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Chapter 28
Quantum Physics
Simplification Models
Particle Model
Systems and rigid objects
Allowed us to ignore unnecessary details of an
object when studying its behavior
Extension of particle model
Wave Model
Two new models
Quantum particle
Quantum particle under boundary conditions
Blackbody Radiation
An object at any temperature is known
to emit thermal radiation
Characteristics depend on the temperature
and surface properties
The thermal radiation consists of a
continuous distribution of wavelengths from
all portions of the em spectrum
Blackbody Radiation, cont
At room temperature, the wavelengths of the
thermal radiation are mainly in the infrared
As the surface temperature increases, the
wavelength changes
It will glow red and eventually white
The basic problem was in understanding the
observed distribution in the radiation emitted
by a black body
Classical physics didn’t adequately describe the
observed distribution
Blackbody Radiation, final
A black body is an ideal system that
absorbs all radiation incident on it
The electromagnetic radiation emitted
by a black body is called blackbody
Blackbody Approximation
A good approximation
of a black body is a
small hole leading to
the inside of a hollow
The nature of the
radiation leaving the
cavity through the hole
depends only on the
temperature of the
cavity walls
Blackbody Experiment Results
The total power of the emitted radiation
increases with temperature
Stefan’s Law
P = s A e T4
For a blackbody, e = 1
The peak of the wavelength distribution shifts
to shorter wavelengths as the temperature
Wien’s displacement law
lmax T = 2.898 x 10-3 m.K
Stefan’s Law – Details
P = s Ae T4
P is the power
s is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
s = 5.670 x 10-8 W / m2 . K4
Was studied in Chapter 17
Wien’s Displacement Law
lmax T = 2.898 x 10-3 m.K
lmax is the wavelength at which the curve
T is the absolute temperature
The wavelength is inversely proportional
to the absolute temperature
As the temperature increases, the peak is
“displaced” to shorter wavelengths
Intensity of Blackbody
Radiation, Summary
The intensity increases
with increasing
The amount of radiation
emitted increases with
increasing temperature
The area under the curve
The peak wavelength
decreases with
increasing temperature
Ultraviolet Catastrophe
At short wavelengths,
there was a major
disagreement between
classical theory and
experimental results for
black body radiation
This mismatch became
known as the ultraviolet
You would have infinite
energy as the
wavelength approaches
Max Planck
1858 – 1947
He introduced the
concept of “quantum
of action”
In 1918 he was
awarded the Nobel
Prize for the
discovery of the
quantized nature of
Planck’s Theory of
Blackbody Radiation
In 1900, Planck developed a structural model
for blackbody radiation that leads to an
equation in agreement with the experimental
He assumed the cavity radiation came from
atomic oscillations in the cavity walls
Planck made two assumptions about the
nature of the oscillators in the cavity walls
Planck’s Assumption, 1
The energy of an oscillator can have only
certain discrete values En
En = n h ƒ
n is a positive integer called the quantum number
h is Planck’s constant
ƒ is the frequency of oscillation
This says the energy is quantized
Each discrete energy value corresponds to a
different quantum state
Planck’s Assumption, 2
The oscillators emit or absorb energy only in
discrete units
They do this when making a transition from
one quantum state to another
The entire energy difference between the initial
and final states in the transition is emitted or
absorbed as a single quantum of radiation
An oscillator emits or absorbs energy only when it
changes quantum states
Energy-Level Diagram
An energy-level
diagram shows the
quantized energy levels
and allowed transitions
Energy is on the vertical
Horizontal lines
represent the allowed
energy levels
The double-headed
arrows indicate allowed
Correspondence Principle
Quantum results must blend smoothly with
classical results when the quantum number
becomes large
Quantum effects are not seen on an everyday
basis since the energy change is too small a
fraction of the total energy
Quantum effects are important and become
measurable only on the submicroscopic level of
atoms and molecules
Photoelectric Effect
The photoelectric effect occurs when
light incident on certain metallic
surfaces causes electrons to be emitted
from those surfaces
The emitted electrons are called
The effect was first discovered by Hertz
Photoelectric Effect Apparatus
When the tube is kept in
the dark, the ammeter
reads zero
When plate E is
illuminated by light having
an appropriate
wavelength, a current is
detected by the ammeter
The current arises from
photoelectrons emitted
from the negative plate
(E) and collected at the
positive plate (C)
Photoelectric Effect, Results
At large values of DV, the
current reaches a
maximum value
All the electrons emitted
at E are collected at C
The maximum current
increases as the intensity
