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E – Active Marketing
Ing. Jiří Šnajdar
The Internet has changed the ways individuals
communicate and how the world coducts business.
Web transformed traditional retaling by selling
goods and services over internet.
A company in practically any location could
compete globally and the size of an organization´s
operation make little difference.
The internet is a open enviroment, just a click away.
Internet represents more than a means to conduct
business transactions. It is a communication
highway Web helps create online communities that
conect buyers and sellers in new ways. It includes
interactive company and brand Web sites, social
media networks, such as Facebook and Twitter,
blogs and other communication formats.
It offers a multichannel communication systém that
allows businesses and customers to speak to each
other and listen to myriad of voices.
Today´s business can use internet to actively
interact with customers. The result is an e-active
E-active marketing combines two major
components of internet marketing: e-commerce and
interactive marketing. Both activities are vital to an
organization´s online presence.
Many of today´s consumers rely on the internet to
research products, to shop, to make comparisons,
to read both favorable and unfavorable comments
by other customers and interact with other
consumers and businesses. An effective
IMC program incorporates these new elements into
the advertising and promotions plan.
Recent study reveald that many companies are
reducing traditional marketing budgets and moving
the funds to online communication. Many marketing
experts belive that online searches, e-mail, social
media, Web disply ads and mobile marketing will
soon become a significant portion of marketing
Web changes the ways consumers communicate
and interact with companies. Online communication
channels are pushing companies into “real-time“
The methods of marketing have changed and
improved, and we've become a lot more efficient at
telling our stories and getting our marketing
messages out there.
eMarketing is the product of the meeting between
modern communication technologies and the ageold marketing principles that humans have always
What is eMarketing?
Very simply put, eMarketing or electronic marketing
refers to the application of marketing principles and
techniques via electronic media and more
specifically the Internet. The terms eMarketing,
Internet marketing and online marketing, are
frequently interchanged, and can often be
considered synonymous.
eMarketing is the process of marketing a brand
using the Internet. It includes both direct response
marketing and indirect marketing elements and
uses a range of technologies to help connect
businesses to their customers.
By such a definition, eMarketing encompasses all
the activities a business conducts via the worldwide
web with the aim of attracting new business,
retaining current business and developing its brand
Why is it important?
When implemented correctly, the return on
investment (ROI) from eMarketing can far exceed
that of traditional marketing strategies.
Whether you're a "bricks and mortar" business or a
concern operating purely online, the Internet is a
force that cannot be ignored. It can be a means to
reach literally millions of people every year. It's at
the forefront of a redefinition of way businesses
interact with their customers.
Email Marketing - No not spam
At its core, Email Marketing is a tool for customer
relationship management (CRM).
Its Purpose: To build virtual relationships with
existing and potential customers.
Its Benefit: Maximise the retention and value of
these customers, which should ultimately lead to
greater profitability.
What is Email Marketing?
Simply put, Email Marketing is a form of direct
marketing which utilises electronic means to deliver
commercial messages to an audience. It is one of
the oldest and yet still one of the most powerful of
all eMarketing tactics. The power comes from the
fact that it is:
extremely cost effective and has a low cost per
highly targeted
completely measurable
A successful email campaign requires careful
attention - from planning to execution and
evaluation of the campaign. There are certain best
practices and steps to follow which will ensure the
success of an email campaign:
Strategic Planning
The first part of any email campaign should involve
planning around the goals you will need to achieve.
Promotional emails are more direct and are geared
at enticing the user to take action through purchase
or sign up.
Retention based emails usually take the form of a
newsletter and may include promotional messages
but ultimately should contain information of value to
create a long term relationship with the reader.
A successful email campaign is most likely to be the
one geared at retaining and creating a long term
relationship with the reader.
List Building and Management
Running a successful email campaign requires that
your business has a genuine opt-in database.
This means that you need to have the user's
permission to communicate with them or you risk
having your mail regarded as spam or unsolicited
(bulk) email.
An effective, best practice Email Marketing
campaign requires an in-house list cultivated over
time. This list should contain people who are
prospects, customers, who have explicitly given
their permission to hear from you.
Online Advertising
The Multi-Purpose Nature of Advertising
Advertising, whether online or offline, always has a
number of objectives:
Building brand awareness
Creating consumer demand
Informing consumers of your ability to satisfy that
But when you really think about it, they can be
distilled into just one action: Increasing Sales!
Advertising is based on the simple economics of
demand and supply. Advertisers aim to stimulate a
consumer need and then satisfy that need. Create
the demand. Then satisfy the demand.
Building Brand Awareness
Making people aware of your brand or product is an
important long-term goal. Once customers know
about you, you've taken that first big step towards
gaining their trust... and their patronage.
Building brand awareness is perhaps the key strong
point of Online Creative Advertising. It's largely
visual, making it an ideal channel for promoting
brand collateral.
