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Name: _____________________________
Pretest Score: _____/43
Post test score : _____/43
Ch 11 & 14.1 Pretest: Genetics
Match the definition on the left with the vocab word on the right.
1. _____ has two different alleles; another
word for heterozygous
2. _____ something that has more than one gene
controlling it
3. _____ different form of a gene
4. _____ genetic cross where two traits are
examined at once
5. _____ one allele does not completely suppress
the other, the phenotypes mix
6. _____ chromosomes line up randomly during
meiosis, thus genes are randomly
7. _____ one who has the gene for a trait, but
does not show it
8. _____ trait on the X or Y chromosome
9. _____ an allele that suppresses the expression
of another allele
10. _____ “children” from a genetic cross
11. _____ the alleles that are present in an
individual; uses letters
12. _____ having two of the same alleles; another
word for pure bred
13. _____ two alleles are both expressed together
A. allele
B. carrier
C. codominance
D. cross-pollinate
E. dihybrid cross
F. dominant
G. F1 generation
H. gene
I. genotype
J. heterozygous
K. homozygous
L. hybrid
M. incomplete dominance
N. law of independent
O. monohybrid cross
P. P generation
Q. pedigree
R. phenotype
S. polygenic trait
T. pure-bred
U. recessive
V. sex linked trait
14. _____ an allele does not get expressed because of another allele
15. _____ piece of a chromosome that is a code for one trait
16. _____ the organisms you start a genetic cross with
17. _____ a diagram that tracks genetic characteristics
18. _____ an organism that has two copies of the same allele; another word for
19. _____ taking gametes from two different parents and examining the results
20. _____ having two different alleles; another word for hybrid
21. _____ genetic cross where only one trait is examined
22. _____ a description of how an organism looks; uses words
23. – 26. In guinea pigs, short hair (S) is dominant to long hair (s). Cross a
heterozygous short haired guinea pig with a homozygous long haired guinea
pig. Show the parents genotypes as well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios
for the offspring.
23. Parents genotypes: short haired: _______
24. Punnett Square:
long haired: _______
25. Genotypic ratio:
26. Phenotypic ratio:
27. If this were a case of codominance, what would the results be?
28. If this were a case of incomplete dominance, what would the results be?
29. How are crosses with sex linked traits written differently?
30. What two pieces of information do you get phenotypically from a cross involving a
sex linked trait?
31. – 34. Left handedness is a sex linked trait found on the X chromosome. Right
handed (R) is dominant to left handed (r). Cross a left handed male with a
female carrying the trait for left handedness. Show the parents genotypes as
well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for the offspring.
31. Parents genotypes: Father: _______
Mother: _______
32. Punnett Square:
33. Genotypic ratio:
34. Phenotypic ratio:
35. – 38. In pea plants, Tall (T) is dominant to short (t) plants and purple flowers (P)
are dominant to white (p). Cross a pure bred tall plant with white flowers to a tall
plant with purple flowers that is a hybrid for both traits. Show the parents genotypes
as well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for the offspring.
35. Parents genotypes: Tall, white flowers: _______
36. Punnett Square:
Tall, purple flowers: _______
37. Genotypic ratio:
38. Phenotypic ratio:
39. – 43. To the right is a diagram called a
pedigree. Squares represent males and circles
represent females. Ones that are colored in
represent individuals with the trait in question.
39. – 40. Is this trait autosomal or sex linked?
How can you tell?
41. – 42. Is this trait dominant or recessive? How can you tell?
43. What are the genotypes for person I-1, and III-2? Use B for the dominant allele,
and b for the recessive.