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The Roman Empire
Classical Roman Empire
• Rome was one of four Classical Empires:
Han China
Mauryan India
Parthian Persia
• All arose between 200-100 B.C.
• Characterized by their unification around at least
two widely disparate geographical regions.
The Classical Empire
• All four classical empires had been united
by force and would not have stayed together
had not the rulers formed institutions to do
• Rome was created not by the ability to
conquer lands but it’s need to develop the
institutions necessary to consolidate and
rule those lands.
The Classical Empire
• Each Empire used basically the same unifying
institutions to bind the Empire together:
Common Language
System of weights and measures
Networks of roads and canals
Standing army
Centralized authority
Professional civil servants
Comparison of Eastern and
Western Europe
• Western-Western Mediterranean
• Eastern-Influenced by Greek culture
Living standard Wealthy
• Most of Roman population lived within reach of
– Romans worked to keep sea clear of pirates for they
realized the Mediterranean was dependant on it’s unity.
– Romans called it Mare nostrum or “Our Sea”
• Outlying reaches of the Empire were connected by
rivers and streams that flowed into it.
– Romans actively were dredging ship channels and
building in river ports
– Channels and water systems used for thousands of years
even after fall of the Roman Empire
• Complex water routes were knit together by system
of roads and bridges that are even used today.
– These were built not by technology alone, but by
extensive organization.
• Romans were aware that the expensive army would
not be in combat more than 10% of the time, so the
government came up with ways to use their force
– The roads were used by the military and was even able to
reduce the armies size without reducing it’s effectiveness.
• The great network of land routes that helped to
unify the empire was a byproduct of this “policy of
cost containment”
• Absolute Rule of an Emperor who was
considered to be a god.
• Execution of Emperor's will was by a trained
– Though it was small in comparison with modern
states and was rudimentary with the Han empire
of China, it was superior to anything that had
preceded in the West.
• To citizens the emperor was a distant figure only
on coins.
• Romans lived their lives in their local civitas, local
unit of government similar to an American county.
• Civitas consisted of two parts:
– City-in which political, commercial and cultural life
was concentrated.
– Pagus- countryside dependant on that urban center.
• Most civitates attempted to emulate the capital
– Though they did not have an impressive law court of
basilicas or amphitheaters they did boast public baths,
busy markets, and anything else the rich pagus could
spend in the city to endow it.
• Local life throughout the empire was centered on
these communities and it was the same wherever
the Romans went, from Scotland to the Syria.
• Each civitates had the three basic similarities:
– Well-developed written laws
– Uniform currency
– Uniform system of weights and measures
• The large standing army was concentrated on the frontier and
defended the interior of the empire against foreign invasion.
• Most recruits came from poor and isolated regions of Italy
they were taught from the bottom up by the military.
– They were taught Latin, to practice personal hygiene, and learned one
or more trades (developed MOS).
• The Army controlled and ran brick factories, tile
manufactories, and many other enterprises that demanded
physical labor.
• Enlisting was a career commitment since it was a 25 year
standard enlistment.
– Each year was marked off by the celebration and great rituals honoring
Roma, the goddess who exemplified Rome.
• Even when Rome fell into disorder or when the
imperial administration fell to corruption it was the
army’s reverence for the ideal of Rome that
remained undiminished, even if it meant storming
Rome trying to acclaim their general of new
• Most spent their time in towns building little
villages into what they exemplified Rome to be.
• Stationed on the frontier, they created transportation
and communication networks.
– Roads, bridges, beacons, canals, ports and aqueducts.
• The Roman frontiers in the West were not meant
to keep people out but to control their passage.
• A great deal of trade moved through the frontier
– Germanic people settled just outside of the frontier in
places where they could enjoy extensive and secure
relations with the Romans without their control.
– These towns were more Roman than Rome so some
Germanic tribes grew comfortable with their presence
and even emulated their culture in some areas.
• In many cases where the Romans could have
certainly fought and won the area over, most just
proved simpler to win them over and enlist them
as allies of the Roman state.
