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The Beginnings of Rome
According to legend, Rome was
founded in 753 B.C. by Romulus and
 Rome had fertile soil.
 Was located on the Italian Peninsula.
 Near, but not on the sea.
 Tiber River
Map of Italy
Romulus and Remus
The First Italian Settlers
 Earliest settlers arrives between 1000
B.C. and 500 B.C.
 Latins settled on both sides of the
Tiber River. Were the first Romans.
 Greeks settled in the southern Italy and
Sicily. Established fifty colonies.
 Etruscans were native to northern Italy.
Influence Rome's development.
Early Republic
 Etruscan kings initially controlled
 Roman aristocrats overthrow the
last king and swore they would
never again be ruled by a king.
 Romans establish a republicPower rest with the people who
vote to select their leader.
Tarquin the Proud
People of the Republic
 Different groups of Romans struggle
for power.
 Patricians- Aristocratic landowners
who held most of the power. Inherit
 Plebeians- Farmers, artisans, and
merchants. The majority. Right to vote,
but could not hold important
government post.
Government of the Republic
 Tribunes protect rights of the majority.
 Twelve Tables – Written law.
 Consuls – Executives who served one
year. Could be elected again for ten
 Senate – Legislative branch with 300
members. Serve for life. Aristocratic.
 Dictator – Absolute ruler. Served in
Roman Army
 All citizens who owned land were
required to serve.
 Ten years military service.
 Soldiers organized into military units
called legions.
 5,000 soldiers (infantry) and soldiers
on horseback (cavalry).
 Legions divided into smaller groups of
Roman legion and Century
Rome Conquers Italy
Gauls sack Rome in 390 B.C., but
Rome quickly rebuilds.
 Defeat the Etruscans in the north and
the Greeks city-states to the south.
 Different laws and treatment for
different parts of their territories.
 Citizenship and allies.
 Po Valley not conquered.
Punic Wars
 War for control of the Mediterranean
between Rome and Carthage.
 Consisted of three wars from from
264- 146 B.C.
 Rome wins first Punic War and gains
control of Sicily.
 Hannibal leads his army over the Alps
in a surprise attack during the second
Punic War. Cannae
Hannibal's March to Cannae
Punic War Concluded
 Scipio attacks Carthage to force
Hannibal to return and defend his
native city. Zama.
 Rome wins second Punic War.
 Rome wins the third Punic War.
 Carthage is destroyed. 50,000
 Rome gains control of the
Scipio Africanus
Expansion Creates Problems
Gap between rich and poor widens.
 Slaves made up one-third of the
population and worked on huge estates
called latifunda.
 Returning soldiers sold land to wealthy
 Landless and unskilled workers found
few jobs.
Republic Collapses
Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus attempt
to help Rome's poor and are met with
violent deaths.
 Civil war follows their deaths.
 Generals began to recruit soldiers from
the landless poor and promise them
 Strong politician can rule.
Tiberius and Gaius Graccus
Julius Caesar Takes Control
 Forms a triumvirate with Crassus and
 Caesar was a great leader and a genius
at military strategy.
 Served as council for one year.
 Governor of Gaul (France).
Conquerors Greece, Asia, Spain,
Egypt, and the Rubicon River in Italy.
Gaius Marius
Cornelius Sulla
Caesar's Reforms as Absolute Ruler
 Senate appoints his dictator and in 44
B.C., he was named dictator for life.
 Popular among the people.
 New building projects created jobs for
the poor.
 Started colonies so the landless could
own land.
 Increase pay for soldiers.
 Roman citizenship to provinces.
Death of Caesar led by Marcus Brutus
and Gaius Cassius
Beginnings of an Empire
 After Caesar death, civil war broke out
again and destroyed the Roman
 Caesar's grand nephew and adopted
son, Octavian, forms a Second
 Lepidus and Mark Antony made up
this triumvirate, but it would end
Octavian Takes Over
 Octavian forces Lepidus to retire.
 He and Mark Antony become rivals.
 Felt that Antony was going to control
Rome from Egypt with the help of
Queen Cleopatra.
 Defeats Antony and Cleopatra in the
naval battle at Actium in 31 B.C.
