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Welcome to
Microbial Genetics Class
Lesson Four
College of Bioengineering
Tianjin University of Science and Technology
C H A P T E R 13 Microbial Recombination and Plasmids
1. Recombination is a one-way process in procaryotes: a piece of genetic
material (the exogenote) is donated to the chromosome of a recipient cell
(the endogenote) and integrated into it.
2. The actual transfer of genetic material between bacteria usually takes place
in one of three ways: direct transfer between two bacteria temporarily in
physical contact (conjugation), transfer of a naked DNA fragment
(transformation), or transport of bacterial DNA by bacteriophages
3. Plasmids and transposable elements can move genetic material between
bacterial chromosomes and within chromosomes to cause rapid changes
in genomes and drastically alter phenotypes.
4. The bacterial chromosome can be mapped with great precision, using Hfr
conjugation in combination with transformational and transductional
mapping techniques.
5. Recombination of virus genomes occurs when two viruses with
homologous chromosomes infect a host cell at the same time.
13.1 Bacterial Recombination: General Principles
1). General recombination:
•the most common form.
•usually involves a reciprocal exchange between a pair of homologous DNA sequences.
•it can occur anyplace on the chromosome,
•it results from DNA strand breakage and reunion leading to crossing-over (figure 13.2).
•by the products of rec genes such as the recA protein.
Figure 13.2 The Holliday
Model for Reciprocal
General Recombination.
1). General recombination (cont’d):
E.g., in bacterial transformation: Nonreciprocal General Recombination
Figure 13.3 Nonreciprocal General Recombination. The Fox model for
nonreciprocal general recombination. This mechanism has been proposed for the
recombination occurring during transformation in some bacteria.
2) Site-specific recombination:
•particularly important in the integration of virus genomes into bacterial chromosomes,
•the genetic material is not homologous with the chromosome,
•the responsible enzymes are specific for the particular virus and its host.
3) Replicative recombination:
•It accompanies the replication of genetic material and does not depend on sequence
•It is used by some genetic elements that move about the chromosome.
13.2 Bacterial Plasmids
•small double-stranded DNA molecules, usually circular,
•exist independently of host chromosomes,
•are present in many bacteria, also in some yeasts and other fungi,
•own replication origins and autonomously replicating and stably inherited,
•a replicon is a DNA molecule or sequence that has a replication origin and
is capable of being replicated,
•plasmids have relatively few genes, generally less than 30,
•their genetic information is not essential to the host,
•single-copy plasmids produce only one copy per host cell,
•multicopy plasmids may be present at concentrations of 40 or more per cell.
Fertility or F Factors
• playing a major role in conjugation in E. coli
• about 100 kilobases (kb) long
• bearing genes responsible for cell attachment and plasmid transfer between specific
bacterial strains during conjugation.
• most of the information required for plasmid transfer is located in the tra operon,
which contains at least 28 genes.
• many of these direct the formation of sex pili that attach the F+ cell to an F- cell.
• other gene products aid DNA transfer.
• several insertion sequences that assist plasmid integration into the host chr.
• an episome can exist outside the bacterial chromosome or be integrated into it.
Resistance Factors (R factors)
•genes that code for enzymes capable of destroying or modifying antibiotics such as
ampicillin, chloramphenicol, and kanamycin
•the resistance genes are often within a transposon
•usually not integrated into the host chromosome
•Some have only a single resistance gene, others can have as many as eight
•bacterial strains rapidly develop multiple resistance plasmids.
•many conjugative R factors can spread throughout a population.
•Often, nonconjugative R factors also move between bacteria during plasmid
promoted conjugation.
•some are readily transferred between species
•The R factors can then be transferred to more pathogenic genera such as
Salmonella or Shigella, causing even greater public health problems
Col Plasmids
Bacteria also harbor plasmids with genes that may give them a competitive
advantage in the microbial world. Bacteriocins are bacterial proteins that destroy
other bacteria. They usually act only against closely related strains. Bacteriocins
often kill cells by forming channels in the plasma membrane, thus increasing its
permeability. They also may degrade DNA and RNA or attack peptidoglycan and
weaken the cell wall. Col plasmids contain genes for the synthesis of bacteriocins
known as colicins, which are directed against E. coli. Similar plasmids carry genes
for bacteriocins against other species. For example, Col plasmids produce cloacins
that kill Enterobacter species. Clearly the host is unaffected by the bacteriocin it
produces. Some Col plasmids are conjugative and also can carry resistance genes.
Other Types of Plasmids
Several other important types of plasmids have been discovered. Some plasmids,
called virulence plasmids, make their hosts more pathogenic because the
bacterium is better able to resist host defense or to produce toxins. For example,
enterotoxigenic strains of E. coli cause traveler’s diarrhea because of a plasmid that
codes for an enterotoxin. Metabolic plasmids carry genes for enzymes that
degrade substances such as aromatic compounds (toluene), pesticides (2,4dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), and sugars (lactose). Metabolic plasmids even carry
the genes required for some strains of Rhizobium to induce legume nodulation and
carry out nitrogen fixation.
