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Journal of Surgical Research 114, 187–194 (2003)
HL-1 Myocytes Exhibit PKC and K ATP Channel-Dependent
Delta Opioid Preconditioning 1,2
Elisabeth M. Seymour, M.S.,* Shu-Yung James Wu, B.S.,* Melissa A. Kovach, B.S.,*
Matthew A. Romano, M.D.,* Jonathan R. Traynor, Ph.D.,†
William C. Claycomb, PhD.,‡ and Steven F. Bolling, M.D.* ,3
*Department of Cardiac Surgery, B558 MSRBII 0686 and †Department of Pharmacology, 1301 MSRBIII, University of
Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; and ‡Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, USA
Submitted for publication December 11, 2002
Background. Opioid preconditioning protects the
myocardium against ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury.
By enhancing cardiomyocyte viability, opioids can enhance cardiac function and recovery from IR injury
during acute cardiac care. The myocyte model HL-1 is
an immortalized, mouse atrial cell line that expresses
functional delta-opioid receptors. The HL-1 myocyte
may be useful for IR injury research exploring opioid
Materials and methods. In study I, microplates of
HL-1 were subjected to 10 min pre-treatment with either
basal media, delta-opioid agonist DADLE(10uM), or
DADLE(10uM) ⴙ delta-antagonist naltrindole (10uM).
Study II treatment groups included PKC inhibitor chelerythrine (2uM), K ATP channel closer glybenclamide
(100uM), or mitochondrial K ATP channel opener diazoxide (100uM) administered in various combinations followed by DADLE (10uM) or control. Microplates were
subjected to normal oxygen/substrate conditions or ischemic (<1% 0 2) and substrate deficient (10 uM
2-Deoxyglucose versus 10 mM glucose) conditions, then
reperfused with normal oxygen and glucose-containing
media. Microplate supernatants were subjected to lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) assay.
Results. Compared to untreated control, the LDH
assay showed significant reduction in opioid-only
pretreated groups at all time points. These effects
were attenuated with delta-opioid antagonist coadministration. Co-administration of non-selective
This was presented at the annual meeting of the Association for
Academic Surgery, Boston, MA, November 7–9, 2002.
The present study was supported by a grant from the National
Institutes of Health-NHLBI, HL58781.
2120 Taubman Center, Box 1500 East Medical Center Dr. Ann
Arbor, MI 48105-0348. E-mail: [email protected].
K ATP channel closer glybenclamide and DADLE abolished DADLE cytoprotection, while selective mitochondrial K ATP opener diazoxide mimicked DADLE cytoprotection Co-administration of chelerythrine and
DADLE significantly reduced chelerythrine cytotoxicity.
Conclusion. Delta-opioid preconditioning of HL-1
myocytes significantly decreased necrosis from in vitro
simulated ischemia/reperfusion as measured by LDH release; this effect was reversed by delta-antagonist
naltrindole. Cytoprotection was PKC and K ATP channeldependent. HL-1 myocytes exhibit opioid-induced cytoprotection from IR injury, and present a novel model of
pharmacologic preconditioning. © 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights
Key Words: opioid; ischemia; reperfusion; necrosis;
Cardiac ischemia/reperfusion injury impairs cardiac
function, and can lead to the death of myocytes by both
apoptosis and necrosis. Global ischemia, as occurs in
cardiac surgical procedures requiring cardiopulmonary
bypass, typically induces myocyte necrosis versus apoptosis. In conditions of global ischemia, approximately
90% of myocyte death occurs by necrosis as measured
within a few hours of reperfusion [1–3]. Still, apoptosis
is postulated to contribute to downstream signals that
enhance necrotic death in late reperfusion [4, 5]. The
severity of ATP depletion during ischemia partly determines which death pathway a myocyte will under go
[6]. Besides ATP depletion, other consequences of
ischemia/reperfusion injury include calcium overload,
0022-4804/03 $35.00
© 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
osmotic swelling, contractile dysfunction, and freeradical induced protein and DNA modifications [7].
