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CH 40 The Immune System and
40-1 Infectious Disease
40-2 The Immune System
40-3 Immune System Disorders
40-4 The Environment and your health
40-1 Infectious Disease
 A Disease is any change, other than
an injury, that disrupts the normal
functions of the body
 Some Diseases are produced by
agents, such as bacteria, viruses, and
 Ex-FLU
 Others are caused by materials in
the environment
 Ex-Cigarettes
 The last type will be inherited by
 Ex-Hemophilia
40-1 Infectious Disease
 Koch’s Postulates
 1)Pathogen found in a sick organism, not
in a healthy one
 2)Pathogen will be isolated and grown in a
 3) When injected, new host will have same
symptoms as original host
 4) The injected pathogen can be isolated
from the second host
 Important  most people believed
disease came from curses, evils spirits,
night vapors, Ideas about germs are called
Germ Theory of Disease
40-1 Infectious Disease
 Some infectious diseases are spread from one person to
another through coughing, sneezing, or physical contact
 Other infectious diseases are spread through contaminated
water or food and also infected animals
 Animals that carry pathogens from person to person are
called Vectors
40-1 Infectious Disease
 Antibiotics are compounds that kill bacteria without
harming the cells of the human or animal hosts
 Over the counter drugs do not treat the cause of the
infection, but only treat the symptoms such as cough,
congestion and fever
 Pg 1035 (1-5)
40-2 The Immune System
 The function of the immune system is to fight infection
through the production of cells that inactivate foreign
substances or cells which is called Immunity
40-2 The Immune System
 Nonspecific Defenses
 First line of Defense Most important out of all immunities
 Skin, mucus, saliva, tears (liquids contain lysozyme-enzyme kills Bacteria)
 Second line of Defense
 When pathogens enter the body, they multiply
quickly releasing toxins into your system
 The inflammatory response is a nonspecific defense
reaction to tissue damage caused by injury or
 If the infection become severe the body will
release chemicals to increase body temperature
or a Fever
40-2 The Immune System
 Specific Defenses
 The immune system that attacks a
particular disease-causing agentImmune Response
 The substance that is attacked is known as a
 The specific defense that attacks
antigens and pathogens in the body
fluid is the Humoral immunity
 Cell-Mediated Immunity is the specific
defense that attacks abnormal cells and
pathogens inside living cells
40-2 The Immune System
 Antibodies are proteins that recognize and
bind to antigens
 The injection of a weakened form of a
pathogen to produce immunity is known as a
 The type of immunity produced by the
body’s reaction to to a vaccine is known as
Active Immunity (body makes antibodies)
 If antibodies produced produced by other
animals against a pathogen are injected into
the bloodstream, the antibodies produce a
Passive immunity against the pathogen
40-2 The Immune System
 Pg 1042 (1-5)
40-3 Immune System Disorders
 The most common overreaction of the immune system to antigens
are known as Allergies
 Ex-Pollen, Mold, Dust, Bee Stings
 Antigens attach to Mast Cells (specialized immune cells) which
initiates an inflammatory response
 Activated Mast cells release chemicals called Histamines
 Histamines increase mucus, runny nose, watery eyes & sneezing
 Antihistamines reverse these reactions
40-3 Immune System Disorders
 Asthma is a chronic respiratory
disease in which the air
passages become narrower than
 Medication relaxes muscles in
the airways
 When the immune system
makes a mistake and attacks the
body’s own cells, it produces
an autoimmune disease
 Pg 1047 (1-5)
 Workbook Due Tomorrow
40-4 The Environment and Your Health
 A Risk Factor is anything that increases the chance of disease
or injury
 Environmental factors that can affect your health include air
and water quality, poisonous wastes in landfills, and exposure
to solar radiation
40-4 The Environment and Your
 Cancer is a life-threatening disease in which
cells multiply uncontrollably and destroy
healthy tissue
 A single cell or a group of cells begin to
grow and divide uncontrollably often
resulting in the formation of a mass of
growing tissue known as a Tumor
 Chemical compounds cause cancer by
triggering mutations in the DNA of normal
 These chemical compounds are known as
40-4 The Environment and Your
 Healthful behaviors include
 Eating a healthful diet
 Get plenty of exercise and Rest
 Abstaining from harmful activities
 Having regular Checkups
 Pg 1054 (1-5)
 75 Point Take at home Test- Due Monday (first 5 mins of class)
 All Questions Must be Copied & Answered
 Pg 1057 (1-10)-3 points each
 Pg 1059 (1-10)-3 points each
 Pg 1057 (#13,#19 ,#22 )-5 points each