of the incident light
When DV is negative, the
current drops
When DV is equal to or
more negative than DVs,
the current is zero
Photoelectric Effect Feature 1
Dependence of photoelectron kinetic energy
on light intensity
Classical Prediction
Electrons should absorb energy continually from the
electromagnetic waves
As the light intensity incident on the metal is increased,
the electrons should be ejected with more kinetic energy
Experimental Result
The maximum kinetic energy is independent of light
The current goes to zero at the same negative voltage for
all intensity curves
Photoelectric Effect Feature 2
Time interval between incidence of light and
ejection of photoelectrons
Classical Prediction
For very weak light, a measurable time interval should
pass between the instant the light is turned on and the
time an electron is ejected from the metal
This time interval is required for the electron to absorb
the incident radiation before it acquires enough energy to
escape from the metal
Experimental Result
Electrons are emitted almost instantaneously, even at
very low light intensities
Less than 10-9 s
Photoelectric Effect Feature 3
Dependence of ejection of electrons on light
Classical Prediction
Electrons should be ejected at any frequency as long as
the light intensity is high enough
Experimental Result
No electrons are emitted if the incident light falls below
some cutoff frequency, ƒc
The cutoff frequency is characteristic of the material
being illuminated
No electrons are ejected below the cutoff frequency
regardless of intensity
Photoelectric Effect Feature 4
Dependence of photoelectron kinetic energy
on light frequency
Classical Prediction
There should be no relationship between the frequency
of the light and the electric kinetic energy
The kinetic energy should be related to the intensity of
the light
Experimental Result
The maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons
increases with increasing light frequency
Photoelectric Effect
Features, Summary
The experimental results contradict all four
classical predictions
Einstein extended Planck’s concept of
quantization to electromagnetic waves
All electromagnetic radiation can be
considered a stream of quanta, now called
A photon of incident light gives all its energy
hƒ to a single electron in the metal
Photoelectric Effect,
Work Function
Electrons ejected from the surface of the
metal and not making collisions with other
metal atoms before escaping possess the
maximum kinetic energy Kmax
Kmax = hƒ – f
f is called the work function
The work function represents the minimum energy
with which an electron is bound in the metal
Some Work Function Values
Photon Model Explanation of
the Photoelectric Effect
Dependence of photoelectron kinetic energy
on light intensity
Kmax is independent of light intensity
K depends on the light frequency and the work
The intensity will change the number of
photoelectrons being emitted, but not the energy
of an individual electron
Time interval between incidence of light and
ejection of the photoelectron
Each photon can have enough energy to eject an
electron immediately
Photon Model Explanation of
the Photoelectric Effect, cont
Dependence of ejection of electrons on
light frequency
There is a failure to observe photoelectric
effect below a certain cutoff frequency,
which indicates the photon must have
more energy than the work function in
order to eject an electron
Without enough energy, an electron cannot
be ejected, regardless of the light intensity
Photon Model Explanation of
the Photoelectric Effect, final
Dependence of photoelectron kinetic
energy on light frequency
Since Kmax = hƒ – f
As the frequency increases, the kinetic
energy will increase
Once the energy of the work function is
There is a linear relationship between the
kinetic energy and the frequency
Cutoff Frequency
The lines show the linear
relationship between K
and ƒ
The slope of each line is h
The absolute value of the
y-intercept is the work
The x-intercept is the
cutoff frequency
This is the frequency below
which no photoelectrons are
Cutoff Frequency
and Wavelength
The cutoff frequency is related to the work
function through ƒc = f / h
The cutoff frequency corresponds to a cutoff
lc 
Wavelengths greater than lc incident on a
material having a work function f do not
result in the emission of photoelectrons
Applications of the
Photoelectric Effect
Detector in the light meter of a camera
Used in burglar alarms and soundtrack of
motion picture films
Largely replaced by semiconductor devices
Photomultiplier tubes
Used in nuclear detectors and astronomy
Arthur Holly Compton
1892 - 1962
Director at the lab of
the University of
Discovered the
Compton Effect
Shared the Nobel
Prize in 1927
The Compton Effect,
Compton and coworkers dealt with Einstein’s
idea of photon momentum
Einstein proposed a photon with energy E carries
a momentum of E/c = hƒ / c
Compton and others accumulated evidence
of the inadequacy of the classical wave
The classical wave theory of light failed to
explain the scattering of x-rays from electrons