• Wherever it was sent or wherever it was
settled, the Roman army provided local
inhabitants with an outstanding example of
Romanitas, the sense of belonging to a great
• The Romans established Latin as the
common and official language of the
empire, but also adopted Greek culture and,
in a form called Graeco-Roman, spread a
common literature, architecture, art, etc.,
throughout the empire.
• An economic balance was maintained
between the wealthy and productive East
and the relatively poor and backward West.
• The East was taxed heavily, and the money
transferred to the West, which was used to
purchase goods from the East.
• Established a strict policy of religious toleration
• Freely adopted and adapted gods and goddesses of
the people they conquered, and process called
syncretism (essentially an inculcation of the
Greeks and other worldly deities).
• Promoted a certain degree of commonality by
establishing and promoting emperor worship.
– Saluting the flag, formulatic pledge of allegiance,
standing when singing the national anthem, reverence
for the cloth of the flag.
• Pax Romana: Roman Peace- The Romans brought
and unprecedented degree of peace and security to
their empire.
• Romanitas: The sense of being Roman- a deeply
held sentiment and outlived that empire itself.
– Such institutions required attention and constant effort
to maintain
– A weakness in the Roman imperial system let to
internal wars and civil strife that eventually made it
impossible for the government to continue as it once
• The Annals of Tacitus provide an insight to
the management of Roman affairs and were
written by a man who had a role in that
• The Romans were unwilling to give up their
reverence for republican government even when
it was no longer effective due to Caesars,
Despots, and absolute corruption
• Augustus Caesar converted the Republic to an
empire in about 14BC—what he did was make
all the political and domestic administrative
offices answerable to him and his decisions—a
streamline effect. To preserve the republic!!!
• The issue that always plagues these types
regimes—we see it in Islam, Socialism etc
…inadequate and unstable system of imperial
succession—Created a perpetual struggle for
Power … The empire fell victim and was only a
strong as its next Coup.
• To understand Augustus it would be prudent to
read his personal account of his greatness …
• The Deeds of the Divine Augustus.
Important Chronology
• 69 AD—Civil War on frontier to replace Nero
• 69—192 AD—era of military emperors—
ineffective and inefficient administration—led to
a bloody Civil War initiated by Septimius Severus
• 198—282 essentially 100yrs of peace, but peace
ended by 258 and Rome fell into the era of the 30
Tyrants (258-283 AD)
• 283 AD German Tribes raided at will on the
western fringes of the Roman Empire
• Diocletion came to power in 283 AD and began
with sweeping reforms in the imperial system—
land reform, lower taxes, and more representative
• Essentially this was the end of what is termed the
Glory that was Rome.
History 101 Roman Empire
• Diocletian's successor was
• Rome now a different place
and this is the beginning of the
character of what would
• Medieval Europe.
• What followed was another
Roman Empire, but one
distinctly different under the
reign of Constantine.
Reforms of Diocletian (284-305 d. 311)
• Political reform—
Empire divided into
two distinct regions.
• Unfortunately he left
the much larger and
impoverished western
region vulnerable.
Reforms of Diocletian
• Unfortunately the western lands were mostly tribal
and underdeveloped academically, economically,
and technologically.
• Large frontiers (costly to protect) and a very small
tax base to support development and military
• Diocletian established a base of succession—two
emperors were to be chosen for respective
regions—each appointed a Caesar (emperor in
Reforms of Diocletian
• Stable form of
• Established smaller
provinces with both civil
and military governor—
created gov’t interference
and destroyed the
influence of the middle
• The Gov’t controlled the
tax laws and taxed the
middle classes and the
urban areas to destruction
Economic Reforms
• Smaller created more concentrated government, but also
created hundreds of small squabbles and eroded
• Diocletian ended Debasement (reduced quality and value
of Gold by printing money—devaluing the dollar if you
• Re-established the Gold standard—unfortunately, there
was very little Gold in circulation—created an economic
depression—very little Gold reduced consumer prices—
money became more valuable than goods—so people
hoarded money or traded in Gold rather than consumer
Economic Reforms
• Reformed Taxation—reduced it to two categories:
Property and head tax.
