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Environmental effects on the climate have been going on for centuries,
but never has the world been in as much danger as we are now. If we are not
careful and don’t take the right precautions the Arctic could thin away before
our eyes. In this slide show you will learn about global warming, and climate
change and how they are affecting the Arctic. You will learn about what you
can do to help preserve the Arctic from thinning away. Finally this slide show
will end with a quiz testing you on all the knowledge you have retained from
this slide show. Enjoy!
Global warming is the result of rising surface temperature of our planet which in turn warms the
climate of the Earth. Green house gases are emitted into the air from various sources causing a
further rise in temperatures. The green house effect is the process in which short wave solar
radiation coming into earth heats the surface, and then is re-emitted as infrared radiation. This
heat becomes trapped in the atmosphere due to certain “greenhouse gases” that can absorb
infrared radiation: water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and other gases known
as fluorocarbons. These gases, upon contact with the outgoing rays absorb the heat energy, heat
up, and re-radiate the heat back down to earth rather than getting radiated back into space, which
would allow the planet to release heat or “cool off.” Over the past century humans have been
producing so many greenhouse gases at a rate so fast that there is too much carbon dioxide in the
air. As more and more carbon dioxide is emitted, heat trapping gases build up in the atmosphere
and more and more heat gets trapped and the result is rising temperatures on the surface of earth.
The Arctic ice is melting even faster because of the amount of land near the North pole since
land heats up much more quickly than water (the oceans). Soon to be there no more ice if we are
not careful.
Climate change has been occurring ever since the beginning of the planet, about 4.5
billion years ago. It is the long-term affect of the make up of the Earth’s atmosphere,
which determines the average temperatures of the planet’s surface. A slight increase or
and decrease in the planet’s surface temperature (not weather) makes the difference
between an ice age of a hot house Earth. It is up to humans now to control this long
term climate change affect. By doing things such as burning fossil fuels (such as coal)
and deforestation (the cutting down of trees and forests) we are putting more carbon
dioxide into the atmosphere. This carbon dioxide absorbs heat, further increasing the
planet’s temperature. The more this continues the higher the surface temperature is
going to rise, with more dramatic extremes seen in the Arctic. Studies have shown that
humans do not live well on hot climates; high heat works for the times of the dinosaurs.
If we are not careful we could wipe the entire human race. Of course the temperature
is always going to be rising and there is going to be carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, but humans have the power to speed up or slow
down the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is predicted that in the next
50-100 years the earth’s average surface temperature may rise as high as 10 degrees
Farenheit due to the rate at which excess amount of greenhouse gases are building up.
The predicted rise in temperature will be even greater in the Arctic which would cause
the Arctic to melt even faster then it normally would. It could lead to the extinction of
Our Arctic Circle is becoming less by the day. The Arctic is one of the most sensitive places to climate change in the world. As
the temperatures in the world continue to rise the effect on the Arctic could wreck its ecosystem and in turn shrink the
amount of ice as well as permafrost in this area. By the end of the century there is going to be a 25 degrees farenheight
increase in temperature.
In the fall and winters in Arctic Circle there is supposed to be 3 thick layers of ice covering the surface for algae
(food) to grow on. This algae is needed so that the food chain ensures survival all the way to the top – so animals (polar
bears, seals walrus, arctic foxes etc.) can survive and live. Also those thick layers allow for transportation, shelters, and
hunting grounds for these animals. The layer underneath the ice is needed so that fish and underwater mammals can thrive
and eat. Since the 1950s the thickness of the ice as well as the amount of water itself has decreased by 3-5 % due to global
warming. It is predicted by 2050 the Arctic summers will be so warm that no ice will be present at all. In addition , the arctic
stays cold because of the white color of ice, which causes the sun’s rays to get reflected, and makes it hard to the surface to
“warm up”. The surface simply can’t absorb heat because it’s too white. The less sea ice we have the more heat is going to
be absorbed by the dark colored water, the warmer it will get (feedback from the earth’s albedo). This heat will prevent the
Arctic ice from forming since it isn’t cold enough for ice to form. The change in color of the surface from the white of ice, to
the dark color of open water amplifies temperature rising, and pushes climate to change even more drastically. This
amplifying process is known as feedback and it all comes down to how white is the color of the planet’s surface.
There is evidence today all over Earth of a rapidly warming climate. Scientists use melting glaciers as
evidence for a warming climate. Before the last 50 years scientists paid little, if any attention to ice and
glaciers, especially ones in the Artic. In the Artic the thickness has been going down 29% since the
1950s. In addition to all this animals in the Artic are slowly becoming extinct as well. Since the climate is
constantly warming the winters in the Artic are slowing disappearing. The ice is not becoming as thick
underneath, creating less area for polar bears to roam, and less food for fish to feed off of during the
winter (algae growing on the edges of ice – “refrigerated greens” all winter long when there is no sun or
photosynthesis. ) If we are not careful the Arctic circle will vanish before our eyes. By looking at the
melting rate of ice it is evident that global warming is affecting the climate.
