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Name: _________________
Immune System Fill-in-the-Blanks Review
The human immune system is designed to fight against an _________________, or invasion
caused by _________________, disease-causing organisms. However, it only takes an
__________________, which is a ______________ piece to start an immune response. There are
two main types of defenses: __________________________ and _______________________.
The first line of defense is considered _____________________, because it targets any
foreign material. This includes _____________, ____________, ______________, and
____________.The __________ tries to prevent pathogens from entering the body, ____________
and ____________ try to trap any pathogens, and ________________ try to break down pathogens.
The second line of defense is also ____________________, and involves_______________
or _________________, _________________, and _______________. First,
_______________________ and _________________________ are cells that eat antigens by the
process of _________________________. They will also eat _____________ or
________________ cells. Because they are nonspecific, they often damage ______________ cells
and tissue, which leads to _______________________. This is swelling and
___________________, caused by a signal for more _________________ flow. This allows extra
oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells to get into the infected area. Often, a ______________, or
increase in body temperature, also occurs to ____________________ the enzymes in the pathogen.
The third line of defense is a ________________________ defense, because it will only target
certain antigens at a time. This defense involves two kinds of _________________________, or
white blood cells: the ______ cells and the _____ cells. The _____ cells are made and develop in
the ____________ ______________. They include ______________ and ________________ cells.
Their main job is to produce ___________________. The _____ cells are made in the ___________
______________, but develop in the _____________. They include the ___________ _____ cells,
___________ _____ cells, and _____________________ _____ __________________, or
___________. Their collective jobs involve ___________________ infected body ____________.
Both lymphocytes are involved in the two types of immune responses:
___________________immunity and __________immunity.
__________________immunity involves the ______ cells. This is designed to target antigens
found in the _________________, before it actually enters and infects a ____________. First, an
________________ on the surface of a _____ cell binds to an ______________. The _________
___ cell recognizes this problem, and activates the ______ cell, which produces _______________
cells, which make more ________________. Now these large quantities of _______________ are
able to mark ______________________, keeping them together and immobile. Once the
______________ are marked as dangerous, the _________________ or _________________ can
engulf and kill them. During this time, the activated _____ cell is also producing ________________
cells, which will _____________________ the same ________________ the next time, so the
immune response will be quicker.
_______________ immunity involves the _____ cells. This is designed to target antigens that
have made their way into the ______________. First, when a _____________________ engulfs the
________________, it displays the ___________ on its surface as a signal. This activates the
______________ ______ cells, which signal more _____ cells and the
________________________ ______ __________________________. The
________________________ ______ __________________________ then go in and __________
any infected ______________ that displays the same proteins. ________________ _____ cells are
also produced, and are designed to ____________ infected cells the next time the same antigen is
In order to prevent infection by certain pathogens, doctors develop ___________________,
which are solutions of ____________ or _________________ pathogens. These are then injected
into the body. It can help you develop ____________________ and _________________ for the
particular pathogen, but doesn’t usually cause disease. However, if you receive an injection when
your immune system is already weak, you may develop the disease.
There are two main immune system disorders. First are ___________________, which are
____________________________ responses to __________________ antigens, known as
_________________. This causes the production of _________________ on specialized cells called
_____________ cells. When the _______________ binds to these _______________, the
________ cells burst, releasing ____________________. This results in _____________________,
_______________________, and _____________________.
Second, there is _____________, which is a virus that kills _______________ ______ cells.
This will then _________________ your immune system. This disease is very difficult to cure
because the virus is always _____________________. Every time you develop
_________________ to fight it, the virus is different, and they no longer work.