Ischemic or pharmacologic preconditioning decreases the scope and severity of ischemia/reperfusion
injury. Preconditioning involves the attenuated response of a larger ischemic insult by prior exposure to
period(s) of cell stress, such as brief cycles of ischemia
or heat stress. Pharmacologic preconditioning with opioids has been shown to reduce ischemia/reperfusion
damage by limiting infarct size and enhancing functional recovery in whole-heart models [8, 9]. In addition, isolated myocyte models indicate that opioids can
enhance cell viability [10 –12] and function [13]. Although the end effectors of acute opioid preconditioning remain elusive, early events following opioidreceptor stimulation are better understood. Opioids
agonists act through G i protein-coupled opioid receptors, leading to the translocation and activation of protein kinase C. Active PKC then initiates cardioprotection through multiple kinase pathways which
phosphorylate undetermined effectors [8, 14 –16]. Mitochondrial K ATP channels opened by opioid-agonist
stimulation also play a critical role in PKC-mediated
cardioprotection [17–21]. The temporal relationship
between PKC activation and K ATP channel opening continues to be revealed. Once believed to be an effector of
opioid preconditioning, recent studies also indicate a
trigger role for K ATP openers [21].
Both ventricular and atrial tissue/myocyte studies
support opioid cardioprotection against ischemia/
reperfusion injury. Isolated myocyte studies in opioid
cardioprotection often use ventricular myocytes, which
offer a higher myocyte yield from costly primary isolations. However, atrial tissue has been another important cell source for investigations of opioid cardioprotection. Bell and colleagues found similar mRNA
relative abundance profiles for delta, kappa, and mu
opioid receptors between human ventricular and atrial
tissue [22]. Importantly, both atrial and ventricular
tissue cytoprotection is reversible by specific opioid
antagonists, PKC inhibitors, and K ATP channel closers
such as mitochondrial K ATP antagonist 5-HD or nonspecific K ATP channel closer glybenclamide [18, 21–26].
Our laboratory first characterized the presence of
functional delta-opioid receptors on an immortalized
mouse atrial cell line, HL-1 [27]. As such, HL-1 cell
culture could serve as an alternative cell model for
investigations in delta opioid cardioprotection. Immortalized cell culture provides several benefits over primary cell isolations. Primary isolation of ventricular
myocytes involves 1) animal use and care, 2) costly and
lengthy preparation, 3) variable and limited yield for
high-throughput approaches, and a 4) heterogeneous
cell population. This study evaluated the effect of opioid preconditioning on the viability of HL-1 myocytes
subjected to in vitro ischemia/reperfusion injury. To
establish a relationship between HL-1 and established
myocyte models of opioid cardioprotection, we also
evaluated the PKC and K ATP channel-dependence of the
preconditioning mechanism.
Chemicals and Reagents
HL-1 cardiomyocytes were obtained from their originator, Dr. Willam C. Claycomb, Lousisiana State University Health Sciences Center. Claycomb Media TM was obtained from JRH Biosciences(Lenexa,
KS), and fetal bovine serum from Life Technologies/GibcoBRL
(Carlsbad, CA). DADLE was a generous gift from Dr. Tsung-Ping Su,
NIH-NIDA. All other reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(St. Louis, MO), and cell-culture disposables from Fisher Scientific
(Hanover Park, IL). Diazoxide, chelerythrine, and glybenclamide
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. All agents were dissolved in
DMSO, then diluted in a basic salt solution (BSS) containing (in g/L):
6.7 NaCl, 0.186 KCl, 1.85 NaHCO 3 .0197 MgSO 47H 2O, .120
NaH 2PO 4, .097 CaCl 22H 20, and 1.8 glucose, pH 7.4. The final concentration of DMSO was 0.01% across all treatments.
Cell Culture and Pretreatments
HL-1 cells were maintained in T-75 flasks for routine passaging,
and grown in 48 and 96-well microplates for experimental procedures. Cell culture-ware was pre-coated with 0.00125% fibronectin in
0.02% gelatin. Claycomb Media TM for cell growth and maintenance
was supplemented with 0.1 mM norepinephrine (Sigma-Aldrich),
2mM L-glutamine (Life Technologies), 100 U/ml/100ug/ml Penicillin/
Streptomycin (Life Technologies), and 10% fetal bovine serum (JRH
Biosciences). Norepinephrine supplementation of Claycomb Media TM
allows HL-1s to display a beating phenotype and to maintain their
differentiated state [28]. HL-1s were plated at a concentration of 2 ⫻
10 4 cells/cm 2 into 48-well plates and 96-well plates, and incubated at
37°C in a 5% CO 2 water-jacketed incubator. Experiments were initiated at approximately 80% confluency. For treatment groups, all
media was replaced with normoxic, glucose-containing BSS (recipe
as detailed earlier). Based upon receptor binding studies and preliminary dose-response (LDH release) curves (data not shown), 10
uM DADLE provided the most cytoprotection from a 10 minute
pre-treatment. Study I was designed to determine the cyotprotective
ability of delta opioid DADLE pre-conditioning, and the ability of
delta-opioid antagonist naltrindole to reverse this protection. Plates
were treated for 10 min with either (normoxic, glucose-containing)
BSS, BSS ⫹ DADLE (10uM), or BSS ⫹ DADLE (10uM) ⫹ naltrindole
(10uM), followed by a 5 min washout with normoxic, glucose containing BSS before to the ischemia/reperfusion protocol.
