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Rome Knowledge Challenge
Submitted by
C. Stephen Ingraham
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Romulus and Remus were twins who, according to legend,
a) Created the Pax Romana
b) Wrote the Illiad, the odyssey, and the Aeneid
c) Served as dictator in the Roman Senate
d) Founded the city of Rome
Rome Knowledge Challenge
The early people of the Italian peninsula did not trade much
with outsiders because
a) They were forbidden by law to do so
b) They did not produce anything that other traders wanted
c) The area in which they lived lacked good harbors
d) Steep mountains prevented them from traveling
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Rome gained control of territory outside Italy
a) After defeating Persia
b) During the Punic Wars
c) When Julius Caesar conquered Egypt
d) Under the leadership of Augustus
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Which of the following events occurred on the ides of March
in 44 B.C.E.
a) Roman dictator Julius Caesar was stabbed to death
b) The Roman Colosseum was completed
c) The Edict of Milan made Christianity an accepted religion
d) The Roman Empire split apart.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
One of two people elected every year to run the daily affairs
of Rome
a) Senators
b) Consuls
c) Tribunes
d) Plebeians.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
The elected representatives of the Patricians, who made the
laws of Rome
a) Senators
b) Consuls
c) Tribunes
d) Dictators.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
The elected representatives of the Plebeians, who could
veto laws to protect their rights
a) Senators
b) Consuls
c) Tribunes
d) Dictators.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
The absolute ruler of the empire in times of emergency
a) Senator
b) Consul
c) Tribune
d) Dictator.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
The laws of Rome
a) The Commands of Caesar
b) Twelve Tables
c) Two Tribunes
d) Edicts of the Dictator.
e) Ten Commandments
f) The Pax Romana
Rome Knowledge Challenge
The rule of Augustus Caesar marked the end of
a) The Roman Empire
b) The Pax Romana
c) Christianity
d) The Roman Republic.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
The main purpose of the Roman road system was to
a) Carry building materials to Greece
b) Increase trade with Egypt and Spain
c) Help the legions move quickly from province to province
d) Create jobs for Roman slaves.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
To help strengthen the Roman government, Augustus
a) Gave women the right to vote
b) Eliminated the law that said a person is innocent until
proven guilty
c) Passed laws to make more men eligible for citizenship
d) Built a new capital at Constantinople.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Which of these did the Romans borrow from the Greeks?
a) building materials
b) aqueducts
c) language
d) gladiators.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Augustus asked Roman writers and artists to?
a) Choose the people who would govern the provinces
b) Go to Greece to study with Greek writers and artists
c) Keep their work hidden from view
d) Create works that would stir the people’s patriotic feelings.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Roman religion included many of the gods and the beliefs of
a) Phoenicians
b) Carthaginians
c) Greeks
d) Etruscans.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Jesus came to be known as Jesus Christ because “christos” is
the Greek term for?
a) “martyr”
b) “consul”
c) “messiah”
d) “tribune”
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Roman officials arrested and persecuted Christians who
refused to
a) Vote in Roman elections
b) Read the Gospels
c) Trade with Roman merchants
d) Worship Roman gods.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Which of these was an accomplishment of Emperor
a) He made Christianity an accepted religion in Rome
b) He made Milan the main business center of the empire
c) He stopped other countries from invading the Roman
d) He made Greek the official language of the Roman Empire.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
One way Christianity was able to spread so quickly throughout
the Roman Empire was?
a) The Pax Romana
b) The rule of Etruscan Kings
c) The Roman road system
d) Julius Caesar’s conquering of Gaul.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Another way Christianity was able to spread so quickly
throughout the Roman Empire was?
a) The end of the Roman Monarchy
b) The polytheism of the Roman religion
c) The Roman road system
d) The message of the Gospels.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Another way Christianity was able to spread so quickly
throughout the Roman Empire was?
a) The twelve tables
b) The twelve apostles
c) Octavian claims himself emperor of Rome
d) The preaching of John the Baptist.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Another way Christianity was able to spread so quickly
throughout the Roman Empire was?
a) The Roman Navy
b) The end of the Punic Wars with Carthage
c) Julius Caesar claims himself emperor of Dictator
d) The preaching of St. Paul.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Another way Christianity was able to spread so quickly
throughout the Roman Empire was?
a) The New Testament
b) The Old Testament
c) The Twelve Tables
d) The Sisters of St. Joseph.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
One reason for the decline of Roman Empire was?
a) The increased expenses created high taxes
b) The loyalty of soldiers to the Roman Republic
c) The patriotic connection the citizens felt towards the city of
d) The good leadership of the Roman Emperors.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Another reason for the decline of Roman Empire was?
a) The increased trade along the Roman road system
b) The loyalty of soldiers to their generals
c) The patriotic feelings of those who read the “Aeneid”
d) The good leadership of the Emperor Constantine.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Another reason for the decline of Roman Empire was?
a) The decreased trade along the Roman road system
b) The loyalty of Christians joining the legions
c) The patriotic feelings of those who read the “Gospels”
d) The bad leadership of the Roman Emperors.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Another reason for the decline of Roman Empire was?
a) The huge size of the empire
b) The many invaders attacking the empire
c) The patriotic feelings of those who read the Old Testament
d) The moving of the capital to Alexandria, Egypt.
Rome Knowledge Challenge
Another reason for the decline of Roman Empire was?
a) The attack of Hannibal on Rome
b) The creation of a Christian church and the crusades
c) The crucifixion of Christ
d) The moving of the capital to Constantinople.
Good Luck on the Test