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MGX Team
Sadashivudu Basani
Jinny Sebastian
Carlton Vaz
Elizabeth Xu
What is Molecular Genetics eXplorer ?
 The Molecular Genetics Explorer is a BioQUEST software simulation that
integrates genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology to study a
biological phenomenon. It is designed to show students the connections
between these three key disciplines of modern molecular genetics. It is
based on "Botstein's Triangle“. – quoted in Science 240:1439 (1988)
 Written by Prof. Brian White (UMB Biology) and Prof. Ethan Bolker (UMB
Computer Science)
MGX as is…
Tools in Molecular Genetics eXplorer
 Genetics-explains biological phenomena in terms of genes.
(e.g. how a flower color is inherited).
 Biochemistry- explains biological phenomena in terms of
proteins. (e.g. how protein sequence in a flower determine
protein structure and color).
 Molecular Biology- explains the relation between genes(DNA)
and proteins.
Genetics Tool
 Cross any two
 Self-cross any two
 Mutate any
Biochemistry Tool
 Examine protein
structure and color
present in organisms.
 Compare amino acid
sequence that make a
 Edit/create protein
sequence and
determine protein
structure and color.
Molecular Biology
 Examine pigment
protein genes
present in
 Design your own
genes by editing
or entering new
DNA sequences.
 Can save edited
DNA as new
organism into
green house.
 Compare DNA
sequence of 2
pigment protein
Overview of the biology
MGX Team Approach
Team approach towards the goal
 Steps defined
 Where are we now ?
 Where are we heading ?
Steps Defined
 Learn basics of the Biology involved with MGX.
 Understand the current application.
 Build UML Diagram.
 Get the requirements specification.
 List classes that need refactoring.
Learn about current application
Functionality, Code and Structure
Build UML Diagram
 Build UML Diagram of the existing MGX application
MGX Team
Where are we now ?
We have …
Comprehended MGX source code.
Understood that we can use some of the existing
Completed the UML diagram.
Discussed with client the new requirements.
MGX Team
Where are we heading?
We are …
Moving close to finalizing the client requirements.
Listing out the details of classes to be refactored.
UI Design for new MGX tool – Species Editor.
Coding and documentation.
MGX Species Editor
Business Rules
MGX Species Editor
 Scan set of phenotypes (images)
 Protein Investigator usage to design template proteins for each allele.
 Import phenotype images and template proteins for alleles.
 Define restrictions for alleles.
 The Species Editor checks that the template protein supplied for the
allele actually honors the content restrictions specified.
 The Species Editor checks that there is no ambiguity in the list of
content restrictions - i.e. that any folded protein matches at most one
allele in shape and content.
 For each pair of alleles a phenotype is specified.
 Newly created species in file <filename>.spc.
Protein Investigator
 Used to design template proteins for each allele
Species Editor
 Define restrictions for alleles
MGX Team
What we’ve learned so far ?
We have learned …
First meeting
with customer
We’re making progress!
* Short stories not what the
customer really wants
* Algorithm seems too
Questions ?