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Biology I Final Review 2015-2016
A butterfly has a long tube-like proboscis that it uses to suck the nectar from a certain kind of deep, tubular flower. Its close relatives
have much shorter proboscises. How might Lamarck have explained the existence of this long proboscis? How would Darwin have
explained it? Who is right and why?
Based on the cladogram above, determine whether each statement is true or false.
_____ birds are more closely related to reptiles than mammals
_____ amphibians produce an amniotic egg
_____ hair evolved in an ancestor shared by mammals, birds, and reptiles
_____ birds would be most similar to mammals when comparing DNA nucleotide or amino acid sequences
Explain how each of the following serves as evidence for evolution:
a. Fossils have been uncovered of animals showing both bird-like and reptile-like features. These animals have feathers and
wings, but also teeth, claws, and long, bony tails.
b. Humans and chimpanzees share over 98% of their DNA and the amino acid sequences of many proteins are identical
between the two species.
c. Baleen whales filter plankton from water using baleen, plates made of fibrous proteins that grow from the roof of their
mouths. But the embryos of baleen whales have teeth in their upper jaws.
d. d. A human arm, bird wing, whale flipper, and cat leg all have the same bone structure; only the size and shape of the bones
differ between these animals.
Match the kingdom to the description below.
a. Bacteria
b. Protista
c. Fungi
d. Plantae
e. Animalia
_____ includes only multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophs that ingest their food
_____ most are unicellular plant or animal-like eukaryotes; also includes multicellular algae
_____ includes only multicellular, eukaryotic autotrophs
_____ unicellular and multicellular, eukaryotic heterotrophs; many are important decomposers
_____ prokaryotes only
Which taxonomic classifications do Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens share? Which do they not share? Based on this
information, is it believed that the two could have interbred? If both are thought to have evolved from Homo erectus, under what
conditions could they have become separate species?
Complete the table below.
fatty acid
Nucleic Acid
long-term energy storage
C, H, O, N, S
Identify the digestive structures that are responsible for the breakdown and absorption of carbs, lipid, and proteins.
a. Why are enzymes so important to living things? (Answer should include an explanation of activation energy)
b. Explain how temperature, pH, enzyme concentration, and substrate concentration affect the rate of enzyme reactions.
c. Match the letter in the diagram to following terms: enzyme, substrate, products, enzyme-substrate complex
Use the diagrams of plant and animal cells to complete the following.
Identify 3 structures found in plant cells that are not found in animal cells.
Trace the path of a protein from synthesis to release from the cell.
Are plant and animal cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Provide 2 reasons to support your answer.
Use the diagram of the cell membrane below to answer the questions
How does the phospholipid bilayer act as a selectively permeable membrane?
Through which process would the solute move into the cell?
Through which process would the solute move out of the cell?
In which of the above, would the cell need to expend energy?
The cytoplasm of the cell is __tonic to the extracellular fluid. The extracellular fluid is __tonic to the cytoplasm.
Because of osmosis, what will happen to the shape of this cell (if this is an animal cell, not a plant cell)? Why?
10. Trace the path of the following components of blood through the urinary system. Start your journey in the renal artery and complete it
at the renal vein or the toilet (via the ureter, bladder, and urethra)
a. red blood cell
b. molecule of water that is essential to the body
c. a molecule of urea (toxic)
11. Put the following parts of the circulatory system in the correct order for the journey of a single red blood that originates in the left
thumb, travels to the heart and lungs, and ends up in your right thumb.
a. aorta
h. pulmonary artery
b. capillaries in the left thumb
i. pulmonary vein
c. vena cava
j. right atrium
d. left atrium
k. arteries
e. left ventricle
l. right ventricle
f. capillaries in the lungs
m. capillaries in the right thumb
g. veins
12. Put the following parts of the respiratory and circulatory system in the correct order for the journey of an oxygen molecule that
originates in the atmosphere, and travels to your right thumb.
pulmonary vein
left ventricle
left atrium
capillary in lungs
capillary in thumb
13. What is homeostasis? Explain how each of the following is involved in a physiological feedback response that helps the body
maintain homeostasis. Identify the stimulus, sensor, effector, and feedback response.
a. shivering (in response to cold)
b. breathing (in response to exercise)
14. Use a Venn diagram to compare cellular communication in the nervous system vs. the endocrine system.
15. Immune system
a. Immune cell matching
A. antibody
B. macrophage
C. B cell
D. T cell
_____ presents antigens after engulfing pathogens
_____ destroys infected cells
_____ a non-specific immune response
_____ produces antibodies
_____ binds to antigens; causing pathogens to “clump” together
b. Why are antibiotics effective against bacteria, but not viruses?
15. Skeletal and muscular systems
a. How do muscles and bones work together to move the body?
b. Explain the function of each: bone marrow, compact bone, skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle
Process A: C6H12O6 + O2  CO2 + H2O + 36 ATP
Process B: C6H12O6  lactic acid + 2 ATP
Process C: CO2 + H2O + (light)  C6H12O6 + O2
Identify all 3 processes above
Which processes are endothermic? Exothermic? Explain.
