Carotenoid-based signals in behavioural ecology
... flavonoids, complexing proteins and peptides, may all be used to combat ROMs (Eberhardt, 2000). Due to the homeostatic nature of antioxidant defence, a lack of one of these compounds can, at least partially, be compensated for by increased usage of another (Hõrak et al., 2007, see section 2.2, Prote ...
... flavonoids, complexing proteins and peptides, may all be used to combat ROMs (Eberhardt, 2000). Due to the homeostatic nature of antioxidant defence, a lack of one of these compounds can, at least partially, be compensated for by increased usage of another (Hõrak et al., 2007, see section 2.2, Prote ...
Zebra reduce predation risk in mixed-species
... individuals). In this study, we were only interested in the effects of detection in reducing vigilance levels. Therefore, to make vigilance comparisons between herds as a result of detection, we limited data collection to similar small-sized zebra-only and zebra–giraffe herds that we encountered (i. ...
... individuals). In this study, we were only interested in the effects of detection in reducing vigilance levels. Therefore, to make vigilance comparisons between herds as a result of detection, we limited data collection to similar small-sized zebra-only and zebra–giraffe herds that we encountered (i. ...
Differences in feeding adaptations in intertidal and
... which particle concentration changed in the control suspension, and t is the duration of the experiment. At the end of the CR experiments, all snails were then removed from their substrate to determine their brooding status, and dry tissue weights were determined (see above). Particle transport velo ...
... which particle concentration changed in the control suspension, and t is the duration of the experiment. At the end of the CR experiments, all snails were then removed from their substrate to determine their brooding status, and dry tissue weights were determined (see above). Particle transport velo ...
The Factors Affecting the Use of Fauna
... attempt to reduce the impact of fragmentation on wildlife populations. Several studies have demonstrated that both native and introduced fauna will use them to cross roads (Bond and Jones, 2008, Goosem et al., 2005, Taylor and Goldingay, 2003, Harris et al., 2010), but despite the large amounts of m ...
... attempt to reduce the impact of fragmentation on wildlife populations. Several studies have demonstrated that both native and introduced fauna will use them to cross roads (Bond and Jones, 2008, Goosem et al., 2005, Taylor and Goldingay, 2003, Harris et al., 2010), but despite the large amounts of m ...
Departmental Brief: Dungeness, Romney Marsh and Rye Bay
... sandwich terns Sterna sandvicensis from the breeding colonies within the existing SPA. It is proposed that the westernmost boundary of the existing SPA at Cliff End is extended 21 km further west to Bexhill, that the stretch of foreshore around the point of Dungeness which currently separates the tw ...
... sandwich terns Sterna sandvicensis from the breeding colonies within the existing SPA. It is proposed that the westernmost boundary of the existing SPA at Cliff End is extended 21 km further west to Bexhill, that the stretch of foreshore around the point of Dungeness which currently separates the tw ...
Temporal Development of Biofouling Assemblages
... organisms of an age of 1–4 weeks (following settlement) can be identified to species level. This information will enable DAFF to consider the feasibility and design of field-based quarantine checks for biofouling target species. The following information was collated for this report: The likely siz ...
... organisms of an age of 1–4 weeks (following settlement) can be identified to species level. This information will enable DAFF to consider the feasibility and design of field-based quarantine checks for biofouling target species. The following information was collated for this report: The likely siz ...
Habitat Connectivity: Monitoring of Crossing Structures
... frequency obtained from the 10-day track monitoring (defined as the number of days the species was detected in each passageway). Only data from wild and potentially feral animals (dogs and cats) were taken into account. Data from photomonitoring are used only as complementary information for the spe ...
... frequency obtained from the 10-day track monitoring (defined as the number of days the species was detected in each passageway). Only data from wild and potentially feral animals (dogs and cats) were taken into account. Data from photomonitoring are used only as complementary information for the spe ...
Using leaf chemistry to better understand the
... Elemental concentrations, stoichiometric ratios and stable isotope signatures of seagrass leaves are thought to relate to various environmental factors, primarily the availability of nutrients and light (Fourqurean et al. 2005, 2007, Figure 1). Frequent, spatially explicit nutrient and light measure ...
