Download Photosynthesis (briefly) and Cellular Respiration (aerobic

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Photosynthesis (briefly) and Cellular Respiration (aerobic respiration)
Capturing Energy
Sun is primary source of energy
Energy flows through life systems
Primary consumers
What this means…
On Land, most energy needs come from the plant kingdom
This energy originally comes from the sun
Photosynthesis converts the energy in sunlight into chemical energy (sugar)
Energy in the Cell
Photosynthesis transforms kinetic energy (light) into potential energy (chemical bonds in glucose)
Cellular respiration moves energy stored in glucose into ATP, which can be used for cellular work
Cellular Respiration
Think of what happens when you breathe – closely related to CR
Cellular Respiration and Gasses
Breathing brings O2 into the body
O2 is distributed to cells by the blood
In cellular respiration, mitochondria use O2 & glucose to generate ATP
In converting E (sugar -> ATP), heat is generated (2nd Law of Thermodynamics)
Breathing disposes of the waste product CO2 produced from cellular respiration
ATP – An Energy Carrier
Temporarily stores & transfers energy
ATP stores energy in phosphate bonds
Other Energy Carriers In Cells
Pick up electrons
Donate these electrons and energy
NAD+ shown
Aerobic respiration burns sugar
Electrons move from carbon in glucose to oxygen in water
Energy released rapidly as light and heat
Cellular Respiration
Electron movement is carefully controlled
Energy is released in small amounts; stored in ATP
Oxidation – Reduction Reactions
Oxidation: loss of electrons from an atom (or loss of a H atom from a molecule)
Reduction: addition of electrons to an atom (gain of a H atom to a molecule)
Think: reduction in CHARGE due to more e-
Always paired (one loses an e-, one gains)
What molecule gets OXIDIZED (loses e-)?
What molecule gets REDUCED (gains e-)?
Redox Reactions in Cellular Respiration
Glucose loses electrons (in H atoms) and becomes oxidized
Redox Reactions Continued
Glucose loses electrons (in H atoms) and becomes oxidized
O2 gains electrons (in H atoms) and becomes reduced
Along the way, energy is released
Cellular Respiration
Electrons are transferred to the coenzyme NAD+, which is converted to NADH
Is this oxidation or reduction?
NADH shuttles electrons in to another part of Cellular Respiration
Cellular Respiration: Big Picture
Electron transfer to NAD+ is the first step in an ELECTRON TRANSPORT CHAIN
Series of redox reactions
Pass from different carrier molecules eventually to O2
Cellular Respiration
STEP 0: Eat to get glucose
Glucose is absorbed by cells in small intestine
Glucose enters the bloodstream and is transported to all the cells in your body
How is this different in a plant?
Cellular Respiration: Inside a Cell
STEP 1: Glycolysis
STEP 2: Prep. Step & Citric Acid Cycle
STEP 3: Oxidative Phosphorylation (Electron transfer chain)
Cellular Respiration
STEP 1: Glycolysis
Glucose is split into 2 molecules of pyruvate
2 ATP and 2 NADH are made for each pyruvate
STEP 1: Glycolysis
STEP 1: Glycolysis Summary
Glucose is split into 2 three-carbon molecules called pyruvate (pyruvic acid)
2 net ATP molecules are generated
Redox reaction generates 2 NADH
So far…
Glycolysis Prepatory Step Citric Acid (Krebs) Cycle
Mitochondria Structure
Two membranes
Outer membrane
Inner membrane
Matrix inside the inner membrane
Intermembrane space
Folded into cristae
STEP 2: The Prepatory Step & the Citric Acid Cycle (TCA)
In the prepartory step, Pyruvate (x2) is prepared for TCA cycle:
1 Carbon atom released as CO2
1 NADH is made
Coenzyme A joins 2C
which then enters TCA
STEP 2: The Citric Acid Cycle
Occurs inside matrix of MITOCHONDRIA
Completes breakdown of glucose to CO2
Makes 1 ATP per pyruvate
Generates several NADH & FADH2
STEP 2: Citric Acid Cycle
Also called TCA (The Citric Acid cycle)
Also called the Krebs Cycle
Note: There’s TWO pyruvates, so the TCA runs 2x!!
STEP 2: The Prep Step & TCA Summary
Completes oxidation of glucose:
Releases 3 CO2 molecules per pyruvate (1 fr/ Prep step)
Net yield/pyruvate
1 ATP,
4 NADH (1 fr/ Prep step)
There are 2 pyruvates
per glucose!
So far…
TCA  Electron Transport Chain
Step 3: Electron Transport Chain
Complicated process,
see my html page.
Step 3: Electron Transport Chain
Electrons passed down from NADH to ETC
H+ ions pumped inside inner mitochondrial membrane
Electrons passed down ETC to O2 which accepts electrons & 4H+ to become 2 H2O (decreases H+ inside)
So far…
Cellular Respiration Review
Occurs in all eukaryotes
Generates ATP
Involves oxidation – reduction reactions
Oxidation = loss of electron / H atom; charge is more positive
Reduction = gain of electron / H atom; charge is more negative
STEP 3: ETC Summary
Electons passed from NADH and FADH to proteins in ETC to O2
Transports H+ into inner membrane space in mitochondria creating a gradient
STEP 3: ETC Summary
Energy from H+ flowing downhill is stored in bond of ATP
STEP 3: ETC Summary
CHEMIOSMOSIS: H+ flowing (downhill) from high to low concentration releases KINETIC energy
STEP 3: ETC Summary
H+ gradient is POTENTIAL energy
STEP 3: ETC Summary
Generates majority of ATP (34)
Cellular Respiration Organizer
Cellular Respiration Animations
Cellular Respiration
Aerobic metabolism: three steps
Glycolysis, Citric Acid Cycle, & Oxidative Phosphorylation
Releases LOTS of energy – typically 36 ATP per molecule of glucose