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DNA & Replication
How is DNA & DNA replication vital to the survival of cells/organisms and to
cell differentiation? DNA replication needs to copy itself and just DNA is their
own shape and function
Activating Strategy:
1. true
2. false
3. false
6. true
What is DNA?
AKA- deoxyribonucleic acid
It is __hereditary _____ material.
Located/found in _______chromosomes ________.
DNA Functions:
DNA Function
What happens?
Needs to be able to copy itself exactly so
DNA Replication
it can be passed on the daughter cell
DNA is the code that tells the ribosomes
Protein Synthesis
with proteins to make
Sections of DNA come on and direct
Cell Function/Structure
cell function and shape
DNA’s Discover:
It was discovered by ___watson ___ & ______crick ____ in 1953.
It is a polymer (__very long molecule ____) of ___nucleic acid _____.
Building Block or____monitor ____ is a ____nucleotide ____.
3 Parts of a Nucleotide:
1. _deoxyribose sugar _______
2. ______phosphate______
3. __nitrogenous base ( A,T,G or C)__
DNA’s Shape:
DNA is a complex ___organic___ molecule with a ___double helix ___ shape.
Double helix = __a twisted ladder _____.
Consists of __2__ phosphate-sugar backbones connected by a series of
_____nitrogenous bases _______.
DNA Nitrogenous Bases:
_______adenine A_________________
_____thymine T___________________
____guanine G___________________
_____cytosine C___________________
They always join in this fashion: ____a__ with ___t___ and ___g____ with ___c___.
DNA Bonding:
The 2 strands of DNA are held together by __hygrogen___ bonds between the
nitrogenous base pairs.
DNA role in cell functioning
There are ___46__ chromosomes (strands of DNA) in the body cells of humans.
____23___ come from mom and ____23_____ come from dad.
A cells shape and function is controlled by particular ____________ of DNA being
turned on.
Cell Shape & DNA
_nerve _ cells have __different ____ sections of DNA working than that of a red blood
cell. These differences result in cells having different __cell shapes __ and functions.
DNA & Original Cells
1. Embryonic Stem Cells- cells capable of Turing into any body cell.
2. Adult Stem Cells- (aka-Somatic Stem Cells) cells associated with a certain
organ or organ system.
What is DNA replication?
This is when DNA makes an ____exact___ _____copy____ of itself.
Where does DNA replication occur?
It occurs during before mitosis and meiosis
DNA Replication Steps:
1. Separation of Strands:
An enzyme breaks the hydrogen bonds holding the nitrogenous bases together,
unzipping the DNA
2. Base Pairing:
Nucleotides floating free in the surrounding environment attach to form base
pairs by hydrogen bonding
3. Bonding of Bases:
The bases hydrogen bond until the entire strand has been replicated
4. End Results:
2 identical molecules of DNA; each molecule has 1 original strand and 1
newly created strand