– Property was a progressive wealth tax
– Head tax was a flat tax—both were very extreme.
• Unfortunately both taxes were extreme
• Ended farming tax—where the government had
the right to come in an action off a farm to collect
taxes on the land.
• Tax collectors bided for the right to collect taxes
Economic Reforms
• Taxes led to abuses.
• Exempted Senatorial class
from taxes (hereditary)
• Farmers were sold into
slavery (along with
family) if no tax can be
collected. Beginnings of
• Full weight of the tax
code fell on businesses
and the middle class.
Economic Reforms
• Diocletian thought that
making tax collecting the
responsibility of the
Urban middle class, it
would be frugal and
possess integrity.
• Unfortunately if the
government expectations
of the agreed upon tax
assessment came up short,
the Curiales (urban
middle class) was required
to make up the difference.
Economic Reforms
• The fallout of well intended policy:
• Urban middle class fled the urban centers; however, this
was ruled illegal, so many with their families were also
enslaved and financially, socially, and emotionally
• Established a permanent dependent class that the
governmental structure was ill-equipped to administer
with any efficiency. Financial center shifted to the villas
of the western countryside—established a ruling planter
and baronial class.
Military reform
• Abandoned frontier
defense—open to
• Security was abandoned
in the name of economics.
• Downgraded frontier
legions, used mercenaries
and militia—notoriously
lacked loyalty and verve
to the empire.
Military reform
• Frontier troops are
Garrison status.
• Training neglected—more
into infrastructure labor.
• Discipline and esprit
d’corps diminished.
• Barbarian mercenaries—
changed to a mobile army
stationed in interior.
Military reform
• Barbarian Military was problematic—tended to be
loyal to the purse rather than the state.
• Internal and transportation infrastructure usually
the job of the military when not engaged in combat
went by the way side—barbarians are warriors, not
civil servants and laborers.
• Huge loss of communication and transportation
system—The empire decaying from within.
Social Reform
• Combated the urban flight by making their status
• Required to remain in trade of father or mother—no way
to rise above one’s born station in life.
• This ended social and family mobility.
• This in essence killed what was left of the conceived
greatness of the Roman Empire. To combat this loss of
spirit and enmity toward the government—Diocletian
blamed the Christians—extermination began with fervor.
Reforms of Constantine (307-337)
• Continued with Diocletian’s policies, but did
make some very recognizable changes.
• Recognized Christianity as a favored religion.
– Christianity official religion 396 AD in both Western
and Eastern provinces—Western became very catholic
and eastern remained mostly Orthodox.
• Made east very prosperous; increased gold
currency (coinage) by seizing endowments of the
Pagan Temples.
Reforms of Constantine (307-337)
• He also ended the idea that the tax code had to
balance even with unequal taxation on the east to
make up for the shortfalls of the West.
• Shifted center of Empire from West (Rome) to
East (Constantinople or Istanbul).
• The best and brightest fled the west and went East.
• By 400 Rome was no longer the Imperial capital.
Rome (?)
• 404 AD western version of
capital moved to Ravenna in
Northern Italy.
• Protected by marsh and
fortified harbor.
• Rome sacked by Alaric and the
Visigoths in 410.
• Not much there, only the
catholic Bishop (Pope).
• 455 AD Attila attacked what
was left of Rome.
Western Rome
• Loss of middle class and
Tax base, became very
much Medieval in
• Planter and Baronial class
became powerful and
essentially a slaved or
serfdom society.
• Christian religion was
state religion—all others
Constantine and Catholic Church
• Church became center of
Imperial Government.
• Administered all social
and economic services.
• Early shared power with
Government, but
eventually became the
main political power
broker in western
Constantine’s Reforms and Decay of the West
• Emperor semi-divine
• Military power was
mostly Germanic tribes.
• Impoverished because of
the decay of middle class.
