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Microarray data normalization and
data transformation
Ka-Lok Ng
Asia University
Estimating background
Reference: Causton H., Quackenbush J., and Brazma A.
Microarray Gene Expression Data Analysis. A Beginner’s
Guide, Ch.3, Blackwell (2003)
most image processing software reports background
subtracted values for each feature (spot) on the array by
first estimating the background and then subtracting it
pixel by pixel.
Local estimate of the background by identifying some
number of pixels surrounding each spot and using those to
calculate an average or median background level that can
be subtracted from each pixel in the spot.
– Disadvantage – if the pixels selected contain portions of the
target spot, one may overestimate the background
Some image processing software allows the estimation of
global background – a single measurement that is used for
the entire slide. This requires users to select a large
representative area of the slide that is devoid of features.
– Disadvantage – it fails to account for local variation in the
background fluorescence of the substrate, and as result it may
provide either an over- or underestimate of the appropriate
Estimating background
Reference: Baxevanis A. and Ouellette B.F. Francis. Bioinformatics Ch. 16. J. Wiley
There are a number of schools of thought regarding the estimation of background for
DNA microarrays
(1) Not to calculate a background value
• But rather to try to estimate it using statistical techniques
• Argument – subtracting background introduces significant variance into the
estimation of hybridization intensity, decreasing the reliability
• Although this may not produce any significant changes in relative expression levels
between conditions for highly expressed genes, it can have profound effect on
estimates for genes expressed at low to moderate levels
(2) Chooses to subtract background
– To use the fluorescence of the area surrounding each feature on the array. It uses the
‘naked’ substrate (where no DNA is spotted) to estimate the background for features that
contains DNA, and as such neglects contributions from nonspecific hybridization (i.e.
unwanted signal)
– An alternative – use negative control features printed on the array, these may provide an
estimate of nonspecific hybridizatoin, but there may not have enough features (spots) on
the array to provide an estimate of local background variation
Gene expression ratio
• Most analysis focus on differences in gene expression, which
are reported as a background subtracted ratio of expression
levels between a selected query sample and a reference sample.
• It is done by taking ratios of the measured expression between
two physical states
Tk 
for each gene k on the array, where one designated the query and
reference samples R and G respectively.
Gene expression ratio
• A variety of methods for calculation the expression ratio using
the median, mean and integrated expression measures. If we
choose to measure expression using the median pixel value for
each feature, then the median expression ratio for a given
feature is
 Rmedian
Tmedian  feature
Gmedian  Gmedian
where median and median are the median intensity values
measured for pixels identified in the feature (gene) and
background respectively.
Transformation of the gene expression ratio
• Ratios are useful because they allow us to measure expression
differences in an intuitive way
• However, ratios are troublesome because they treat up- and
down regulated genes differently. Genes up-regulated by a
factor of 2 have an expression ratio of 2, while those downregulated by a factor of 2 have an expression ratio of ½. As
result, down-regulated genes are compressed between 1 and 0,
while up-regulated genes expand to cover the region between 1
and positive infinity.
• A better alternative is to apply a logarithmic transformation,
generally using the logarithm base 2. the advantage of this
transformation is that it produced a continuous spectrum of
values for differentially expressed genes while treating up- and
down-regulated genes equivalently.
• log24 = 2, log2¼ = -2
• Disadvantage  ratio remove absolute gene expression
Experimental errors
Situation where expression does not correlate with spot intensity
• Image processing gives poor estimation of the mean, median or total intensities
• Pixel saturation
• Background estimation
• Density of fluors in the labeled hybridized molecules is high enough, interaction between
the dye molecules can quench fluorescence
• Poor labeling or hybridization can result in signals too faint to allow detection of certain
expressed genes
• Significant cross-hybridization
• PCR oligonucleotides may be contaminated with other DNAs and may not bind with
only the gene of interest
• Oligonucleotide sequences may be incorrectly synthesised
• Hybridization between alternative splice forms and members of gene families may cause
overestimate fluorescence and therefore expression
• Sample handling problems – hypoxia (缺氧), cold, heat shock or cell death of tissue
samples can cause genes to be expressed that are not normally present in the tissue we
want to study
• RNA degradation can skew representation, as some RNAs are more stable than others 
the best protection against any of these artifacts is to institute validated laboratory
The signal for each gene is due to a combination of the hybridization of that gene + some
non-specific hybridization, from all the other similar sequences, or partial transcripts in
the sample, plus noises.