13.3 Transposable Elements
Transposition: the movement of pieces of DNA that move around the genome of
bacteria, viruses, and eucaryotic cells contain, or a mutation in which a chromosomal
segment is transferred to a new position on the same or another chromosome
Transposable elements or transposons: DNA segments that carry the genes
required for this Transposition process and consequently move about chromosomes.
Insertion sequences or IS elements: The simplest transposable elements. An IS
element is a short sequence of DNA (around 750 to 1,600 bp in length) containing
only the genes for those enzymes required for its transposition and bounded at both
ends by identical or very similar sequences of nucleotides in reversed orientation
known as inverted repeats. Between the inverted repeats is a gene that codes for an
enzyme called transposase.
Transposable elements also can contain genes other than those required for
transposition (for example, antibiotic resistance or toxin genes). These elements often
are called composite transposons or elements.
13.4 Bacterial Conjugation
The initial evidence for bacterial
conjugation, the transfer of genetic
information by direct cell to cell contact,
came from an elegant experiment
performed by Joshua Lederberg and
Edward L. Tatum in 1946.
The evidence that physical contact of the cells was necessary for gene transfer was
provided by Bernard Davis (1950), who constructed a U tube consisting of two pieces
of curved glass tubing fused at the base to form a U shape with a fritted glass filter
between the halves.
F+ x F- Mating
In 1952 William Hayes demonstrated that the gene transfer observed by
Lederberg and Tatum was polar. That is, there were definite donor (F+) and
recipient (F-) strains, and gene transfer was nonreciprocal. He also found that in
F+ x F- mating the progeny were only rarely changed with regard to auxotrophy
(that is, bacterial genes were not often transferred), but F- strains frequently
became F+.
Hfr Conjugation
When integrated, the F plasmid’s tra operon is still functional; the plasmid can
direct the synthesis of pili, carry out rolling-circle replication, and transfer genetic
material to an F- recipient cell. Such a donor is called an Hfr strain (for high
frequency of recombination) because it exhibits a very high efficiency of
chromosomal gene transfer in comparison with F- cells.
Because the F plasmid is an episome, it can leave the bacterial chromosome.
Sometimes during this process the plasmid makes an error in excision and picks
up a portion of the chromosomal material to form an F′plasmid.
13.5 DNA Transformation
The second way in which DNA can move between
bacteria is through transformation, discovered by Fred
Griffith in 1928. Transformation is the uptake by a cell of
a naked DNA molecule or fragment from the medium and
the incorporation of this molecule into the recipient
chromosome in a heritable form. In natural transformation
the DNA comes from a donor bacterium. The process is
random, and any portion of a genome may be transferred
between bacteria.
13.6 Transduction
Transduction is the transfer of
bacterial genes by viruses.
Bacterial genes are incorporated
into a phage capsid because of
errors made during the virus life
cycle. The virus containing these
genes then injects them into
another bacterium, completing
the transfer. Transduction may be
the most common mechanism for
gene exchange and
recombination in bacteria.
Generalized transduction
occurs during the lytic cycle of
virulent and temperate phages
and can transfer any part of the
bacterial genome. During the
assembly stage, when the viral
chromosomes are packaged into
protein capsids, random
fragments of the partially
degraded bacterial chromosome
also may be packaged by
Specialized or restricted
transduction, when a
prophage is induced to leave
the host chromosome, excision
is sometimes carried out
improperly. The resulting phage
genome contains portions of the
bacterial chromosome (about 5
to 10% of the bacterial DNA)
next to the integration site,
much like the situation with F′
plasmids. A transducing phage
genome usually is defective and
lacks some part of its
attachment site. The
transducing particle will inject
bacterial genes into another
bacterium, even though the
defective phage cannot
reproduce without assistance.
13.7 Mapping the Genome
Using E. coli as an example, all three
modes of gene transfer and
recombination have been used in
mapping. Hfr conjugation is frequently
used to map the relative location of
bacterial genes. This technique rests
on the observation that during
conjugation the linear chromosome
moves from donor to recipient at a
constant rate. In an interrupted
mating experiment the conjugation
bridge is broken and Hfr x F- mating is
stopped at various intervals after the
start of conjugation by mixing the
culture vigorously in a blender.
13.8 Recombination and
Genome Mapping in Viruses
Bacteriophage genomes also
undergo recombination,
although the process is
different from that in bacteria.
Because phages themselves
reproduce within cells and
cannot recombine directly,
crossing-over must occur
inside a host cell. In principle,
a virus recombination
experiment is easy to carry out.
If bacteria are mixed with
enough phages, at least two
virions will infect each cell on
the average and genetic
recombination should be
observed. Phage progeny in
the resulting lysate can be
checked for alternate
combinations of the initial
parental genotypes.
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