* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
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Ecosystem Vocabulary Population-Individuals of the same kind living in an environment Community-All the populations of organisms living together in an environment Ecosystem-A community and its physical environment Habitat-A place in an ecosystem where a population lives Niche-The role each population has in its habitat Biotic-Living elements in an environment Abiotic-Nonliving elements in an environment Food chain-The path of energy from one living thing to another Food web-Shows how all the organisms in an ecosystem depend on each other for food Producer-Organisms that use sunlight to make their own food (plants) Consumer-Organisms that must eat to get energy (animal) Decomposer-Organisms that break down the tissues of dead organisms (bacteria, worms) Succession-A gradual change of the kinds of organisms in an ecosystem Energy Pyramid-Shows how much energy passes from one organism to another at each level of a food chain