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Complete the following statement:
An important contribution made by the
ancient Romans to the modern world was
A. the English language
B. a system of written laws
C. the spread of Islam
D. the idea of city-states
Roman Citizens
Republic: government in which citizens choose
their leaders.
Plebeians: men who farmed, traded, and made
things for a living.
Patricians: noble families
Citizens did not all have equal votes.
Lasted nearly 500 years
Written laws
Rome was the leading power in the
Mediterranean region.
Patricians and plebeians struggled for
government control.
Slaves and conquered people revolted against
Roman leaders.
How did peace replace war in Rome?
The story begins with Julius Caesar…
59 B.C. – consul of Rome
Brilliant Military Commander
58 B.C. – set out to conquer Gaul
 49 B.C. – led army into Italy and civil war began
 War spread to Egypt. Joined forces with Cleopatra.
“I came, I saw, I conquered.”
45 B.C. – returned to Rome and made himself
Someone who rules with absolute power
Reduced taxes
Built buildings
Gave land to his soldiers
Gave free grain to poor citizens
Created calendar (“July” in honor of Julius)
Increased number of people in Senate
Granted citizenship to more people
Senators felt Caesar was destroying the
traditions of Rome’s republican government
by ruling as dictator.
“Beware the Ides of March”
44 B.C. – Caesar was stabbed to death in the
Write three headlines you might see in a
Roman newspaper.
 Example: Military Hero Caesar Declares
Himself “Dictator For Life.”
Issue of gas prices increases in importance
Senate votes to repeal tax directive
Sources: Obama set to launch re-election bid
Street work will close Holdrege
Husker seniors honored at men’s basketball
Who’s in, who’s out? NU learns conference
football opponents for 2013-14.
List 3 popular forms of recreation or
entertainment for Romans.
Pick up a piece of scratch paper from the
counter. Write your answer to the
following problem:
As the emperor, how would you govern
and maintain an empire as large as
Pick up your
Write Agree or
Disagree for each
Fill out your
When people repeatedly view violence in
different forms of entertainment (video games,
tv shows, movies), they become hardened to it
and are not upset by it.
Violence leads to violence, and if you watch it
you will want to behave in a similar manner.
We glorify (elevate or praise) violence in our
First emperor – 27
Began the Pax
Romana – “Roman
Great Changes – built
magnificent cities and
50,000 miles of roads linked the empire
Single system of government and money
Written laws – protected all citizens
Many still in use today
Modern laws and government based on this idea
Census: count of all people living in a country,
city, or other region.
Aqueducts: canals that carried water to the
cities from distant sources
Public baths
Entertainment – gladiators, chariot races
Colosseum: largest and most famous stadium in
Temples – honored gods and goddesses or
“Fear not; for, behold,
I bring you good news
of great joy…for to
you is born in the city
of David a Savior,
who is Christ the
Lord. And this will be
a sign for you; you
will find the babe
wrapped in
swaddling clothes,
lying in a manger.”
Some religious freedom – as long as you
followed Roman law
A.D. 30 – Jesus of Nazareth began preaching
Put to death by the Romans
Followers , known as Christians, began
spreading his teaching
Treated poorly by Roman emperors
Constantine – Roman emperor who became a
Christianity became the official religion of the
Roman Empire
Rome had become too large – divided in 2
East – Byzantine Empire
West – remained Rome
A.D. 476 – western Roman Empire collapsed
Civil wars
Government instability
High taxes hurt people
Slavery caused unemployment
Moral Decay
Citizens didn’t want to enlist in army
The Last Word: Write a sentence beginning
with each letter of the word ROME that
describes Ancient Rome.
Write this on a piece of paper you can turn in!
Government – Republic, Written Laws
Technology - Roads, Sanitation systems,
Architecture – Colosseum, Theaters, Temples
Language – many languages today, including
English, use the Roman alphabet
Made Christianity the official religion – largest
number of followers in the world today
Welfare System
Explain how the Roman empire declined.
Give at least three reasons.
You can use your notes and textbook
pages 42-43 (“The Decline of Rome”) to
help you.
Write in complete sentences.