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Unit 6
Particles with
Internal Structure
The Elements
Remember, elements are combined to form molecules
the way letters are combined to form words.
Presently there are about 115 known elements.
Only 88 occur naturally, the rest are made in
Only 9 elements account for most of the compounds
found in the Earth’s crust.
Table 3.1
All living things
are made up,
mainly, of
oxygen, carbon,
hydrogen and
Symbols For The Elements
Just as each state has a two-letter
abbreviation, each element has a oneor two-letter symbol to make life
simple for chemists.
Some elements found in the human
body are: As, Cr, Co, Cu, F, I, Mn, Mo,
Ni, Se, Si, & V.
 Notice
the first letter is
ALWAYS capitalized and the
second letter, if present, is
Not capitalized.
Symbols For The Elements
Some symbols make sense like O for
oxygen and H for hydrogen or Ni for
Others, like Pb for lead or Fe for iron,
don’t automatically make sense; they
originated from the Greek or Latin
names of plumbum (Pb) and ferrum
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
Scientists studying matter in the eighteenth
century made the following observations:
 Most
natural materials are mixtures of
pure substances.
 Pure
substances are either elements or
combinations of elements called
given compound always contains the
same proportions (by mass) of the
 John
Dalton attempted to explain these
observations in 1808.
Dalton’s Atomic Theory
Elements are made of tiny particles called
All atoms of a given element are identical.
The atoms of a given element are different
from those of any other element.
Atoms of one element can combine with atoms
of other elements to form compounds. A given
compound always has the same relative
numbers and types of atoms.
Atoms are indivisible in chemical processes.
That is, atoms are not created or destroyed in
chemical reactions. A chemical reaction
simply changes the way atoms are grouped
Formulas of Compounds
The types of atoms and the number of each
type in each unit (molecule) of a given
compound are conveniently expressed by a
chemical formula.
The atoms are indicated by their symbols and
the number of each type is indicated by a
subscript (unless there is only one).
 Ex)
C6H12O6 or H3PO4
Write the formula for each of the following
compounds, listing the elements in the
order given:
A molecule contains four phosphorous
atoms and ten oxygen atoms.
A molecule contains one uranium atom
and six fluorine atoms.
A molecule contains one aluminum atom
and three chlorine atoms.
is inside
an atom?
Modern Atomic Structure
Every atom is composed of the three basic
subatomic particles. (Protons, electrons,
Different elements have different numbers
of each of these subatomic particles.
The reason one element behaves differently
than another lies in the number and
arrangement of their electrons.
When atoms get close to each other their
electron “clouds” can overlap and interact.
Figure 3.9:
A nuclear atom
viewed in cross
In any box on the Periodic Table, what information can you find?
Average Atomic Mass =
Protons + Neutrons
the weighted average of all
the mass numbers for each
isotope of the element
Atomic number = number of
protons, unique for every
element, no 2 elements have
the same atomic #
Element symbol = can be 1,2
or 3 letters, first letter is
always capitalized, and
succeeding letters are always
lower case
Two atoms of the same element (same number of
protons) with different numbers of neutrons.
Figure 3.10: Two isotopes of sodium.
There are two important numbers associated
with any given element:
Atomic Number – The number of protons
in a nucleus.
Mass Number – The SUM of the number of
protons AND neutrons (a.k.a. nucleons) in
a nucleus (NOT the sum of their masses).
We should note that two different isotopes
will have the same atomic number, but
different mass numbers.
 The
two previous examples of isotopes of
sodium would be:
•The example on the left would contain 11
protons and 12 neutrons (23-11=12).
•The example on the right would contain 11
protons and 13 neutrons (24-11=13).
Practice Problems
Write the symbol for each of the following atoms,
and list the number of protons, neutrons, and
electrons for each.
The cesium atom with a mass number of 132.
The iron atom with a mass number of 56.
The krypton atom that has 48 neutrons.
The nitrogen atom that has 6 neutrons.
Weighted Average Atomic Mass
Remember elements can have different isotopes which
means that they vary in their number of neutrons.
If you have 3 different isotopes of the same element:
 15 atoms have a mass of 21
 8 atoms have a mass of 23
 2 atoms have a mass of 19
We can calculate the weighted average by multiplying
the number of atoms by their mass:
(15) (21) = 315
537 = 21.48
(8) (23) = 184
(2) (19) =+ 38
average atomic mass
Using % to find Average Atomic Mass
Usually we only know the percents of
various isotopes that make up different
elements, we can use this to calculate the
average atomic mass.
