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1- P :
F1 :
What are the phenotypes of the individuals of F2 generations ?
a) KK,Kk,Kk,kk
b) KK,KK,Kk,Kk
c) kk,kk,Kk,KK
d) kk,kk,kk,Kk
e) kk,kk,,kk,kk
2- 50 % AA , 50 % Aa
Which of the following parents genotypes would produce the above proportions in their offsprings ?
a) Aa x aa
b) Aa x Aa
c) AA x aa
d) AA x Aa
e) Aa x Aaa
3- In this pedigree of a family , brown eyes are indicated as
chart, it can be determined that
, blue eyes as
. The eye color of Charles is not given.From this
a) Richard and Alice are both homozygous for brown eyes
b) Charles is probably homozygous for brown eyes
c) Charles is probably heterozygousus for brown eyes
d) Charles is homozygous for blue eyes
e) Sylvia’s eyes could not be brown since her mother is blue-eyed
4- A man who is normal for color vision marries a normal heterozygous woman. What is the chance of their son being color blind ?
a) 0 %
b) 25 %
c) 50 %
d) 75 %
e) 100 %
5- If John’s father has type A blood and his mother has type 0 blood, John’s blood type will most likely be
a) A or B
b) A or 0
c) A or AB
d) B or 0
e) AB or 0
6- A color-blind man married the normal woman who is heterozygous for color vision. What is the probability that their two
doughters will be color blind ?
a) 0
b) 1/8
c) 1/4
d) ½
e) ¾
7- In a large litter of guinea pigs, three quarters of the offspring were black ( Black is dominant ). The genotypes of the parents were
most likely
a) BB x bb
b) Bb x bb
c) Bb x Bb
d) Bb x BB
e) BB x BB
8- Down syndrome is a human defect caused by the presence of an extra chromosome; the effected individuals has 47 chromosomes
in the body cells instead of 46. Ehich of the following is the cause of this condition ?
a) Linkage
b) Nonlinkage
c) Nondisjunction
d) Sex linkage
e) Chromosomal replication
9- A man who is normal for blood clotting ability marries a normal heterozygous woman who came from a family having a history of
hemophilia. The chance of their daughters being normal heterozygous is
a) 25 %
b) 0 %
c) 100 %
d) 50 %
e) 75 %
10- In the accompanying pedigree of a family, brown eye color is indicated as
and blue eye color as
From this chart it can be determined that
a) Frank is homozygous and Alice is heterozygous for brown eyes
b) Robert is heterozygous for blue eyes
c) Frank and Alice are both heterozygous for brown eyes
d) Frank and Alice are both homozygous for brown eyes
e) Frank is heterozygous and Alice is homozygous for brown eyes
11- If a heterozygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea is crossed with another heterozygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea,
the phenotypes of their offspring would be
a) All round, tall b) 8 round tall:8 short, wrinkled c) 9 round, tall; 3 round, wrinkled; 3 short,wrinkled, 1 short, tall
d) 9 tall, round: 3 tall, wrinkled: 3 short, round: 1 short, wrinkled
12- An example is ABO blood type
a) multiple alleles
b) sex chromosomes
13- X and Y are
c) autosomes
d) Fraternal twins
e) Identical twins
a) multiple alleles
b) sex chromosomes
14- A carrier of a trait is
a) Homozygous dominant
c) autosomes
b) Homozygous dominant
d) Fraternal twins
e) Identical twins
c) Heterozygous recessive
15- If a woman is a color-blind her what is also color-blind?
a) Both mother and father
b) Father is color-blind, mother is carrier
c) Father only
d) Heterozygous
d) Mother only
16- A man with hemophilia inherited the disease from his
a) Father
b) Mother
c) Grandmother
d) Sister
17- The gene for dark eyes (Black or brown) are usually dominant over genes for blue or gray eyes. A man with black eyes marries a
woman with light gray eyes. They have two children, a boy with black eyes, a girl with blue eyes.What are the genotypes of father,
mother, the little boy and girl?
18-A blue eyed man marries a blue eyed woman. What is the probability of them having a brown –eyed children ?
19-A man and women have 24 children. 17 of the children are brown haired and 7 are blond. What are genotypes of parents and the
20-A man with type AB blood marries a woman with type AB group.What will be blood group of their children?
