theatre in Ashland, Oregon. There are plenty
of 5 star quality restaurants hiding in some of the tiniest hamlets...just waiting for YOUR visit!
To help you along here in your preparations, here are a few books that may help you decide
whether or not rural living is right for you. Even if you opt not to move,the books may have
some great ideas for simplying your life no matter where you call home :)
Food is now easier to prepare. Is this a good thing?
TestMagic estimated score:
This essay has very good organization and good ideas. TestMagic has edited the
essay that was submitted so that it would receive a higher score.
One important note: people in the United States are using words like man, mankind
because they are starting to sound sexist. Instead, we are using words like
humankind because they do not sound as sexist.
Man, through the ages, has undergone lots of
Man, through the ages, has undergone many
changes. From a period when he hunted for
changes, from a period when he hunted for
his food to the present era where man is
his food to the present era when man is
dependent on preprocessed foods. During
dependent on preprocessed foods. During
this period not only has man changed his
this period not only has man changed his
mode of eating but his whole lifestyle. In
mode of eating but his whole lifestyle as well.
pursuit of more in this competitive world man
In pursuit of more in this competitive world,
no longer has time. He is caught in a race
man no longer has time as he once had. He is
against the clock. A person who finishes more
caught in a race against the clock. A
in lesser time is considered more efficient.
person who finishes more in lesser time is
This has affected his eating habits as well.
considered more efficient. This pressure to
Man no longer has time to cook food. Early
do more in less time has affected his eating
mans only objective was to seek food to
habits as well and, as a result, man no longer
sustain them. Now days it has taken a back
has time to cook food. Early man's only
objective was to seek food to sustain him and
his family. Nowadays finding food has
Food no longer is of that importance. This is
taken a back seat to other priorities,
such as career and education.
dependent on preprocessed or precooked
food. It no longer has the freshness it had.
Food is no longer of that importance. This is
Such foods loose their mineral and vitamin
not an encouraging trend. People are too
content and are not as healthy as fresh food.
dependent on preprocessed or precooked
That’s why the number of diseases are also
food, which no longer has the freshness it
rising. People have also shifted to high calorie
once had. Such foods loose their mineral and
content food like French fries, pizzas, and ice
vitamin content and are not as healthy as
fresh food. That is why the number of
weariness etc. Cooking is an art which his
diseases is also rising. People have also
dying out. People enjoyed cooking . It was a
shifted to high calorie content food like
means of elevating all the stress and tension.
French fries, pizzas, and ice cream, etc.,
They could relax during this time and take
which is causing obesity, fatigue, etc. As
control of their life. As man is becoming busy
man is becoming busy and too involved in his
and too involved in his busy schedule he has
busy schedule, he has no time even to take
no time even to take care of his own personal
care of his own personal needs.
Furthermore, cooking is an art which is
People may tend to argue that by using
dying out. People once enjoyed cooking. It
precooked and preprocessed food they are
was a means of eliminating stress and
efficiently using time and can use this
tension. People were once able to relax
precious time saved for other purpose. But is
during this time and reflect on their lives.
it really worth it? This is a question whose
answer can invite lots of speculation as by
People may tend to argue that by using
saving this little time we are inviting lots of
precooked and preprocessed food they are
efficiently using time and can use this
avoided. It is not actually making our life
precious time saved for other purposes. But
simpler but more complicated. More the
is it really worth it? This is a question whose
sophistication in ones lifestyle more is the
answer can invite much speculation about
complication. Moreover precooked food lacks
whether by saving this little time we are
the taste of freshly prepared food. Any day
inviting lots of other problems, which could
food prepared freshly tastes better that
easily be avoided. It is actually making our
precooked food.Now days almost every thing
lives not simpler but more complicated. We
is available in packets. Cooking has become a
have lost many of the simpler things in our
ritual. It is something, which almost every
lives, like the simple acts of selecting our
one avoids. If this trend continues then
evening meal, preparing it, and enjoying it
slowly the art of cooking will disappear and
with our loved ones, and we are worse off for
man will
totally dependent
packeted and precooked food, which is not
only bad for health but also tasteless.
