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honors BIOLOGY
Unit 4 Ch. 5, 6, 7
Energy, Respiration and Photosynthesis
 Print Work:
test essay  Pop-it beads for mitosis
day 1: DUE: Notes: fig. 5.10-13, LT's 1 A-D.
Lecture: Exergonic/endergonic, ATP, Circle diagram.
day 2:
DUE: Notes: 5.14, 15. LT's 1 A-D.
Lecture: Energy Diagrams, Enzymes
day 3:
Study time: “Coupled Reactions” (circle diagram), and "ATP & Enzymes" Worksheet
day 4:
DUE: “ATP and Enzymes” Worksheet
Lecture: Review Energy, online activity.
“Cellular Respiration“
day 5: DUE Notes: Ch. 6.7,13-14 LT 1E.
Lecture: Glycolysis, Fermentation.
day 6:
Work on Checklist Review (Weebly) for Glycolysis/Fermentation
DUE: Notes: Ch.6.1-4 LT's 1 F,G.
Lecture: goal, balanced chemical equation, how many kilocalories (Kcal) do we need, beginning and ending products
of Citric Acid Cycle and ETC.
day 7:
DUE Notes: Ch. 6.5-6 LT 1 L,M.
Lecture: excited electrons, electron transport chain (ETC), anatomy of a mitochondrion, how form fits function.
day 8:
Work on review sheets for cellular respiration.
day 9:
DUE Notes: Ch. 6.8-9. LT's 1 F-G.
Lecture: Cellular Respiration: Krebs Citric Acid Cycle, (e- transport, oxidative phosphorylation.)
day 10: DUE Notes: Ch. 6.10,12 LT's #1 J-M
Lecture: Summary of Cellular Respiration
CHAPTER seven:
day 11: QUIZ: LT #1E-G
DUE Notes: Ch.7.2-3, 5-7 LT's #1 H-I
day 12: Lecture: Photosynthesis: Organelle Structure vs. Function, Light-Dependent reactions, Calvin Cycle, photosynthetic
day 13: DUE Notes: Ch.7.8-11 LT's #1 H-M
Lecture: Photosystems I & II, chemiosmosis, Calvin Cycle, Rubisco, Summary.
day 14: Work on Photosynthesis Review
day 15: DUE Notes: Ch.6.1, 7.1, 37.14-20 LT's #2 A-C.
Lecture: Interdependence of photosynthesis and cellular respiration, autotrophs, heterotrophs, producers,
consumers, water cycle, carbon cycle.
day 16: Review interdependence
day 17: DUE Notes: Ch15.1,2 LT's #3a., pp318-319: #3b., Ch6.14: #3c, Ch.6 #3d, Ch4.16 & Ch16.12: #3e
Lecture: Evolutionary significance of glycolysis, fermentation, photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
day 18: QUIZ: LT#1H-M and LT #2 A-C. , Review sheets for discussion
day 19: U5 TEST + cells retest.
Unit 4 Cell Resp. & Photosynthesis
Mrs. Loyd 
[email protected]
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Learning Targets
"Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only changed in form." Conservation of Energy.
Learning targets written in italics pertain to Honors Biology students.
#1. How do cells use metabolic pathways to provide energy?
ATP, Enzymes and Buffers
A. I can list the basic components of an ATP molecule and draw them properly connected. I can demonstrate how an
ATP molecule (serves as an energy shuttle in the cell. / is made and broken down for energy.)
b. I can use a graph to show how enzymes affect the energy of activation needed for metabolism during exergonic and
endergonic chemical reactions.
c. I can explain the importance of buffers to the enzymes that catalyze metabolism.
d. I can demonstrate how metabolism occurs as a series of coupled reactions by drawing a labeled diagram.
Vocabulary: anabolic, catabolic, exergonic, endergonic, +H, -H, adenosine triphosphate, activation energy,
buffers, enzymes, optimal conditions, coupled reactions.
Glycolysis and Fermentation
E. I can state the overall goal of fermentation (anaerobic respiration) and where it occurs; I can discuss the different
types of anaerobic respiration.
Vocabulary: metabolic pathway, glycolysis, lactic acid fermentation, alcohol fermentation, electron carrier
Cellular Respiration
F. I can state the overall goal of aerobic cell respiration, the organelle in which it occurs, and its stages.
G. I can list the beginning and ending molecules and their roles for each of the three stages of cellular respiration.
Vocabulary: cellular respiration, photosynthesis, electron transport chain, hydrogen ion gradient, ATP-synthase.
H. I can state the overall goal of photosynthesis, the organelle in which it occurs, and its two main stages.
I. I can list the beginning and ending molecules and their roles for each of the two stages of photosynthesis.
J. I can compare and contrast photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
K. I can explain how cellular respiration and photosynthesis convert energy while conserving matter.
l. I can trace the path of energy (energized e- & H+ gradient) through metabolism.
m. I can explain how the anatomy of a mitochondrion and a chloroplast allows them to function.
#2. How are cellular respiration and photosynthesis interdependent?
A. I can use a model to explain how cellular respiration and photosynthesis are examples of interdependence.
B. I can explain the roles of autotrophs (producers) and heterotrophs (consumers) in how energy is transferred in
C. I can discuss how the molecules of the water cycle and carbon cycle are conserved as they move through living and
nonliving factors.
Vocabulary: food chains, food webs, food pyramids, trophic levels, biomass, interdependence
#3. I can describe the evolutionary significance of glycolysis, fermentation, photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
a. I can explain why life would probably NOT have evolved had free oxygen (O2) been present in the atmosphere.
b. I can describe the first life on the planet, how it harnessed energy and I can give an example of a modern analog.
c. I can provide evidence to support the claim that glycolysis is an evolutionary relic.
d. I can compare the amount of ATP produced by anaerobic respiration with that of aerobic respiration and infer the
impact this adaptive advantage had on life after aerobic respiration evolved.
e. I can explain and provide evidence for the endosymbiotic theory for the evolution of mitochondria and chloroplasts.
Mrs. Loyd 
[email protected]
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