Normalization of gene expression
• A variety of reasons why the raw measurements of gene expression for two
samples (query and reference) may not be directly comparable
• Quantity of starting RNA, [RNA]target ≠ [RNA]sample
• Difference in Cy3 and Cy5 labeling
• Difference in Cy3 and Cy5 detection efficiencies (i.e. laser absorption
Consider a self-self comparison in which the same sample is compared with
itself  expects the measured log2(ratio=R/G) to be 0 for each gene
• However, typically these are found to be distributed with a non-zero mean
and standard deviation, indicating that there is a bias to one sample or the
• Normalization is any data transformation that adjusts for these effects and
allows the data from two samples to be appropriately compared.
• Normalization scales one (R or G) or both (R and G) of the measured
expression levels for each gene to make them equivalent, and the
expression ratios derived from them
Normalization of gene expression
Data normalization
- Assume data have already sorted and there are no data missing (delete or
by interpolation『數學』以插值法求值)
- Data normalization  the process of correcting two or more data sets prior
to comparing their gene expression values
- the background intensity signal (noise) is measured and subtracted from the
Cy3 and Cy5 chs (background may be constant or it may vary locally)
- apply a local or global normalization (such as overall average) to raw
measurements (such as ratio (G/R) or Log2 (Log2(G) – Log2(R)
- Other global normalization method  choose a set of housekeeping genes
(commonly expressed across all tissues, such as the Human Gene
Expression (HuGE) index database
Total intensity normalization
• Assuming [total RNA]target = [total RNA]sample, same total intensity
•  [Red]target = [Green]sample
• Under this assumption, a normalization factor can be calculated and used to
rescale the intensity for each gene in the array
• Assume that the arrayed elements represent a random sampling of the
genes in the organism  no oversample or undersample the genes in the
query or reference sample  no bias
• The normalization factor Ntotal is calculated by summing the measured
N array
intensities in both channels
N total 
k 1
N array
k 1
where Gk and Rk are the measured intensities for the kth array feature (such as
the Cy3 and Cy5 intensities) and Narray is the total number of genes in the
microarray, the summation runs over the subset of genes selected as
normalization standards.
Total intensity normalization
• The intensities are rescaled such that
Gknormal = Ntotal Gk and Rknormal = Rk
and the normalized expression ratio for each feature becomes
1 Rk
 normal 
N total Gk N total
which adjusts the ratio such that the mean ratio is equal to 1,
N a rra y
N a rra y
k 1
N a rra y
k 1
k 1
N a rra y
N total  Gk
N total
N total
k 1
this transformation is equivalent to subtracting a constant from the logarithm of
the expression ratio
log2(Tknormal) = log2(Tk) – log2(Ntotal)
• Disadvantage of total intensity normalization – insensitive to systematic
variation in the log2(ratio)
Scatter plot analysis
• A scatter plot analysis of the raw
Cy3 and Cy5 values of all the 6912
elements within the 5 gene clusters
is shown in the figure on the right
(4 plots).
• The top two plots represent all the
elements and the bottom two depict
the genes that show the largest
differences in signal.
• Most of the genes that are distinct
between the samples are expressed
at lower levels (low fluorescent
signal). These differences were
more exaggerated in the aRNA
than the mRNA sample because the
signal-to-noise ratio was typically
much greater in the aRNA sample.
Scatter plot of Cy5 and Cy3
Scatter plot of Cy5 and Cy3
• It is expect that the Cy5 and Cy3
plot should fall on the diagonal (i.e.
Cy5 = Cy3)
• In this plot, most of the points are
found below the diagonal
suggesting that for most of the
points, the values measured on the
Cy3 ch are higher than the values
measured on the Cy5 ch.