Tips for Eating Out (T13)
By Linda Boeckner, Extension Nutrition Specialist
To make healthy choices when you eat out, use the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to pick
up some tips on ordering foods at a restaurant.
1) Let the Pyramid guide your food choices. One of the basic suggestions of the Pyramid is to
eat a variety of foods. Make food selections to fit in the five basic food groups: breads and
grains, vegetables, fruits, dairy, and meat and meat products. Study the menu and ask a few
questions. One of the key questions is, "How is it prepared?"
Watch your portion sizes. Today's restaurants typically serve more than the recommended
portion size on many of their entrees. For example, a plate of spaghetti that you might order
could be two, three, four times or more than the recommended half-cup serving. Think of
foods that will be served and then visualize the appropriate serving size. For example, a
three-ounce portion of meat is about the size of a deck of cards. Make a commitment to stick
to that serving size.
If you have difficulty leaving food on your plate, split a portion with a fellow diner; ask the
wait person if a smaller portion can be served; or ask to have the remaining food packed to
take home. Also, you may leave a friendly note that even though the food is excellent you
would prefer a more reasonable portion size.
2) Choose a variety of grains daily, especially whole grains. Look for rice and pasta dishes. For
extra fiber, request whole grain breads, rolls, and crackers.
3) Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables daily. Hearty bean and vegetable soups are
becoming more common and are filling. Fruits and vegetables are other good ways to add
fiber to your meals. Green vegetable salads are usually available on any menu and are nice
additions to meals.
4) Choose a diet that is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and moderate in total fat. As you
read the menu or make inquiries about how the food is prepared, pay attention to phrases
that indicate lower fat preparation:
in its own juice,
garden fresh,
Phrases or words to treat with caution are:
buttery, buttered, in butter sauce,
sauteed, fried, pan-fried, crispy, braised,
creamed, in cream sauce, in its own gravy, hollandaise,
au gratin, Parmesan, in cheese sauce, escalloped,
marinated in oil, basted,
casserole, prime, hash, pot pie.
Other ideas to reduce the fat level in foods are:
Order salad dressing on the side so you can control what goes on the salad or ask if they serve
a low fat dressing. Lemon juice or vinegar by themselves also are salad flavor enhancers.
Ask for butter, margarine and sour cream to be served on the side of your mashed or baked
potatoes, rather than on top. Use salsa as a topping.
Request vegetables without added fat.
Request low-fat or skim milk.
Avoid spreads for your bread and rolls. If you use butter or margarine, spread them lightly.
Order fruits, sherbet or gelatin for dessert or share a richer dessert with a friend.
At a salad bar, sparingly use salads that are made with a sauce or dressing such as pasta or
potato salads. Reduce use of salad dressings, bacon bits, and seed or nut toppings.
Trim visible fat from meat and remove the skin from poultry before eating.
Choose beverages and foods to moderate your intake of sugar. Monitor your consumption of
desserts and pastries. The salad bar is also a place for sugar-rich foods. Many "super" salad
bars have puddings, several kinds of gelatin salads, fruit desserts, canned fruits in syrup and
ice cream sundaes.
Beverages such as soft drinks and fruitades are other sources of sugar. Remember that water
is always a good drink selection. Lemon or lime slices make water extra refreshing and
Choose and prepare foods with less salt. Just as in home dining, control salt intake by
controlling your use of the salt shaker. Foods with extra sauces such as cocktails, cheese or
tomato sauce may have a higher sodium count. Pickled items, smoked or cured foods and
soups are other foods that tend to be high in sodium. Ask for condiments, sauces and
dressings to be served on the side to limit your sodium intake.
If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. Pre-determine your options and plan
how you will handle alcoholic beverages for each dining-out occasion. Keep in mind that
alcoholic beverages are a source of calories but not a good source of nutrients.
Choose Restaurants that Meet Your Health and Enjoyment Needs
If you eat out often, develop a list of restaurants that provide enjoyment as well as meet your
health needs.
