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1. observations, hypothesis, experimenting, conclusions, theory
2. an educated guess; a testable explanation to a question or problem, written as
IF…THEN statement
3. theory is formed after many, many experiments
4. constant internal conditions; stable
5. magnification makes specimens bigger, resolution makes more clear
6. 100x
7. chemical
8. to run all of the chemical reactions in the body; are biological catalysts; are
proteins (CHON); decrease the activation energy; speed up chemical reactions;
can be re-used
9. what the enzyme attaches to (like a lock and key)
10. an enzyme that starts the chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy
11. carbon
12. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
13. CHO, carbs are sugars; are simple sugars = monosaccharides, two sugars =
disaccharides, many sugars = polysaccharides; examples are glucose, fructose
14. CHO; fats, cholesterol; made up of fatty acids
15. CHON; made up of amino acids; are enzymes
16. DNA, RNA
17. want Surface Area to be small so it fits inside your body but not too big so that all
the organelles fit inside; don’t want the volume to increase faster than the surface
area or will burst
18. cell is smallest unit of organization to make up living organisms; cells only come
from other cells
19. a. cell is basic unit of life b. cells come from other cells c. cells make up all
living organisms
20. cell membranes are selectively permeable; protect cell; allow materials to
enter/exit the cell; is a phospholipid bilayer
21. bilayer is made up polar heads and nonpolar tails with proteins embedded in the
membrane to allow for transport across the bilayer
22. false….polar heads, nonpolar tails
23. allows only SOME substances to pass through
24. they allow for substances to pass through; can be marker proteins, channel
proteins or transport proteins
25. want SA to be small
26. pro means NO nucleus; euk DO have a nucleus
27. smallest cell part….
28. highway system for transport
29. Golgi (like the post office)
30. mitochondria
31. ribosomes
32. storage unit…is bigger in plants
33. digests unwanted cell material (like Lysol or vacuum)
34. look at pics
35. plants have chloroplasts, cell wall and large vacuole
36. diffusion is movement from high to low concentration; osmosis is movement of
WATER from high to low; are BOTH passive transport though
37. active requires energy b/c it goes from low to high concentration (uphill); passive
requires no energy (downhill from high to low)
38. it wraps around proteins to become more compact
39. to code for traits; direct cell activities
40. what connects the middle part of a duplicated chromosome
41. 46 (23 pairs)
42. in Body cells = 2n = double number
43. in sex cells = n = number of chromosomes in sperm or eggs
44. your body cells have been copied for growth (the cell cycle is cell division….get
45. Sex cells= gametes = sperm or eggs
46. G1, S, G2 are interphase, PMAT is mitosis, cytokinesis
47. G1, S, G2
48. PMAT
49. A picture of chromosomes that is frozen in metaphase…we did the lab with
magnets to see if your person had 46 (normal), 47 (trisomy), 45 (monosomy)
50. 46 in autosomes, you have 2 sex chromosomes = XX is girl, XY is boy
51. XX is girl, XY is boy
52. Division
53. Look at your Mitosis Flip book and fold outs in your learning log
54. true
55. the exchange of DNA segments; occurs in Prophase I in meiosis
56. because each time sperm fertilizes egg, a new combination occurs because there
can be up to 10 cross overs each time a zygote is formed
57. true
58. T, masks the recessive when Tt
59. t, is hidden unless tt
60. homo = same (AA, aa= both capitals…are same), hetero = different (Aa…one
upper, one lower….are different)
61. geno = genetic make up of organism (AA, Aa or aa); phenotype is the physical
appearance (what the letters stand for, what the letters mean = tall, short, pink
purple…remember I can SEE your phenotype…not your genotype)
62. Codominance is when 2 or more alleles are expressed like in Blood typing b/c it
can be AA, AO, BB, BO, AB or OO or when an animal is striped, roan, spots
63. Incomplete dominance is when traits blend together… times white = pink
64. Genetics/Heredity, Mendel
65. Parental, F1, F2
66. Purebred, self, 3:1
67. Segregation
68. Allele
69. T, t
70. TT, tt, Tt
71. Genetic
72. Physical. I can see your phenotype…not your genotype
73. Genetics and environment
74. 1
75. 1:2:1, 3:1
76. Blend
77. Both
78. Males because only need one X to get it (XY)
79. Colorblind, hemophilia, ALD in Lorenzo
80. XcY
81. XCXc
82. AA, AO
83. 2, 16
84. Segregation and independent assortment
85. A family tree with boxes and circles, square, circle, half shaded circle, square
shaded in
86. 1:2:1
87. 3:1
88. 9:3:3:1
89. Separate, A, a
90. Review p65-68 in binder for Punnett Examples