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I-Ancient Greece and its Legacy
• Greek city-state (polis)
central to political,
social, religious,
economic & military
• Agora (marketplace) =
where people would
assemble to
participate in “free
speech” (birthplace of
Greek Society
• People had common identity &
goals. Strong sense of loyalty
(patriotism) combined rights
with responsibilities.
A. Adult males = citizens with
political rights.
B. Women & children = citizens
with no political rights.
C. Foreign residents & slaves =
Evolution of political power in some
polis, such as Athens:
– Oligarchy supported & ruled by aristocrats
– Tyrants seized power by force. Supported by rich
traders & poor peasants, not by aristocrats.
– Democratic government for, of and by all adult male
Check for understanding
• Who had all the rights in Ancient Greek
*Sparta was a “military state.”
• Males were trained under
spartan conditions. Age 7
boys sent to military
school, fed “black broth.”
Age 20 mandatory
military service. Age 30
had right to vote & live at
home with wife, but
remained in army. Age
60 retired from military.
• Infants with physical
disabilities killed
• Females had similar physical training but
stayed home to prepare to be strong mothers
who would tell their sons “come home from
battle either carrying your shield… or on it!”
Spartan oligarchy
• had two kings & a
council of elders (28
citizens age 60+)
• Closed society =
xenophobic (feared &
hated foreigners & their
• had a powerful navy & was center of the
golden age of Greek culture.
Reform of Government
• Economic crisis led to reformminded aristocrats (i.e.
leaders who were willing to
make changes.)
• Solon canceled land debts &
freed farmers from slavery.
Many still did not own land &
couldn’t vote.
• Cleisthenes reformed
assembly to a Council of 500,
elected by ALL male citizens.
Golden Age Athens =
461-429 B.C.
• (Pericles was leader.) Many
citizens served in public office,
art & architecture
prospered, education
• (academics & philosophy
“school of Greece.”)
Check for understanding
• White Board:
– List 2 changes brought b Pericles
• Discuss with partner how Athenian and Greek
society were different
“Big Three” philosophers (S.P.A. =
Socrates, Plato & Aristotle)
• 1. Socrates = worked to
improve human
understanding. “Socratic
method” =
question/answer discussion
• asks “Why?” Socrates
known as the “gadfly,”
questioned authority &
was sentenced to death!
2. Plato
• Founded “The Academy”
school of philosophy & was
a student of Socrates.
• He wrote The Republic
describing an “ideal
state” of 3 groups:
–1. Philosopher-kings 2.
Warriors 3. Common
men & women.
3. Aristotle
• 3. Aristotle = Student of
Plato. Developed “scientific
method” of observation
and investigation (i.e.
• “Renaissance Man” of the
ancient world. Wrote on
many topics, including
Politics that concluded a
government was best.
LEGACY of Greeks on Western
• a. Government = democracy, equal
rights & responsibilities of male citizens
& critical of “idiotes”
– (self-centered, apathetic, non-contributors to
• b. Philosophy = individualism, reasoning,
wisdom, ethics.
• c. Science = rational research based on
observations & investigations.
• d. Arts = sculpture, architecture, music,
poetry, literature, architecture (outdoor
amphitheaters staged dramas.)
Check for understanding
• White board :
– List one way we see Greek influence I our society
• Discuss:
– One thing Each guy in SPA contributed.
“Rulers & Gods”
• early civilizations believed leaders
appointed by God(s) or were deities
themselves, who ruled with “divine
• Greeks consulted oracles (priestesses who
spoke for the gods.)
“Young People In Ancient Greece”
• Spartan boys subjected to
harsh discipline in military
barracks (clothing = only one
robe per year, slept on beds of
rushes, rarely bathed, had to steal
to eat & severely beaten.
• Spartan girls received
discipline & physical
training to develop strong
mothers, but allowed to
stay home.
Athenian Children
• Athenian children nurtured by mothers. Boys
were well-rounded individuals educated in P.E.
and in academics, philosophy & music.
• At 18 boys officially became citizens of
• girls remained at home to learn domestic
– in wealthy families were taught other subjects.
Check for Understanding
• How were Athenian Children treated Different
than Spartan Children
• (Discuss with partner)
Alexander The Great becomes
Emperor 330 BC controlled all Greece
• Ended Greek Democracy
• Did Spread Greek ideas around the
– Philosophy, buildings, and gov system
Alexander The Great’s Empire
Roman Republic – leader not a
monarch, some citizens had right to
vote, lasted 5 centuries
Roman Society
• Patricians = large landowners,
ruling class
• Plebeians = small landholders,
craftspeople & businesspeople
• Chief officers:
– consuls (ran govt. & led army)
– Praetors (judges of civil law for
citizens & non-citizens)
• Senate = 300 landowning
advisors served for life & gave
critical advice to officers (had
force of law.)