Compton Effect,
Classical Predictions
According to the classical theory,
electromagnetic waves of frequency ƒo
incident on electrons should
Accelerate in the direction of propagation of the xrays by radiation pressure
Oscillate at the apparent frequency of the radiation
since the oscillating electric field should set the
electrons in motion
Overall, the scattered wave frequency at a
given angle should be a distribution of
Doppler-shifted values
Compton Effect, Observations
experiments showed
that, at any given
angle, only one
frequency of
radiation is
Compton Effect, Explanation
The results could be explained by treating the
photons as point-like particles having energy
hƒ and momentum hƒ / c
Assume the energy and momentum of the
isolated system of the colliding photonelectron are conserved
Adopted a particle model for a well-known wave
This scattering phenomena is known as the
Compton Effect
Compton Shift Equation
The graphs show the
scattered x-ray for various
The shifted peak, l', is caused
by the scattering of free
l ' lo 
1  cos 
me c
This is called the Compton shift
Compton Wavelength
The unshifted wavelength, lo, is caused
by x-rays scattered from the electrons
that are tightly bound to the target
The shifted peak, l', is caused by x-rays
scattered from free electrons in the
The Compton wavelength is
 0.00243 nm
me c
Photons and Waves Revisited
Some experiments are best explained by the
photon model
Some are best explained by the wave model
We must accept both models and admit that
the true nature of light is not describable in
terms of any single classical model
Light has a dual nature in that it exhibits both
wave and particle characteristics
The particle model and the wave model of
light complement each other
Louis de Broglie
1892 – 1987
Originally studied
Was awarded the
Nobel Prize in 1929
for his prediction of
the wave nature of
Wave Properties of Particles
Louis de Broglie postulated that
because photons have both wave and
particle characteristics, perhaps all
forms of matter have both properties
The de Broglie wavelength of a
particle is
l 
p mv
Frequency of a Particle
In an analogy with photons, de Broglie
postulated that particles would also have a
frequency associated with them
These equations present the dual nature of
particle nature, m and v
wave nature, l and ƒ
Davisson-Germer Experiment
If particles have a wave nature, then
under the correct conditions, they
should exhibit diffraction effects
Davission and Germer measured the
wavelength of electrons
This provided experimental confirmation
of the matter waves proposed by de
Electron Microscope
The electron microscope
depends on the wave
characteristics of electrons
The electron microscope has
a high resolving power
because it has a very short
Typically, the wavelengths of
the electrons are about 100
times shorter than that of
visible light
Quantum Particle
The quantum particle is a new
simplification model that is a result of
the recognition of the dual nature of light
and of material particles
In this model, entities have both particle
and wave characteristics
We much choose one appropriate
behavior in order to understand a
particular phenomenon
Ideal Particle vs. Ideal Wave
An ideal particle has zero size
An ideal wave has a single frequency
and is infinitely long
Therefore, it is localized in space
Therefore, it is unlocalized in space
A localized entity can be built from
infinitely long waves
Particle as a Wave Packet
Multiple waves are superimposed so that one
of its crests is at x = 0
The result is that all the waves add
constructively at x = 0
There is destructive interference at every
point except x = 0
The small region of constructive interference
is called a wave packet
The wave packet can be identified as a particle
Wave Envelope
The blue line represents the envelope
This envelope can travel through space with
a different speed than the individual waves
Speeds Associated
with Wave Packet
The phase speed of a wave in a wave
packet is given by
v phase  
This is the rate of advance of a crest on a
single wave
The group speed is given by
v g  d
This is the speed of the wave packet itself
Speeds, cont
The group speed can also be expressed
in terms of energy and momentum
dE d  p2 
vg 
 2p   u
dp dp  2m  2m
This indicates that the group speed of
the wave packet is identical to the
speed of the particle that it is modeled
to represent
Electron Diffraction, Set-Up
Electron Diffraction,
Parallel beams of mono-energetic
electrons are incident on a double slit
The slit widths are small compared to
the electron wavelength
An electron detector is positioned far
from the slits at a distance much greater
than the slit separation
Electron Diffraction, cont
If the detector collects
electrons for a long enough
time, a typical wave
interference pattern is
This is distinct evidence that
electrons are interfering, a
wave-like behavior
The interference pattern
becomes clearer as the
number of electrons reaching
the screen increases
Electron Diffraction, Equations
A minimum occurs when