 Octavian becomes unchallenged ruler.
Changes his name to Augustus.
Queen Cleopatra of Egypt
Roman Peace/ Pax Romana
Roman Empire covered three million
square miles and had a population of
sixty to eighty million. One million in
Rome alone.
 Vast trade network. By sea and land.
 Most people farmed.
 Common currency- Denary.
 Strong navy.
Roman Government During the Pax
Senate continued to meet.
 Augustus stabilized the frontier and
glorified Rome with splendid public
buildings. Soldiers from provinces
could become Roman citizens.
 Civil service,paid workers for the
government, collected taxes taxes,
grain supply, and postal system.
 Had no written law for selecting a
 Civil War was always possible.
 Some were able, like Trajan and
Hadrian, were able. Others, like Nero
and Caligula, were not.
 Civil service was stable.
 Marcus Aurelius was the last able
Men and Woman in Roman Society
 Strength, discipline, and loyalty
(gravitas) were valued.
 Eldest male in the family,
paterfamilias, ruled the household and
made all the decisions.
 Roman woman could own property
and testify in court. Could not vote.
 Woman were to remain in the
Children in Roman Society
 Boys were favored over girls.
 Girls received feminine form of
father's name.
 Noble males were educated.
 Females were educated on how to take
care of the house.
 Females married at ages twelve-fifteen.
Married much older men.
One-third of the population.
 Slaves were conquered people.
 Children born to slaves became slaves.
 Slaves were considered as property to
their owners.
 Did all sorts of work.
 Some became professional fighters or
Gods and Goddess
 The earliest Romans worshipped
powerful spirits that they thought
resided in everything around them
(numina). Lares.
 After contact with the Etrusican and
Greeks, believe gods and goddesses
had human like forms and
 Government and religion are linked.
Roman Entertainment
 The rich gave banquets that lasted for
many hours and included expensive
and rare food.
 Most of the people were unemployed,
but were supported by the government.
 As a distraction, the government
provided games, races, mock, battle
and gladiator contest.
Jews Under Roman Rule
Rome wanted to Romanize Jerusalem.
 Jews revolted against Roman
influence, but it became a province
A.D. Six.
 Religious and local matters were
handled by the Jewish court
 Jews were divided between two
Life and Teaching of Jesus
 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea
and raised in the village of Nazareth in
 Was a carpenter.
 Began public ministry at age thirty,
which contained many Jewish
 Main source of information about
Jesus comes from the Gospels.
Jesus Baptism
Jesus Death
Jesus fame grew as he preached from
town to town.
 Popularity worried Romans and Jews.
 The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate,
arrested Jesus and had him crucified.
 According to the Gospels, Jesus rose
from the dead three days after he died.
Christianity Spreads
Led by the first Apostle, Peter, they
spread the teachings of Jesus.
 Paul, Saul, was a Jew who spreads the
teachings of Jesus and writes
influential letters called the Epistles.
 Pax Romana allows the religion to
spread throughout the empire thanks to
good roads and a common language.
Jewish Rebellion
The Jews rebelled two separate times
against the Romans A.D.66 and A.D.
 Almost one million Jews would die.
 Most Jews are driven from their
 Diaspora – Dispersal of the Jewish
Christians Persecuted
Christians refused to worship the
Roman gods and goddesses.
 Were seen as scapegoats and were
executed and imprisoned because of
their beliefs.
 Many Christians, however, were seen
as martyrs or people who sacrificed
their lives for a belief in a cause.
Christianity and the Church
Christianity was popular because of the
following: Embraced all people, gave
hope to the powerless, offered a
personal relationship with a loving
God, promised eternal life after death.
 Bishop, also priest supervised local
 Pope was head of the church in Rome.
Constantine and Christianity
 Credits God with his victory at Milvian
 Saw a vision.
 Edict of Milian- Ends persecution of
 Theodosius make Christianity the
empire's official religion.
 Nicene Creed defines church beliefs.
Prevents heresy.
Fathers of the Church
Several early writers who were
influential in defining the Church
teachings have been called Fathers of
the Church.
 Saint Augustus wrote City of God.
 City of God is more important than
any earthly city because it could not be