Study II tested the PKC and K ATP channel dependence of DADLE
cytoprotection, Parallel treatments are illustrated in Fig. 1. Doses of
treatment reagents chelerythrine, glybenclamide, and diazoxide
were based upon preliminary studies conducted in our laboratory
with HL-1 myocytes, and studies of others using human atrial trebeculae and a ventricular myocyte models [11, 21, 29]. Chelerythrine
(CHE 2 uM), glybenclamide (GLYB100 uM), or diazoxide (DIAZ 100
uM) treatments diluted in normoxic, glucose containing BSS were
administered alone or in combination for 10 min. Plates were washed
twice with PBS, pH 7.4. The washes were immediately followed by 10
min of DADLE or control BSS in designated groups, followed by a 5
min PBS washout prior to the ischemia/reperfusion protocol.
Ischemia/Reperfusion Protocol
Ischemia was obtained by both substrate and oxygen deprivation.
Ischemic BSS (pH 6.8) contained 10 mM 2-deoxyglucose substituted
FIG. 1. Experimental Design to Assess the Impact of PKC inhibitor and K ATP channel agonists/antagonists on DADLE cardioprotection
of HL-1 cells. In a 96-well plate format, 10 uM Opioid DADLE(OP), 2uM (CHE), 100 uM Glybenclamide (GLYB), 100 uM Diazoxide (DIAZ)
were administered in the above combinations for 10 min/washout/10 min of OP or control/washout. Plates then subjected to 60 min of
simulated ischemia/180 min reperfusion.
for 10 mM glucose to limit glycolysis. Ischemic BSS was preequilibrated to limit dissolved oxygen by bubbling with 95%N 2/
5%CO 2 for 30 min at 37°C. Next, simultaneous, parallel media
changes with normoxic and ischemic BSS occurred before placement
in a Billups-Rothenburg Modular Incubator Chamber (BillupsRothenburg, Del Mar, CA). The chamber was flushed with 95%N 2/
5%CO 2 at 20 L/min for 10 min, monitored by an in-line Flow-Meter.
Oxygen levels were also monitored in-line using the Qubit Oxygen
Sensor (Qubit Systems, Kingston, ON). The hypoxia chamber was
then sealed and placed in the 37°C incubator, as was the normoxic
control. After 1 h, both normoxic and ischemic plates were removed
and exposed to room air. All plates then underwent a media change
with fresh, normoxic BSS. Plates were subsequently returned to a
37°C incubator for 180 minute of reperfusion.
LDH Assay
From 48 (Study I) and 96-well (Study II) microplates, media was
collected into microcentrifuge tubes and briefly spun at 200 ⫻ g to
remove possible cell debris. Cytoplasmic LDH is released from cells
exhibiting a loss of plasma membrane integrity, as typically occurs
from primary and secondary necrosis. LDH activity was measured
using the CytoTox 96 ® assay (Promega, Madison WI) by the reduction of lactate to pyruvate in the presence of NAD ⫹. The resultant
NADH reduces INT, a tetrazolium salt, to form a red formazan
product that is detectable at 490 nm. Results were read on a BioTek
microplate reader (Bio-Tek, Winooski, VT) and quantified using
Delta-Soft3 Software (BioMetallics, Princeton, NJ). Results were
normalized to maximal LDH release following treatment with 0.8%
Triton X-100 as directed by the manufacturer. Study I timecourse of
LDH release was determined by sampling the media at 90, 120, and
180 minutes of reperfusion. Study II LDH release data was obtained
only at 180 min of reperfusion. For graphical purposes, data from the
LDH release was further transformed as % untreated control. Re-
sults were pooled from four separate experiments and expressed and
mean ⫾ SEM. Statistical analysis was performed using the paired t
test, with P ⬍ 0.05 considered significant.
