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Zooplankton as Indicators of Climate Change :
A Korea-France Bilateral Research Cooperation
Date : 25 May, 2007
Venue: National Fisheries Research & Development Institute
The global warming triggers increase of sea water temperature and iceberg
melting, and causes disturbance of marine ecosystem, then our lives.
From this year our institute has engaged in a bilateral cooperation with
France with respect to the use of zooplankton as indicators of the climate
change in the North Pacific and North Atlantic. In line with this engagement,
we organize a symposium which will help us in understanding the climate
change and its trigger, and preparing the strategy corresponding to it for
our safety and future.
I sincerely invite all of you to attend this symposium that will yield fruitful
results and will be a good foundation for making our strategies regarding
climate change and its impacts on marine ecosystem.
May, 2007
President of National Fisheries Research and Development Institute
Deok Bae PARK
- 09:00~09:30 Registration
- 09:30~09:40 Welcome Speech
○ 1st session: Korea-France Cooperative Study on Zooplankton
(Chair: Dr. Won Duk YOON, NFRDI)
- 09:40~10:00
․ Zooplankton Long-Term Series as Indicators of Climate
Change: a bilateral cooperation between Korea and France
․ Dr. Seung Min CHOE, KORDI/LOV
- 10:00~10:40
․ From Appendicularians to the Geochemical Fluxes
․ Dr. Gabriel GORSKY, LOV
- 10:40~11:00 Coffee Break
- 11:00~11:30
․ Zooplankton Data Acquisition in the Laboratory and at Sea
(with demonstration of zooplankton automatic analyzer)
- 11:30~12:00
․ New Technologies Developed at LOV
- 12:00~13:30 Lunch
○ 2nd session: Climate Change and Marine Ecosystem
(Chair: Dr. Young Sang SUH, NFRDI)
- 13:30~14:00
․ Long-Term Change of Marine Environment in Korean Waters
․ Dr. Sukgeun JUNG, NFRDI
- 14:00~14:30
․ Review on the Present Status of Korean Zooplankton Study
․ Dr. Young Shil KANG, WSFRI, NFRDI
- 14:30~14:50 Coffee Break
○ 3rd session: Climate Change and Fisheries Resources
(Chair: Dr. Sun Do HWANG, NFRDI)
- 14:50~15:20
․ Climate Change in the North Pacific and Chum Salmon
․ Pr. Suam KIM, Pukyung University
- 15:20~15:50
․ Fisheries Implications of Rapid Climate Changes off Alaska
․ Dr. Loh-Lee LOW, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA
N.B. NFRDI: National Fisheries Research & Development Institute
WSFRI: West Sea Fisheries Research Institute
KORDI: Korean Ocean Research & Development Institute
LOV: Laboratoire d’Oceanographie de Villefranche-sur-mer
UPMC: Universite de Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI
Dr. Won Duk YOON
Tel: 051) 720-2227
H.P: 010-9015-2454
E-mail: [email protected]