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Exam Review Sheet
Honors Biology
This is to be used for REVIEW
Exam 5 will cover:
Chapter 9: ALL
ESSAY QUESTION that will be on the exam:
a. Starting with food on your kitchen table and oxygen in the air, explain how
cells convert the stored chemical potential “energy” in food to stored chemical
potential “energy” in ATP. Draw a diagram to accompany your explanation if you
wish. Be as specific as possible. Make sure you discuss affinity, reduction,
oxidation, all of the energy transfers and when exergonic processes power
endergonic processes (energy coupling). You need specific numbers for ATP
used/made and NADH/FADH2 made for every step.
(The following terms MUST be properly included: ETC, chemiosmosis, oxidative
phosphorylation, electron carriers, heme, cytochrome c, ubiquinone, complex I, complex II,
complex III, complex IV, mitochondria, NAD+, NADH, citrate, citrate synthase, hexokinase,
phosphofructokinase, G3P, FAD, FADH2, glycolysis, glucose, cytosol, inner mitochondrial
membrane, outer mitochondrial membrane, preparatory phase, energy payoff phase,
intermembrane space, ATP synthase, oxygen, digested, ATP, ADP, P i, H+(protons),
electrochecmiacl gradient, cristae, Coenzyme A, pyruvate, Krebs, cytoplasm, substrate, product,
intermediate, glucose transporter, reduced, oxidized facilitated diffusion, grooming, CO2, kinetic
energy, potential energy, energy coupling, heart, blood, lungs, protein complex, final electron
acceptor, electronegativity, active transport, endergonic, exergonic, affinity, substrate level
phosphorylation, matrix, acetyl-CoA, electrons, G3P, OAA, decarboxylation, enzymes and water.)
1. Explain how breathing (respiration) is related to cellular respiration.
2. If we breathe in to capture O2 for cell resp and breathe out to get rid of the metablic waste from
cell resp (excretion of CO2), how is it that CPR can work?
3. Compare the efficiency of humans converting the energy in glucose to the energy in ATP to a
car converting the energy of gasoline into the KE of the car. Why is ATP production only 40%
efficient? Where does the other 60% of the “energy” go?
4. What is all the ATP that is made used for? How much ATP is made per cell per second on
5. How much of our ATP is used for general housekeeping (non-voluntary functions) and how
much for voluntary activity?
6. Give five examples of ATP being used in a cell.
7. What is meant by a calorie/joule (what is the definition)?
8. How does a food calorie compare to an actual calorie of energy?
9. Describe the structure and function of both NAD+ and FAD.
10. Compare oxidation to reduction. In class we said you could never have one without the other
and hence the term redox reaction. Explain why this is?
11. Write out the overall reaction for cell respiration (you should have this in memory). Identify
what is being oxidized and what is being reduced.
12. Explain why glucose has chemical potential energy.
13. What is going on inside a fire? What is a fire?
14. How does cell respiration link to photosynthesis?
15. Compare cell respiration to just lighting glucose on fire with a match. What is similar and
how are the two different?
16. Describe the two ways by which ATP can be made. Why are they given the names that they
are given?
17. Describe how chemiosmosis and an electrochemical gradient are involved in oxidative
phosphorylation of ADP to ATP. Define the two underlined terms.
18. Identify the three stages of cell respiration.
19. Explain what is meant by intermediates.
20. Describe the main purpose for doing glycolysis and Krebs in the presence of oxygen.
21. Describe the main purpose of the ETC.
22. Compare the ETC to a dam like the Hoover dam. How are they similar?
23. Where do all the carbons of glucose end up and at what point during cell respiration do they
come out?
24. Photosynthesis and cell respiration is going from water to water. Explain what I mean by this.
25. In the ETC, protons are being pumped from low to high concentration. Where do they get the
“energy” to do this?
26. Know your ETC inhibitors (Figure 6.13). You should be able to explain how they work and
why they cause a problem. For example, why would DNP be an excellent weight loss drug?
27. It turns out that you need only very small amounts of vitamin B3 (niacin), which is used to
make NAD+. The same goes for riboflavin, the vitamin used in the synthesis of FAD. However,
you have incredible numbers of both FAD and NAD+ in your cells. How can you explain this?
28. Figure 6.14 is critical. You should know how many ATP and NADH/FADH2 are being
used/made, where they go, etc…
29. If you inhibit the ETC with something like carbon monoxide, glycolysis and Krebs will also
stop. Explain why inhibiting the ETC would also cause these two processes to shut down.
30. Explain how you could experimentally determine that glucose will become CO2 and O2 will
become water.
31. Compare active transport, facilitated diffusion and simple diffusion. Give real examples in the
32. Explain why glycolysis and Krebs require so many enzymes. Why can’t there just be a single
enzyme that converts glucose to two pyruvates?
33. Explain which parts of cell respiration (glycolysis, Krebs, ETC) would be negatively affected
by generating holes in the inner mitochondrial membrane. How about if large holes, big enough
for proteins to pass through, were placed in both the inner and outer membranes of the
34. Why is it important that the mitochondria have a double membrane?
35. What is the importance of cristae in terms of cell respiration?
36. In general terms explain how the energy in glucose is transferred to the energy in ATP. Where
do the electrons from glucose go? What are these moving electrons used to do? Etc…
37. Go through the powerpoint. I put tons of annotations in this year, which I am hoping will help
you. Read and understand everything. Do not just memorize, it will get you in trouble on the test.
38. Watch the ETC video over and over again.
39. What would happen in the absence of oxygen to cell respiration in cells that rely on oxygen as
the final electron acceptor of the ETC?
40. Compare and contrast strict aerobes, strict anaerobes and facultative anaerobes. Give
examples of each.
41. Compare aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration (this is NOT fermentation).
42. In class we said that strict anaerobes will use the Kreb’s cycle and ETC (anaerobic
respiration). How is that possible if they cannot use molecular oxygen (O2)?
43. What is fermentation? What is the purpose of fermentation? Basically, what is the
reason why organisms convert pyruvate to either lactic acid or ethanol? Why not just get
rid of the pyruvate? What enzyme pathway is common to both aerobic respiration and
fermentation? What parts of aerobic respiration are turned off during fermentation?
Compare lactic acid fermentation to alcohol (ethanol) fermentation and give examples of
organisms that use each.
44. Explain how brewers make beer and wine using alcohol fermentation. Explain how
yogurt is made using lactic acid fermentation.
45. What is the fate of the pyruvate secreted into the blood by our muscle cells under
anaerobic conditions?
46. Explain why bread rises and has characteristic tiny “air pockets” in it.
47. What is lactic acidosis and what might this be an indication of?
48. We said in class that nobody goes around eating monomers of gluose. Make sure you
understand figures 6.16 (catabolic) and 6.17 (anabolic), which shows how the
macromolecules that you eat be broken down and either burned to form ATP from ADP
and Pi, or converted into other types of monomers to make other polymers.
49. Discuss the two fates of food not including storage.
50. Explain why a triglyceride can be burned to make more ATP than glucose.
51. Lets say your cells are running low on the amino acid alanine. Explain how your body
would make the missing amino acid using stored fat. Additionally, explain how the sugar
you eat can be converted into stored fat (triglycerides).
53. Over the vacation I went on a diet and lost ten pounds. Where did most of that mass