LDH/Necrosis Measures
Study I time-course data from opioid-preconditioned
HL-ls reveal a consistent and statistically significant
decrease in necrosis at various points of reperfusion
(Fig. 2). More importantly, this effect is reversed by
delta-opioid antagonist naltrindole co-administration.
This data supports previous findings in primary ventricular myocytes showing reduced necrosis from opioid preconditioning [10, 30].
Studies using whole heart and primary atrial/
ventricular models indicate that opioid-preconditioning
manifests in PKC activation, and that PKC inhibition
limits or abolishes cardioprotection. In addition, the
preconditioning pathway of PKC phosphorylationmediated K ATP channel opening is well documented in
several species. To assess the utility of HL-ls as a
model of opioid preconditioning, we evaluated the impact of PKC inhibitor chelerythrine (CHE), nonselective K ATP channel closer glybenclamide (GLYB),
and mitochondrial K ATP channel opener diazoxide
(DIAZ) (Fig. 1).
Study II findings shown in Figs. 3–5 indicate that
FIG. 2. Timecourse of LDH Necrosis Measures during Reperfusion of delta-opioid agonist/antagonist treated HL-1 Myocytes. Cells were
pretreated with control media, 10uM DADLE(OP), or 10 uM DADLE ⫹ 10 uM antagonist naltrindole (ANT) for 10 min, followed by a 5 min
washout, then 60 min of simulated ischemia/180 min reperfusion. Media sampled at 90, 120, and 180 min of reperfusion. N ⫽ 9 in each group,
presented as % of untreated control. Paired t-test versus untreated control raw O.D.**P ⬍ 0.0001, * P ⬍ 0.01.
DADLE(OP) cardioprotection in HL-1 involves PKC
activity. As shown in Fig. 3, OP-only pre-treatment
significantly decreased necrosis by 44% versus ischemic control (P ⬍ 0.05). In contrast, pre-incubation
with PKC inhibitor CHE significantly increased necrosis over untreated ischemic control (70% increase).
However, CHE/OP co-administration decreased death
by approximately 40% as compared to CHE-only treat-
ment. Therefore, the known PKC agonist activity of
opioid pretreatment appeared to counter the PKC antagonism of CHE, reflected in enhanced cytoprotection.
K ATP channel closer results also reflect findings in
FIG. 3. Chelerythrine Inhibition of delta-opioid HL-1 myocyte
cardioprotection. 10 uM DADLE(OP) or 2 uM (CHE) were administered for 10 min followed by washout before 60 min simulated ischemia followed by 180 min reperfusion. Additional CHE/OP group
consisted of 10 min CHE/washout/10 min OP/washout, followed by
ischemia/reperfusion. Data expressed as % Maximum LDH release
accomplished by Triton X-100. N ⫽ 4 for each treatment. Paired
t-test as compared to ischemic (untreated) control. *P ⬍ 0.05, **P ⬍
0.0001. Paired t-test comparing CHE and CHE/OP depicted as †P ⬍
FIG. 4. Glybenclamide Inhibition of delta-opioid HL-1 myocyte
cardioprotection. 10 uM DADLE(OP) or 100 uM (GLYB) were administered for 10 min each followed by washout before 60 min
simulated ischemia followed by 180 min reperfusion. Additional
CHE/GLYB group consisted of 10 min CHE/10 min GLYB/washout,
followed by ischemia/reperfusion. Data expressed as % Maximum
LDH release accomplished by Triton X-100. N ⫽ 4 for each group.
Students t-test as compared to ischemic(untreated) control. *P ⬍
0.05, **P ⬍ 0.0001. Paired t-test comparing CHE, CHE/GLB-OP
versus CHE/OP depicted as †P ⬍ 0.01.
FIG. 5. Diazoxide Mimics delta-opioid HL-1 myocyte cardioprotection. 10 uM DADLE(OP) or 100 uM (DIAZ) were administered for
10 min each followed by washout before 60 min simulated ischemia
followed by 180 min reperfusion. Additional CHE/DIAZ group consisted of 10 min CHE/10 min DIAZ/washout, followed by ischemia/
reperfusion. Data expressed as % Maximum LDH release accomplished by Triton X-100. N ⫽ 4 for each group. Students t-test as
compared to ischemic (untreated) control. *P ⬍ 0.05, **P ⬍ 0.0001.