d sin 
sin   
2 px d
This shows the dual nature of the electron
The electrons are detected as particles at a
localized spot at some instant of time
The probability of arrival at that spot is determined
by finding the intensity of two interfering waves
Electron Diffraction,
Closed Slits
If one slit is closed, the
maximum is centered
around the opening
Closing the other slit
produces another
maximum centered
around that opening
The total effect is the
blue line
It is completely different
from the interference
pattern (brown curve)
Electron Diffraction Explained
An electron interacts with both slits
If an attempt is made to determine
experimentally which slit the electron goes
through, the act of measuring destroys the
interference pattern
It is impossible to determine which slit the electron
goes through
In effect, the electron goes through both slits
The wave components of the electron are present
at both slits at the same time
Werner Heisenberg
1901 – 1976
Developed matrix
Many contributions
Uncertainty Principle
Rec’d Nobel Prize in
Prediction of two forms of
molecular hydrogen
Theoretical models of the
The Uncertainty
Principle, Introduction
In classical mechanics, it is possible, in
principle, to make measurements with
arbitrarily small uncertainty
Quantum theory predicts that it is
fundamentally impossible to make
simultaneous measurements of a
particle’s position and momentum with
infinite accuracy
Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle, Statement
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
states if a measurement of the position
of a particle is made with uncertainty Dx
and a simultaneous measurement of its
x component of momentum is made
with uncertainty Dp, the product of the
two uncertainties can never be smaller
DxDp x 
Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle, Explained
It is physically impossible to measure
simultaneously the exact position and
exact momentum of a particle
The inescapable uncertainties do not
arise from imperfections in practical
measuring instruments
The uncertainties arise from the
quantum structure of matter
Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle, Another Form
Another form of the Uncertainty
Principle can be expressed in terms of
energy and time
DEDt 
This suggests that energy conservation
can appear to be violated by an amount
DE as long as it is only for a short time
interval Dt
Probability –
A Particle Interpretation
From the particle point of view, the
probability per unit volume of finding a
photon in a given region of space at an
instant of time is proportional to the
number N of photons per unit volume at
that time and to the intensity
Probability N
 I
Probability –
A Wave Interpretation
From the point of view of a wave, the
intensity of electromagnetic radiation is
proportional to the square of the electric
field amplitude, E
I E
Combining the points of view gives
 E2
Probability –
Interpretation Summary
For electromagnetic radiation, the probability
per unit volume of finding a particle
associated with this radiation is proportional
to the square of the amplitude of the
associated em wave
The particle is the photon
The amplitude of the wave associated with
the particle is called the probability
amplitude or the wave function
The symbol is Y
Wave Function
The complete wave function Y for a
system depends on the positions of all
the particles in the system and on time
The function can be written as
Y(r1, r2, … rj…., t) = y(rj)e-it
rj is the position of the jth particle in the system
 = 2 p ƒ is the angular frequency
i  1
Wave Function, con’t
The wave function is often complex-valued
The absolute square |y|2 = y*y is always real
and positive
y* is the complete conjugate of y
It is proportional to the probability per unit volume
of finding a particle at a given point at some
The wave function contains within it all the
information that can be known about the
Wave Function,
General Comments, Final
The probabilistic interpretation of the
wave function was first suggested by
Max Born
Erwin Schrödinger proposed a wave
equation that describes the manner in
which the wave function changes in
space and time
This Schrödinger Wave Equation represents a
key element in quantum mechanics
Wave Function
of a Free Particle
The wave function of a free particle moving
along the x-axis can be written as y(x) = Aeikx
k = 2 p / l is the angular wave number of the wave
representing the particle
A is the constant amplitude
If y represents a single particle, |y|2 is the
relative probability per unit volume that the
particle will be found at any given point in the
|y|2 is called the probability density
Wave Function
of a Free Particle, Cont
In general, the probability
of finding the particle in a
volume dV is |y|2 dV
With one-dimensional
analysis, this becomes
|y|2 dx
The probability of finding
the particle in the arbitrary
interval axb is
Pab  a y 2 dx
and is the area under the
Wave Function
of a Free Particle, Final
Because the particle must be
somewhere along the x axis, the sum of