Once you have identified restaurants that provide food choices that contribute to your
long-term health, make them "regulars" on your eating out route. This works even for "fast
food" restaurants.
In addition, food service establishments are usually happy to hear what patrons want to eat.
Politely ask for items like skim milk, broiled meats and whole grain breads, or whatever fits
your personal dietary needs. If restaurants have made positive dietary changes, let them
know you appreciate the new changes.
Specialty Foods
In Oriental foods, go easy on soy sauce and some of the soups. Inquire about the use of
monosodium glutamate (MSG). Ask questions about preparation to learn if foods are
deep-fried. Steamed rice is lower in fat than pork-fried rice.
The bean and rice dishes of Mexican cookery enrich your eating with starch and fiber. Refried
beans, however, are often made with lard, a saturated fat. Ask how food is prepared.
In pizza restaurants, consider pizzas with many different vegetables as toppings. They have
more bulk and are filling. Double toppings of cheese provide extra fat and sodium you may
not want.
A Word About "Fast Food"
Even in a fast food restaurant, you can make healthy choices. Salads are available, low-fat
milk is on the menu, baked potatoes with a variety of toppings are choices, lean meat and
chicken sandwiches are available, and whole grain bread products are showing up.
Order sandwiches to be as simple as possible. The "supers" and double deckers give much
more than you need - more calories, more fat, more sodium. Request that mayonnaise or
other dressings be left off your sandwich. Use deep-fried foods sparingly. The more you do to
create your food, such as adding your own toppings, dressings and sauces, the better off you
will be.
Think through the menu before you arrive so that you won't be swayed off course by making
a last minute decision.
Keep Food Safe to Eat
One final word about eating out. Be sure your food is cooked to a proper degree of doneness.
If not, send it back. Don't take risks with the food you eat. When taking home leftover food,
be sure that you will be able to get it into proper refrigeration within one to two hours to avoid
possible food contamination. If not, it's better to leave it at the restaurant.
Lin BH, Frazao E, Guthrie J. (1999). Away-from-home foods increasingly important to quality
of American diet. USDA/USDHHS. Agric. Inform. Bull. No. 749.
USDA/USDHHS. (2000). Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Home
& Garden Bulletin No. 232, 5th edition.
A good manager has at least 10 good qualities (T18)
By Bill Gates
RECENTLY I wrote about 10 qualities of a good employee, which prompted quite a few people
to ask about the attributes of a good manager.
There isn't a magic formula for good management, of course, but if you're a manager,
perhaps these tips will help you be more effective:
1 Choose a field thoughtfully. Make it one you enjoy. It's hard to be productive without
enthusiasm. This is true whether you're a manager or employee;
2 Hire carefully and be willing to fire. You need a strong team, because a mediocre(中等的;
平凡的;二流的) team gives mediocre results, no matter how well managed it is. One mistake is
holding on to somebody who doesn't measure up. It's easy to keep this person on the job
because he's not terrible at what he does. But a good manager will replace him or move him
to where he can succeed unambiguously(明白地;明确地);
3 Create a productive environment. This is a particular challenge because it requires different
approaches depending on the context. Sometimes you maximize productivity by giving
everybody his or her own office. Sometimes you achieve it by moving everybody into open
space. Sometimes you use financial incentives to stimulate productivity. A combination of
approaches is usually required. One element that almost always increases productivity is
providing an information system that empowers(授权;使能够) employees.
When I was building Microsoft, I set out to create an environment where software developers
could thrive. I wanted a company where engineers liked to work. I wanted to create a culture
that encouraged them to work together, share ideas and remain motivated. If I hadn't been
a software engineer myself, there's no way I could have achieved my goal;
4 Define success. Make it clear to your employees what constitutes success and how they
should measure their achievements. Goals must be realistic. Project schedules, for example,
must be set by the people who do the work. People will accept a "bottoms-up" deadline they
helped set, but they'll be cynical about a schedule imposed from the top that doesn't map to
reality. Unachievable goals undermine an organization. At my company, in addition to regular
team meetings and one-on-one sessions between managers and employees, we use mass
gatherings periodically and E-mail routinely to communicate what we expect from employees.