Paired t-test comparing CHE and CHE/DIAZ-OP depicted as †P ⫽
primary ventricular myocyte models and isolated heart
models. As shown in the GLYB-only group in Fig. 4,
K ATP channel antagonism alone was not cytotoxic versus untreated ischemic control, which supports findings in whole heart using non-selective K ATP channel
closer GLYB [31] and selective, mitochondrial K ATP
closer 5-hydroxydecanoate (5-HD) [32–35]. Yet, pretreatment of HL-1 with GLYB eliminated the benefit of
subsequent OP administration, and GLYB-OP resembled ischemic control. This result indicates that
DADLE cytoprotection of HL-1 myocytes is K ATP channel dependent. Although the most deleterious combination, CHE/GLYB-OP was not significantly cytotoxic
versus CHE alone, indicating that relative to the impact of GLYB, PKC antagonism was largely responsible for cytotoxicity.
Figure 5 shows that the selective MitoK ATP channel
opener DIAZ closely mimicked OP-only treatment reduced cytotoxicity, which supports the importance of
the MitoK ATP channel in HL-1 opioid cytoprotection.
Cytoprotection from DIAZ is well documented in both
ischemic and pharmacologic preconditioning studies
[11, 36], though DIAZ has been shown to also open
SarcK ATP in conditions of high ADP levels, as occurs
during severe or prolonged ischemia [37]. The relative
cardioprotective contributions of sarcolemmal and mitochondrial K ATP channel opening continue to be revealed. The consequences of Sarc/Mito channel opening
impact different measures of cardioprotection. MitoK ATP opening primarily affects mitochondrial integ-
rity and aerobic capacity during reperfusion, and
contributes to redox signaling mechanisms of cardioprotection [38]. SarcK ATP channel increases potassium
efflux from the cell, hastening repolarization and
shortening action potential duration [39]. Hyperpolarization reduces Ca 2⫹ entry through the L-type calcium
channel, reducing Ca 2⫹ overload and protecting osmotic balance. However, opening of the sarcolemmal
K ATP channel may also promote opening of the mitochondrial channel. As demonstrated by Waring, hyperpolarization by SarcK ATP channel opening may trigger
increased phospholipase D activity [40]. Phospholipase
D activity is proposed to contribute to pre-conditioning
[41, 42] by increasing diacyl-glycerol formation and
PKC activation, which phosphorylates and accelerates
MitoK ATP channel opening [43].
The results of the current study do not differentiate
the relative contribution of the mitochondrial versus
sarcolemmal K ATP channel. The cytoprotective impact
of K ATP channel openers may depend upon oxygen conditions and the model employed. Though diazoxide
shows a 2000-fold preference for the MitoK ATP channel
in normal oxygen conditions [44], this preference is
reduced in ischemic conditions and permits the opening of SarcK ATP channels. In isolated hearts undergoing
ischemia/reperfusion, Tanno demonstrated that selective SarcK ATP channel blockers were able to attenuate,
though not abolish the infarct reducing effect of diazoxide [45]. This result suggests that diazoxide had
opened both MitoK ATP and SarcK ATP, and that SarcK ATP
opening contributed to cytoprotection. However, in the
isolated myocyte model, Sato et al. showed that the
cytoprotective benefits of diazoxide were independent
of SarcK ATP status [46]. Further investigations of our
group are underway to ascertain the HL-1 preconditioning impact of both channel types, by using specific
SarcK ATP closer HMR 1098 and MitoK ATP closer 5-HD.
Interestingly, the benefits of OP and DIAZ mediated
K ATP opening were not additive. As shown in Fig. 5,
DIAZ/OP combination increased death versus either
agent alone, so that DIAZ/OP resembled untreated
control. Supportive work by Liu, Marban, Kowaltkowski, and Garlid has shown that excessive opening
of mitochondrial K ATP channels leads to increased mitochondrial membrane potential, reduced reperfusion
aerobic respiration capacity, and increased mitochondrial calcium uptake [47], concluding with mitochondrial osmotic swelling and cell death [48]. However, in
the CHE/DIAZ-OP group, the addition of DIAZ-OP reduced death by approximately 53% as compared to
CHE alone. The current data demonstrate that the
addition of mitochondrial K ATP openers(DIAZ or OP)
downstream of PKC partly counters the toxic effects of
PKC antagonism by CHE. Therefore, PKC activation
appears to be an essential upstream event in HL-1
opioid pre-conditioning.
