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Chapter 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
AP Biology
Mr. Mennecke
1. Who demonstrated that genes are located on chromosomes?
a. Morgan
c. Chargaff
b. Meselson and Stahl
d. Franklin, Watson and Crick
2. In Griffith's experiments, a harmless variant of S. pneumoniae became pathogenic when mixed
with a heat-killed pathogenic variant as a result of
a. conjugation.
c. natural selection.
b. transduction.
d. transformation.
3. In an experiment, bacteriophages were allowed to infect bacteria. In the first trial, the phages
used contained radioactive DNA; radioactivity was detected in the bacteria. Next, other phages
containing radioactive protein were allowed to infect bacteria; no radioactivity was detected in the
bacteria. When the experimenters compared the results of these two trials, they concluded that
a. genes are made of DNA.
b. bacteriophages can infect bacteria.
c. genes carry information for making proteins.
d. genes are on chromosomes.
4. A geneticist raised a crop of T2 bacteriophages in a medium containing radioactive phosphorus,
so that the DNA of the bacteriophages was labeled with radioactivity. The labeled phages were
then allowed to infect nonradioactive bacteria. In a few hours, these bacteria burst open,
releasing many bacteriophages. Some of these phages contained labeled
a. DNA.
c. protein.
b. RNA.
d. DNA and protein only.
5. Scientists have discovered how to put together a bacteriophage with the protein coat of phage T2
and the DNA of phage T4. If this composite phage were allowed to infect a bacterium, the phages
produced in the host cell would have
a. the protein of T2 and the DNA of T4.
c. the protein and DNA of T2.
b. the protein of T4 and the DNA of T2.
d. the protein and DNA of T4.
6. Chargaff found that for DNA
a. the ratio of A to C is close to 1:1 and the ratio of G to T is close to 1:1.
b. the ratio of A to T is close to 1:1 and the ratio of G to C is close to 1:1.
c. the ratio of A to G is close to 1:1 and the ratio of T to C is close to 1:1.
d. A + T = G + C.
7. The X-ray diffraction studies conducted by ______ were keys to the discovery of DNA’s structure.
a. Franklin
c. Chargaff
b. Meselson and Stahl
d. Griffith
8. Which of the following is correct?
a. DNA forms 2 hydrogen bonds when A bonds with G; T forms 3 hydrogen bonds with C.
b. DNA forms 3 hydrogen bonds when A bonds with T; G forms 2 hydrogen bonds with C.
c. DNA forms 2 covalent bonds when A bonds with T; G forms 3 covalent bonds with C.
d. DNA forms 2 hydrogen bonds when A bonds with T; G forms 3 hydrogen bonds with C.
9. Which of the following is not needed for DNA replication?
a. Ribosomes
c. Nucleotides
b. DNA
d. Enzymes
10. The DNA strand being produced in the 5' 3' direction is called the _____ strand.
a. Okazaki
c. Bubble
b. Leading
d. Lagging
Chapter 16: The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
11. DNA replication is said to be semiconservative. This means that
a. half the old strand is degraded & half is used as a template for replicating a new strand.
b. one of the two resulting double helices is made of 2 old strands & the other is made of 2
new strands.
c. the old double helix is degraded & half of its nucleotides are used in the construction of
two new double helices.
d. each new double helix consists of 1 old & 1 new strand.
12. In E. coli the error rate of DNA replication is approximately
a. 1 per 1,000 nucleotides.
b. 1 per 1,000,000 nucleotides.
c. 1 per 1,000,000,000 nucleotides.
d. 1 per 1,000,000,000,000 nucleotides.
13. Eukaryotic replication bubbles open
a. at origins of replication.
b. at Okazaki fragments.
c. at the telomere found at the ends of chromosomes.
d. at replication forks.
14. The two strands of a DNA double helix are antiparallel. This means that
a. the two strands are mirror images.
b. only one of the two strands can be used as a template for replication, since DNA
polymerase only works in one direction.
c. one strand is actually composed of RNA.
d. one strand runs in the 5'3' direction while the other occurs in the 3' 5' direction.
15. After the formation of replication bubbles, which of the following is the correct sequence of
enzyme use for the synthesis of the lagging DNA strand?
a. primase, helicases, DNA polymerase, ligase
b. helicases, primase, ligase, DNA polymerase
c. helicases, primase, DNA polymerase, ligase
d. helicases, DNA polymerase, primase, ligase
16. _______ is the fixing of mistakes made during DNA replication; ______ is the fixing of damage to
a pre-existing double helix.
a. Mismatch repair . . . excision repair
b. Leading strand. . . lagging strand
c. Operon repair . . . histone repair
d. Transformation . . . transduction
17. Damaged DNA is excised by
a. ligase.
b. primase.
c. DNA polymerase.
d. helicase.
18. Unlike prokaryotic DNA replication, eukaryotic DNA replication
a. cannot be completed by DNA polymerase.
b. is semiconservative.
c. has a single origin.
d. is error-free.
19. Telomeres
a. are found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
b. remain the same regardless of the frequency of cell division.
c. get shorter with continued cell division.
d. Are shorter for younger individuals.