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Chapter 9
Fundamentals of Genetics
Table of Contents
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Gregor Mendel
• The study of how characteristics are transmitted from parents to
offspring is called genetics.
• Known as the “father of genetics” but not the first person to
study genetics.
• A fair number of practical breeding experiments were done in ancient
• People knew there was a connection between sex and reproduction.
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Gregor Mendel, continued
• Mendel’s Garden Peas
– Mendel observed characteristics of pea plants.
– Traits are genetically determined variants of a characteristic.
• Every day we observe heritable variations (eyes of brown,
green, blue, or gray) among individuals in a population.
• These traits are transmitted from parents to offspring.
– Each characteristic occurred in two contrasting traits.
– Traits create breeds.
• Another example: dogs were domesticated by 12,000
years ago; selective crossing has given us all the many
breeds we have today
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Gregor Mendel, continued
• Mendel’s Methods
– Mendel used crosspollination
techniques in which
pollen is transferred
between flowers of
two different plants.
– Studied the traits that
came about.
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Experiments
• Mendel bred plants for several generations that were
true-breeding for specific traits and called these the P
• Offspring of the P generation were called the F1
• Offspring of the F1 generation were called the F2
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Three Steps of Mendel’s Experiments
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Experiments
Click below to watch the Visual Concept.
Visual Concept
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Results and Conclusions
• Recessive and Dominant Traits
– Mendel concluded that inherited characteristics
are controlled by factors that occur in pairs.
– In his experiments on pea plants, one factor in a
pair masked the other. The trait that masked the
other was called the dominant trait. The trait that
was masked was called the recessive trait.
• Mendel developed a hypothesis to explain these
results that consisted of four related ideas.
1. Alternative versions of genes (different alleles) account for
variations in inherited characters.
• The purple-flower allele and white-flower allele are two
DNA variations at the flower-color locus.
• 2. For each character, an organism inherits two
alleles, one from each parent.
• In the flower-color example, the F1 plants inherited a
purple-flower allele from one parent and a white-flower
allele from the other
3.If two alleles differ, then one, the dominant allele, is fully expressed in
the the organism’s appearance.
• The other, the recessive allele, has no noticeable effect on the
organism’s appearance.
– Mendel’s F1 plants had purple flowers because the purple-flower
allele is dominant and the white-flower allele is recessive.
4. The two alleles for each character segregate (separate) during gamete
• The separation of alleles into separate gametes is known as Mendel’s
law of segregation.
– If an organism has 2 identical alleles for a particular character, then
that allele exists as a single copy in all gametes.
– If 2 different alleles are present, then 50% (1) of the gametes will
receive one allele and 50% (1) will receive the other.
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Results and Conclusions, continued
• The Law of Segregation
– The law of segregation states that a pair of
factors is segregated, or separated, during the
formation of gametes.
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Results and Conclusions, continued
• The Law of Independent Assortment
– The law of independent assortment states that
factors for individual characteristics are distributed
to gametes independent of one another.
– The law of independent assortment is observed
only for genes that are located on separate
chromosomes or are far apart on the same
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Support for Mendel’s Conclusions
• We now know that the factors that Mendel studied
are alleles, or alternative forms of a gene.
• One allele for each trait is passed from each parent
to the offspring.
Chapter 9
Section 1 Mendel’s Legacy
Mendel’s Conclusions
Click below to watch the Visual Concept.
Visual Concept
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Genotype and Phenotype
• The genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
The phenotype is the appearance of an organism.
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
• Probability is the likelihood that a specific event will
• A probability may be expressed as a decimal, a
percentage, or a fraction.
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Calculating Probability
Click below to watch the Visual Concept.
Visual Concept
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Predicting Results of Monohybrid Crosses
• A Punnett square can be used to predict the
outcome of genetic crosses.
• A cross in which one characteristic is tracked is a
monohybrid cross.
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Punnett Square with Homozygous Cross
Click below to watch the Visual Concept.