If a reviewer or customer chooses another company's product , we analyse the situation. We
say to our people, "The next time around we've got to win. What's needed?" The answers to
these questions help us define success;
5 To be a good manager, you have to like people and be good at communicating. This is hard
to fake. If you don't enjoy interacting with people, it'll be hard to manage them well. You must
have a wide range of personal contacts within your organization. You need relationships - not
necessarily personal friendships - with a fair number of people, including your own employees.
You must encourage these people to tell you what's going on and give you feedback about
what people are thinking about the company and your role in it;
6 Develop your people to do their jobs better than you can. Transfer your skills to them. This
is an exciting goal, but it can be threatening to a manager who worries that he's training his
replacement. If you're concerned, ask your boss: "If I develop somebody who can do my job
super well, does the company have some other challenge for me or not?" Many smart
managers like to see their employees increase their responsibilities because it frees the
managers to tackle new or undone tasks. There's no shortage of jobs for good managers. The
world has an infinite amount of work to be done;
7 Build morale. Make it clear there's plenty of goodwill to go around and that it's not just you
or some hotshot manager who's going to look good if things go well. Give people a sense of
the importance of what they're working on - its importance to the company, its importance to
8 Take on projects yourself. You need to do more than communicate. The last thing people
want is a boss who just doles out stuff. From time to time, prove you can be hands-on by
taking on one of the less attractive tasks and using it as an example of how your employees
should meet challenges;
9 Don't make the same decision twice. Spend the time and thought to make a solid decision
the first time so that you don't revisit the issue unnecessarily. If you're too willing to reopen
issues, it interferes not only with your execution but also with your motivation to make a
decision in the first place. People hate indecisive leadership; However, that doesn't mean you
have to decide everything the moment it comes to your attention. Nor that you can't ever
reconsider a decision.
10 Let people know whom to please. Maybe it's you, maybe it's your boss, and maybe it's
somebody who works for you. You're in trouble and risking paralysis in your organization
when employees start saying to themselves: "Am I supposed to be making this person happy
or this other person happy? They seem to have different priorities."
I don't pretend that these are the only 10 approaches a manager should keep in mind. There
are lots of others. Just a month ago I encouraged leaders to demand bad news before good
news from their employees. But these 10 ideas may help you manage well, and I hope they
If you have any questions you would like Bill Gates to answer you can send them to
[email protected]
(T41 endangered animals) The Endangered Species Act was passed by Congress in 1973
to protect species of plants and animals which were in danger of disappearing from the face
of the earth. The law provides protection from direct human threats such as killing and
trapping as well as for the ecosystem on which the species depends. Animals which are listed
as endangered or threatened by the Department of the Interior are protected by the law on
both public and private lands. Plants protected by the law are primarily protected on public
lands, such as National Forests, public parks, military bases, and other lands owned by any
national, state, county, or other public agencies.
Why Save Endangered Species?
Plants and animals hold medicinal(药的;药用的;有药效的), agricultural, ecological, commercial
and aesthetic/recreational value. Endangered species must be protected and saved so that
future generations can experience their presence and value.
Plants and animals are responsible for a variety of useful medications(药物治疗;药物). In fact,
about forty percent of all prescriptions written today are composed from the natural
compounds of different species. These species not only save lives, but they contribute to a
prospering pharmaceutical industry worth over $40 billion annually. Unfortunately, only 5%
of known plant species have been screened for their medicinal values, although we continue
to lose up to 100 species daily.
The Pacific yew, a slow-growing tree found in the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest, was
historically considered a "trash" tree (it was burned after clearcutting). However, a substance
in its bark taxol was recently identified as one of the most promising treatments for ovarian
and breast cancer.
Additionally, more than 3 million American heart disease sufferers would perish within 72
hours of a heart attack without digitalis, a drug derived from the purple foxglove.
