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REVIEW: Unit I – Metabolism
*Know the epithelial tissue, muscle tissue type, and pH for each digestive organ.
*Know the order of organs/structures that food passes through the digestive system.
*Know generally what happens in that organ or the purpose of the structure (junctures, structures that
increase surface area).
*Know the passage of bile.
*Know how each major nutrient is digested and absorbed.
*Relate nutrition, metabolism, and the digestive system.
What is the primary function of the digestive system?
What are the 5 stages used to accomplish this function?
What are the 2 stages of digestion? What happens during each and give an example.
How many deciduous and permanent teeth are found in the oral cavity?
Which type of salivary glands produces the most saliva?
What is saliva made of and what functions do each provide?
What does the Lower esophageal sphincter do?
Know the order and composition of the 4 tissue layers.
What is chyme?
What is the function of the stomach?
What causes a peptic ulcer in most cases?
What does gastric juice consist of?
What are the functions of HCl?
How does the stomach tolerate such acidity?
What is the only indispensible function of the stomach?
What does the intrinsic factor do?
In what digestive organ does most of the absorption take place?
What happens in the duodenum?
How does the small intestine increase the amount of surface area it has?
What type of motility provides the most contact digestion?
How does the structure of the small intestine differ from the large intestine?
What does the bacteria flora do?
What are the components to a hepatic triad?
Where is bile produced? Where is it stored?
Most liver functions are carried out by which liver cells?
What is the purpose of bile?
What organ produces pancreatic juice?
What is pancreatic juice used for?
What does pancreatic juice consist of?
Why do we have zymogens?
What is the purpose of mastication?
What is malocclusion?
Where is swallowing coordinated at?
What are the 3 phases of deglutition? What type of control are they under? Generally, what happens?
What does peristalsis allow the digestive system to do?
What are the 3 phases of gastric secretion? What are they controlled by? What generally happens?
What is the enteric nervous system?
Name the intestinal hormones and what do they regulate?
When is body weight stable?
What proteins are used in appetite regulation (hunger and satiation)?
Where is appetite regulation controlled?
How do we get a lasting feeling of satiety (fullness)?
What is fuel? What are the body’s sources of fuel (immediate, stored 1st, 2nd, and emergency)?
What are the 2 types of nutrients? Be able to give examples of each.
What is an essential nutrient?
What types of molecules are not digested but directly absorbed?
Define types of glycogen metabolism: glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis.
Define lipolysis and lipogenesis.
Know the difference between the absorptive state vs. postabsorptive state of metabolism.
When is the best time to measure basal metabolic rate?
What circumstances can affect the total metabolic rate?
Unit Objectives (set by Metro)
1. Identify the organs of digestion and explain their functions.
2. Explain how the structure of the digestive organs makes possible the functions of each.
3. Trace the step-by-step chemical processing of major nutrient molecules from ingestion to
leaving the digestive system.
4. Explain the basis for the measurement of metabolic rate.
5. Identify factors influencing one's rate of metabolism.
6. Determine one's own body fat content.