21-A father with 6 fingers marry a woman with 5 fingers.They have 6 children.What will be the chance of children to have 6 fingers?
(6 fingers is dominant)
22-There are 256 students with dark hair in a school. Gene frequency of dark hair is 0.8 . How many students are there in this school?
a) 256
23- In guinea pigs, black is dominant. One half of a particular litter is white. If it is assumed that the laws of chance operate, the
genotypes of the parents are;
a) BB x Bb
b) Bb x Bb c) Bb x bb d) bb x bb e) BB x bb
24- As a result of crossing two hybrid yellow garden peas, 120 offspring are produced. according to the laws of chance, the most
probable number of yellow offspring is:
a) 0
b) 30 c) 60
d) 90
e) 120
25- To determine whether an unknown black guinea pig is pure or hybrid black, it should be crossed with;
a) a white
b) A hybrid black
c) A hybrid white d) A pure black e) Another unknown
In human begins, brown eyes are usually dominant over blue eyes. Suppose that a blue eyed man marries a brown eyed female
whose father was blue eyed. The percentage of their children with blue eyes would be closest to .
a) 0% b) 25%
c) 50% d) 75% e) 100%
One hundered experimental matings of brown birds with white birds produced speckled offsprinfs. the mating of two speckled
birds will probably result in offspring that are
a) 75% white, 25% brown
b) 75% brown, 25% white c) 25% white,50% speckled, 25% brown d) 100% speckled
e) 50% brown, 25% white, 25% speckled
In tomatoes, cut leaf is dominant over potato leaf and purple stem is dominant over green stem.The result of a mating producing
an F1 is given
Purple cut: 1790 Puple potato: 620
Green Cut: 623
Green Potato: 222
The most probable parent genotype are
a) PpCc x PpCc b) PpCc x Ppcc c) ppcc x ppcc
d) PPCc x ppCc e) Ppcc x ppCcs
29- Which set of parents could not be the parents of a child with 0 thpe blood ?
a) Father: A Mother: 0 b) Father: A Mother: B
c) Father: B Mother: 0
d) Father: AB Mother: 0
e) Father: 0 Mother: 0
There is evidence that a certain color in cats is sex-linked. Yellow is recessive to black. A heterozygous condition results in
tortoise shell or calico color. A calico cat has a litter of 8 kittens: 1 yellow, 2 black males, 2 yellow females and 3 calico
females. what was the male parent’s probable color ?
a) Yellow b) Black
c) Calico d) Yellow and black
e) Albino
31- the sites of 4 genes loci on a chromosome are based on the following cross-over frequencies:
A-B 40%
B-C 20%
C-D 10% C-A 20% D-B 10%
Which of the following best represent the relative position of the 4 genes?
32- The Mendelian law describes the behavior of two or more gene pairs in the law of :
a) Codominance
b) Dominance
c) Independent assortment
d) Segregation of genes
e) Recombination
Nondisjunction, whereby a pair of homologous chromosomes does not separate in the first meiotic anaphase, is responsile for
all the following disorders EXCEPT
a) Turners Syndrome (XO) b) Down Syndrome(trisomy-21) c) Klinefelters Syndrome(XXY) d) XYY male e) Hemophilia
34- Assuming a ½ probability af reproducing a male offspring, the chance for five successive male births in a family is:
a) ¼
b) 1/8
c) 1/16
d) 1/32
e) 1/64
The diagram above shows three generetions of deafness in a family. A dark circle represent a deaf female, and a clear circle represent
a normal female. a dark square represent a deaf male and a clear square represent a normal male. The condition of deafness shown in
the pedigree is inherited as
a) A dominant autosome charecteristic
b) A recessive autosome charecteristic
c) A sex-linked dominant charecteristic
d) A sex-linked recessive
36- In cats B= brown hair color, b=white hair color, S= short hair and s=long hair. If two cats are mated with the following
characteristics, Homozygous brown, heterozygous short haired and Heterozygous brown, heterozygous short haired, what are the
possibilities of them having offspring with: long brown hair ? Short white hair ?