There are an estimated 80,000 edible plants in the world. Humans depend upon only 20
species of these plants, such as wheat and corn, to provide 90% of the world's food. Wild
relatives of these common crops contain essential disease-resistant material. They also
provide humans with the means to develop new crops that can grow in inadequate lands such
as in poor soils or drought-stricken areas to help solve the world hunger problem. In the
1970s, genetic material from a wild corn species in Mexico was used to stop a leaf fungus that
had previously wiped out 15% of the U.S. corn crop.
Plant and animal species are the foundation of healthy ecosystems. Humans depend on
ecosystems such as coastal estuaries, prairie grasslands, and ancient forests to purify their
air, clean their water, and supply them with food. When species become endangered, it is an
indicator that the health of these vital ecosystems is beginning to unravel. The U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service estimates that losing one plant species can trigger the loss of up to 30 other
insect, plant and higher animal species.
The northern spotted owl, listed as threatened in 1990, is an indicator of the declining health
of the ancient forests of the Pacific Northwest. These forests are the home to over 100 other
old-growth dependent species, which are at risk due to decades of unsustainable forest
management practices.
Pollution off the coast of Florida is killing the coral reefs along the Florida Keys, which serve
as habitat for hundreds of species of fish. Commercial fish species have begun to decline,
causing a threat to the multi-million dollar tourism industry, which depends on the quality of
the environment.
Various wild species are commercially raised, directly contributing to local and regional
economies. Commercial and recreational salmon fishing in the Pacific Northwest provides
60,000 jobs and $1 billion annually in personal income, and is the center of Pacific Northwest
Native American culture. This industry and way of life, however, is in trouble as salmon
decline due to habitat degradation from dams, clearcutting, and overgrazing along streams.
Freshwater mussels which are harvested, cut into beads, and used to stimulate pearl
construction in oysters form the basis of a thriving industry which supports approximately
10,000 U.S. jobs and contributes over $700 million to the U.S. economy annually.
Unfortunately, 43% of the freshwater mussel species in North America are currently
endangered or extinct.
Plant and animal species and their ecosystems form the basis of America 抯 multi-billion
dollar, job-intensive tourism industry. They also supply recreational, spiritual, and
quality-of-life values as well.
Each year over 108 million people in the United States participate in wildlife-related
recreation including observing, feeding, and photographing wildlife. Americans spend over
$59 billion annually on travel, lodging, equipment, and food to engage in non-consumptive
wildlife recreation. Our national heritage of biological diversity is an invaluable and
irreplaceable resource. Our quality of life and that of future generations depends on our
preservation of plant and animal species.
Source of Information: The National Wildlife Federation 抯 Endangered Species Program
Causes of Endangerment
When discussing the causes of endangerment, it is important to understand that individual
species are not the only factors involved in this dilemma. Endangerment is a broad issue, one
that involves the habitats and environments where species live and interact with one another.
Although some measures are being taken to help specific cases of endangerment, the
universal problem cannot be solved until humans protect the natural environments where
endangered species dwell.
There are many reasons why a particular species may become endangered. Although these
factors can be analyzed and grouped, there are many causes that appear repeatedly. Below
are several factors leading to endangerment:
Habitat Destruction
Our planet is continually changing, causing habitats to be altered and modified. Natural
changes tend to occur at a gradual pace, usually causing only a slight impact on individual
species. However, when changes occur at a fast pace, there is little or no time for individual
species to react and adjust to new circumstances. This can create disastrous results, and for
this reason, rapid habitat loss is the primary cause of species endangerment. The strongest
forces in rapid habitat loss are human beings. Nearly every region of the earth has been
affected by human activity, particularly during this past century. The loss of microbes in soils
that formerly supported tropical forests, the extinction of fish and various aquatic species in
polluted habitats, and changes in global climate brought about by the release of greenhouse
gases are all results of human activity.
It can be difficult for an individual to recognize the effects that humans have had on specific
species. It is hard to identify or predict human effects on individual species and habitats,
especially during a human lifetime. But it is quite apparent that human activity has greatly
contributed to species endangerment. For example, although tropical forests may look as
though they are lush, they are actually highly susceptible to destruction. This is because the
soils in which they grow are lacking in nutrients. It may take Centuries to re-grow a forest
that was cut down by humans or destroyed by fire, and many of the world's severely
threatened animals and plants live in these forests. If the current rate of forest loss continues,
huge quantities of plant and animal species will disappear.
