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GN 301 Honors/Scholars
March 19, 2008
Mark Saine
Jordan Brown
Melissa Martell
Sarah Compton
Bipolar Disorder
Alzheimer's disease (AD), also called Alzheimer disease or
simply Alzheimer's, is the most common cause of dementia,
afflicting 24 million people worldwide. Alzheimer's is a
degenerative and terminal disease for which there is currently
no known cure. In its most common form, it occurs in people
over 65 years old although a less-prevalent early-onset form
also exists.
• There are more than 5 million people in the United
States living with Alzheimer’s.
• Every 72 seconds, someone develops Alzheimer’s.
• The direct and indirect costs of the disease and other
dementias amount to more that $148 billion annually.
Memory loss
Difficulty Performing familiar tasks
Problems with language
Disorientation to time and place
Poor judgment
Misplacing things
Changes in mood and behavior
Changes in personality
Loss of initiative
Alzheimer’s Disease
Forgets entire experiences
Forgets part of an experience
Is gradually unable to care for
Is usually able to care for self
Rarely remembers later
Often remembers later
Is gradually unable to follow
written/spoken directions
Is usually able to follow
written/spoken directions
While scientists know Alzheimer’s disease
involves progressive brain cell failure, they
have not yet identified any single reason why
cells fail. However, they have identified
certain risk factors that increase the likelihood
of developing Alzheimer’s.
• AGE: The greatest known risk factor is
increasing age. Most individuals with the
disease are 65 or older. The likelihood of
developing Alzheimer’s doubles every five
years after age 65. After age 85, the risk
reaches nearly 50 percent.
Research has shown that those who have a
parent, brother or sister, or child with
Alzheimer’s are more likely to develop
the disease. The risk increases if more
than one family member has the illness.
*When diseases tend to run in families,
either genetics or environmental factors or
both may play a role.
• Risk genes increase the likelihood of
developing a disease, but do not guarantee it
will happen.
• Scientists have so far identified one
Alzheimer risk gene called apoliprotein Ee4 (APOE-e4).
• Deterministic genes directly cause a
disease, guaranteeing that anyone who
inherits them will develop the disorder.
• Rare genes that directly cause Alzheimer’s
have been found in only a few hundred
extended families worldwide.
• A gene on chromosome 19 involved in
making ApoE, a substance that helps carry
cholesterol in the bloodstream.
• The APOE e4 gene is considered a “risk
factor” gene for AD and appears to
influence the age of onset of the diesease.
• Genetic tests are available for both APOE-e4
and the rare genes that directly cause
• Health professionals do not currently
recommend routine genetic testing for
Alzheimer’s disease.
• At this time, there is no treatment or cure.
There is no known drug that is assured to delay
or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
• FDA-approved drugs temporarily slow
worsening of symptoms for about 6 to 12
months, on average, for about half the
individuals who take them.
• Alzheimer’s Association National Office
225 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60601
• 24/7 Helpline: 1.800.272.3900
Major Depressive
Disorder impairs a
person’s ability to
work, sleep, eat
and function as he
or she normally
*Almost 15 million Americans have major depression.
*Everyone is prone to clinical depression.
*Usually occurs for people between the ages of 20 and 50
although people over the age of 65 are more vulnerable.
*Marital Status: Women who are happily married have lower
rates of depression.
To have major depressive disorder episode, for two weeks
the person must have 5 of these 9 symptoms, but they
must have either loss of interest or depressed mood.
1. Depressed mood.
2. A significantly reduced level of interest or
pleasure in most or all activities.
3. A considerable loss or gain of weight
4. Insomnia or Hypersomnia
5. Behavior that is agitated or slowed down.
6. Feeling fatigued, or diminished energy.
7. Thoughts of worthlessness or extreme guilt
8. Ability to think, concentrate, or make
decisions is reduced.
9. Frequent thoughts of death or suicide
Many factors contribute to depression. Each of these
factors work in conjunction with each other to make the
person develop major depressive disorder. These factors
include genetics, environmental factors, and biological
*The serotonin transporter gene is linked to depression.
*It controls two parts of the brain: amygdala and cingulate
*Two types of this gene: the long and short version
*Those with two copies of the long version show better
connectivity between the amygdala and cingulate
*Identical twins have identical genetic material.
-If twins are raised together and one twin develops
clinical depression, the other twin develops clinical depression
76% of the time.
-If twins are raised apart and one twin develops clinical
depression, the other twin develops clinical depression 67% of
the time
*Shown to go through families
*If a parent or sibling has had a major depression, the person
may be 1.5 to 3 times more likely to develop depression
*Researchers have found that certain fluctuations in
the brain chemistry can also contribute to
depression. These fluctuations are due to changes in
important hormones.