Collectively, our LDH assay results indicate that in
the HL-1 cultured myocyte model, delta-opioid preconditioning enhanced viability in a PKC and K ATPchannel dependent manner. HL-1 opioid cytoprotection
appears to be exclusively enacted through the deltaopioid receptor. Previous work by our group [27] used
saturation binding and competition binding assays to
determine the presence of delta-receptor binding on
HL-1 membranes (using DADLE, DPDPE, reversible
by naltrindole), and to demonstrate the lack of selective mu- and kappa-receptor binding (using DAMGO,
CTAP, and U69,593). Furthermore, HL-1 demonstrated broad stimulation delta-opioid mediated
( 35S)GTP␥S binding, with an efficacy ranking of
DADLE ⬎ SNC80 ⬎ DPDPE ⬎ DSLET ⬎ deltorphin II
at a 10 uM concentration, the concentration used in
this study. DADLE cytoprotection occurs at doses from
10 uM to 10 pM (data not shown), however, the higher
dose was used in the current study due to previously
confirmed 10 uM and 1 uM DADLE stimulation of
GTP␥S binding (⫹26.6% and ⫹18.4% above control,
respectively). The results of the current study indicate
that HL-1 opioid cardioprotection is accomplished
through similar pathways of other primary isolate
myocyte preconditioning models, including rat [11, 36],
chicken [12, 49], rabbit [16, 50 –52], pig [53–55], and
human [18, 21, 22].
Primary Myocyte Culture versus HL-1 Cell Culture
The use of an immortalized cell line has several
advantages over primary isolates. Primary isolations
of ventricular myocytes inevitably yield heterogeneous
cell populations, including fibroblasts, endothelial
cells, and leukocytes [56]. Attempts to promote cellular
homogeneity include the use of fibroblast inhibitors,
differential gradients during isolation, and pre-plating
methods to selectively remove fibroblasts. Immunological detection of myocyte-specific markers is required to
verify their percentage among the isolated cells [57].
Viability and resilience of the isolated myocytes is dependent upon the isolation procedure, species, and age
of animal utilized.
In addition to variable yields, primary cell isolation
depletes myocytes of the endogenous antioxidant reduced glutathione (GSH), rendering them susceptible
to oxidative injury. Reiners and colleagues showed that
adherent monolayer cultures exposed to trypsin digestion required approximately 24 h to recover basal levels of reduced glutathione [58], which were decreased
by 40 –95% from standard passaging techniques. Because the isolation of primary myocytes from whole
heart requires considerable mechanical manipulation
and enzymatic digestion, one can speculate that the
GSH loss in viable cells would be similar if not elevated
from adherent cell passaging techniques. The depleted
antioxidant reserve would likely impact the results of
preconditioning mechanisms that rely, in part, on redox signaling. Under this consideration, investigations
affected by free radical dynamics must allow sufficient
recovery time between isolation and the induction of
experimental interventions. This lag time unpredictably reduces the population of viable myocytes; this
reduction may impact spontaneous [Ca 2⫹]i transients
and contractile activity [59] that are affected by the
density of viable myocytes [60 – 62].
In contrast, immortalized cells preclude animal use,
are more economical, have predictable yields, have
high-throughput capability, and are homogeneous. Depletion of GSH upon passage is remedied by the 3 to 4
day period between plating and experimentally appropriate confluency. HL-1s can be successfully restored
from frozen cultures, allowing extended passage. As
Claycomb and colleagues have described previously,
HL-1 cells can be serially passaged while maintaining
differentiated cardiomyocyte morphological, biochemical, and electrophysiological properties [28]. As we
demonstrated previously, HL-1s possess functional
delta-opioid receptors, the dominant opioid receptor
sub-type in human myocardium [22]. As such, HL-1
myocytes may offer an alternative model of delta opioid
modification of ischemia/reperfusion injury.
Our laboratory previously characterized the presence of functional delta-opioid receptors on the HL-1
atrial myocyte. Current findings indicate a PKC and
K ATP channel-dependent delta-opioid specific cytoprotection from simulated, in vitro ischemia/reperfusion
injury. The HL-1 cell line presents an economical, highthroughput alternative for elucidating the elusive effectors of delta opioid cardioprotection.
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