... Elemental concentrations, stoichiometric ratios and stable isotope signatures of seagrass leaves are thought to relate to various environmental factors, primarily the availability of nutrients and light (Fourqurean et al. 2005, 2007, Figure 1). Frequent, spatially explicit nutrient and light measure ...
Acoustic profiling of the landscape
... Soft, serene insect songs add an intrinsic aesthetic value to the landscape. Yet these songs also have an important biological relevance. Acoustic signals across the landscape carry a multitude of localized information allowing organisms to communicate invisibly within their environment. Ensifera ar ...
... Soft, serene insect songs add an intrinsic aesthetic value to the landscape. Yet these songs also have an important biological relevance. Acoustic signals across the landscape carry a multitude of localized information allowing organisms to communicate invisibly within their environment. Ensifera ar ...
user`s manual
... 4.4.4 Local Digital Display Installation, Repositioning and Removal...................................... 4-23 4.4.5 Electrical Conduit and Cable Installation..................................................................... 4-26 Conduit ................................................... ...
... 4.4.4 Local Digital Display Installation, Repositioning and Removal...................................... 4-23 4.4.5 Electrical Conduit and Cable Installation..................................................................... 4-26 Conduit ................................................... ...
Save the MANTA RAYS :: X-Ray Magazine :: Issue 18
... resource for any organization or individual seeking to further their work. A network of volunteers has been created to provide research on manta behavior and habit preferences. The manta advisory board consists of many leading manta biologists. They work with other researchers, sport scuba divers, p ...
... resource for any organization or individual seeking to further their work. A network of volunteers has been created to provide research on manta behavior and habit preferences. The manta advisory board consists of many leading manta biologists. They work with other researchers, sport scuba divers, p ...
- Wiley Online Library
... North Pacific breeding grounds, with those found later without calves in the feeding areas, calf mortality during the first year of life was estimated to be approximately 18% (15%–24%), although the specific causes or locations of that mortality could not be identified. In addition to overt predatio ...
... North Pacific breeding grounds, with those found later without calves in the feeding areas, calf mortality during the first year of life was estimated to be approximately 18% (15%–24%), although the specific causes or locations of that mortality could not be identified. In addition to overt predatio ...
Susceptibility of Juvenile Steelhead to Avian Predation: the
... year of the study by systematically sowing known PIT tags (of identical dimensions and design to those implanted in steelhead) on each of the colonies (n = 400 tags·colony−1·year−1, except at the Crescent Island colony in 2007 and 2008, when 800 tags/year were sown). To investigate possible intrasea ...
... year of the study by systematically sowing known PIT tags (of identical dimensions and design to those implanted in steelhead) on each of the colonies (n = 400 tags·colony−1·year−1, except at the Crescent Island colony in 2007 and 2008, when 800 tags/year were sown). To investigate possible intrasea ...
Coexistence with Wildlife Policy
... check to make sure that your yard does not have an unexpected wildlife visitor before stepping outside with your pet on a leash. Leave noisemakers on hand to scare away coyotes that may enter your yard, such as whistles and horns. Don’t run away or turn your back on a coyote. Turn to face coyo ...
... check to make sure that your yard does not have an unexpected wildlife visitor before stepping outside with your pet on a leash. Leave noisemakers on hand to scare away coyotes that may enter your yard, such as whistles and horns. Don’t run away or turn your back on a coyote. Turn to face coyo ...
War on Wildlife - WildEarth Guardians
... Wildlife Services, a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture,1 was a major force in eliminating wolf and grizzly bear populations in the continental United States by 1940. Today, it spends over $100 million annually to kill more than one million animals– primarily birds, and hundreds of thousan ...
... Wildlife Services, a branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture,1 was a major force in eliminating wolf and grizzly bear populations in the continental United States by 1940. Today, it spends over $100 million annually to kill more than one million animals– primarily birds, and hundreds of thousan ...
... In this paper, the present three major satellite link IP data transmission encapsulation protocols are analyzed, including MPE, ULE and GSE. The protocol encapsulation efficiency comparison curve is drawn. The results show that, GSE protocol makes great improvement on encapsulation efficiency and en ...