What is ATP? What accounts for the difference in the amount of ATP produced between processes A and B?
Where in a cell does each process occur?
Explain the role of processes A and C in the cycling of carbon and oxygen in the biosphere.
17. What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? Provide an example of each. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of each?
18. Use a flow chart to trace the path of sperm from production to fertilization through the male and female reproductive
19. For each part of the human female menstrual cycle listed below:
a. Describe the relative levels of each of the following hormones: LH, FSH, estrogen, progesterone
b. Describe the events that are taking place in the ovary
c. Describe the relative thickness of the uterine lining
Days 0-5:
Day 13-15:
Day 22-30:
20. Complete the table below
Parent cell
Daughter Cells
# of cell divisions
Genotype of daughter cells
Separation of chromosomes
Crossing Over?
growth and repair
diploid (2n)
diploid (2n)
Identical to parent
doubled chromosomes
21. Explain what happens at each phase of the cell cycle
Interphase: G1, S, G2
Mitosis (prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase)
22. Explain the difference between each of the following terms
gene / allele
genotype / phenotype
heterozygous / homozygous
segregation / independent assortment
autosome / sex chromosome
dominance / codominance / incomplete dominance
23. What is the probability of producing an individual with a recessive phenotype if:
Two heterozygous individuals were crossed (where one allele is dominant and one is recessive)
If an individual that is heterozygous for blood type A was crossed with an individual who is heterozygous for B.
If a female carrier for hemophilia was crossed with a normal male. (hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder)
AaBb X aaBb (% that will be recessive for both traits)
AaBb X aaBb (% that will be recessive for both traits if the A and B genes are linked – with the A allele and B allele and
a allele and b allele located very close together on the same chromosome)
24. Fill in the genotype of each individual in the pedigree below.
25. Complete the following
a. Replication: DNA 
Gene Expression: DNA 
26. Draw a double helix DNA molecule. Label the sugar-phosphate backbones and the nitrogenous base pairs.
27. A gene has the following sequence of nitrogenous bases: TCGCTTGAGATC
What would be the sequences of bases on the opposite strand?
What would be the sequence of bases of the mRNA that results from the transcription of this strand?
What would be the sequence of amino acids in the protein that results from the translation of the mRNA?
If a mutation substituted the ninth base (G) with an A. Is it likely that this new gene would still produce a functional
If the sequence above is part of the gene for hemoglobin, would this DNA sequence be found in a red blood cell? A
muscle cell? Which cell(s) would produce mRNA for this gene? Why?
The restriction enzyme POKRFAC-1 recognizes the DNA sequence GAGA and cuts the DNA between the first G and A.
If DNA from a person with the above sequence is treated with this restriction enzyme, how many fragments (and of what
length) would be produced by this sequence?
If DNA from a person with the mutation in part (d) is treated with the same restriction enzyme, how would fragment #
and length differ for this sequence?
28. Match the mode of natural selection to the correct example. Then explain how this type of selection might change the range
of phenotypes in the population over time.
A. directional selection
B. stabilizing selection
C. disruptive selection
Small Anolis lizards have difficulty defending territories, but large lizards are more likely to be preyed on by owls.
Long necks made it easier for giraffes to reach leaves high on trees, while also making them better fighters in
“neck wrestling” contests.
In a species of snail, dark individuals are better hidden (from bird predators) in the shady forest, while lighter
individuals are better hidden in well-lit brushy edge areas.
29. How is evolution defined on a genetic level? Why genetic disorders caused by recessive alleles more frequent in populations
that those caused by dominant alleles?
Identify the labeled part of the graph above.
______ the birth rate is higher than the death rate
______ the birth rate is lower then the death rate
______ the carrying capacity of the environment
Identify 3 factors that could limit the growth of this population
A. predation
B. competition
C. mutualism
D. commensalism
E. parasitism
_____ A mosquito feeds off the blood of a human.
_____ A dung beetle gathers the poops of other animals and rolls it into a ball to move it. The beetle feeds on the ball.
_____ A mountain lion kills and eats a rabbit
_____ Two species of bird hunt for the same insects in the same type of tree.
_____ Mistletoe lives on and feeds off a tree. The tree is harmed, but not immediately.
_____ The bacteria that live in our large intestine helps us digest our food and produces some vitamins we need.
_____ An introduced species shares the same niche as a native species in its habitat. As a result, the introduced species
has displaced the native species in most areas of that habitat.
a.) Identify one example of each of the following: producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, carnivore, herbivore, and
b.) If the grasses produce 100,000 kilocalories/m 2 of chemical energy, how many kilocalories/m 2 will be available to the lions?
What accounts for the difference in energy?
c.) Which population has the greatest biomass? Why?
d.) Explain the role of decomposers in the cycling of matter. Use the nitrogen cycle as an example.