37- A white ewe and a white ram have a black lamb. What are the genotypes of the two parents? (Hint: white is dominant)
A. Both homozygous recessive
B. Both heterozygous white
C. Both homozygous dominant
D. The mother is Ww and the father is WW
E. The mother is ww and the father is Ww
38- organism in which the paired genes for a specific trait are different
A. Genetics
B. Genotype
C. Heterozygous
D. Homozygous
E. Punnett Square
39- A grid system used in figuring possible results of various genetic problems.
A. Genetics
B. Genotype
C. Heterozygous
D. Homozygous
E. Punnett Square
40- Science of heredity
A. Genetics
B. Genotype
C. Heterozygous
D. Homozygous
E. Punnett Square
41- organism in which the paired genes for a specific trait are the same
A. Genetics
B. Genotype
C. Heterozygous
D. Homozygous
E. Punnett Square
42- Combination of genes
A. Genetics
B. Genotype
C. Heterozygous
D. Homozygous
E. Punnett Square
43- A trait that hidden in the first generation
A. Phenotype
B. Allele
C. Recessive
D. Monohybrid
E. Dihybrid
44- A cross involving one trait
A. Phenotype
B. Allele
C. Recessive
D. Monohybrid
E. Dihybrid
45- A cross involving parents differing in two traits
A. Phenotype
B. Allele
C. Recessive
D. Monohybrid
E. Dihybrid
46- One of a pair of genes that controls a particular trait
A. Phenotype
B. Allele
C. Recessive
D. Monohybrid
E. Dihybrid
47- The physical appearance of an organism
A. Phenotype
B. Allele
C. Recessive
D. Monohybrid
E. Dihybrid
48- A red flowering pea crossed with a white flowering pea makes all red flowering offspring. If two of the F1 pea plants were
crossed, their offspring would most likely be
A. All red
B. all white
C. 3 red:1 white
D. 3 white:1 red
49- A white ewe and a white ram have a black lamb. What are the genotypes of the two parents? (Hint: white is dominant)
A. Both homozygous recessive B. Both heterozygous white
C. Both homozygous dominant D. The mother is Ww and the father is WW
E. The mother is ww and the father is Ww
50-.In cattle, when red cows and white cattle cross the outcome is roan cattle. What are the results of crossing two roan cattle?
A. All roan offspring
B. 2 red:2 white C. 3 red :1 white D. 1 red:2 roan:1 white E. I haven't the foggiest idea
56- The father of genetics is
A. Oparin
B. Miller
C. Watson
D. Mendel
E. Burbank
57- If a heterozygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea is crossed with another heterozygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea,
the phenotypes of their offspring would be
A. All round, tall
B. 8 round tall:8 short, wrinkled
C. 9 round, tall; 3 round, wrinkled; 3 short,wrinkled, 1 short, tall
D. 9 tall, round: 3 tall, wrinkled: 3 short, round: 1 short, wrinkled
58- An example is ABO blood type
A. multiple alleles B. sex chromosomes
59- Two eggs are fertilized by two sperm
C. autosomes
D. Fraternal twins
E. Identical twins
A. multiple alleles B. sex chromosomes
C. autosomes D. Fraternal twins
E. Identical twins
60- One egg is fertilized by one sperm; must be same sex
A. multiple alleles B. sex chromosomes
C. autosomes D. Fraternal twins
E. Identical twins
61- X and Y
A. multiple alleles
B. sex chromosomes
C. autosomes
D. Fraternal twins
62- All of the chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes
A. multiple alleles B. sex chromosomes C. autosomes D. Fraternal twins
E. Identical twins
E. Identical twins
63- Jane Smith has type A blood and Jim Smith has B type blood. They have a baby with O type blood. What blood types could
additional children have?
