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"On the Origin of Species" and "The Descent of Man" are Charles Darwin's two
outstanding works in which he details his views on evolution. The principle of
his theory, briefly, is ‘the species of plants and animals develop through the
process of natural selection of variations which increase the ability of the
organism to survive and reproduce’. From this, it is boldly applied to the origin of
man. It is argued that man evolved and reached the present state through a
series of conflicts of variants. The process of Natural Selection of variations
increased his ability to survive and reproduce. Now he has become the top
During the evolution, an unaccounted number of weak species are wiped out by
the strong ones on account of the Natural Selection. The theory points out that
it happens, because it is the "law of natural selection" to support the fittest to
survive for further evolution. Those who perish or survive have nothing to do
with the Divine Wisdom of God but to the Natural Selection. This, in brief, is the
essence of Darwin's views.
More than a century has passed, yet Darwin's theory of Natural Selection
regarding man has not been proved as a "scientific fact" without a shadow of
doubt, although there are a lot of people in the West including scientists who
believe in it faithfully. But faith and material facts are not necessarily the same
thing. Some of the evidence, though patchy, is remarkable. But it is adulterated
with speculations which are then presented as "facts" to the world by the faithful.
Darwin, himself, did not present his theory as a scientific fact. He merely offered
his views and some observational evidence.1
1 The following is an extract from Charles Darwin's letter to Thomas Thorton in 1861. It is
preserved at
the British Museum under the Reference A DD MS. 37725 f.6
"But I believe in natural selection, not because, I can prove, in any single case, that it
has changed one species into another, but because it groups and explains well (as it
seems to me) a host of facts in classification, embryology, morphology, rudimentary
organs, geological succession and distribution...".
The above quotation is taken from:
Bucaille, Dr. Maurice, What is the Origin of Man , Seghers Publishers, 6 Place SainSulpice, 75006 Paris, 1983, p. 42.
Dr. Bucaille, himself, quotes it from M. Vernet,s book,
"L'Evolution du monde vivant” (The Evolution of the Living World) Published by Plon,
It is not the scientific facts that are supporting the outdated theory of Natural
Selection regarding man, it is the socio-economic and political considerations in
favour of certain people that are harping on this jarring theme. Natural Selection
is used for the ideological purposes without admitting it. The so called "solid
evidence" which the palaeontologists and the Darwinists have in their cupboards
is far less than is led to believe. Many world scientists have thrown the concept
of Darwinian Natural Selection regarding man out of the window2. However, it
still reigns in the West where it has given birth to yet another monstrosity in the
form of "genetic engineering" or, as some people would like to call it and rightly
so, the "genetic manipulation". Darwinian faithful are, now, at work to find ways
to make man more efficient for specific purposes by means of manipulating
If these experiments succeed, the world of tomorrow would be different in many
ways. We would be able to have a desired nose and the right colour for our
eyes or blonde hair if we wish; plus we will have a supply of genetically
engineered, efficient human beings for our factories. We will also have an army
of fearless soldiers, again genetically engineered, who will give their life with a
smile to protect our interests. We will have a privileged ruling class too, who will,
naturally, control and organise our life and affairs as it wishes. 3
It is the same old dream of a master-race with endless possibilities which the
exponents of Darwinism or neo-Darwinists as they are called nowadays, wish to
bring about. The basic idea is the same as that of Karl Marx: the control over
the resources, production and distribution but the approach is different.
However, both are anti-religion and are deeply rooted in materialist ideologies.
But Marx's theory is a degree sounder than the fallacious hypothesis of natural
selection which has always stood on a shaky ground. Dr. Maurice Bucaille, an
eminent French surgeon, scientist and scholar writes:
"There is absolutely no scientific proof to suggest that man was
born of the evolved forms of present-day apes. On the contrary,
everything argues against this outmoded theory. What science
has shown is that, at a certain point in time, a human species
appeared which gradually transformed itself into today's man.
From a scientific point of view, the crux of the problem is that we
do not know what man evolved from: Was it from an autonomous
lineage or from one that could be connected with another animal
lineage? Whatever the answer, recent studies in genetics indicate
that the process could not have taken place by any other method
Paris, 1950.
The facsimile of Darwin's letter is contained in this book with the British Museum reference as
See the book by Bucaille. Dr. Maurice, "What is the Origin of Man"?, Publisher Seghers,
6 Place Saint-Sulpice, 75006 Paris, 9th ed., 1983
3 See the book "Future Shock", Alvin Toffler, Bantam Book, New York, 1970.
than the addition of new information governing the appearance of
structures and functions specific to man. These phenomena fit
perfectly into the pattern of an expanding genetic code, as
suggested by the theory of creative evolution.
Science does not supply indisputable indications as to the actual moment
that the transformation took place, nor on the initial matter employed in
the process: Many of the ways in which the change occurred remain a
mystery to us. What we can say is that a new life form resulted from it,
which, as we have already seen, was different from the forms that most
closely resemble man from a morphological and functional point of view.
This is the very concept of the creation of man by God which appears in
general terms in the Scriptures of the three monotheistic religions. It is in
absolute harmony with the ideas that may be formed from the firmly
established data of science". 4
The fact is Darwinism has more to do with ideological beliefs than science!
The socio-economic and political advantages induced by the power of "Natural
Selection" among the Western nations during the last hundred years have filled
the world with moral and spiritual ills besides creating a state of economic
malaise for a greater portion of mankind. Back in the nineteenth century, the
West was going through a rapid change in its life and was also extending its
influences to distant lands. The idea of "survival of the fittest" appealed to the
West very much especially when it was "backed up" by a "scientific fact". If it
had any qualms about the domination of foreign lands without any just cause,
then Darwin's views comforted its conscience gracefully. Now it had a free
licence to dominate and deprive the weak, for it was "quite natural" to do so!
The Utilitarian and Humanitarian philosophies also appeared at the right time for
Darwinism and they came rushing to its aid. The former supplied it with aims
and desires and the latter gave it a “humanitarian moral code” so that its
inherent beastliness could be nicely dressed and disguised.
Bucaille. Dr. Maurice, "What is the Origin of Man"?, Publisher Seghers, 6 Place Saint-Sulpice,
75006 Paris, 9th ed., 1983, p.212.