When to use public information for breeding habitat selection? The
... Danchin et al. 1998) and individuals that cannot rely on their own reproductive success such as juveniles and nonbreeders (Boulinier & Danchin 1997). However, in many species information on patch reproductive success will be available only at the end of the breeding season, and thus can be used for ...
... Danchin et al. 1998) and individuals that cannot rely on their own reproductive success such as juveniles and nonbreeders (Boulinier & Danchin 1997). However, in many species information on patch reproductive success will be available only at the end of the breeding season, and thus can be used for ...
restoration of tipton kangaroo rats at kern national wildlife refuge
... still appeared to be present around the margins of the site. The adjacent KCWMD site had a much larger number of TKR, based on abundant burrows, and had not yet been disturbed. Thus, we decided to focus on the KCWMD site as a source of animals for the relocation effort. The KCWMD site consists of a ...
... still appeared to be present around the margins of the site. The adjacent KCWMD site had a much larger number of TKR, based on abundant burrows, and had not yet been disturbed. Thus, we decided to focus on the KCWMD site as a source of animals for the relocation effort. The KCWMD site consists of a ...
Chick-a-dee call syntax, social context, and season affect vocal
... ordering (CACACACA and DCDCDCDC). For calls not containing C notes, we made only typical note ordering (AAAADDDD). For each of the eight playback sites, a unique set of these five playback types was generated from previously recorded calls (sonagrams of two of the eight sets are given in Fig. 2). To ...
... ordering (CACACACA and DCDCDCDC). For calls not containing C notes, we made only typical note ordering (AAAADDDD). For each of the eight playback sites, a unique set of these five playback types was generated from previously recorded calls (sonagrams of two of the eight sets are given in Fig. 2). To ...
BIOL 181: Life in the Oceans – Lecture Notes
... size by sampling. One common way to sample a population is to count all individuals within a few representative areas, and then extrapolate to the total number of individuals that are likely to be in the entire range. Of course, this method only works well if the samples are representative of the ov ...
... size by sampling. One common way to sample a population is to count all individuals within a few representative areas, and then extrapolate to the total number of individuals that are likely to be in the entire range. Of course, this method only works well if the samples are representative of the ov ...
Translocation of Humpback Chub into Tributary Streams of the
... Experimental translocation of young Humpback Chub into tributaries with water temperature and flow regimes more typical of historical conditions in the Colorado River may result in a suite of outcomes (Trammell et al. 2012): (1) an additional aggregation that exhibits successful spawning and recruit ...
... Experimental translocation of young Humpback Chub into tributaries with water temperature and flow regimes more typical of historical conditions in the Colorado River may result in a suite of outcomes (Trammell et al. 2012): (1) an additional aggregation that exhibits successful spawning and recruit ...
Effect of hypoxia and anoxia on invertebrate behaviour: ecological
... traced back to an ongoing or recent hypoxic/anoxic event, such as fishermen catching organisms that they normally do not catch or catching organisms at times and places where they are normally not caught. In the future, remote observation or scuba diving could be useful tools for initial or local hy ...
... traced back to an ongoing or recent hypoxic/anoxic event, such as fishermen catching organisms that they normally do not catch or catching organisms at times and places where they are normally not caught. In the future, remote observation or scuba diving could be useful tools for initial or local hy ...
... List and characterize energy sources used by humans. Discuss the types of resources humans rely on, including renewable and nonrenewable materials. Relate human energy and resource use to food webs. Describe the scenario Rachel Carson proposed for a fabled future town. Summarize types of interaction ...
... List and characterize energy sources used by humans. Discuss the types of resources humans rely on, including renewable and nonrenewable materials. Relate human energy and resource use to food webs. Describe the scenario Rachel Carson proposed for a fabled future town. Summarize types of interaction ...
Population-Level Metrics of Trophic Structure Based on
... netting were not available; seine netting could not be used effectively due to poor shoreline access and the danger of disturbing hippopotami, and electric fishing equipment was not available in that area of Kenya. Submerged plants were sampled by dragging a double-headed rake along the sediment in ...
... netting were not available; seine netting could not be used effectively due to poor shoreline access and the danger of disturbing hippopotami, and electric fishing equipment was not available in that area of Kenya. Submerged plants were sampled by dragging a double-headed rake along the sediment in ...