Introduction of Exotic Species
Native species are those plants and animals that are part of a specific geographic area, and
have ordinarily been a part of that particular biological landscape for a lengthy period of time.
They are well adapted to their local environment and are accustomed to the presence of other
native species within the same general habitat. Exotic species, however, are interlopers.
These species are introduced into new environments by way of human activities, either
intentionally or accidentally. These interlopers are viewed by the native species as foreign
elements. They may cause no obvious problems and may eventual be considered as natural
as any native species in the habitat. However, exotic species may also seriously disrupt
delicate ecological balances and may produce a plethora of unintended yet harmful
The worst of these unintended yet harmful consequences arise when introduced exotic
species put native species in jeopardy by preying on them. This can alter the natural habitat
and can cause a greater competition for food. Species have been biologically introduced to
environments all over the world, and the most destructive effects have occurred on islands.
Introduced insects, rats, pigs, cats, and other foreign species have actually caused the
endangerment and extinction of hundreds of species during the past five centuries. Exotic
species are certainly a factor leading to endangerment.
A species that faces overexploitation is one that may become severely endangered or even
extinct due to the rate in which the species is being used. Unrestricted whaling during the
20th century is an example of overexploitation, and the whaling industry brought many
species of whales to extremely low population sizes. When several whale species were nearly
extinct, a number of nations (including the United States) agreed to abide by an international
moratorium on whaling. Due to this moratorium, some whale species, such as the grey whale,
have made remarkable comebacks, while others remain threatened or endangered.
Due to the trade in animal parts, many species continue to suffer high rates of exploitation.
Even today, there are demands for items such as rhino horns and tiger bones in several areas
of Asia. It is here that there exists a strong market for traditional medicines made from these
animal parts.
More Factors
Disease, pollution, and limited distribution are more factors that threaten various plant and
animal species. If a species does not have the natural genetic protection against particular
pathogens, an introduced disease can have severe effects on that specie. For example, rabies
and canine distemper viruses are presently destroying carnivore populations in East Africa.
Domestic animals often transmit the diseases that affect wild populations, demonstrating
again how human activities lie at the root of most causes of endangerment. Pollution has
seriously affected multiple terrestrial and aquatic species, and limited distributions are
frequently a consequence of other threats; populations confined to few small areas due to of
habitat loss, for example, may be disastrously affected by random factors.
(T44 travel with a companion or travel alone)
Travel Solo or with a Companion
Whether you should travel alone or with a group primarily depends upon your personality. I
will briefly describe each option, listing the pros and cons, to help you decide which travel
style is the best for you.
Traveling Solo
Meet and interact with more people
Going where you want to go, when you want to go, with whomever you want to go with
Allows you to find your own travel techniques (as opposed to going with a tour group)
Forces you to assert your independence
Traveling alone can be intimidating(吓人的,令人生畏的)
Must overcome any shyness you may have in order to meet other people
Deciding where you want to go and what to do once you are there requires more effort on
your part than letting someone else make all or most of the decisions
Forces you to assert your independence (this can be either a pro or a con depending on
whether or not you think being independent is: (1) important and (2) possible for your level
of emotional growth)
FYI: I traveled solo during my three month trip to Europe and I had an excellent time. I
wouldn't want to travel any other way.
Keep in mind that this advice is coming from
someone who is relatively shy and had never traveled anywhere alone before going to
Traveling with a companion or companions
You always have someone to talk to/consult with
You can share food, clothing, toiletries, accommodations, etc. (saving room in your pack and
sometimes money)
You will have someone to share your memories with (and take your picture in front of the
Eiffel Tower)
You may forge a life long friendship/friendships with your travel companion(s)
Being with the same person/people 24/7 can be very annoying (you could lose your
friendship over this)
Depending on someone else can be risky--people can flake out on you (take all your money,
abandon you, etc.)