• Transportation and Marine
endangered by Thugs and
Western Decay
• West almost cut off completely—lost
communication, lost sharing of ideas, and loss of
connection as Romans.
• Power in large landowners—eventually in the
hands of the Church, as the Church gained large
estates. Peasant under class.
• Loss of frontier protection—open to invasion and
loss of civil order—Pax Romana vanished.
Conclusion of Rome
• Regardless of tension and detriment to society,
Rome collected taxes and forced an imperial
government on the populace that neither benefited
them nor protected them.
• Western Rome—superfluous, poverty stricken,
and ruined manufacturing industry—lost trade
consumerism with the Germanic tribes (huge
consumers). This trade enhanced their way of life
and was a bargaining chip to help create a secure
border of the western provinces.
Christianity and Mediterranean
• History 102
• Western Civilization I
• The Rise of Christianity
• Rose out of Judaism
• Reform movement
• Apostle Paul opened the
religion to non-Jews and
gave it its Greek Flavor
• Roman religion no moral
base or message of hope.
• Christians Martyred not
because they were
Christians, but because
they were REBELS!!
Roman Religions
• Myriad of religious systems and types of deities.
• The Pantheon– gods and goddesses of mythology.
• Old gods—Chronos, Uranus and others
overthrown by the Olympians.
• Titans—Friends of humanity—Prometheus (fire)
• Demi-gods—Ganymede servant to the gods.
• Heroes—human achieve godlike status—
Hercules—important part—demarcation between
god and human was miniscule.
• Lot of local, regional and nature deities.
Roman Religions
• Many religions were derivatives of the Greek
system and the philosophical systems such as
(Epicureanism, skepticism and stoicism etc . . .).
• Mystery Cults (Isis, Mithra, Orpheus etc …)These
tended to offer hope on a moral basis based on
human action and interaction.
• Initiates and rituals—purifying bath, eating and
drinking of blood and body of founder—many
had something in common with Christianity.
• Founder was an actual
• Jewish legal code and
traditional morality.
• Could adopt and adapt:
Christmas taken from
Mithras; Madonna taken
form of Isis—other
traditions borrowed
Character of Christianity
• Early Christians were
• Zealots;
• Evangelicals;
• Expand Christianity;
• Appealed to the
• Appealed to Women,
• Low-skilled workers;
Prostitutes, uneducated;
slaves, tax collectors and
Character of Christianity
• All oppressed and
despised peoples saw an
ally in Christianity;
• Christianity viewed all
peoples without contempt,
except the rejecters of the
• The message was HOPE
and hope is all we have at
times—more important
than love!!!
Credibility of Christian Converts
• Usually only true believers
since essentially one was
signing their death warrant;
• Sect’s numbers were
periodically purged due to
Roman persecution; Culled the
vacillators easily—converts
were very zealous;
• Blood of martyrs was the real
seed of the Church.”
Credibility of Christian Converts
• The Martyrs established the credibility and prestige of the
early Church.
• Met horrible deaths with equanimity and even joy;
• Ostensibly something worth dying for—this was
tantamount to a higher power and a stronger more
powerful God;
• Those of little faith were impressed and the Roman
attitude and respect for strength and bravery was also
impressed. Moreover, Christianity in fact, miraculously
survived the persecutions.
Development of Christianity, AD 63-313
• Developed as a reform movement within Judaism;
• After the Jewish Rebellion 89-90, the Jews
suffered the Great Diaspora or scattering.
• This reform began in the Jewish urban centers; in
fact some historians label it a Ghetto Religion.
• It also spread into the countryside or Pagus(Pagan
religions also embraced Christianity—moreover
Christianity inculcated many of the Pagan
traditions and symbolism.
Development of Christianity, AD 63-313
• Early members were of the lowest class;
• Many of today’s middleclass would have more
than likely rejected Christianity because of the low
class clientele.
• Though many historians always use the hygiene
analogy, it must be remembered that hygiene
was/is very important to the Jews—many of the
early Christians accepted Christ, but maintained
the traditional Jewish law—ala Old Testament.
