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AP Psychology
Dr. J. Dishowitz
Unit 12 Study Guide
I. Learning Objectives
1. Define psychopathology. Explain why psychopathology is a social as well as a personal matter.
2. Describe the three criteria for abnormality. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using
each criterion. Describe the practical approach and impaired functioning.
3. Describe the four main explanations for psychological disorders: supernatural influences,
biological factors, psychological processes, and sociocultural context.
4. Give an example or how the medical or neurobiological model would explain disorders.
5. Describe the approaches that are part of the psychological model.
6. List and give examples of sociocultural explanations for psychological disorders.
7. Describe the contents of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV).
List the five axes used in diagnosis based on DSM-IV.
8. Define anxiety disorder. Specify what disorders are classified as anxiety disorders.
9. Define phobia, and give a brief description of specific phobia, social phobia, and agoraphobia.
10. Define generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Explain the difference between obsessions and compulsions.
11. State the causes, according to the various theoretical models, of anxiety disorders.
12. Define somatoform disorder. Give a brief description of conversion disorder, hypochondriasis,
somatization disorder, and pain disorder.
13. State the causes, according to various theoretical models, of somatoform disorders.
14. Define dissociative disorder. Compare and contrast dissociative fugue and dissociative amnesia.
Describe dissociative identity disorder.
15. State the causes, according to the various theoretical models, of dissociative disorders.
16. Describe the research on the links between childhood abuse and dissociative disorders.
17. Define mood disorders.
18. Describe the relationship between depression and suicide. List the general guidelines for
determining if a person might commit suicide.
19. State the biological and psychological causes, according to various theoretical models, of mood
disorders. Describe how learned helplessness and attributional style may contribute to
20. Define schizophrenia. Describe the disorganized thought and language characteristic of
21. Compare and contrast paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated, and residual
22. Describe the positive symptoms and the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.
23. State the possible causes of schizophrenia, according to various theoretical models.
24. Define personality disorder. Give a brief description of schizotypal, avoidant, narcissistic, and
antisocial personality disorders.
25. Describe the differences between externalizing and internalizing disorders of childhood. Define
conduct disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, separation anxiety disorder, and
autistic disorder.
26. Discuss the laws designed to protect the rights of people with severe psychological disorders
who are accused of a crime.
27. Describe the legal reform procedures regarding mental illness.
II. Multiple Choice Questions
1. Psychiatrists and psychologists label behavior as disordered when it is
A) aggressive, persistent, and intentional.
B) selfish, habitual, and avoidable.
C) deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional.
D) biologically influenced, unconsciously motivated, and difficult to change.
E) instinctual, obsessive, and harmful.
2. Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity are major symptoms of
3. The discovery that psychologically disordered behavior could result from syphilis infections
facilitated the credibility and acceptance of
A) trait theory.
B) psychoanalytic theory.
C) the medical model.
E) the social-cognitive perspective.
4. Dr. McIntosh emphasizes that depression often involves the interactive influences of self-focused
rumination, rejection from others, and low serotonin levels. Dr. McIntosh's emphasis best illustrates
A) the medical model.
B) the learning perspective.
C) linkage analysis.
D) a biopsychosocial approach.
E) psychoanalytic theory.
5. A psychotherapist is most likely to use the DSM-IV-TR in order to ________ various psychological
A) cure
B) prevent
C) excuse
D) explain
E) identify
6. The DSM-IV-TR does NOT
A) include a classification of personality disorders.
B) explain the causes of the various psychological disorders.
C) include a very broad range of psychological disorders.
D) provide reliable guidelines for diagnosing psychological disorders.
E) list symptoms within descriptions of each disorder.
7. In a study by David Rosenhan (1973), researchers were admitted as patients into various mental
hospitals after they falsely claimed to be “hearing voices.” This study best illustrated the negative
effects of
A) the medical model.
B) psychoanalytic theory.
C) hallucinations.
D) linkage analysis.
E) diagnostic labels.
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8. Judicial systems are responsible for making decisions regarding
A) manic behavior.
B) insanity.
C) catatonia.