 If we have 100% chlorine:
75.77% of mass is 35  .7577x35 = 26.52
24.23% of mass is 37.2423x37= 8.96
Add the 2 together to get the atomic mass:
26.52+ 8.96 = 35.48
Oxygen has 3 isotopes 16O, 17O, 18O
99.76% of mass is 16O
0.04% of mass is 17O
0.20% of mass is 18O
What is the average atomic mass?
Find the atomic mass if 99.64% of mass is
0.36% is 15N.
A Simple Version of the Periodic Table
Periodic Table
When looking at periodic table elements are
arranged in horizontal rows by increasing atomic
Horizontal rows are called “Periods”. Periods go
left to right
Periodic Table
The vertical columns are called “Groups” or
Elements in families share similar properties
Metals, Semimetals, Non-Metals
All elements on the periodic table are grouped as
metals, semimetals or metalloids, or non-metals.
Due to the arrangement of the periodic table, it is
easy to identify each type of element.
Figure 3.12: Elements classified
as metals and nonmetals
Metals: Fall to left and under the stairs
Properties of Metals:
Efficient conduction of heat and electricity
A lustrous appearance
Positively charged ions
Non-Metals: Right and above the stairs
• Dull, Brittle
• Negatively charged ions
• Nonconductors
Semimetals or Metalloids: Makeup the stairs
• Properties of both metals and nonmetals
• Semiconductors
Lanthanide and Actinide
Mostly human made elements
Radioactive elements
Group 1A – Alkali Metals
Group 2A – Alkaline Earth Metals
Group 7A or 17: Halogen Family
Group 8A or 18: Noble Gases
Do not react easily with
anything, due stable electron
All other elements strive to
reach noble gas configuration
for maximum stability by
reacting with other elements.
Transition Metals: Group 3B-12B
Who is a solid, liquid or gas?
When we look at the elements on the
periodic table, who is a solid, liquid or
gas in their natural state?
 Most elements are not found in their
elemental state, most elements are
found in compounds with other
 Most elements on the periodic table are
solids, so we will point out those who are
gas or liquid.
 Only
2 elements in their elemental
form are a liquid at 25 degrees
Celsius: Mercury and Bromine
More elements exist in
their elemental form as a
gas, but there are some
important distinctions to
make about these gases.
The noble gases are a gas,
called monatomic gases.
The prefix mono- means
one. And monatomic gases
exist as individual atoms.
Figure 3.13: A collection of argon
There is another group of gases
called diatomic gases. The
prefix di- means two. These
elements travel in pairs as
Figure 3.14: Nitrogen gas
contains NXN molecules.
Figure 3.14: Oxygen gas
contains OXO molecules.
Diatomic molecules
There are 7 elements that exist as diatomic molecules, you
will simply need to find a way to memorize these.
If you notice, all of the halogens fall in this category, and
then hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.
What is an ion?
When we discussed atoms before, we were always
looking at a neutral atom.
Neutral atoms always have equal numbers of
protons and electrons.
protons = +1 charge
electrons = -1 charge
When atoms have unequal numbers of protons and
electrons, then the atom is a charged particle
called an ion.
Ion Facts
Ions are atoms, or groups of atoms,
with a charge.
The charge is created by different
numbers of protons and electrons.
In an atom ONLY electrons can move.
Atoms gain or lose electrons to become
Cations and Anions
There are 2 types of ions: cations and anions.
Cations are ions with a (+) positive charge. To form a
cation, an atom has lost electrons.
Example: Na loses an electron and becomes Na+
Anions are ions with a negative charge. To form an anion,
an atom has gained electrons.
Example: Cl gains an electron and becomes Cl-
Basic Names for Ions
Cations do not change names from their neutral
Example: Magnesium loses 2 electrons and
becomes Mg2+ which is named magnesium ion.
Anions change the end of their name to –ide.
Example: Chlorine gains an electron and becomes
Cl-. We would change the name from chlorine to
Some Common Anion Names
What would the names of the
following ions be?
 Chlorine =
 Fluorine =
 Bromine =
 Iodine =
 Oxygen =
 Sulfur =
How to Determine the Charge
When determining the charge for an atom we
can use the periodic table to help.
The number of valence electrons determines
the charge.
All atoms want 8 valence electrons.
If an atom has 1-3 valence electrons the atom
will lose them to become positive.
If an atom has 6-8 valence electrons the atom
will gain electrons to become negative.
We can determine the charge by looking at the
periodic table.
Figure 3.19: The ions formed by selected members
of groups 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7.
Determine the name and charge of the
following ions: