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Name ___________________________________________________________
Test Date ____________________
A. Introduction
Ecology is the study of interactions between organisms and their environment; therefore the study of ecology
includes biotic, or _______________ factors, as well as abiotic (______________________) factors.
B. Levels of Organization
1. __________________ - a group of similar organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring
2. ___________________ - a group of organisms that belong to the same species and live in one area. The area in
which an organism lives is known as its ____________________.
3. ___________________ - many different species of organisms living in the same _________________
4. __________________ - a community and the ________________ factors that affect it
5. ___________________ - a group of ecosystems that have the same climate and similar _____________________
6. ___________________ - Earth
(pp.41-44 )
All living things require energy. The ultimate source of energy for the earth is the __________.
A. Autotrophs – “_________________________”. They are also known as _________________. Most producers
capture energy from the sun in a process called _________________________. Photosynthesis takes place in the
___________________________ of plant cells. The equation for photosynthesis is
B. Heterotrophs – Organisms that have to _______________________ are called heterotrophs or _______________.
There are several categories of consumers:
1. Herbivores – Eat _______________________________________________________
2. Carnivores – Eat ________________________________________________________
3. Omnivores – Eat ________________________________________________________
4. Detritivores – Obtain energy from ______________ bodies of plants and animals; for example, ____________
5. Decomposers – Break down _________________ matter. Most decomposers are in Kingdom
___________________ or Kingdom ____________________.
C. Energy in a Cell – All organisms (_______________________ and _________________________) must convert
_____________ energy present in _______________ and other food molecules into usable energy. This conversion
process is known as ___________________ and the end-product is a re-chargeable “battery” used by all cells for
energy known as _____________. Most ATP is produced through the process of ___________________________.
The equation for cellular respiration is
Cell Location
Occurs In
Overall Reaction
A. Trophic Levels - Each step in the pathway of energy flow is known as a __________________________. The first
trophic level is always a ____________________. The 2nd trophic level is known as the primary (1 o) ____________
and may be an ____________________ or ____________________. The last step is always a
B. Food Chains – A food chain illustrates how energy is transferred
by showing ________________________________
The arrows show the direction of _________________________.
C. Food Webs – Typically feeding relationships are more complex than illustrated in a food chain. Most organisms eat
___________________________________________________ and ___________________________________ a
variety of organisms. These interconnected pathways are more accurately shown in a food web.
D. Ecological Pyramids – Although in theory, a food ____________ or food ___________ can consist of unlimited
numbers of __________________________, in actuality this does not take place. On average, only ________% of
the energy stored in an organism is passed to the next trophic level. ________% of the energy is either used by the
organism to maintain ____________________ or lost as ___________ to the environment. Because of this, most
food chains typically consist of only _____ or ______ trophic levels. Ecologists use ______________________ to
represent the amount of ________________ or _______________ at each _____________________________.
(pp. 45-49)
Unlike energy from the sun, nutrients are only available to an ecosystem in specific quantities and must be
_________________ within and between ecosystems. Nutrients may become a _____________________________
when they are depleted. Organisms require nutrients to ___________________________________________________.
Although all nutrients, including ____________, are re-cycled, there are a few nutrient cycles that are especially important.
A. Water Cycle
B. Carbon Cycle – Organisms require carbon to make _______________________, _____________,
_________________, and __________________________. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is taken up by
____________ and _____________ for ___________________. (Algae are autotrophic, unicellular organisms
with cell walls made of cellulose and chloroplasts that belong to kingdom ______________.). They produce
glucose for _______________________________. Humans and other _________________ eat plants & algae, or
they eat other organisms who have eaten plants & algae. The carbon from glucose is returned to the atmosphere
as __________, a waste product of cellular respiration. In addition, erosion, burning of _____________________,
and _____________________ recycle carbon.