all the probabilities over all values of x
must be 1
Pab   y dx  1
Any wave function satisfying this equation
is said to be normalized
Normalization is simply a statement that
the particle exists at some point in space
Expectation Values
y is not a measurable quantity
Measurable quantities of a particle can
be derived from y
The average position is called the
expectation value of x and is defined
x   y * xydx
Expectation Values, cont
The expectation value of any function of
x can also be found
f x    y * f x ydx
The expectation values are analogous to
Particle in a Box
A particle is confined to a
one-dimensional region of
The “box” is onedimensional
The particle is bouncing
elastically back and forth
between two impenetrable
walls separated by L
Classically, the particle’s
momentum and kinetic
energy remain constant
Wave Function
for the Particle in a Box
Since the walls are impenetrable, there
is zero probability of finding the particle
outside the box
y(x) = 0 for x < 0 and x > L
The wave function must also be 0 at the
The function must be continuous
y(0) = 0 and y(L) = 0
Potential Energy
for a Particle in a Box
As long as the particle
is inside the box, the
potential energy does
not depend on its
We can choose this
energy value to be zero
The energy is infinitely
large if the particle is
outside the box
This ensures that the
wave function is zero
outside the box
Wave Function of a Particle
in a Box – Mathematical
The wave function can be expressed as
a real, sinusoidal function
 2p x 
y ( x )  A sin 
 l 
Applying the boundary conditions and
using the de Broglie wavelength
 np x 
y ( x )  A sin 
 L 
Graphical Representations
for a Particle in a Box
Wave Function of the
Particle in a Box, cont
Only certain wavelengths for the particle
are allowed
|y|2 is zero at the boundaries
|y|2 is zero at other locations as well,
depending on the values of n
The number of zero points increases by
one each time the quantum number
increases by one
Momentum of the
Particle in a Box
Remember the wavelengths are
restricted to specific values
Therefore, the momentum values are
also restricted
p 
l 2L
Energy of a Particle in a Box
We chose the potential energy of the
particle to be zero inside the box
Therefore, the energy of the particle is
just its kinetic energy
 h2  2
En  
2 
 8mL 
n  1, 2, 3
The energy of the particle is quantized
Energy Level Diagram –
Particle in a Box
The lowest allowed energy
corresponds to the ground
En = n2E1 are called
excited states
E = 0 is not an allowed
The particle can never be
at rest
The lowest energy the
particle can have, E = 1, is
called the zero-point
Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions are applied to determine
the allowed states of the system
In the model of a particle under boundary
conditions, an interaction of a particle with its
environment represents one or more
boundary conditions and, if the interaction
restricts the particle to a finite region of
space, results in quantization of the energy of
the system
In general, boundary conditions are related to
the coordinates describing the problem
Erwin Schrödinger
1887 – 1961
Best known as one of
the creators of quantum
His approach was
shown to be equivalent
to Heisenberg’s
Also worked with
statistical mechanics
color vision
general relativity
Schrödinger Equation
The Schrödinger equation as it applies
to a particle of mass m confined to
moving along the x axis and interacting
with its environment through a potential
energy function U(x) is
h2 d 2y
 Uy  Ey
2m dx
This is called the time-independent
Schrödinger equation
Schrödinger Equation, cont
Both for a free particle and a particle in
a box, the first term in the Schrödinger
equation reduces to the kinetic energy
of the particle multiplied by the wave
Solutions to the Schrödinger equation in
different regions must join smoothly at
the boundaries
Schrödinger Equation, final
y(x) must be continuous
y(x) must approach zero as x
approaches ±
This is needed so that y(x) obeys the
normalization condition
dy / dx must also be continuous for
finite values of the potential energy
Solutions of the
Schrödinger Equation
Solutions of the Schrödinger equation may be
very difficult
The Schrödinger equation has been
extremely successful in explaining the
behavior of atomic and nuclear systems
Classical physics failed to explain this behavior
When quantum mechanics is applied to
macroscopic objects, the results agree with
classical physics
Potential Wells
A potential well is a graphical
representation of energy
The well is the upward-facing region of
the curve in a potential energy diagram
The particle in a box is sometimes said
to be in a square well
Due to the shape of the potential energy
Schrödinger Equation
Applied to a Particle in a Box
In the region 0 < x < L, where U = 0, the
Schrödinger equation can be expressed in
the form
d 2y
The most general solution to the equation is
y(x) = A sin kx + B cos kx
A and B are constants determined by the
boundary and normalization conditions
Schrödinger Equation Applied
to a Particle in a Box, cont.