A. A B. B C. 0 D. Both A and B types E. All of these
64- Cloning produces organisms that have
A. identical genes B. all dominant genes C. all recessive genes D. two complete sets of chromosomes
65- An organism having more than two complete sets of chromosomes is
A. haploid
B. diploid
C. polyploid
D. cloned
66- Genetic diseases carried on the X-chromosome are said to be
A. Dominant
B. recessive
C. sex-linked
D. Lethal
67- All of the following products have been made by recombinant DNA research EXCEPT
A. human growth hormone
B. interferon
C. Factor 8
D. chicken pox vaccine
E. insulin
68- A mule has traits of both a horse and a donkey but is better than either. A mule demonstrates
A. Cloning B. hybrid vigor C. polyploidy D. inbreeding E. criduchat F. Tay-Sachs syndrome
69- Two brown-eyed adults had two children, one with brown eyes and one with blue eyes. This shows that for eye color, both parents
A. homozygous recessive B. heterozygous C. homozygous dominant D. dihybrid
70- Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes leading to an XO individual is called
A. Down's syndrome B.Turner's syndrome C. Klinefelter's syndrome
71-To transfer human genes to the DNA of E. coli, scientists snip open a ring-shaped part of the
A. splice B. plasmid C. vaccine D. virus
72-Male calico cats which are extremely rare are always sterile. Calico males must have which one of the following combinations of
sex chromosomes?
73- If the dominant gene K is necessary for hearing and the dominant gene M results in deafness no matter what other genes are
present, what percentage of the offspring produced by the cross kkMm x Kkmm will be able to hear.
A) 25%
B) 50%
74- If a bald woman marries a man with normal hair, what percentage of the males and females will be bald?
1.100% males; 0% females 2.0% males; 100% females 3.50% males; 50% females 4.100% males; 100% females
75- Below are the steps for splicing foreign DNA into a plasmid and inserting the plasmid into a bacterium. Indicate which of the
following is the most logical sequence of steps.
I. transform E. coli cells
II. cleave by restriction enzyme
III. extract plasmid DNA from bacterial cells
IV. join plasmid DNA with foreign DNA by hydrogen bonds
V. seal with DNA ligase
A) I, II, IV, III, V
B) II, III, V, IV, I
C) III, II, IV, V, I
D) III, IV, V, I, II
76- Suppose the probability of the recessive allele for albinism in humans is 1/3. What is the probability for the dominant allele
(which codes for normal skin pigment)?
A) 5/9
E) 2/3
77- Which of the following is the most likely outcome of a cross between a
heterozygous tall plant and a heterozygous tall plant?
a) 63 tall : 59 short
b) 76 tall : 23 short
c) 24 tall : 49 medium : 25 short
d) 53 tall : 147 short
78- Which of the following is a testcross?
b) AaBb X AaBb
c) AaBb x AABB
d) aabb X AaBb
79- Breast development in mammals is only seen in mammalian females and the
trait is inherited on the autosomes. This is an example of a
a) Y-linked trait
b) X-linked trait
c) sex-influenced trait
d) sex-limited trait
80- If the frequency of the "AA" genotype is 0.50 and
the frequency of the
"Aa" genotype is 0.30 in a population, then under Hardy-Weinberg, the
frequency of matings between the "aa" and "aa" genotypes would be
a) 0.063
b) 0.250
c) 0.040
d) 0.150
81- If the frequency of the "AA" genotype is 0.30 and the frequency of the
"aa" genotype is 0.20 in a population, then the frequency of the "Aa"
genotype is
a) 0.25
b) 0.20
c) 0.30
d) 0.50
82- The frequency of children homozygous for the recessive allele for cystic
fibrosis is about 0.0009. What is the frequency of heterozygotes in the
a) 0.03
b) 0.97
c) 0.06
d) 0.94
83- Klinefelter's syndrome is associated with the genotype
84- Inheritance of color in a certain plant is known to follow simple Mendelian rules. Green leaf color
is dominant and yellow leaf color is recessive to green.If a homozygous green-leafed plant is mated
with a homozygous yellow-leafed plant, what proportion of offspring would be expected to possess yellow leaves?
A- 0%
B- 25%
C- 50%
D- 75%
E- 100%
85- A dominant gene that shows X-linked inheritance is being studied by a biologist. If an affected male is mated with an unaffected
female, which of the following most likely represents an accurate
description of their immediate offspring?
A- 100% affected males, 0% affected females
B-0% affected males, 100% affected females
C- 50% affected males, 25% affected females, 100% carried females
D- 50% affected males, 50% affected females, 100% carried females
E- 25% affected males, 25% affected females, 25% carried females
Questions 86-88
In a breeding experiment using gray and white mice of unknown genotypes, the follwing results were obtained.