Early Christians
• Very intolerant of other
• Strictly monotheistic;
• Followed the command to go
forth and evangelize;
• Followers must undergo a
complete conversion—no
• Rome respected and observed
many religions; because the
Christians did not they were
labeled “dangerous rebels to
the empire” and were
persecuted harshly
Early Christians
• For security many of the Christians hid in the
catacombs and other clandestine places to practice
their faith;
• They formed inner city groups (ecclesiae); had
their own political and social leaders called
• They wrote letters and and kept minutes of their
meetings (epistles) and passed them to other
Christians surreptitiously.
Early Christians
• Secret meetings were called Councils.
• The minutes were kept in secret books (Bibles).
• They developed secret signs and symbols for
converts’ recognition.
• Christianity grew slowly through the middle class
and the army—but it eventually gained a
following second to none and challenged by few.
Official Recognition of Christianity
• Story is muddled, but
Constantine used the Cross
(symbol) thereby gaining the
support of many Christians
and Warriors who were closet
Christians—there were many
more than the state had ever
imagined—This was the
famous battle of Milvian
Bridge—Victory ensured that
Christianity would be
recognized, legitimized and no
longer persecuted—
• Christianity would now be
tolerated as a favored religion.
Emperor Constantine
• Great Political Move—needed to
harness the zeal of the Christians to
gain control of Roman Empire;
• Constantine helped legitimize and give
secular political organization and
control over Christianity;
• It is no longer an underground
movement—it is now an institution.
• Jesus founded the Christian Faith—but
Constantine founded the Christian
Political and Social Legitimacy
• Still, there was early dissension in the Christian
Church based on legitimacy and philosophy—
many interpretations of who, what, and how was
• Constantine did not wish the power base he had
legitimized fall apart with muddled philosophy;
• 325 AD called all Bishops together to form a
unified consensus—set a standard all Christians
could accept, a common prayer book, and
ritualistic liturgies and religious services.
Political and Social Legitimacy
• The Council of Nicea came up with the Nicene
• All (legitimate) Christian services were to
incorporate this formulation;
• He also very adeptly shifted the center of empire
to Constantinople—it had no pagan traditions and
easily embraced the Emperors new faith—
Christianity. Secret books were formed into a
Canon—representing a true Christian faith.
• Shortly after establishing a uniformed structure,
Constantine died—some say he only accepted
baptism on his death bed—there is no proof or
credibility to this.
• He did make an underground movement, a
persecuted ghetto faith into the most recognizable
religious faith in the world.
• Christianity offered hope, peace, love, and
forgiveness (only religion to have these as
precepts) and more importantly it had triumphed
over all its competitors—made it seem very
special Indeed!
Justinian AD 527-565
• Final end of the Roman
• Established the Byzantium
• Helped usher in Medieval
Ages in Western Europe;
• Made possible the spread
of Islam; Rise of the
• Theodora a remarkable
Justinian’s Wars
• He fought a series of war’s against the Germanic tribes
of the Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Vandals.
• Why? To preserve Christianity and the eastern
• Many of these western areas were mostly controlled by
Germanic Vice-Roys or Arians, who practiced their own
brand of Christianity.
• Arian Christianity had issues with the true divinity of
Christ—did not believe in the Holy trinity as one. Jesus
was a man, but his human status did not diminish the
credibility of Christianity. It did, however, conflict with
the rising power and status of the Catholic Church.
• Vandals most zealous of the
• Seized catholic Churches and
converted them to Arianism;
• Vandals small in number—so
resorted to very heinous and
terrorist acts to maintain power
• Essentially became what
centuries later would become
the model for the Gestapo—
force, coercion, and brutality.
• Vandals striped the Christians of their property, civil
rights, economy, and life and limb.
• Again, very reminiscent of earlier Christian persecutions.
• Justinian thought it best to bring West back under the
control and auspices of Roman Empire.
• West did not want back under the Roman umbrella—just
make Vandals and others stop the persecution.