C. Nitrogen Cycle – Organisms require nitrogen to build ________________ and ____________________.
The _________________ is mostly nitrogen, but only ____________________ produce the _________________
needed to convert nitrogen from the atmosphere to a useable form, a process known as _____________
___________________. After nitrogen fixation is carried out by bacteria in soil, the nitrogen compound in the soil
is then absorbed by ______________ and used to make __________ and ___________________. When other
organisms ___________________________________, they can re-use the nitrogen to build their own ____________
and _____________________. When organisms die, _______________________ return the nitrogen to the soil
where it may be taken up by _________________ again or returned to the atmosphere by other ______________.
D. Phosphorus Cycle - All organisms require phosphorus for _____, _______, _______, and the
____________________________ of the cell membrane. Phosphorus is found in soil and rocks, absorbed by the
____________ of plants, where it is transported through the rest of the plant by the ________________.
______________________ eat plants, which is then returned to the soil
E. Nutrient Limitation – When nutrients are scarce in an ecosystem, they are described as __________________
_________________. This imposes restrictions on the number of organisms, an organism’s growth, and the
______________________________ of the system. For example, run-off from fertilized fields can trigger algae
blooms in aquatic systems.
Ecosystems are constantly changing in response to natural and human disturbances. As an ecosystem changes, older
Inhabitants gradually die out and new organisms move in, resulting in further changes in the community. Ecological
succession refers to a series of _____________________ changes that occur in a _____________________ over time.
A. Primary Succession – Occurs following destruction of ___________; for example, after _________________
eruption, glaciers melting
 First species to populate area known as ____________________ species
 Lichens are the most common pioneer species after a volcano because they are capable of growing on bare
rock. A lichen is a ____________ and ______________ living together. Cyanobacteria are
____________________ bacteria. In a lichen, the cyanobacteria provides _________ for the fungus and
the fungus provides _________ and _____________________ for the cyanobacteria.
B. Secondary Succession – Occurs when a disturbance of some kind changes an existing community without
removing the ____________; for example, ___________, clearing land.
(pp. 38-40)
Ecosystems are influenced by a combination of _____________ factors and _______________ factors. Together they
determine the health of an ecosystem and its _____________________.
A. The Niche - The role an organism plays in its _________________ is its _____________. An organism’s niche is
comprised of _________ and ___________ factors, for example, the type of food it eats, how it obtains its food,
the way it is food for other organisms, how & when it reproduces, its physical living requirements to survive, etc.
B. Interactions Within a Community – Community interactions have a powerful effect on an ecosystem:
1. Competition – Competition occurs when organisms are attempting to use the same __________________ at the
same time. Each different species within a community must have its own ___________.
 Competitive Exclusion Principle – No two species can occupy the same ________ in the same
__________________ at the same time.
2. Predation – The organism that does the killing and eating is the ________________ and the food organism is the
3. Symbiosis – A relationship in which two organisms _______________________________________ is described
as symbiosis. There are three main types of symbiotic relationships:
a. Mutualism – Both organisms ____________. For example, virtually all plant roots have mycorrhizae – a
________________ that resides within the plant roots. Fungus enhances absorption of _____________ and
______________ in roots; plant provides ______________ for the fungus.
b. Commensalism – In commensalism, only one organism benefits, but the other organism ________________.
For example, barnacles are small ___________________ that often attach themselves to whales. They do not
harm the whales, and the barnacles benefit from the _________________________________________.
c. Parasitism – In parasitism, only one organism benefits and the other organism is ______________ by the
relationship. The organism that is harmed is known as the _______. Examples of parasites include
(pp. 92-99)
Populations within an ecosystem cannot have unlimited growth. There are conditions that have an impact on
population size known as ________________________. Limiting factors may described as density-dependent or
A. Density-Dependent Limiting Factors – Density-dependent factors depend on population size; for
example, __________________ and availability of _____________, ____________________, and
B. Density-Independent Limiting Factors – These are factors that affect all populations the same way,
regardless of size. Examples include _____________________________________, _______________
__________________, and human activities such as ________________________________________
C. Climax Community – A climax community is a ______________ community with very little population
growth or decline. Each ecosystem has a ___________________________, a certain number of
organisms that can exist _______________________. When the carrying capacity is exceeded,
resources become a ______________________________, and population numbers _______________.