Cross Female Male
Gray x White
Gray x Gray
White x White
Gray x White
86-Heterozygous gray female parents occyr in
(A)cross I only
(B)cross II only
(C)cross IV only
(D)crosses I and II only
(E) crosses II and IV only
87-If two gray progeny of cross IV mate with each other, what is the prability that any of their offspring will be gray?
88-If the gray female from cross IV were mated with the gray male from cross II,then which of the follwing would most likely be
(A)All of the offspring would be gray.
(B) All of the offspring would be white.
(C)Half of the offspring would be gray.
(D)one-quarter of the offspring would be gray.
(E) one-quarter of the offspring would be white.
89- Brown Male (I)
x Black Female (I)
Same Brown Male (1)
9 Black
Black Female (11)
15 Black
8 Brown
0 Brown
One brown male guinea pig was crossed with two black females as illustrated in the diagram above.
Which of the following statements is most likely to be true?
(A) All three parents were heterozygous
(B) All three parents were homozygous
(C) Female (1) is heterozygous
(D) All progene of female (11) are homozygous
(E) All black guinea pigs are heterozygous
90-The gene for height in a plant is represented by T for tall and its recessive allele is represented by t for dwarf.A mating
between parents of genotyoes TT and tt would produce offspring with which of the following phenotypes?
(A) 100% (B) 75% tall, 25% dwarf (C) 50% tall, 50% dwarf (D)25% tall, &%% dwarf (E)100% dwarf
91-In Drosophila normal wing is dominant to wingless.In an experiment a normal winged male winged whose father was
wingless was crossed with a wingless female.What pecentage of the offspring would be excepted to have normal wings?
(A)0% (B)25% (C)50% (D)75% (E)100%
92-In humans an egg develops inta a male offspring if it
(A) Contains a Y chromosome and is fertilized by a sperm containing an X chromosome
(B) Contains a Y chromosome and isfertilized by a sperm containing an Y chromosome
(C) Contains a X chromosome and isfertilized by a sperm containing an X chromosome
(D) Contains a X chromosome and isfertilized by a sperm containing an Y chromosome
(E) Develops parthenogenetically
93-Which of the following correctly expressed the relationship between genes and the products that genes control?
(A) RNA—trait—gene—protein
(B) Protein—DNA—RNA—trait
(C) DNA—RNA—protein—trait
(D) Trait—RNA—DNA—protein
(E) DNA—protein—RNA—trait
94-Which of the following is a testcross?
A) aabbXAaBb
B) AaBbXAaBb
95-A red flowering pea crossed with a white flowering pea makes all red flowering ofspring. If two of the F1 pea plants were crossed,
their offspring would most likely be phenotype
A) 3 red, 1 white
B) all white
C) all rer
D) 3 white, 1 red
96-A white ewe and a white ram have a black lamb. What are the genotypes of the two parents? (Hint: white is dominant)
A) Both homozygous recessive
B) Both heterozygous white
C) Both homozygous dominant
D) The mother is Ww and the fether is WW
E) The mother is ww and thefather is Ww
97- In cattel, when red cows and white cattle cross the outcome is roan cattle. What are the results of crossing two roan cattle?
A) All roan offspring
B) 2 red, 2 white
C) 3 red, 1 white
D) 1 red, 2 roan, 1white
98-The father of genetics is ______.
A) Oparin
B) Miller
C) Mendel
D) Watson
E) Burbank
99-If a heterozygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea is crossed with another heterothygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea,
the phenotypes of their offspring would be
A) All round, tall
B) 8 round tall; 8short, wrinkled
C) 9 round, tall; 3round, wrinkled; 3short, wrinkled, 1 short, tall
D) 9 tall, round; 3 tall, wrinkled; 3 short, round; 1 short, wrinkled
100-Two brown-eyed adults had two children, one with brown eyes and one with blue eyes. This shows that for eye color, both
parents were (Brown is dominant)
A) homozygous recessive
B) homozygous dominant
C) heterozygous
D) dihybrid
101-The animal is Martian mouse (from Mars planet). The Mendelian trait in question is fur color. The dominant form of fur color is
bright red; the recessive form is boring white. Molly has found an orphaned bright red martian mouse. No one in the world nows
anything about this mouse. What can Molly do to determine what genotype of the orphaned bright red mouse is? She has other bright
red and white Martian mouse.