• Many in the West, feared Justinian more than the
barbarians—so they joined the barbarians against
Justinian’s legions.
Justinian’s Legacy
• Regardless of Military costs, Justinian had enough
money to embark on a huge building program;
• Church of the Holy Wisdom (Hagia Sophia)
dominates the skyline of Istanbul;
• Collecting and codifying Roman Law; establish a
component of legal jurists (Lawyers and
Municipal legal codes) and putting the law into
Justinian’s Legacy
• The east was prominently
Greek influence and
administrations were better in
a Greek format;
• He eliminated the use of Latin
languages and embraced the
Slavic Greek orthodoxy;
• Other classical empires fought
back the Barbarians, only
Western Europe remained
under the grips of barbarism—
good and bad—Western
Europe now experiencing an
independent development.
Justinian’s Legacy
• Justinian’s tribute to Persia became a failed policy, by
enriching the Persians and weakening Constantinople
• East became more and more aggressive collecting taxes to
pay the tribute and to fund the enormous building plan;
• Justinian dies in 565 and the Persians invaded and destroyed
much of the east—Herclius slipped out by sea and invaded
the unprotected Persian cities creating a stalemate and
weakening both economies—
• This left both nations weak and easy pickings for the Huns
stampeding off the Savannas led By Attila.
• Many welcomed the Huns and converted to Islam blocking
the east off from Christianity for several centuries.
A New Western Perception
• Justinian’s wars also left the
Barbarians weak and
• Only power left in the West
was the Burgundians;
• Least able group to maintain or
embrace Romanization;
• Did have a Frankish alliance
with the Catholic Church;
• Changed perception and future
of Western Europe.
Conclusion of Roman Empire
• Great men have Great Control of events—that is
the prevailing wisdom—not always true.
• Changed the development of Western Europe;
Unfortunately ushered in the Middle Ages (Dark
• Justinian’s failures were more prevalent than his
achievements—cut all communication and
dialogue between East and West—still an issue
Conclusion of Roman Empire
• Elimination of the Latin language ensured a
perpetual split between east/west;
• Failed to unite the western leaders who may have
preserved semblances of the Roman empire;
• Strengthened the Persian Empire and helped
initiate the dominance of Islam in the East;
• Destruction of the Germanic tribes allowed for the
rise and dominance of the Medieval Church.
Rise of the Franks
• Franks were left standing in power after
Justinian’s attempt at reconquest.
• Inhabited the the Rhine and Scheldt river areas;
• Occupied mostly of what is now Netherlands and
Northern Belgium;
• Very active agriculture and commerce and trade
• Franks were mostly hunters, trappers, and
warriors and were a great supply for mercenary
troops for the weakened Roman Legions.
• Not very sophisticated or socially or politically
• Mostly tribal and vicious; Pagan worshipping ie. Thor,
god of thunder and Wotan, the sky god; Tew, the warrior
• Strongly male and dominated not necessarily by the
wisest of council, but the bravest and strongest—Chiefs
acted as rulers and priests—power from single family
lineage, descended from Wotan.
• Expanded inland from the
low country and the sea;
• The sea group called the
Salic Franks (sal-salt or
• Became the ancient
ancestors of the French
and the basis for Salic
Law or French Law and
customs (important later
• As they moved inland they became stronger and a
much larger clan—with time they became very
strong and warlike—
• In 430 AD they occupied land between Soissons
and Cambrai—Soissons a large armory for the
Roman Legions fell into the hands of the Franks.
• They now could equip a much larger army with
modern weaponry; they joined with Aetius and the
Legions that defeated the Huns—felt somewhat a
part of the Empire.
• Join the Court of Aetius;
• Aetius murdered by
conspirators at Ravenna 453
• Franks liked Aetius and
renounced anything empire
and any allegiance or alliance
in 453.
• AD 476 Odovacar, Germanic
Leader of the Roman army in
Italy, deposed the western
emperor; Franks began an
independent life forsaking and
despising anything Roman.