Solving for the allowed energies gives
 h2  2
En  
2 
 8mL 
The allowed wave functions are given by
 np x 
 np x 
y ( x )  A sin 
sin 
The second expression is the normalized wave
These match the original results for the particle in
a box
Application – Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology refers to the design and
application of devices having dimensions
ranging from 1 to 100 nm
Nanotechnology uses the idea of trapping
particles in potential wells
One area of nanotechnology of interest to
researchers is the quantum dot
A quantum dot is a small region that is grown in a
silicon crystal that acts as a potential well
Storage of binary information using quantum dots
is being researched
Quantum Corral
Corrals and other
structures are used
to confine surface
electron waves
This corral is a ring
of 48 iron atoms on
a copper surface
The ring has a
diameter of 143 nm
The potential energy
has a constant value
U in the region of
width L and zero in
all other regions
This a called a
square barrier
U is the called the
barrier height
Tunneling, cont
Classically, the particle is reflected by the
Regions II and III would be forbidden
According to quantum mechanics, all regions
are accessible to the particle
The probability of the particle being in a classically
forbidden region is low, but not zero
According to the Uncertainty Principle, the particle
can be inside the barrier as long as the time
interval is short and consistent with the Principle
Tunneling, final
The curve in the diagram represents a full
solution to the Schrödinger equation
Movement of the particle to the far side of the
barrier is called tunneling or barrier
The probability of tunneling can be described
with a transmission coefficient, T, and a
reflection coefficient, R
Tunneling Coefficients
The transmission coefficient represents the
probability that the particle penetrates to the
other side of the barrier
The reflection coefficient represents the
probability that the particle is reflected by the
The particle must be either transmitted or reflected
T  e-2CL and can be non zero
Tunneling is observed and provides evidence
of the principles of quantum mechanics
Applications of Tunneling
Alpha decay
In order for the alpha particle to escape
from the nucleus, it must penetrate a
barrier whose energy is several times
greater than the energy of the nucleusalpha particle system
Nuclear fusion
Protons can tunnel through the barrier
caused by their mutual electrostatic
More Applications of Tunneling –
Scanning Tunneling Microscope
An electrically conducting probe with a very
sharp edge is brought near the surface to be
The empty space between the tip and the
surface represents the “barrier”
The tip and the surface are two walls of the
“potential well”
The vertical motion of the probe follows the
contour of the specimen’s surface and
therefore an image of the surface is obtained
Cosmic Temperature
In the 1940’s, a structural model of the
universe was developed which
predicted the existence of thermal
radiation from the Big Bang
The radiation would now have a
wavelength distribution consistent with a
black body
The temperature would be a few kelvins
Cosmic Temperature, cont
In 1965 two workers at Bell Labs found
a consistent “noise” in the radiation they
were measuring
They were detecting the background
radiation from the Big Bang
It was detected by their system regardless
of direction
It was consistent with a back body at about
Cosmic Temperature, Final
Measurements at
many wavelengths
were needed
The brown curve is
the theoretical curve
The blue dots
measurements from
COBE and Bell Labs