A) nothing
B) do a dihybrid cross
C) do a test cross
D) learn to speak Martian mouse and ask him if he knows
102-A genetic desease typically caused by chromosome nondisjunction is:
A) down sendrom
B) pink flowers
C) cystic fibrosis
D) hemophilia
E) cancer
103-Albinism is a resesive trait. Suppose you and your spouse, both normally pigmented, have two children, both albinos. What is the
chance that next cild wil be albino?
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%
E) 100%
104-What blood type would a person with A and B alleles have?
A) Type A, because A is the dominant allele
B) Type B, because B is dominant allele
C) Type AB, because neither A or B is dominant over the other
D) Type 0
E) Cannot be determined
105-A hen is heterozygous for a sex-linked recessive lethal gene. What ratio of males to females will be produced when she is crossed
with a normal rooster?
B. 2:1
C. 1:1
D. 1:2
E. 1:3
106-A cross between two individuals who are AAbb and aaBB results in an F1 generation that displays the phenotype AaBb=110,
Aabb=16, aaBb=19, aabb=15. What can be said about the A and B loci? must be lethal b.aa must be lethal c.They are genes Mendel reported
d.They are on the same chromosome e.They are on different chromosomes
107-Several deficiencies in metabolism have been linked to defects in mitochondrial genes. These disorders are passed on only by
mothers and never by fathers because the mitochondria in eggs come exclusively from women. What term is used to describe this type
of inheritance?
A.Extra-Chromosomal B.Sex-Linked C.Autosomal D.Anueploidy E.Pleiotropic
108-Male-pattern baldness appears to be a trait that is coded for by a gene on human
X-chromosomes that only effcts the phenotype of males. Which of the following relatives of a man with male-pattern baldness is least
likely to also have a copy of the very same gene that made him bald?
A.His Mother’s Father
B.His Mother C.His Brother
D.His Son
E.His Daughter’s Son
109-In humans red-green color blindness is recessive and X-linked, while albinism is recessive and autosomal. What types of children
will be produced as the result of marriages between two homozygous parents who are a nomal-visioned albino woman and a color
blind, normally pigmented man?
A.Normal-visioned and pigmented boys and girls.
B. Normal-visioned and pigmented girls and color blind, normally pigmented boys.
C. Normal-visioned and pigmented boys and color blind, normally pigmented girls.
D. Normal-visioned and pigmented girls and normal-visioned, albino boys.
E.Color blind and albino boys and girls.
110-An average of three to four chiasma can be seen along the length of every human chromosome during prophase 1 of meiosis.
Some regions appear to be more likely to form chiasma than others though. What effect would this have on recombination—
frequency based gene mapping studies in these regions?
a.Genes that seem to be relatively far from each other may really be tightly linked.
b.Genes that seem to be relatively close to each other may really be distantly linked.
c.Genes that seem to be recessive may really be dominant.
d.Genes that seem to be dominant may really be only co-dominant.
e.Genes that seem to be dominant may really be recessive.
111-Thomas Hunt Morgan in his studies with Drosophila was the first to realize that heritable traits (genes) were correlated with
chromosomes. How was he able to reconcile the fact that Drosophila appeared to have a much larger number of traits than
a.He found that each gene had its own chromosome during meiosis.
b.He found that there were many more chromosomes than he first observed.
c.He found that each chromosome had a single gene that was highly pleiotropic.
d.He found that many traits were coded for on each of the four chromosomes.
e.He found that the gene on each chromosome was expressed differently in every kind of cell.
112-In the mid-to late 1800’s J.Langdon Down observed that people who suffered from a relatively common genetic disorder all had
moderate mental retardation, a sloping forehead, and short hands. This birth defect was subsequently named Down’s Syndrome in his
honor and was found to be caused by the presence of an additional copy of chromosome 21 in every cell of affected individuals.
Which of the following terms is used to describe the state of having an abnormal number of chromosomes?