• Centuriate assembly (important
people’s assembly, dominated
by rich) = elected chief officials
• Council of the plebs (plebeians
only) = represented rights of
majority of citizens vs.
• Tribunes became officials who
had power to protect plebeians.
• Who were the two main officers in Charge?
• List the two organizations that worked under
this Group?
• Discuss What American Government body this
looks similar too.
Rome 287 B.C.
• all male citizens equal in theory,
but wealthy patricians & plebs
• Roman law evolved from Twelve
Tables (basic agrarian laws), to
laws for rural & urban citizens, to
Law of Nations, including non
citizens (universal law based upon
• Standards of justice = innocent
until proven guilty, right of defense
against accusations, judges to be
Roman Empire
• – ruled over entire Mediterranean region, led by powerful emperor.
• Caesar Augustus = victorious over rivals, created the empire, ordered
a census be taken
• How is an Empire Different than a Republic?
A.D. 14 – A.D. 180 = Pax Romana
(order & protection of law, trade
flourished, roads expanded)
• Efficient administrators over
one of largest, ancient
• Extended citizenship to non
Romans (integrated cultures)
Roman Culture
• City planning, architecture,
engineering throughout
• Latin language = basis of FIVE
Romance languages (Italian,
Spanish, Portuguese, French,
• Romans grafted their culture
onto the intellectual heritage
of Greeks (Greco-Roman
(see chart of Greek and
Roman Gods, p. 150)
• Empire spread new religion
of Christianity.
• List Three ways Rome Spread its culture and
III Spread of Christianity and Islam
• Jesus = Jewish teacher & preacher
– (eg. Golden Rule “Do unto others, as
you would have them do unto you”.)
Love fulfills expectations of the Law &
Prophets (transformation of the inner
• Jesus’ claims to be Messiah/Christ
was controversial to Jewish leaders &
viewed as a potential revolutionary
threat to Roman powers.
– Roman leader Pontius Pilate ordered
crucifixion at request of some
Hebrew authorities.
• Followers of Jesus claimed his
death was fulfillment of
– die for sins of all people & rose
from the dead (resurrection.)
• Early Christians were Jewish, but
Gentiles were converted through
missions of Paul (Saul)
• Romans tolerated other religions
if didn’t threaten public order.
• Romans expected to honor
Roman gods & worship emperor,
– Christians refused = punishable by
death (cruel deaths of martyrs)
• What Religion did Christianity Come from?
• What key point separates it from its original
Emperor Nero, ruled from A.D. 5468, began persecution of Christians
(blamed for great Rome fire)
• Periods of persecution but
numbers of Christians grew
• Roman religion was
impersonal for good of
• Christianity was a personal
faith that promised eternal
life. Everyone was equal
before God.
• Christian communities
formed to worship God,
care for others & have a
sense of belonging.
Constantine became the first Christian
Emperor of Rome.
• Constantine A.D. 313
“Edict of Milan” issued =
legalized Christianity.
• Theodosius the Great
made Christianity the
official state religion of
Rome (other religions =
476 A.D. Roman Empire collapsed
• Western Roman Empire: Collapsed but left its
Church “Roman Catholic Church”
• Eastern Roman Empire Continued:
– It would be called the Byzantine Empire
2 Churches
• Roman Catholic Church headquarters are in
Rome (the Vatican) and head is pope (Western
• Eastern Orthodox Church headquarters in
Constantinople (Istanbul) & head is patriarch
(East. Europe)
• Which Emperor hated the Christians and
which Became a Christian himself?
Islam = submission to Allah (one true
• Muhammad (the Prophet), born in Mecca
(Makkah) in Arabian Peninsula.
• Quran (Koran) teachings of Muhammad.
• Muslims believe in teachings of Hebrew Bible,
along with Jews & Christians
• A.D. 622 Muhammad escaped from angry
polytheists by fleeing from Mecca to Medina
(Madina) = starting event of Muslim calendar
(lunar calendar, crescent moon symbol)
• Five Pillars of Islam: (belief, prayer, charity,
fasting, pilgrimage)
• Ramadan, 9th month, holy month of fasting &
prayer to commemorate Muhammad
receiving words of the Quran from Allah.
• What are the five pillars of Islam
• Which can be seen in our society?
Spread Of
• Islam spread quickly, united Arabia, spread
through South Asia & North Africa through
holy wars (jihads.)
• Arab Empire, internal divisions, conquered
by the Mongols in A.D. 1258.
• Western civilization evolved into
democratic governments with freedom of
religion and separation of church & state.
• Islamic civilization traditionally has been
theocratic = Islam & government closely
connected (not separated as in the
IV Middle Ages (Medieval Period) of
Europe (circa, 5th-14th centuries A.D.)
• During Middle Ages, European crusaders sent
to fight Muslims for control of “Holy
• Martyrs = people persecuted for their faith.
A.D. 800 coronation of King Charlemagne
by Pope Leo III.
