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Advertising Techniques
Advertising designers have been putting messages into television
commercials, news programs, magazine ads, and other things we
read and see for years. These messages have been carefully
designed to influence our opinions, emotions, attitudes and behavior.
Their purpose is to persuade us to believe in something or to do
something that we would not normally believe or do.
 Bandwagon: This technique tries to persuade you to join in with the
crowd and do the same thing as others. Everyone is doing it!
 Testimonial: This technique uses an important person or famous
figure to endorse a product, which persuades the customer to buy the
product that their favorite celebrity enjoys or uses.
 Snob Appeal: This technique aims to flatter the customer. This
product is better than others, and if you use it, you will be better than
others too.
 Plain Folks: This technique provides a practical product for ordinary
people. People feel that they can trust the company and that the
company has their best interest in mind.
 Patriotism: This technique persuades people that they are financially
helping their country by buying the product. A purchase of a product
would show live for their country.
 Evidence Claims: This technique provides a customer with statistics
or important information that could affect you. If you buy these
products, they will help you lead a safe and healthy life.
 Glittering Generalization: This technique is falsely attractive and
demands approval without thinking, They focus on highly valued
 Transfer: This technique focuses on good feelings, looks, or ideas
transferred to the person for whom the product is intended.
 Slogan: This technique uses catchwords or phrases loaded with
emotion. They are clever, easy to remember, and stay with you for a
long time.
 Name-calling: This technique uses negative words to create an
unfavorable opinion of the competition in the viewer's mind.
 Big Lie: This technique catches the customer’s attention because it is
so outrageous. Many times, the audience ends up believing it.
 Scapegoat: This technique wins over audiences through association
or sympathy. People may retreat to prejudice rather than reason.
 Repetition: This technique repeats the product name, keyword, or
phrase is several times on order to stick in the customer’s head.
**Enrichment Activity: Use magazine ads to locate an example of each
advertising technique we learned about in class. In cooperative groups, create a
collage about the advertising techniques you used. Identify the techniques used
in the ads.