• Two possible caused,
(1) either the mRNA labelled with
cy3 was more abundant for most of
the genes or
(2) the cy3 dye more efficient for
the same amount of mRNA, i.e. cy3
tends to have a stronger intensity
Scatter plot of Cy5 and Cy3 data
Raw data
Normalize data
Stanford MicroArray Database
• To download the yeast cell cycle time series data
• Public login  go to “Select arrays by Experimenter,
Category, Subcategory and Organism” page,
• set experimenter=Spellman, Category=cell cycle  press
‘display data’  select alpha factor release sample013 raw
data set  decompress the Excel file
alpha factor release013 raw data
How the microarray date are represented
• Ch1 Intensity (Mean) Ch1 Net (Median) Ch1 Intensity (Median) % of
saturated Ch1 pixels Std Dev of Ch1 Intensity ch 1 Background (Mean)
Ch1 Background (Median)
Std Dev of Ch1 Background
Ch1 Net (Mean)
• Ch2 Intensity (Mean) Ch2 Net (Mean)
Ch2 Net (Median)
Ch2 Intensity (Median) % of saturated Ch2 pixels
Std Dev of Ch2
Intensity ch 2 Background (Mean) Ch2 Background (Median) Std Dev
of Ch2 Background
• Ch2 Normalized Background (Media) Ch2 Normalized Net (Mean)
Ch2 Normalized Intensity (Mean)
Normalized Ch2 Net (Median)
Normalized Ch2 Intensity (Median) Regression Correlation
Diameter of the spot
Spot Flag
• Log(base2) of R/G Normalized Ratio (Mean)
Log(base2) of R/G
Normalized Ratio (Median)
R/G Mean (per pixel)
R/G Median (per pixel) % CH1 PIXELS > BG + 1SD % CH1 PIXELS >
BG + 2SD % CH2 PIXELS > BG + 1SD % CH2 PIXELS > BG + 2SD
G/R (Mean)
• G/R Normalized (Mean)
R/G (Mean)
R/G (Median)
Std Dev of pixel intensity ratios
R/G Normalized (Mean)
1. Ch1 Net (Mean) = Ch1 Intensity (Mean) - Ch1 Background
2. Ch2 Net (Mean) = Ch2 Intensity (Mean) – Ch2 Background
3. Ch2 Normalized Net (Mean) = Ch2 Normalized Intensity
(Mean) - Ch2 Normalized Background (Media)
4. R/G (Mean) = Ch2 Net (Mean) / Ch1 Net (Mean)
= 1/ [G/R (Mean)]
5. R/G Normalized (Mean) = Ch2 Normalized Net (Mean) / Ch1
Net (Mean)
= 1/ [G/R Normalized (Mean)]
6. Log(base2) of R/G Normalized Ratio (Mean)
= Log [R/G Normalized (Mean)]
alpha factor release013 raw data
• column M is the ORF Name
• Column O = Sequence Type = control, AORF or ORF
• Box AV94  Ch1 Net (Mean) is an empty entry  Ch1
Intensity (Mean) Box AN94 = 264, Ch1 Background (Median)
Box AT94 =280, because 264 – 280 < 0 !!
Data Normalization
• An extreme example
intensity intensity intensity Total
Red (R)
Green (G)
Lowess normalization
• It is noted that in a number of reports that the
log2(ratio) values often have a systematic
dependence on intensity, most often a
deviation from 0 for low intensity spots.
• Lowess normalization – a method that can
remove intensity-dependent dye-specific
effects in the log2(ratio) values
• Plotting the measured log2(R/G) ratios for
each array feature as a function of the
log10(R*G) or ½*log2(R*G) product
intensities. The resulting ‘R-I’ (for ratiointensity) can reveal intensity-specific
artifacts (人工作品) in the measurement of
the ratio.
• Self-self hybridization test - It is expect to see
absolutely no differential expression and
consequently all log2(ratio) measures should
be zero on average.
• The R-I plot shows a slight downward and
upward curvature at the low and high
intensities ends respectively, as well as an
increased spread in the distribution of
log2(ratio) values at low intensities.
• Lowess corrects these by performing a local
weighted linear regression for each data point
in the R-I plot and subtracting the calculated
best-fit average log2(ratio) from the
experimentally observed ratio for each point
as a function of the log10(intenisty).
An R-I plot displays the log2(Ri/Gi) ratio for each element on the array as a
function of the log10(Ri*Gi) product intensities and can reveal systematic
intensity-dependent effects in the measured log2(ratio) values. Data shown
here are for a 27,648-element spotted mouse cDNA array.
