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 Put
excess fluid in tissue spaces back into
the blood stream
 Immunity
 Lymphatic
capillaries →
Lymphatic vessels →
Lymphatic Trunks →
Collecting Ducts →
 The
lymph will also pass through
lymph nodes found along these
 Closed-ended
 Form network with
blood capillaries
 Thin-walled
 Fluid inside is called
 Lymphatic
• Structure is very similar to veins
 Lymphatic Trunks
• Larger vessels than lymphatic vessels; drain into
collecting ducts
Two Main Ducts
• Thoracic Duct- collects
lymph drained from the
lower limbs, the
abdomen, the left upper
limb, and the left side of
the thorax, head, and
• Right Lymphatic Ductcollects lymph drained
from the right upper
limb and the right side
of the thorax, neck, and
 Interstitial
fluid surrounding capillaries
 Constant movement in and out of
 Generally same composition as plasma
except plasma proteins
 Some excess fluid stays and is not
recollected by capillaries
 Volume
pressure of interstitial fluid
causes some of the fluid to enter
lymphatic capillaries
 Lymph will return to the bloodstream but
will be filtered along the way
 Controlled
• Skeletal muscle movement
• Pressure changes due to breathing
 Valves
keep the movement going in one
 Usually
small and bean shaped
 Afferent lymphatic vessels
• carry lymph into lymph node
• Come in at various points along convex surface
 Efferent Lymphatic vessels
• Carry lymph out of lymph node
• Come out at hilum (area on the concave side)
 Blood Vessels and nerves enter at hilum
 Connective
tissue encloses lymph node
and creates sub-compartments inside
 Compartments are lymph nodules
 Space inside the nodule is called a lymph
 Sinuses are filled with lymphocytes and
 Filter
foreign particles from blood before
returning the lymph to the blood stream
 Immune
 Bilobed
found in the
 Largest during
 Creates T-cells
 Also endocrine
gland- releases
thymosins to make Tcells mature after
leaving the thymus
Largest lymphatic organ
Found in upper left
quadrant near stomach
Similar structure to
lymph nodes except
sinuses contain blood
instead of lymph
White pulp- high in
Red pulp- high in red
blood cells, lymphocytes,
and macrophages
Filters Blood
 Protection
against pathogens
 Pathogens include
• Viruses
• Bacteria
• Fungi
• Protozoans
 Innate
vs Adaptive
 Natural
 Active
vs Artificial
vs Passive
 Species
 First line of defense- skin and mucous layers
 Second line of defense
• Chemical barriers
 Tears, gastric juices, and sweat
 interferons
• Fever
• Inflammation
• Phagocytosis
 Third
line of defense
 Lymphocytes
 Responds
are responsible
to specific antigen on the
invading pathogen
 Undifferentiated
lymphocytes made by fetal
bone marrow
 T cells
• Lymphocytes travel to thymus and become T cells
• T cells either circulate in blood or are found in
lymph system
• Made in marrow
• B cells either circulate in blood or found in the
lymph system
 Cellular
Immune response
• Attack up close
• Performed by T cells
 Humoral
immune response
• Attack from afar
• Performed by B cells
 Antigen-presenting
cells processes and
displays antigen of pathogen
 Displayed antigen must be matched with
a circulating helper T cells antibody
 Helper T cell is activated
 Cytotoxic T
cells- attack cells infected
virus or cancerous cells
 must be activated by a matching antigen
cell must match with an antigen
 Activated Helper T cell secrete cytokines
 Cytokines make B cell proliferate to form
plasma cells and memory cells
 Plasma cell secrete antibodies
 Globular
 Five Types
• Immunoglobulin G (IgG)- in plasma and tissue fluids;
activates complement system
IgA- in exocrine gland secretions
IgM- in plasma; activates complement system
IgD- found on surfaces of B cells; activates B cells
IgE- in exocrine gland secretions; associated with
allergic reaction
 Attack
• Agglutinate- clump pathogens together
• Precipitate- make pathogen insoluble
• Neutralize- cover or destroy toxic part of antigen
 Activate
• Done by shape change of IgG and IgM
• Starts a series of rxns that activate the compliments
circulating in the plasma
 Compliment
• Opsonization- coating antigen-antibody complex
• Chemotaxis- bringing macrophages to the area
• Lysis- rupturing membranes
• Agglutination
• Neutralization
 Memory T
and B cells- circulate after
primary immune response
 Body
will be able to respond quickly
during secondary immune response
 Immune
response to everyday, nonharmful antigens (allergens)
 Delayed-reaction allergy
• Exposure to allergen on skin
• Collects T cells and macrophages in the area
• Causes dermatitis
 Immediate-reaction
• Occurs within minutes
• First exposure- B cells become sensitized; IgE is
attached to basophils and mast cells
• Subsequent exposures- mast cells and basophils
secrete several substances including histamine
• These substances produce the reactions seen in
allergy reactions
 Transplant
tissue or organ
 Antigen is recognized as foreign and
starts immune response
 Tissue matching helps minimize reaction
 Immunosuppressive drugs- suppress
immune reaction
 Cytotoxic T
cells cannot correctly identify
self cells and attacks self cells
 Why?
• “catalogue” is incomplete
• Pathogen borrows self antigens during attack
• Pathogen antigen is very similar to a self antigen