• 15 year old Frank—Clovis is a form of “Louis.”
Name of the French Royal dynasty.
• Single extended family important so Clovis kills off
family members to reduce the competition;
• Consolidated other tribes under the aegis of his
strong rule by killing off other competitors.
• 486 AD began his own wars of conquest and
consolidation—importance is Clovis made what is
now Paris his home base.
Clovis and Christianity
• Constantine moment—he
needed to defeat the
Burgundians, but they had
consolidated with other
Arian Germanic tribes—
• Battle in doubt—took an
Oath to embrace the
catholic Church forsaking
the Arian doctrine—if
God would allow him
victory—or to get the
Christian community to
join him in battle?
Clovis and Christianity
• The stage is now set for
the advance and
dominance of the Catholic
Church – and set the stage
for Church/State issues
and will begin the line of
the Holy Roman
Emperors through the
Merovingian dynasty.
• Defeated the Visigoths
and seized control of all
France and much of the
German territory to the
Merovingian Dynasty
• All in all, ruled for about 300 years;
• Political structure was monarchical—all lands,
towns and villages were considered personal
property of the King;
• Royal family moved from estate to estate for
subsistence; everything was supplied the royal
family from these estates and villages;
• Household servantry became important—such as
Mayor of the Palace or head servant(Butler)
oversaw all economy, politics, social functions,
human resources, etc . . . Beginning of the Palace
bureaucracy (head ministers etc . . .).
Merovingian Dynasty
• Ministers—means to
• These servants posts
became functions with
Royal French Titles;
• Wherever the King was
not, he left in control
Strongmen (women) who
would later become Earls,
Counts and Dukes—of
course appointed by the
Merovingian Dynasty
• Law based on custom;
kinship and feuds;
• No concept of state
• Power was passed to
• Gavelkind—division of
property equally among
the children (legitimate
and illegitimate).
• Royal and lands and titles
were passed along
Hereditary Issues
• Kingship tied to heredity and power;
• Lands divided equally—so it created intrigue
between heirs seeking the ultimate prizeKINGSHIP;
• It also created palace intrigue to gain the highest
Ministerial slots—see why there was so much
turn-over and unexplained deaths;
• Created constant Civil Wars—though powerful, in
the long run created weaknesses to be exploited
by the powerful or even the hated enemies of the
dynasty—still it worked for over 300 years.
Power Base of the Franks
• Expanded rather than migrated; numbers
constantly increasing;
• Expanded slowly and always appeared as nonthreatening, as did the over zealous Vandals and
• They incorporated much Roman citizenry—
appearing as allies rather than threat;
• Geography protected them from the invading Huns
and Muslims;
• Neither the Muslims nor the Byzantine court
desired to bring the Franks into their fold—they
looked fragmented and innocuous at best.
Power Base of the Franks
• Traditional opponents and enemies were always
distracted or weak from their own wars; The
Visigoths and Burgundians though Barbaric and
brutal never had the true love and support of the
peasantry—they easily allied with the Franks and
their brand of Catholic Christianity;
• The peasantry despised the Arian barbarians;
• Franks worked with a primitive style government.
Power Base of the Franks
• Forsook all things Roman especially the taxation
program, which aided in creating alliances with
the peasantry;
• Visigoths and Ostrogoths, and Vandals tried to
maintain the Roman tax system;
• Franks allowed for local governance (akin to
states rights); it seems here was the perfect time
for decentralization of government;
• Local governments (villages, towns, or cities)if
responsible were allowed complete autonomy.
Power Base of the Franks
• Because of their primitive governmental structure,
they allowed for local talented and effective rulers
to rise into the Frankish “aristocracy”
• Frank rulers did not embrace vague notions of
imperial power; they accepted their local kingdom
rule and living off the tribute of others;
• Because of such local autonomy, governmental
structure was not repressive nor intrusive.
