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PowerPoint Presentation Materials
to accompany
Genetics: Analysis and Principles
Robert J. Brooker
Copyright ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display
• Human Genome Project?
– Formally launched in 1990
– Aimed to decode our GENOME-all of the
DNA found within all of our chromosomes
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• A “working draft” of the human genome
sequence was completed in 2000
– Nearly 3 billion nucleotides
– 25000 of genes
• The study of the human genome provides
fundamental molecular details
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• The knowledge gained from the Human
Genome Project will lead to improvements
in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention
of disease
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Figure 1.1b
Figure 1.1a
• While trying to understand genes and their
function, scientists have developed many
genetic technologies
– DNA fingerprinting
– Mammalian cloning
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• DNA fingerprinting
– Now a common tool of forensic science
• Mammalian cloning
– In 1997, Ian Wilmut and colleagues cloned the
first mammal, A sheep named Dolly (Figure 1.2)
• Cows, mice, goats, pigs and cats have now been
– Fears that the technology may be applied to
humans led to legislative bans on human cloning
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What about in our country?
• Oyalı- First Turkish clonned baby lamb
• 21 November 2007 First clonned sheep “Oyalı”
• 30 March 2011 “Bahar” The lamb of Oyalı
Human ?
Hwang Woo-suk Seoul National
He announced that he has generated embriyonic stem cells via the
embryonic clonning.
• Genetic technologies allow the
modification of animals in various ways
• For example, mice can be made to glow
green (Figure 1.3)
– A jellyfish gene encoding a green fluorescent
protein is introduced into lab mice
– Upon exposure to ultraviolet light, the mice
emit a bright green color
Copyright ©The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display
• Genetics is the study of heredity and variation
– It is the unifying discipline in biology
• The central theme in genetics is the gene
– The gene is classically defined as a ‘unit’ of heredity
– The modern definition is a segment of DNA that
produces a functional product such as a polypeptide.
– Genes provide traits of an organism
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Figure 1.4
Nucleotide building blocks
are used to make long
strands of DNA which
associate with proteins
and form chromosomes.
The chromosomes are
contained within the nucleus.
Each Cell Contains Many Different
Proteins That Determine Cellular
Structure And Function
• The characteristics of a cell largely depend
on the proteins it produces
• Proteins have diverse biological functions
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• Structural proteins
– Tubulin
• Aggregates to form microtubules
• Plays role in cell shape and movement
• Contractile proteins
– Myosin
• Plays role in muscle contraction
• Hormonal proteins
– Insulin
• Regulates the level of glucose in the blood
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• A particularly important group of proteins
are the enzymes
– Enzymes are biological catalysts
– Catabolic enzymes
• Involved in the breakdown of large molecules into
smaller ones
• Provide energy for the activities of the cell
– Anabolic enzymes
• Involved in the synthesis of large molecules from
smaller ones
• Provide components for the construction of the cell
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DNA Stores the Information for
Protein Synthesis
• The genetic material in most living
organisms is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
• DNA encodes the information required to
synthesize all cellular proteins
– It is able to do so because of its molecular
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DNA Stores the Information for
Protein Synthesis
• DNA is a polymer of nucleotides
– Each nucleotide contains one nitrogenous base
Adenine (A)
Thymine (T)
Cytosine (C)
Guanine (G)
– The genetic information is stored in the linear
sequence of these bases along the DNA
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DNA Stores the Information for
Protein Synthesis
• For example:
• Met Gly Leu Ser
DNA Sequence
Protein Sequence
• Phe Lys Leu Ala
DNA Sequence
Protein Sequence
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• The DNA in living
cells is contained
within large structures
termed chromosomes
• Human cells have a
total of 46
• Each chromosome is
a complex of DNA
and proteins
• An average human
chromosome contains
– More than a 100
million nucleotides
– about 1,000 different
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The Information Within the DNA Is
Accessed During the Process of
Gene Expression
• Gene expression occurs in two steps
– Transcription
• The genetic information in DNA is copied
into a nucleotide sequence of ribonucleic
acid (RNA)
– Translation
• The nucleotide sequence in RNA is
converted (using the genetic code) into the
amino acid sequence of a protein
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Figure 1.6
The Molecular Expression of Genes
Within Cells Leads to an Organism’s
Outwardly Visible Traits
• A trait is any characteristic that an organism displays
• We usually focus on Morphological traits
– Affect the appearance of the organism
– Example: The color of a flower
• There are also Physiological traits
– Affect the function of the organism
– Example: Ability to metabolize a sugar
• We can even identify Behavioral traits
– Affect the ways an organism responds to the
– Example: Mating calls of bird species
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Inherited Differences in Traits Are
Due to Genetic Variation
• Genetic variation refers to differences in inherited
traits among individuals within a population
– For example: In petunias, white vs. purple flowers
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• Genetic variation is a result of various types of
changes at the molecular level
– 1. Gene mutations
• Small differences in gene sequences
• Lead to two or more expression forms or alleles of
the same gene
– 2. Changes in chromosome structure
• Large segments of the chromosome may be lost or
– 3. Changes in chromosome number
• Single chromosomes may be lost or gained
– Refer to Figure 1.9a
• A whole set of chromosomes may be inherited
– Refer to Figure 1.9b
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Wheat with 6n (3x2n) chr.