Application of local (pen group) lowess can correct for both systematic
variation as a function of intensity and spatial variation between spotting pens
on a DNA microarray. Here, the data from Fig. 1 has been adjusted using a
lowess in the TIGR MIDAS software (with a tri-cube weight function and a
0.33 smooth parameter) available from
Lowess normalization
Local variation as a function
of intensity can be used to
identify differentially
expressed genes by
calculating an intensitydependent Z-score.
In this R-I plot, array elements
are color-coded depending on
whether they are less than one
standard deviation from the
mean (brown), between one
and two standard deviations
(blue), or more than two
standard deviations from the
mean (green).
Lowess normalization
Lowess detects systematic deviations in the R-I plot and corrects them by performing a
local weighted linear regression as a function of the log2(intensity) and subtracting the
calculated best-fit average log2(ratio) from the experimentally observed ratio for each data
If one sets
log 2 ( Ri Gi )  log 2 ( I i )
yi  log 2 ( i )  log 2 (Ti )
xi 
Lowess estimates y(xi), the dependence of the log2(ratio) on the log2(intensity),and then
uses this function, point by point, to correct the measured log2(ratio) values, so that
log 2 (Ti ' )  log 2 (Ti )  y ( xi )  log 2 (Ti )  log 2 (2 y ( xi ) )
 log 2 (Ti
)  log 2 (
y ( xi )
 Ri'  Ri
G  Gi * 2
y ( xi )
Ri 1
Gi 2 y ( xi )
after Lowess correction
Data filtering
Why do we need data filtering ?
• Filter the dataset to reduce its complexity and increase its overall quality
What kind of data are filtered ?
• Low quality data – filtering low and high intensity data
Filtering low intensity data
• By examining several representative R-I plots, it is obvious that the variability in the measured
log2(ratio) values increases as the measured intensity decreases
• This is because relative error increases at lower intensity (relative error = error/(raw
intensity),↑as raw intensity↓)
• Good elements would have intensities more than two standard deviations above background.
Only spots where the measured signals meet the criteria that
 2  (G background)
 2  ( Rbackground)
and similarly for the mean. Other approaches include the use of absolute lower thresholds
for acceptable array elements (sometimes referred to as “floor”) or percentage-based cutoffs
in which some fixed fraction of elements is discarded.
Data filtering
Filtering high intensity data
• At the high end spectrum, the array elements saturate the
detector used to measure fluorescence intensity
• As soon as the intensity approaches its maximum value
(typically 216 – 1 = 65535/pixel for a 16-bit scanner),
comparisons are no longer are meaningful, because the
array elements become saturated and intensity
measurements cannot go higher.
• There are a variety of approaches to dealing with this
problem as well, including eliminating saturated pixels in
the image-processing step or setting a maximum
acceptable value (often referred to as ceiling) for each
array element.
Use of replicate data
• Replication is essential for identifying and reducing the effect
of variability in any experimental assay
Two broad classes
• Biological replicates use independently derived RNA from
distinct biological sources to provide an assessment of both the
variability in the assay and the biological sample
• Technical replicates use repeated measurements of the same
biological samples, which provide only information on the
variability of the spots. These include
– Printing exactly the same DNA at different locations on the same slide
 control the noise introduced by the location of the spot on the slide
(could be affected by local defects !)
– Print several exact copies and hybridize several times with exactly the
same mRNA in exactly the same conditions  control the noise
introduced by the hybridization stage
Calculate the net intensity, normalize net intensity, R/G, normalize R/G ratio for ch 1 (green) and
ch 2 (red) respectively
SMD data analysis – Hs. Primary liver tumor
Scatter plot
• Raw plot  ch 2 Intensity vs. ch 1 Intensity
• Normalize plot  ch 2 Normalize (mean) vs. ch 1 net (mean)
Lowess plot
• Raw plot  Log2 (ch 2 Int./ch 1 Int.) vs. Log10(ch 1 Int. * ch 2 Int.)
• Normalize plot  Log2[normalize (R/G)] vs. Log10[(ch 1 net (mean) * ch 2
normalize net (mean))]