Visual Concept
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Monohybrid Cross
of Heterozygous
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Predicting Results of Monohybrid Crosses, continued
• A testcross, in which an individual of unknown
genotype is crossed with a homozygous recessive
individual, can be used to determine the genotype of
an individual whose phenotype expresses the
dominant trait.
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Click below to watch the Visual Concept.
Visual Concept
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Predicting Results of Monohybrid Crosses, continued
• Complete dominance occurs when heterozygous
individuals and dominant homozygous individuals are
indistinguishable in phenotype.
• This is what we have been crossing the last couple
days, traits that had complete dominance.
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Predicting Results of Monohybrid Crosses, continued
• Incomplete dominance occurs when two or more
alleles influence the phenotype and results in a
phenotype intermediate between the dominant trait
and the recessive trait.
• This occurs in some flowers. If you cross a red rose
with a white rose, the offspring will all come out PINK!
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Predicting Results of Monohybrid Crosses, continued
• Codominance occurs when both alleles for a gene
are expressed in a heterozygous offspring.
• This occurs in bulls. When a Roan bull (red colored
fur is crossed with a White bull, all the offspring have
red and white fur.
Chapter 9
Section 2 Genetic Crosses
Predicting Results of Dihybrid Crosses
• A cross in which two
characteristics are
tracked is a
dihybrid cross.
Chapter 12
• Chromosome
– Genes reside on Chromosomes
– Sex chromosomes contain genes that determine
an organism’s sex (gender).
• In mammals, an individual carrying two X
chromosomes is female.
• An individual carrying an X and a Y
chromosome is male.
– The remaining chromosomes that are not directly
involved in determining the sex of an individual are
called autosomes.
Karyotypes: Male and Female
Effects of Gene Location
• Sex-Linked Genes and Traits
– Genes found on the X chromosome are X-linked genes.
– A sex-linked trait is a trait whose allele is located on a sex
– Because males have only one X chromosome, a male who
carries a recessive allele on the X chromosome will exhibit
the sex-linked trait.
• Linked Genes
– Pairs of genes that tend to be inherited together are called
linked genes.
• Chromosome Mapping
– The farther apart two genes are located on a chromosome,
the more likely a cross-over will occur
• Germ-cell mutations occur in gametes and can be
passed on to offspring.
• Somatic-cell mutations occur in body
cells and affect only the individual organism.
• Chromosome mutations are changes in the
structure of a chromosome or the loss or gain of an
entire chromosome.
• Gene mutations are changes in one or more of the
nucleotides in a gene.
Chromosome Mutation
Gene Mutation
Ch 12-2
Inheritance of Traits
• Pedigrees
– Geneticists use pedigrees to trace diseases or
traits through families.
– Pedigrees are diagrams that reveal inheritance
patterns of genes.
Pedigree for Cystic Fibrosis
Genetic Traits and Disorders
• Polygenic Inheritance
– Polygenic characters, such as skin color, are
controlled by two or more genes.
• Complex Characters
– Complex characters, such as polygenic traits,
are influenced by both genes and environment.
• Multiple Alleles
– Multiple-allele characters, such as ABO blood
groups, are controlled by three or more alleles of a
(2 visual concepts)
Genetic Traits and Disorders
• X-Linked Traits
– The gene for colorblindness, an X-linked recessive
gene, is found on the X chromosome.
• Sex-influenced Trait
– A sex-influenced trait, such as pattern baldness, is
expressed differently in men than in women even
if it is on an autosome and both sexes have the
same genotype.
(Visual concepts)
Treating Genetic Disorders
• Among the treatments are symptom-relieving
treatments and symptom-prevention measures, such
as insulin injections for diabetes.
• Gene Therapy
– In gene therapy, a defective gene is replaced with
a copy of a healthy gene.
– Somatic cell gene therapy alters only body cells.
– Germ cell gene therapy attempts to alter eggs or