Power Base of the Franks
• Because of Clovis they enjoyed the support of the
• Possessed religious continuity throughout the
• Peasants did not care whether the rulers were
good Christian;
• Church provided them with skilled literate
administrative personnel;
• Moreover, when the Franks did expand they had
the benefit of missionaries and clergy to educate
and help pacify the populace; stroke of genius.
• BY the 600s, All things Roman, for the most part,
had disappeared; this loss of alliance and security
for the Church could have been debilitating;
• However, the Church found a new alliance with
the Franks;
• Franks had many alliances, but the Church was
the most important.
Rise of Western Church
• Christianity not truly legitimized until AD 313
after the death of Diocletian;
• West different from the east—more centralized
and unified institutions;
• Christianity helped further separate the West from
the east—interesting considering the early Church
embraced the imperial nature of Constantine’s
• Churches would operate on local levels—gaining
an unintended Grass Roots dominance that would
benefit it later;
Rise of Western Church
• These local Civitates formed the central governmental
and municipal basis for Western forms of government;
• Administrative positions were filled with Clergy—they
were literate—educated and many learned in Law;
• Began the practice of Investiture—Church
Administrators confirmed the appointment of
governmental officials through ceremony—to be clothed
in the office; usually conducted by two or more Bishops
to add Church and Social and Political credibility to the
office—the President is sworn in with the Bible.
Rise of Western Church
• Church focused on Urban
centers; later the agrarian
western lands;
• Local power allowed to
elect their own Bishops
and Church Leaders;
• Unfortunately this would
lead to the secularization
of the Church– and few
men with any true
meaning of the Christian
faith—powerful church
not all good.
Western Church
• Division and sectarian factionalism became troublesome
for the Church;
• Nicean Council was to resolve this—it did not;
• Split between Athanasius and Arius—difference between
the Holy Trinity one and the same—triumvirate
equality—Arianism human divinity of Christ.
• Big solution, which worked in the West fairly well was
to centralize the strength and power of the Church.
Establishment of Bishops and Pope
• To create continuity—established the Bishop’s of
Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and Rome;
• Uniformed faith came up short, but it did define a
uniformed definition and character of the Christian
• This led to the uniformity of liturgy, practice, and
iconography; The Canonization of the books of the
Bible; Prayer Book, and adoption of the ten
Commandments—translate (Greek and Hebrew)
into Latin (common language).
Western Church
• The Western Church was able
to establish the progression of
the Pope based on the lineage
of Peter—who died in Rome;
• The Petrine Doctrine, or Papal
Primacy -• “on this rock shall I build my
church …” This became the
basis and earthly divinity of
the Pope. Pope Leo I The
Great negotiated the security
of Rome with the Huns—
seemed divine intervention—
Pope is now the Church!!
3 Famous Early Christian Scholars
• Latin Fathers:
• Jerome who translated the
Greek and Hebrew into Latin;
• Ambrose defined functions
and roles of the Church
Bishops higher then Emperors
because of the divine nature
of their position;
• Augustine who explained
Christian Doctrine and
explained the tough questions
in formal and informal
language, ie, evil,
predestination, God’s
influence in small matters
Arian Persecution of the Catholic Christians
• Though unintended, the
early Catholic Christians,
were being persecuted by
the Arian Christians;
• Catholics out of necessity
had to bind together for
• Supposedly direct lineage
to Peter also helped their
• To avert the East from capturing power in the West,
Lombard Tribes (Italians) secured peace and continuity in
• Rome sole champions of Roman culture, which they
transformed into the iconography of “True Christianity.”
• Pope Gregory I, (Papal Primacy) a masterful
administrator, put the Church on a sound financial
standing and established legal and social acceptance of
the Episcopacy—also made missionary and evangelizing
a major work of the church;
• Converted the Pagans, celts etc …
Modern Church Identity
Pope—Vicar of God—earthly emissary;
Strong centralized administrative structure;
Less interested in theological disputes;
More interested in establishing a refined and
uniformed, rational and coherent set of rules and
regulations controlling political and liturgical
doctrine of Church;
• Established Missionary Activism;
• Bound to Spread the “Good News.”