Creating Consumer Demand
Brand and product awareness is also about
creating demand. Advertising needs to convince
consumers about what they should want and why
they should want it. Modern Online Advertising can
provide a great way to communicate the USP's of
your product, thereby helping stimulate demand.
Satisfy Consumer Demand
Once your consumer wants something, they need
to know of your ability to satisfy that want. If your
brand building has been effective, they know you
Viral Marketing uses people's electronic
connectivity to increase the velocity of word-ofmouth. People with similar interests, needs and
lifestyles tend to pass on and share interesting and
entertaining content. When sponsored by a brand,
the message builds awareness of a product or
service and can provide qualified prospects for the
organisation to pursue.
How Does Viral Marketing Work?
If you are familiar with the concept of "word-ofmouth„.
The significant difference in this case is that Viral
Marketing utilises electronic means to spread the
message. Without a doubt, referrals are still the
most powerful marketing weapon available.
Viral Marketing harnesses the electronic
connectivity of individuals to ensure marketing
messages are referred from one person to another.
E – Commerce
Selling goods and services on the internet is the
focus on e-commerce programmes. E-commerce
involves both businesses selling to consumers B2C
and businesses selling to other businesses B2B.
The primary drivers of preference include
convenience, selection and perceived value of
Further many consumers may make purchasees at
retail stores but first use the internet to collect
E-Commerce Components:
Catalog – Product information
Product navigation
Shopping cart
Payment systems – easy, quick, convenient
Store locator
Customization functionality
Customer reviews or feedback applications
As e- commerce moves into real-time
communication and active interactions with
customers, businesses are scrambling to make
Web sites relevant to consumers.
Consider how users will interact with the brand and
then develop means of brand engagement.
Allow for dril-down of search results by grouping
products around brands and common parameters.
Encourage consumer interaction via blogs,
feedback applications or customer reviews.
Develop a simple, secure checkout procedure.
E – Commerce Incentives
Financial incentives
Convenience incentives
Value-based incentives
Consumer concerns with E – Commerce
Seller opportunism
Security concerns
Information privacy issues
Brick and mortar purchasing habits
B2B E – Commerce
E – commerce represents a key part of many B2B
operations. In many buying situations, purchasing
agents use the internet to compare prices and
product information.
Once a business account has been established the
customer finds it easy to plce an order and the price
may be lower than those offered by traditional
Consequently competing in e-commerce requires
an effective e-commerce site and strong distinct
brand name.
The number of hits on a B2B Web site directly
relates to the amount spent on advertising and
sales promotions. Financial convenience and valueadded incentives can also be offered to business
For businesses ordering merchandise, supplies and
materials using the internet can save purchasing
agents considerable time.
Convinience represents a highly attractive incentive
for many companies. E-commerce programes offer
benefits for B2B companies.
A growing form of e-commerce in the B2B sector is
online exchanges and auctions.
These exchanges allow buyers to purchase a
variety of commodities and goods in lower prices.
Many online markets are operated by intermediary
companies that match buyers and sellers.
Interactive Marketing
Interactive marketing is the development of
marketing programes that create interplay between
consumers and businesses rather than simply
sending messages to potential customers.
The programes feature two-way communication
and customer involvement. The internet is ideal
medium for interactive marketing because of the
ability to accurately track browser activities and
translate the information into instant reactions.
Interactive marketing emphasizes two primary
First it assists marketers in targeting individuals,
specifically potential and current customers, with
personalized information.
Second it engages the consumer with the company
product. The consumer becomes an active
participant in the marketing Exchange rather than
passive recipient.
Steps in developing Interactive Marketing Strategy:
Cultivate an attitude of giving
Gain trust
Identify your one- word brand
Define your ultimate vision
Choose your communication channels
Evaluate and adjust
Online Advertising
Online avertising represents a highly effective
method of reaching customers, especially the
younger more internet-savvy market.
Consequently budgets for online advertising have
steadily increased. Funds devoted to online
advertising have become a larger portion of overal
advertising and marketing budgets.
One major advantage of online advertising is the
number of matrics that allow advertisers to measure
results almost instantaneously.
Banner Advertising
Classified and Media/video advertising
Company- Sponsored Blogging
Online Social Network (Facebook, Twitter)
Consumer Generated Advertising
Consumer Generated Reviews
Viral Marketing
Increased usage of internet by both consumers and
businesses has led many marketing teams to
develop an Internet presence.
E-active marketing combines two major
components of Inernet marketing: e-commerce and
interactive marketing.
Web changes the ways consumers communicate
and interact with companies. The key is to integrate
e-marketing strategies with overal integrated
marketing communications plan.
Online social networks include Facebook, Twitter
and others.
Social media have become a major part of the
integrated marketing landscape. Consumergenerated advertising includes crowdsourcing etc.
Consumer-generated reviews opportunity to create
forums for customers to discuss product benefits
and problems.