D) agoraphobia.
E) disordered behavior.
9. Generalized anxiety disorder is often accompanied by
A) delusions.
B) depression.
C) catatonia.
D) antisocial personality disorder.
E) hallucinations.
10. Episodes of intense dread that last for several minutes and are accompanied by shortness of breath,
trembling, dizziness, or heart palpitations are most characteristic of a(n)
A) mania.
B) panic disorder.
C) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
D) generalized anxiety disorder.
E) dissociative disorder.
11. Manuel is extremely shy and is so easily embarrassed when he is with other people that he often
misses his college classes just to avoid social interactions. Manuel appears to suffer from a(n)
A) dissociative disorder.
B) dysthymic disorder.
C) antisocial personality disorder.
D) social phobia.
E) generalized anxiety disorder.
12. Ravi brushes his teeth 18 times a day. Each time, he uses exactly 83 strokes up and 83 strokes down.
After he eats, he must brush twice with two different brands of toothpaste. Ravi suffers from a(n)
A) dysthymic disorder.
B) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
C) phobia.
D) generalized anxiety disorder.
E) bipolar disorder.
13. Although experiencing severely traumatic events may lead to PTSD, it is also likely to lead to
A) schizophrenia.
B) linkage analysis.
C) bipolar disorder.
D) increased personal strength.
E) generalized anxiety disorder.
14. Rats that received unpredictable electric shocks in a laboratory experiment subsequently became
apprehensive when returned to that same laboratory setting. This best illustrates that anxiety
disorders may result from
A) stimulus generalization.
B) observational learning.
C) reinforcement.
D) classical conditioning.
E) post-traumatic growth.
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15. A therapist suggests that Mr. Broshi continues to bite his fingernails because this behavior often
reduced his feelings of anxiety in the past. The therapist's suggestion most clearly reflects a
________ perspective.
A) biological
B) humanistic
C) psychoanalytic
D) learning
E) cognitive
16. Research on anxiety disorders indicates that
A) some people are more genetically predisposed than others to develop anxiety disorders.
B) obsessive-compulsive disorders are more common than phobias.
C) people, but not animals, may acquire fear through observational learning.
D) phobic reactions to cats are much more common than to dogs.
E) authoritative parenting styles are likely to lead to increased anxiety in children.
17. Experiencing physical symptoms, such as blindness or paralysis, that make no physiological sense
is indicative of
A) schizophrenia.
B) conversion disorder.
C) dissociative disorder.
D) generalized anxiety disorder.
E) personality disorder.
18. A conversion disorder is a type of ________ disorder.
A) somatoform
B) personality
C) dissociative
D) anxiety
E) mood
19. Rachel is convinced that her occasional headaches are caused by a malignant brain tumor.
Although several physicians have assured her that she has no serious physical problem, Rachel
continues to seek medical attention for a brain tumor. Her behavior provides an example of
A) dissociative disorder.
B) generalized anxiety disorder.
C) hypochondriasis.
D) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
E) personality disorder.
20. Dissociative disorders are most likely to be characterized by
A) disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity.
B) offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person.
C) a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state of emotion.
D) alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism.
E) panic attacks caused by new, stressful situations.
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21. A biological perspective would be LEAST helpful for explaining the
A) prevalence of schizophrenia throughout the world.
B) fluctuations in mood experienced by those suffering a bipolar disorder.
C) fear of snakes experienced by a high percentage of Americans.
D) dramatic increase in reported cases of dissociative identity disorder during the past 40 or so
E) twin studies indicating high correlations in rates of psychological disorders between twins raised
in different families.
22. It has been suggested that the desperate efforts of traumatized victims to detach themselves from
the experience of severe and prolonged abuse may contribute to
A) bipolar disorder.
B) generalized anxiety disorder.
C) dissociative identity disorder.
D) antisocial personality disorder.
E) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
23. Which of the following disorders is classified as a mood disorder?
A) catatonia
B) bipolar disorder
C) generalized anxiety disorder
D) agoraphobia
E) antisocial personality disorder
24. Elmer, the owner of an auto service station, suddenly began smashing the front fenders and hoods
of two customers' cars. When asked why, he excitedly explained that he was transforming the cars
into “real racing machines.” When an employee tried to restrain him, he shouted that everybody
was fired and quickly began breaking the car windows. Elmer is exhibiting symptoms of
A) somatoform disorder.
B) catatonia.
C) a panic attack.
D) a phobia.
E) mania.
25. According to the psychoanalytic perspective, depression results from
A) the internalization of anger.
B) learned helplessness.
C) self-defeating attributions.
D) anxiety disorders.
E) personality disorders.
26. Drugs that alleviate mania tend to reduce levels of the neurotransmitter
A) acetylcholine.
B) norepinephrine.
C) dopamine.
D) estrogen.
E) serotonin
27. Learned helplessness is most closely associated with
A) depression.
B) schizophrenia.
C) compulsions.
D) antisocial personality disorder.
E) dissociative disorders.
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28. A therapist believes that Chet is chronically depressed because he takes too little credit for his many
achievements and assumes too much responsibility for his few failures. The therapist's
interpretation reflects a ________ perspective.
A) psychoanalytic
B) social-cognitive
C) trait
D) humanistic
E) biological
29. Research suggests that women are more vulnerable to depression than men because women are
more likely to respond to negative life events with self-focused rumination. This suggestion best
illustrates a ________ perspective.
A) humanistic
B) biological
C) psychoanalytic
D) social-cognitive
E) medical
30. The rise of Western individualism appears most clearly responsible for an increase in
A) depression.
B) schizophrenia.
C) personality disorders.
D) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
E) phobias.
31. Mr. Kalish, a long-term government employee, falsely believed that his supervisor was a
communist agent who was putting poison in the employees' coffee. When Mr. Kalish was referred
to a psychiatrist, he claimed to be the grandson of Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Kalish is most likely
suffering from
A) dissociative identity disorder.
B) agoraphobia.
C) schizophrenia.
D) panic disorder.
E) an antisocial personal disorder.
32. A parrotlike repeating of another's speech or movements is most common among those with
________ schizophrenia.
A) catatonic
B) disorganized
C) undifferentiated
D) paranoid
E) antisocial
33. One of the positive symptoms of schizophrenia includes
A) an expressionless face.
B) a lack of guilt feelings.
C) hallucinations.
D) flat affect.
E) a feeling of euphoria.
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34. An abnormal shrinkage of cerebral tissue is most likely to be associated with
A) dissociative disorders.
B) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
C) post-traumatic stress disorder.
D) personality disorder.
E) schizophrenia.
35. One study monitored teens and young adults who had two relatives with schizophrenia. Those who
subsequently developed schizophrenia displayed a tendency to be ________ prior to the onset of
their disorder.
A) highly suggestible
B) artistically creative
C) socially withdrawn
D) addicted to drugs
E) manic behavior
36. Psychologists are LEAST likely to suggest that ________ contribute(s) to the development of
A) neglectful child-rearing practices
B) prenatal viral infections
C) dopamine overactivity
D) shrinkage of cerebral tissue
E) genetic predispositions
37. Those with a histrionic personality disorder are most likely to display
A) a lack of guilt feelings.
B) delusions of persecution.
C) apathy and lack of energy.
D) dramatic, attention-getting behaviors.
E) delusions and hallucinations.
38. Within the last year, Mr. Shangkun has been fired by three different employers because they each
discovered that he was stealing money or materials from their companies. Although he feels no
remorse for his misdeeds, his outward signs of repentance have dissuaded his former employers
from taking him to court. Mr. Shangkun's behavior is most indicative of
A) a personality disorder.
B) post-traumatic stress disorder.
C) schizophrenia.
D) a dissociative disorder.
E) obsessive-compulsive disorder.
39. The reduced self-control of murderers is most closely related to reduced brain activity in their
________ lobes.
A) frontal
B) temporal C) occipital D) parietal
E) sensorimotor
40. Among women, the stresses and demoralization of poverty are especially likely to precipitate
B) depression.
C) schizophrenia.
D) dissociative disorders.
E) phobias.
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