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Gene mutation and sickle cell
(k) explain the effect of the gene mutation resulting in sickle
cell anaemia on the structure and oxygen transport efficiency
of haemoglobin;
(l) outline how DNA is repaired;
(m) outline the role of DNA in the process of cellular ageing;
Your task
Get into pairs
Read your allocated section from pages 156-157
Make notes in any form you wish (you have 20 minutes to do this)
One person from each group should join up with one person from each of the
two other groups to make a three.
You will then teach each other your section and share notes so that everyone
has a completed note.
In your groups of three, complete question 2 from page 193
Collect the past paper question to work through in your groups.
Once you have completed it, swap with someone from the other group to peer
mark. Mark scheme will be provided
Sickle cell anaemia and the effect on
Sickle cell anaemia and the effect on
• At low pO2, haemoglobin forms long,
sharp crystals that make RBCs become
sickle-shaped and then rupture.
• RBCs carry less oxygen, block capillaries
and can lead to hypoxia
• When oxygen in the blood falls to very low
• This results in a reduction in cellular
oxidation and a reduction in ATP synthesis
and, as a result, depressed aerobic
How does sickle cell anaemia occur?
• Single base substitution in the RNA sequence that codes
for the beta chain of haemoglobin.
• This results in a different amino acid being produced –
valine instead of glutamate.
• This type of mutation in the DNA sequence is called a
point mutation.
• Consequently, haemoglobin now has different properties
than before – it becomes less soluble at low oxygen
concentrations (low pO2)
How does sickle cell anaemia occur?
Long chains form due to the amino acid
valine being synthesised instead of
glutamate in beta haemoglobin.
How DNA is repaired
• Most mutations occur during DNA replication (when DNA is copied)
• Mistakes happen once every 10 genes (roughly)
• Changes can occur due to:
Cellular metabolism
UV light exposure
Ionising radiation
Chemical exposure
Replication errors
• Normally, these mistakes are corrected by a proof reading
mechanism. DNA polymerase does this job.
• Once replication of DNA is complete, another group of proteins
“surveys” the DNA looking for mismatches in base pairs
How DNA is repaired
A form of colon cancer arises because of the inability of DNA “mismatching”
to be repaired.
When DNA is damaged, another group of enzymes excise the misparing
nucleotides and DNA polymerases and DNA ligases repair the cut strands.
Xeroderma pigmentosum is an example of a disease where DNA damage,
due to exposure to UV light, is not corrected. The result is that even low
level exposure to UV light can lead to development of skin cancers.
DNA and cellular damage
• Telomeres are found at the end of chromosomes.
• Their function is to:
– Protect genes on chromosomes
– Regulate division of the cell
• When the cell divides, telomeres are not copied.
As a result, they get shorter each time.
• When they get too short, essential parts of DNA
can be destroyed.
• If telomeres are removed completely, genes
become exposed and are easily damaged and
DNA and cellular damage
• Telomere length governs how many
times a cell can replicate – usually
20-30 times before telomeres
become too short.
• This is why cells do not last an entire
• Bone marrow and embryonic stem
cells are constantly dividing. They
are able to do this and maintain their
telomeres by use of the enzyme
• Most somatic (body) cells do not
express this enzyme, although it is
found in human cancer cells.