A.Haploidy B.Diploidy C.Tetraploidy D.Anueploidy E.Polyploidy
113-An organism having more than two complete sets of chromosomes is
114-The discovery of sex-linked traits in fruit flies is credited to
A.Mendel B.Morgan C.Burbank D.Watson And Crick
115-Genetic diseases carried on the X-chromosome are said to be
A.Dominant B.Recessive C.Sex-Linked D.Lethal
116-All of the following products have been made by recombinant DNA research EXCEPT
A.Human Growth Hormone B.İnterferone C.Factor8 D.Chicken Pox Vaccine E.İnsulin
117-A mule has traits of both a horse and a donkey but is better than either. A mule demonstrates
A.Cloning B.Hybrid Vigor C.Polyploidy D.İnbreeding E.Criduchat F.Tay-Sachs
118-Bacterial genomes consist of
A.Circular Single Stranded RNA B.Circular Double Stranded DNA C.Linear Triple Stranded RNA D.Zig-Zag Formations Of DNA
119-Select the incorrect statement about this chromosome allotment:
A.A cell produced from these meiotically has 5 chromosomes
B.A cell produced from these mitotically has 12 chromosomes
C.Each chromosome has a homologue
D.The containing these chromosomes is diploid
E.The chromosomes contain chromatids
120-An organized chromosome alignment made from this group is a:
A.Autosome B.Complement C.Homologue D.Karyotype E.Sex-Linkage
121-The genes w and dor in Drosophila are defined by recessive X-linked mutations that cause white and deep orange eyes,
respectively. A phenotypically wild-type (red-eyed) female with the genotype w dor+/w+dor was mated to w dor males (with white
eyes). The frequency of recombination between w and dor is 40%. What proportion of this mating will have white or deep-orange
122-A man and a woman are each heterozygous carriers of recessive alleles for phenylketonuria and cystic fibrosis. The genes that
cause these two diseases are on different chromosomes. If this couple has child, what is the chance that it will be unaffected by either
123-Huntington`s chorea is a rare neurodegenerative disease in humans that is caused by a dominant allele on on e of the outcomes.
The disease usually does not appear until middle age. A phenotypically normal 22-year-old-man whose father developed Huntington`s
disease when he was 45 has married a phenotypically normal 23-year-old woman with no history of the disease in her family. If this
couple has a child, what is the chance that it will develop Huntington`s disease when it reaches middle age
124-Male Drosophila that carry the recessive X-linked mutation w (map position 1.5) have white eyes, males that carry the recessive
X-linked mutation g (map position 44.0) have brown eyes, and males that carry the wild-type alleles of these two genes have red eyes.
By recombination, a researcher has generated males that carry both the w and g mutations, and has found that these males have white
eyes. We conclude that
A.W And G Are Alleles B.W Is Dominant To G C.W Is Epistatic To G D.W And G Are Co-Dominant Alleles E.W And G Assort
125-Humans with congenital deafness are homozygous for a recessive mutation. Two such individuals have married and produced
two nondeaf children. The most likely explanation is that
A.each parent was homozygous for a mutation in a different gene controlling some aspect of hearing
B.deafness is no sex-linked
c.the genes responsible for hearing ability are pleiotropic of the mutations reverted to the wild-type allele
E.the chromosome carrying the gene for hearing ability is prone to nondisjunction
126-In human beings, the XO genotype is
A.Lethal B.Fertile Male C.Sterile Male D.Fertile Female E.Sterile Female
127-In their initial models Watson and Crick tried to have nucleotides on the two strands of DNA base pair with themselves (i.e. G-C,
and T-T). why did they quickly reject that possibility
A.A G-G base pair would not be wide enough to fit in the double helix
B.A T-T base pair would not be wide enough to fit the double helix
C.An A-Abase pair would cause too many hydrogen bonds to be formed
D.DNA would not be complex enough to contain genetic information
E.The polar charges at the tips of A`s would drive them apart
128-Four chiasmata are routinely observed in human chromosome one during the diplotene stage of the first meiotic division. What is
the predicted genetic map length of this chromosome
A.40cm B.80cm C.120cm D.180cm E.200cm
129-In Drosophila, sex is determined by the
A.number of X chromosomes
B.presence of a Y chromosome
C.ratio of X chromosomes to Y chromosomes
D.ratio of X chromosomes to sets of autosomes
E.inactivation of supernumerary X chromosomes
130-The frequency of recessive homozygotes in a population segregating two alleles of a gene is 0.04. assuming that mating is
random, what is the frequency of dominant homozygotes
A.0.20 B.0.24 C.0.48 D.0.60 E.0.64
131-Which of the following is a testcross?
a. aabb X AABb
b. AaBb X AaBb
c. AaBb x AABB
132- A red flowering pea crossed with a white flowering pea makes all red flowering offspring . If two of the F1 pea plants
were crossed, their offspring would most likely be phonotype.
a. 3 red:1 white
b. all white
c. all red
d. 3 white: 1 red
133- A white ewe and a white a ram have a black lamb. What are the genotypes of two parents?
a. Both homozygous recessive
b. Both heterezygote white
c. Both homozygous dominant
d. The mother is Ww and the father is Ww.
e. The mother is ww and the father is Ww.