Down Syndrome with 47 chr.
Traits Are Governed by Genes and
by the Environment
• The traits an individual expresses often do
not result from its genes alone
• Rather, traits are a result of the interaction
between genes and the environment
– For example, an individual’s diet has an effect
on his/her height and weight and even
• In some cases, the environment dictates
whether a disease is manifested in an
individual or not
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• Phenylketonuria (PKU)
– Humans contain a gene encoding the enzyme
phenylalanine hydroxylase
• Converts phenylalanine to tyrosine
– Humans with one or two functional copies of
this gene can metabolize phenylalanine
– Humans with two copies of a rare inactive
allele cannot metabolize phenylalanine
• Phenylalanine will thus accumulate
• It ultimately causes a number of detrimental effects
– Mental retardation, for example
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Same but different
Chris, left, and Xand van Tulleken have identical DNA but differing pain
responses due to their life experiences
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During Sexual Reproduction, Genes
Are Passed from Parent to Offspring
• Gregor Mendel, in the mid-19th century,
provided the foundation of the science of
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During Sexual Reproduction, Genes
Are Passed from Parent to Offspring
• Sexually-reproducing species are diploid
– Have two copies of each chromosome
• One from each parent
– The two copies are termed homologues
– Homologues contain the same genes
• Not necessarily the same alleles
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• In humans, most
cells have 46
– 23 homologous
The X and Y
chromosomes of
human males are
not homologous
Figure 1.11
• Gametes
– Sperm and egg cells
– Are haploid
– Have 23 chromosomes
Figure 1.11
During Sexual Reproduction, Genes
Are Passed from Parent to Offspring
• The union of sperm and egg during
fertilization restores the diploid number
• Sexual reproduction enhances genetic
– It results in combinations of traits not found in
either parent
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• Genetics encompasses four biological disciplines
• It is traditionally divided into three areas
– Transmission genetics
– Molecular Genetics
– Population Genetics
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Transmission Genetics Explores the
Inheritance Patterns of Traits as They Are
Passed from Parents to Offspring
• Transmission genetics is the oldest field of
• It examines how traits are passed from one
generation to the next
• The conceptual framework was provided
by Gregor Mendel in the 1860s
– Genetic determinants pass from parent to
offspring as discrete units
• These are now termed genes
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Transmission Genetics Explores the
Inheritance Patterns of Traits as They Are
Passed from Parents to Offspring
• The basic experimental approach is the
genetic cross
– Two selected individuals are mated
– The traits in question are analyzed over
several generations
– Analysis is often quantitative in nature
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Transmission Genetics Explores the
Inheritance Patterns of Traits as They Are
Passed from Parents to Offspring
• Transmission genetics is covered in Chapters 2-8
– Chapter 2
• Mendelian patterns of inheritance
– Chapter 3
• Chromosomes and their roles in inheritance
– Chapters 4-8
• Complexities in transmission genetics
– Linkage
– Non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance
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Molecular Genetics Seeks a Biochemical
Understanding of the Hereditary Material
• Molecular genetics is the most modern field
of genetics
• It deals with the molecular features of DNA
and how these underlie gene expression
– A genes features, organization and function
– Detailed analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins
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Molecular Genetics Seeks a Biochemical
Understanding of the Hereditary Material
• Molecular geneticists study “model organisms”,
such as
– Escherichia coli (a bacterium)
– Saccharomyces cerevisiae (a yeast)
– Drosophila melanogaster (an animal)
– Arabidopsis thaliana (a plant)
• The genes found in these organisms behave
similarly as those in humans
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Molecular Genetics Seeks a Biochemical
Understanding of the Hereditary Material
• Molecular geneticists typically employ the
genetic approach to research
– They study mutant genes that have an
abnormal function
• Example: Loss-of-function mutation
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• Molecular genetics is covered in Chapters 9-23
– Chapters 9-15
• Structure, replication, expression and regulation of the
genetic material
– Chapters 16 and 17
• Mutations and rearrangements of the genetic material
– Chapters 18-21
• Recombinant DNA technology and computer-based
approaches to studying the genetic material
– Chapter 22
• Role of the genetic material in human diseases
– Chapter 23
• Role of the genetic material in development
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Population Genetics Is Concerned With
Genetic Variation and Its Role in
• Population genetics deals with the genetic
composition of populations and how it
changes over time and space
• It connects the work of Mendel on
inheritance to that of Darwin on evolution
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Population Genetics Is Concerned With
Genetic Variation and Its Role in
• Population genetics is covered in Chapters 24-26
– Chapter 24
• The role of the environment and genetics in the
expression of traits
– Chapter 25
• How and why some alleles are maintained in populations
– Chapter 26
• The genetics behind the process of evolution
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