Memories of your trip may turn out to be nightmares (constant fighting over where to go and
what to see, etc.)
Traveling as group may make it more difficult to meet other people because groups tend to be
prone to exclusivity and can be intimidating to other travelers
(T45 get up early in the morning and start the day's work, or get up later in the day
and work until late at night)
It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.
Early riser 早起的人
Why get up early?
I’d say the main reason is that you’ll have a lot more time to do things that are more
interesting than sleeping.
Again, I’ve gained about 10-15 hours per week doing this. That extra time is very noticeable.
By 6:30am, I’ve already exercised, showered, had breakfast, and I’m at my desk ready to go
to work. I can put in a lot of hours each day of productive work, and I’m usually done with
work by 5:00 pm (and that includes personal “work” like email, paying bills, picking up
daughter from preschool, etc). This gives me 5-6 hours of discretionary time every evening
for family, leisure activities, Toastmasters, reading, journaling, etc. And best of all, I still have
energy during this time. Having time for everything that’s important to me makes me feel
very balanced, relaxed, and optimistic.
Think about what you could do with that extra time. Even an extra 30 minutes per day is
enough to exercise daily, read a book or two each month, maintain a blog, meditate daily,
cook healthy food, learn a musical instrument, etc. A small amount of extra time each day
adds up to significant amounts over the course of a year. 30 minutes a day is 182.5 hours in
a year. That’s more than a month of working full-time (40 hours per week). Double it if you
save 60 minutes a day, and triple it if you save 90 minutes a day. For me the savings was
about 90 minutes/day. That’s like getting a free bonus year every decade. I’m using this time
to do things that I previously didn’t have the time and energy to do. It’s wonderful.
46 开头可以些: The funny thing is that people overemphasize which qualities a parent should
have and how to define a good parent; at the same time, however, we overlook the issue of
children, including the good qualities that a son or a daughter should have. In this essay, I will
discuss some of the virtues a child must have.
47 在大公司工作的好处: (1)working on a large job; (2)enjoying a good opportunity to learn
constantly(Because the company is so large, I have the opportunity to work on several
different types of projects with different equipment requirements – I am constantly learning
on the job.) (3) flexible time scheduling, less gossips, free working environment; (4)
(T51 taking risks or chances VS careful planning)
Risk: You may worry about the risks of investing, but the real risk is that you will outlive your
Two kinds of financial risks are:
The risk of losing your money if you act
The risk of losing money if you don't act
Take advantage of three secrets of successful investors
1. Start as soon as possible
2. Invest steadily through market up and downs
3. Diversify your investments
Almost any investment is okay to start with. Success isn't really determined by investment
behaviour but by investor behaviour whether or not you get started and keep going.
几个 Topic 都能借用下面这篇文章的观点。
How to Win at Work
Are your talents being recognised? Are you in a job that is allowing your career to
develop? If not, then now is the time to assess your employability, perhaps consider
moving jobs and making that all important move up the career ladder. But knowing
how to get the ball rolling for yourself, so that you can develop your own career plan,
requires some serious thinking and careful planning and that's where leading
recruitment organisation Kelly Services can help.
Know yourself
If you are to win at work then you need to understand yourself. Have a clear picture
of your own strengths and weaknesses, identify what makes you successful and
what doesn't and try and ensure that your job is one that plays to your strengths.
We all have weaknesses and if you have something which you feel might hold you
back then stop worrying about it and take some action. There are very few
difficulties that can't be overcome one way or another.
Set your goals
Everyone needs to have goals in life both professional and personal. If you want to
achieve them you need to set some measurements for yourself on a weekly,
monthly or yearly basis. If you don't know what you want then you'll never
know when you have got it.
Update your skills
Make sure you are getting the right training at work to enable you to do your job
effectively. If you aren't then make your Personnel Manager aware of why you need
certain training and be enthusiastic about wanting it. If the training is not offered
in-house then find out who runs the course you want, where you can do it, when and
how much it will cost. Outside of your workplace you can enhance your
inter-personal skills with activities such as competitive sport which is brilliant for
team building or perhaps acting which is a big confidence booster for many people.