134- In a cattle when red cows and white cattle cross the outcom is roan cattle. What are the results of crossing two roan cattle?
A. All Roan Offspring
B. 2 Red:2 White C. 3 Red:1 White
D. 1 Red: Roan:1 White.
135- The father of genetics is
A. Oparin B. Miller
C. Mendel
136- If a heterezugous tall , heterozygous round (TtRr) pea is crossed with another heterozygous tall, heterozygous round (TtRr) pea,
the phenotypes of their offspring would be
a. All round, tall
b. 8 round tall:8 short, wrinkled
c. 9 round, tall: 3 round, wrinkled; 3 short, wrinkled, 1 short,tall
d. 9 tall, round:3 tall wrinkled:3 short, round:1 short, wrinkled
137- Two brown-eyed adults had two children, one with brown eyes and one with blue eyes. This shows that for eye colour, both
parents werebrown is dominant.
a. homozygous recessive
b. homozygous dominant
c. heterozygous
d. dihybrid.
138- The animal is Martian mouse(from Mars planet) . The Mendelian trait in in question is fur colour. The dominant from of fue
colour is bright red; the recessive from is borring white. Molly has found an orphaned bright red martian mouse. No one in the world
now anything about this mouse What can Molly do to determine what genotype of the orphaned bright red mouse is? She has other
bright red and white Martian mouse.
a. Nothing
b. Do a dyhobrid cros
c. Do a test cross
d. Learn to speak martian mouse and ask him if he knows
139- What Mendel called genes we could best explain today as being
a. messenger RNA
b. the doubl helix
c. nuclei
d. certain regions of DNA that code for proteins
e. the same thing as chromosome
140- The process where bacteria optain genes from the environment is called
a. transformation
b. conjugation
c. transduction
d. mutation
e. induction
141- Plasmids are small rings of DNA in bacterial cells. Plasmids are important because
a. they can carry genes for antibiotic resistance
b. they make bacteria more like eucryotic cells
c. they increase the rate of bacteria
d. they are produce antibiotics
e. none of the above
142-Which of the following is a testcross?
b) AaBb X AaBb
c) AaBb x AABB
d) aabb X AaBb
143-Breast development in mammals is only seen in mammalian females and the trait is inherited on the autosomes. This is an
example of a
A) Y-Linked Trait
B) X-Linked Trait
C) Sex-İnfluenced Trait
D) Sex-Limited Trait
144- If the frequency of the "AA" genotype is 0.50 and the frequency of the
"Aa" genotype is 0.30 in a population, then under Hardy-Weinberg, the frequency ofmatings between the "aa" and "aa" genotypes
would be
A) 0.063
B) 0.250
C) 0.040
D) 0.150
145- If the frequency of the "AA" genotype is 0.30 and the frequency of the "aa" genotype is 0.20 in a population, then the frequency
of the "Aa" genotype is
A) 0.25
B) 0.20
C) 0.30
D) 0.50
146- At a single locus with two alleles ("S" and "s"), if the frequency of the "S" allele is 0.360 in a population, then the frequency of
the "s" allele is
A) 0.640
B) 0.180
C) 0.800
D) 0.360
147- The frequency of children
homozygous for the recessive allele for cystic fibrosis is about 0.0009. What is the frequency
ofheterozygotes in the population?
A) 0.03
B) 0.97
C) 0.06
E) 0.94
148- In a sample from a population there were 85 individuals with the "BB" genotype, 30 individuals with the "Bb" genotype, and 10
individuals with the "bb" genotype. The frequency of the "b" allele was
A) 0.68
B) 0.58
C) 0.32
D) 0.08