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Welcome to
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Wrinch: Structure of Chromosomes / Protein
Welcome to
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Wrinch: Structure of Chromosomes / Protein
What do we talk about?
Determined by Questionnaires
Your Questions
Just to make sure I'm clear
we're not submitting the SQ
questions that we answered
for review correct?
we don't have to send in all
the answers to the question
on each reading right?
Just the questions set on the
problem sets?
Remind me about what
we were suppose to do
with the group assignment.
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Explaining what did they
think back in 1936 compared
to now day's thoughts
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
What are genes?... There is no consensus of
opinion amongst geneticists as to what the
genes are – whether they are real or purely
fictitious – because at the level at which the
genetic experiments lie, it does not make the
slightest difference…
Thomas Morgan
Nobel Lecture (1934)
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
The constancy of position of
genes with respect to other
genes in linear order in the
chromosomes is deducible,
both from genetic evidence
and from cytological
Morgan T (1934) Nobel Lecture
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Dorothy Wrinch
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Could we perhaps go over a little
more of how she visualized genes in
her chromosome micelle model?
Dorothy Wrinch
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Dorothy Wrinch
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Dorothy Wrinch
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Dorothy Wrinch
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Dorothy Wrinch
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Dorothy Wrinch
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Dorothy Wrinch
Wrinch (1936) – What is a Gene?
Dorothy Wrinch
…structural levels of proteins,
for some reason I was under
the impression that every
protein consisted of all of
the structures
Different levels of protein structure
1. Enumeration
2. Local interaction
3. Distant interaction
4. Interaction between
Primary Structure
Different levels of protein structure
1. Enumeration
Primary Structure
2. Local interaction
Secondary Structure
3. Distant interaction
4. Interaction between
Different levels of protein structure
1. Enumeration
Primary Structure
2. Local interaction
Secondary Structure
3. Distant interaction
Tertiary Structure
4. Interaction between
Different levels of protein structure
1. Enumeration
Primary Structure
2. Local interaction
Secondary Structure
3. Distant interaction
Tertiary Structure
4. Interaction between Quaternary Structure
Different levels of protein structure
…structural levels of proteins,
for some reason I was under
the impression that every
protein consisted of all of
the structures
per definition
per definition
Critique annotation
How to Annotate Genes
Coming Attractions
Coming Attractions
Coming Attractions
Coming Attractions
Coming Attractions
I think the most challenging part
of this process is finding evidence
the most helpful thing to go
over in class would be how to
find evidence to justify an
How to Annotate Genes
Study Question 13
How did glycophorin A gain its proper
position in the red blood cell membrane.
Study Question 13
How did glycophorin A gain its proper
position in the red blood cell membrane.
How does protein get inside?
Study Question 13
How did glycophorin A gain its proper
position in the red blood cell membrane.
Study Question 13
How did glycophorin A gain its proper
position in the red blood cell membrane.
Study Question 13
How did glycophorin A gain its proper
position in the red blood cell membrane.
Goodbye from
Molecular Biology Through Discovery
Tuesday, 4 September 2012