Yet another factor that humans have to look out for is the melting of the permafrost. As the Arctic
continues to heat up there is an decrease in permafrost, or permanently frozen ground. When the Arctic
melts the ice crystals lying within the soil disappear. Without these crystals the icy ground “thaws” and
also becomes unstable and collapses. The thawing causes gases frozen in the soil (methane for example)
to become “unlocked” and released into the atmosphere. Scientists hadn’t even taken into account the
potential impact of stored methane in permafrost as a potential “new” source of greenhouse gases.
Further, as the ground collapses more slumps and landslides are created. As more land slowly collapses
the effect leads to the collapse of many buildings. In the Arctic there are many coal mines and other
valuable mines that will collapse in time if the landslides continue to be created and slip. Also, stations are
created beneath the Arctic ice to help prevent permafrost. These stations are made to be dependent on
the stable permafrost that lies beneath the Arctic ice. As the Arctic continues shrinking and the permafrost
continues to melt there will be an increase in greenhouse gases, and more warming of the earth.
*Educate people about this issue
The more people that are aware about the Arctic’s
situation the more people may be willing to help.
*lower the amount of fossil fuels burned by
driving less, driving more efficient vehicles,
and using energy efficiently in homes,
buildings, and businesses. For example
turn off electric appliances when not in use,
turn down the thermostat at night, and buy
energy efficient appliances.
By conserving energy you can reduce the amount
of fossil fuels being used, slowing down the
greenhouse effect. This can help slow the rate at
which the Arctic melts.
*Reduce the use of man-made chemicals
like CFCs (which also destroy the ozone
layer) and their substitutes , and cut smog
since these contribute greenhouse gases to
the atmosphere
Action small and large scale are needed.
Individuals need to do their part, communities,
cities, businesses, government, and the
international community needs to their part. We
can only slow climate change down by world-wide
If we don’t take care of our
Arctic these animals could
become extinct
The Arctic thawing is now becoming more serious
of an issue. People need to become more
conscious of the situation and how they can help.
Scientists are looking at the evidence for climate
change now and the growing concentration of
greenhouse gases and they are making predictions
about what the Arctic will be like in 2050 if our
pattern of use of fossil fuels continues. Now, more
than ever, for the sake of ourselves and the
animals in the Arctic environment we need to save
the Arctic ice from melting!
2) What is Climate
What is Global Warming?
Global warming refers to the rise in
the Earth’s surface temperature due
to human activities.
b) Global warming is what happens
when the temperature of Earth’s
climate decreases.
c) Global warming results from the hole
in the ozone layer.
The annual temperature
range of a specific region
Long-term changes in the
Earth’s system which affect
the temperature of the
Earth’s surface
The average temperatures
in a specific place every
3) Why is the Arctic
Circle different from
other regions on Earth?
a) It’s surrounded by polar
waters that are then ringed by
large land masses
b) It’s made up mostly of large
landmasses that are then
surrounded by polar water
4) By 2050 if the Arctic
were to continue to
thaw at the same
rate as it is now
what percent of it
will be left? What
percent of the Arctic
has already shrunk
since the 1950s?
54%, 29%
29%, 54%
54%, 38%
38%, 29%
5) What will be
emitted into
the atmosphere
if the arctic
Primarily ozone
Green house gases
6) What is one way
that you can help
slow down the rate
of melting of the Arctic Circle
Burn more fossil fuels
Lower the amount of fossil fuels
used to generate electricity
c) Drive bigger cars that are not fuel
7) How many degrees
(Farenheit) is the climate
expected to rise if we take no action
over the next 100 years?
1) A (answer in slide 3)
2) B (answer in slide 4)
3) A (answer in slide 5)
4) A (answer in slides 6 + 7)
5) B (answers in slides 8)
6) B (answers in slide 10)
7) B (answer in slide 5)
Name sight:
Source: Intergovernment Pannel on Clmate Change
Title: Polar Regions, Arctic and Antarctic
Author: Unknown
Date last update: 2001
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: The Green Lane TM, Environment Canada's World
Title: Climate Change Overview: Science of Climate Change
Author: Unknown
Date last update: 1/6/06
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: Intergovernment Pannel on Clmate Change
Title: Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
Author: Unknown
Date last update: 2001
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: Impact
Title: Climate Change
Author: Unknown
Date last update: February 16th, 2005
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: David Suzuki Foundation
Title: Arctic Thaw
Author: David Suzuki
Date last update: 2004
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: The Arctic ICCE project
Title: The Future is Now
Author: Malin Jennings
Date last update: November 6th, 2005
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: Geographical Fluid dynamics laboratory
Title: arctic sea ice changes in gfdl r30 greenhouse scenario experiments
Author: K. Dixon & H. Vahlenkamp
Date last update: 2004
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: Periodical
Title: Shifting sands
Author: Sid Perkins
Date last update: October 19th, 2002
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: Periodical
Title: Big Thaw Coming
Author: Sid Perkins
Date last update: May 29, 2004
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: Periodical
Title: Warm Spell
Author: Sid Perkins
Date last update: March 5th 2005
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name sight:
Source: Periodical
Title: Runaway Heat
Author: Sid Perkins
Date last update: November 12, 2005
Date Visited: 6/7/06
Name Sight:
Source: BBC News
Title: Arctic Ice ‘disappearing quickly’
Author: Richard Black
Date Last Update: September 28, 2005
Date Visited: 6/7/06