Download AP Psych cpt 13 sq AP Psych cpt 13 sq, new book

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Study Questions Chapter 13 (new book)
1. What combination of information leads us to form a situational rather than personal attribution?
2. Describe the fundamental attribution error and the self-serving bias. How do cultural norms affect these
attributional tendencies?
3. Explain two reasons why primacy effects occur in impression formation. How can primacy effects be
4. How do mental sets shape the way we perceive people? How do schemas and stereotypes create mental
5. Explain how our incorrect expectations can become self-fulfilling. Why is this important?
6. What causes cognitive dissonance, and how can it produce attitude change?
7. What evidence supports dissonance theory? What evidence favors self-perception theory?
8. When does the mere presence of other people enhance performance? When does it impair performance?
9. How do norms and roles guide our behavior?
10. Explain the difference between informational and normative social influence.
11. Identify two causes of group polarization.
12. According to social exchange theory, what factors influence whether a relationship will deepen, be
satisfying, and continue?
13. Describe the three components of Sternberg’s triarchic model of love.
14. What is the difference between prejudice and discrimination?
15. Differentiate between explicit and implicit prejudice.
16. Identify several cognitive processes that foster prejudice.
17. How do social norms and empathy influence helping behavior?
18. Identify ways in which the bystander effect often inhibits people from responding to an emergency?
19. How do cognitive factors determine whether we respond to a stimulus aggressively?
20. Based on research, how does media violence affect people’s behavior and attitudes?