*It has also been found that there are imbalances in
two neurotransmitters in the brain: serotonin and
*Cortisol, a hormone that regulates anger, fear, and
stress, has also been an influence.
Environmental factors such as these increase the risk of
depression: major trauma, separation from a parent
before the age of 11, physical or sexual abuse during
childhood, stress.
*People may not be able to do
the same responsibilities that
they once could do
*Family of the depressed person
may have feelings of guilt,
anger, or sadness
*Relationships become strained
and others actively avoid the
person that worsens the
depressed person’s self image
and confidence
*Selective Serotonin Reuptake
Inhibitors: (SSRIs)
*Tricylics and monoamine
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
*St. John’s wort
*“Talking therapies” and
exercise alternatives
*Support Groups
*Therapy Groups
*Disorder being recognized 004.jpg
• Also known as manic-depressive illness
• Disorder of the brain
• Can cause mood shifts, changes in energy,
ability to function
• Can be treated
• Long-term illness that must be monitored and
managed throughout a person’s life
• Affects more than 5.7
million American adults
• 2.6% of the United
States population age 18
and older in a given
year have bipolar
• When symptoms appear before age 12, it is
often confused with ADHD
• Affects men and women equally
• Average age of onset: early 20’s
• Worldwide, 7 out of every 1,000 are affected
with bipolar disorder, or .7% of the world’s
• Bipolar disorder causes
dramatic mood swings
• Range from overly “high” to
irritable, sad, and hopeless,
then back again
• Often periods of normal
mood in between
• Periods of highs and lows
called episodes of mania
and depression
 Increased energy
 Extreme irritability
 Poor judgment
 Little sleep needed
 Abuse of drugs
 Sad, anxious, empty
 Loss of interest or
pleasure in activities
 Thoughts of suicide
• Bipolar I
• The classic form of the illness
• Involves recurrent episodes of mania and depression
• Bipolar II
• Never develop severe mania
• Alternate between depression and hypomania
• Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder
• Four or more episodes within 12 month period
• Tends to develop later in the course of illness
• More common among women than men
• Biochemical
• Genetic
• Environmental
• Research
• Twin Studies
• Genes
– GRK-3 gene, chromosome
– FAT-1 gene, chromosome 4
– AY070435 gene (Slynar),
chromosome 12
• Thought to be on 18 & 21
• Then 1, 6, 7, & 10, 22
• 11 & X-Chromosome
• Polymorphisms
• Bipolar Disorder is highly
treatable once diagnosed
• Mood Stabilizers (Lithium)
• Combination Medication &
Psychosocial Treatment
• Anticonvulsant Medications
• ECT (Electroconvulsive
Depression and Bipolar
Support Alliance
Schizophrenia is a brain disorder in which a
person experiences a loss of contact with
reality which reduces their ability to live a
normal life. This disorder is thought to be
caused by a mixture of genetics and
*Affects about 1% of the US population
*Sex and race does not affect the likelihood of developing the
*There is no known cure
*Symptoms begin to appear around the late teens for men and
the early 20’s for women.
• Possible symptoms:
a) May hear voices no one else can hear
b) May believe someone is reading their mind, controlling
their thoughts, or trying to cause them harm
c) May not make sense when talking
d) May sit for hours and not move
e) May have a hard time holding a job, maintaining and
establishing relationships, and difficult time taking care of
• Positive symptoms
a) Hallucinations
b) Delusions
c) Thought disorder
d) Disorder of movement
• Negative symptoms
• Cognitive symptoms
• According to the DSM-IV in order to be diagnosed with
schizophrenia, the following must occur:
1. At least two of the following symptoms, each present
for at least a month
a) delusions
b) hallucinations
c) disorganized speech
d) negative symptoms
2. Functioning markedly below the level achieved prior to
3. Continuous signs of the disturbance for a least six
months, at least one month of which includes symptoms in
full and active form.
• Researchers have found possible gene defects linked
to schizophrenia on the following chromosomes:
1, 6, 8, 10, 13, 18, 22, and the X chromosome
• Polygenic: caused by a combination of gene defects
• Genes and Environment?
• Antipsychotic medications
• Psychosocial treatment:
a) Educating the patient
b) Helping the patient manage their life
c) Substance abuse treatment
d) Rehabilitations
e) Family education
f) Cognitive behavioral therapy
g) Self help groups
*Alzheimer’s Disease Education Center
*U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
*Alzheimer’s Association © 2008