• Holy Roman Empire (pope was Roman, but Charlemagne was
German) = new civilizations based upon:
• 1. Legacy of Rome, 2. German traditions, 3. Catholic Church.
• Where were the Crusaders from?
• Who did they attack and why?
Centralized control weakened after
• feudalism = local control by numerous lords, who
gave land to knights & knights protected serfs.
England = High Middle Ages
( most advanced medieval
period, c. A.D. 1000-1300)
• 1066 William of
Normandy (France)
defeated King Harold
(England) & was crowned
king in London.
• He ruled w. combination
of Anglo-Saxon
(English/German) &
Power of English monarch expanded
even further under Henry II.
• Strengthened royal courts, which gave rise to
common law that applied to all English (vs.
local laws)
– Common law- laws based on tradition
Magna Carta (Great
Charter) 1215
• Lords rebelled vs. a weaker
King John and forced him to
sign the Magna Carta (Great
• Limited power of the kings in
writing (vs. absolute power or
divine right of kings) = gave
rights to lords,
• eventually interpreted to also
include common people.
• Provided right to trial by jury
• Principles of common law and
Magna Carta were adopted by
American colonies.
• Under Feudalism what rights did peasants
• List 2 key changes brought by the magna Carta
English Parliament
started during reign of Edward I
• Monarch would consult parliament, especially when money wa
• Upper House = House of Lords (nobles & church officials)
• Lower House = House of Commons (knights & townspeople)
• Parliament would vote to approve new taxes, debate politics &
pass laws.
• Both monarch & parliament shared power, but parliament
became dominant through victorious battles over the king’s
Europe in High & Late Middle Ages
• High Middle Ages = productive
farming methods, growth of
cities, more trade between
• Strong leadership of popesGothic cathedrals, intellectual
growth & formation of
• Late Middle Ages = European
disasters (c. A.D. 1300 to early
• Bubonic Plague (Black Death)
killed 1/3 of all Europeans!
– Less trade, constant war,
unstable governments, decline
of Church.
• With a partner discuss how the share of
power changed from the first kings to the
creation of parliament.
• Renaissance = rebirth
of Greek & Roman
culture that began in
• Intellectuals & artists
stressed importance of
– (classic impact on
modern Western Civil.)
• Human worth led to a
new spirit of optimism
and inspiration for
Leonardo da Vinci
• (“Renaissance man”) = painter,
sculptor, architect, inventor &
Religious Reformation
• intellectual revolution = raised
questions about Catholicism
• Protestant Reformation = new
branch of Christianity in Europe
• Martin Luther = German
Catholic monk, openly
questioned many church
practices (95 theses)
• 1520 summoned before
emperor & church officials in
Worms to answer to charges of
• Defended all of his writings
based upon Scripture & upon
human reasoning.
• Protestants were __________________ the
______________ Church.
Protestant churches
• (Lutheran, Calvinist, etc.) quickly spread
throughout Europe
• Catholic Church underwent a religious rebirth
• Catholic & Protestant forces prepared for
“religious” battle.
World Religion
• Local Religions:
• Australia = Aborigines had no deities.
• Ancestor heroes created the work during
“Dreamtime.” Belief in spirits of nature.
• Africa = Various animist
• (tribal) religions, south of the Sahara desert.
• Belief in spirits and one supreme creator.
• Japan = Shinto believers worship “kami”
(sacred spirits take forms of nature.)
• Worship ancestors and emperor.
(Shintoism = found only among
Japanese people.)
• North America = Navajo religion must be
practiced in the geographical area
surrounded by the four sacred
mountains of the American Southwest.
• Hogans (dwellings) constructed to
symbolize their land and religion.
Key Persons Sacred Text Symbol
Siddhartha Sutras
Wheel of
• Key Beliefs = life is full of suffering, follow Eightfold
Path to reach Nirvana
• Locations = India, migrated to East Asia
Key Persons Sacred Text Symbol
Jesus Christ Old & New Cross
• Key Beliefs = monotheism, Jesus = Son of God who died for sins of
humanity, resurrection
• Locations = began in Palestine, spread to south Africa, Europe,
Australia and Americas
Key Persons Sacred Text Symbol
• Key Beliefs = Spiritual philosophy on ethics & good
government, respect for elders & ancestors
• Location = China
Key Persons Sacred Text Symbol
Vedas &
found in the
• Key Beliefs = polytheistic
religion, 3 mains gods:
Brahma (creator), Vishnu (preserver) Siva (destroyer)
• Location = India, Ganges River (sacred)
Key Persons Sacred Text Symbol
Muhammad Old Test. &
• Key Beliefs = monotheism, Muhammad = greatest of
the prophets, Five Pillars
• Locations = Middle East, north Africa & Indonesia
Key Persons Sacred Text Symbol
Torah (Old
Star of
• Key Beliefs = monotheism, follow teachings of Hebrew
Bible (Torah.)
• Locations = Israel, United States