Everyone talks about commitment these days but it is absolutely crucial that you
believe in the organisation you work for and respect the senior management who
are leading it. You have to be in tune with the company philosophy, understand the
company strategy, its direction - know where it is that the company is going and
make sure that you are on the same train going in the same direction. Without this
sense of commitment you lose something in terms of motivation and enthusiasm for
the job.
Make your voice heard
There is a real difference between making your voice heard, i.e. being assertive, and
being aggressive. Don't be too pushy and alienate yourself from other people
particularly your peer group because their support and respect for you is vital if you
want to get on. Develop the art of timing, of presenting your ideas and views
logically, of making sure that they will work and of being receptive to other people's
Take responsibility
Being able to take responsibility and to take the consequences of that responsibility
is absolutely crucial. As companies move towards a flat management structure it
has two main consequences. First, more junior jobs are becoming more responsible
and more interesting but this greater level of empowerment(授权) for individuals
also means that you have to be able to cope with increased pressure both physical
and mental. It may be that suddenly you find yourself reporting to a Board Director
with no-one in between which can be difficult. It may require some changes in the
way you operate but it's not impossible.
As you become more senior in your career it is likely that you will not be working a
9-5 routine, and that you may have to travel, stay away from home and plan your
own schedule. Companies need to see that you are prepared to be flexible to
do the job that needs doing wherever it needs doing. A critical factor here is
having a partner who is empathetic to the requirements of your job, who
understands how important it is for you to be able to develop your career and who
gives you support at home.
The importance of networking both within your own organisation and outside cannot
be under-estimated. Internally it is important that you are respected and seen as
being helpful to your peer group and it also helps if you are liked. Try and be the sort
of person that other people like to bounce ideas off or ask advice from - be prepared
to put yourself out for others. Outside the office you should be developing contacts
with other like minded people so that you can provide mutual help for one another.
If you want to get on in your career then getting to know the right people can help
you to get ahead.
The value of having a mentor at work provides an ideal environment for positive
career development. Ideally at a more senior level your mentor should be someone
you respect, who doesn't have any direct line responsibility for you and who
represents good working practices. It is with your mentor that you can discuss
difficulties about your job, the people you work with etc. without any fear of
repercussion. Your mentor will also be able to give you an objective view of
situations and provide helpful advice. Whilst you may be looking for a mentor it is
also worth remembering that you could perhaps fulfill that role for someone else.
Taking risks
Taking risks is never easy but at some point in your career you will have to do so. It
may be taking on a new job in a different area, it may be putting yourself forward for
a more senior position or it may even be giving up your job and studying for
qualifications which you believe will open new doors. Whatever it is, weigh up
seriously all the pros and cons(正方反方) before you make your decision so
that when you do take risks they are calculated ones and you are aware of
the consequences. But at the end of the day, particularly where work is concerned,
there is often an element of 'nothing ventured - nothing gained'.
Office politics
There are office politics in all organisations, but it is probably true that the larger the
company the more chance there is that office politics assume a greater importance.
There are two factors here which are really important. First you need to have
someone at the head of the company that does not take part in office politics and
basically who disregards them. Secondly, you need to develop a fairly thick skin so
that you don't take every rumour and bit of gossip personally. Try and avoid office
politics, it is a dangerous game which takes people's focus away from the job they
are doing and often creates a whole host of problems for them.
Work Smarter
Don't fall into the trap of trying to be the person who works the longest hours.
Concentrate on delivering results and making sure those results are the best you
can achieve. Be confident of your own success and other people will have confidence
in you.
Being a winner
So what does being a winner take? Certainly commitment, enthusiasm,
determination to make things happen, ambition and a real drive for responsibility. It
takes all of that plus the right attitude and being in the right place at the right time.
Even if you are not looking to move now, you need to be monitoring what is
happening in your marketplace. You need to be managing your own career getting
yourself ready for your next move rather than waiting to see what might or might
not happen.
XDF TWE 十二种万能理由: