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Biology Final Review
Session 1
Biology Introduction
Q.1 What is the definition of
• Study of Life
What are the 7 Themes of Biology?
1) Cell and structural function
2) Reproduction
3) Metabolism
4) Homeostasis
5) Heredity
6) Evolution
7) Interdependance
Give the 3 points of the Cell
• 1) All living things are composed of cells
• 2) All cells come from preexisting cells
• 3) Cells are the basic structure and function
of living things
Scientific Method Slides
• .
Name the Steps of the Scientific
After many successful tests= Possible Theory
An educated guess, which is testable
through experimentation is called…
A) Hypothesis
B) Prediction
C) Observation
D) Experiment
Answer A
An dependent Variable…
A) factor that is measured
B) factor such as time
C) factor on the y-axis
D) factor on the x-axis
E) A and C
F) B and D
Answer: E
The group in an experiment that
does not receive the experimental
treatment is called…
A) Independent Variable
B) Dependent Variable
C) Control Group
D) Experimental Group
Answer: C
Chemistry Review
Define the general structure of an
• Protons (positive charge) and Neutrons
(neutral charge) in a centrally located
• Electrons (negative charge) are located in
orbitals around the nucleus.
Give the atomic number of an
atom with 9 protons, 9 neutrons,
and 9 electrons.
A) 9
B) 18
C) 27
Answer: A, This is Florine, The number of protons in an atom
Give the atomic mass of atom
with 9 protons, 9 neutrons, and 9
• A) 9
• B) 18
• C) 27
Answer: B, Protons +Neutrons
A substance that is composed of
different atoms is called..
Answer: B, Molecules are a type of compound
A substance that is composed of
the same type of atoms is
Answer: C
The average of the mass numbers
of all of the isotopes of an
element is referred to as…
A) Atomic Number
B) Atomic Weight
C) Atomic Mass Number
Define pH.
Hydrogen ion concentration in a solution
Scale from 0-14
7 neutral ph
X< 7 considered acidic
X>7 considered basic
What two substances are formed
when an acid (H+) and a
base (OH-) mix?
• Salts
• Water
Compare and contrast covalent
bonds and ionic bonds.
• In a covalent bond ELECTRONS are shared
between elements. Occur between elements
on the same side of the periodic chart.
• In ionic bonds, ELECTRONS are
transferred from one element to another.
Occur between elements from opposite
sides of the periodic chart (I.e. Na Cl)
For a compound to be considered
organic, it must contain what
A) Nitrogen
B) Phosphorous
C) Carbon
D) Oxygen
• E) Hydrogen
Answer: Carbon bonded to Hydrogen
Name the 5 organic compounds.
Nucleic Acids
The suffix sacchar refers to …
• Sugar, the organic compound carbohydrate
50 or more amino acids make…
• Protein
Nucleotides make up this organic
• Nucleic Acids- both DNA and RNA
Fatty Acids make up which
organic compound…
• Lipids
A type of protein which speeds
up chemical reactions, without
changing its shape is called…
• Enzyme
• An Enzyme is a biological catalyst
Enzymes act on a substance
called a…
• Substrate
Enzymes can be damaged by
A) Normal Use
B) Heat
C) Extreme pH
D) Electricity
E) A, B and C
F) B, C, and D
Answer: F
What limits cell size?
• Surface Area. Organisms must be able to
get things in and out of the cell quickly.
• As cells get larger, volume increases faster
than surface area.
In this type of solution, there is a
greater amount of stuff in the
solution outside the cell than
• A)Hypotonic Solution
• B)Hypertonic Solution
• C)Isotonic Solution
Answer: B
In this type of solution, there is a
greater amount of stuff in the cell
than outside.
• A)Hypotonic Solution
• B)Hypertonic Solution
• C)Isotonic Solution
Answer: A
In this type of solution, the stuff
is equal inside and outside the
• A)Hypotonic Solution
• B)Hypertonic Solution
• C)Isotonic Solution
Answer: C
What happens to the water inside
and outside the cell in a
hypertonic, hypotonic, and
isotonic environment.
• Hypotonic- water rushes in “pop”
• Hypertonic- water rushes out “cell shrivels”
• Isotonic- the water stays constant
The movement of particles from
high to low concentration,
without the use of energy is
• Passive Transport
What are the type of passive
transport. Define Each.
• Diffusion- movement of molecules from
high to low (I.e. perfume sprayed from a
• Osmosis- Diffusion of water across a
plasma membrane
• Facilitated diffusion- Uses carrier
proteins to move substance from high to
What type of transport uses
energy (ATP) to move substances
against the concentration
• Active Transport
What are the type of active
transport? Define Each.
• Sodium-Potassium pump- Used in nerves to pump
sodium outside of the cell against the
concentration gradient
• Endocytosis- Used to take in large substances (I.e.
eating bacterial cells)
• Exocytosis- Used to remove extremely large
substances (I.e. dead cell parts)
What is a prokaryote and give an
example of one.
• A cell that has no nucleus or membrane
bound organelles
• Ex. Both kingdoms of Bacteria,
Archaebacteria and Eubacteria
What are the 3 shapes of
• A) Coccus, Spiral, Rod
• B) Bacillium, Spirilliam, Rod
• C) Bacillium, Spirilliam, Coccus
What are the parts of a bacterial
Cell Wall
Plasma Membrane
Circular DNA
Can form an endospore (protective shell)
Bacteria are killed by antibiotics.
Name a few common bacterial
Cavaties – streptococcous mutans
Strep Throat
Bacterial Pneumonia
Viruses are unique to the study of
biology because…
A) They are not alive
B) They effect life forms
C) They contain nucleic acid
D) A and B
E) B and C
What are the parts of a virus?
A) Protein Coat
B) Nucleic Acid (DNA or RNA)
C) Organelles
D) Cytoplasm
E) A and B
How do viruses reproduce?
• Inside a living host
• Lysogenic Cycle- viral nucleic acid joins
with the host. Host is Symptom Free. HIV
• Lytic Cycle- Virus activates and uses host to
replicate. Host becomes ill. AIDS
What is a Eukaryote, and give an
example of one.
• A cell with a nucleus and membrane bound
• Example: You are a Eukaryote, in fact all
Kingdoms that are not bacteria are
This organelle surrounds all living
cells and regulates what enters and
exits the cell.
A) Cell Wall
B) Cell Membrane
C) Nucleus
D) Nucleolus
E) Rough ER
F) Smooth ER
This Organelle contains the cells
A) Cell Wall
B) Cell Membrane
C) Nucleus
D) Nucleolus
E) Rough ER
F) Smooth ER
This Organelle creates RNA which is
used in protein synthesis.
A) Cell Wall
B) Cell Membrane
C) Nucleus
D) Nucleolus
E) Rough ER
F) Smooth ER
This Organelle is where proteins
are made.
A) Cell Wall
B) Cell Membrane
C) Nucleus
D) Nucleolus
E) Rough ER
F) Smooth ER
This cell structure is found
around plants to give structural
support and shape…
A) Cell Wall
B) Cell Membrane
C) Nucleus
D) Nucleolus
E) Rough ER
F) Smooth ER
This organelle is used to
synthesize lipids.
A) Cell Wall
B) Cell Membrane
C) Nucleus
D) Nucleolus
E) Rough ER
F) Smooth ER
What is the job of the Golgi
To package and transport substances such as
protein around the cell.
The phospholipid bilayer which
makes up the cell membrane is
composed of which two parts?
• Phosphate polar head and a lipid non-polar
• The polar heads face outside of the plasma
• The lipid tail is on the inside.
This organelle is responsible for
making ATP or the cell’s energy.
A) Vacuole
B) Mitochondria
C) Nucleus
D) Nucleolus
E) Lysosome
F) Chloroplasts
This organelle is found in plants
and used in photosynthesis.
A) Cell Wall
B) Cell Membrane
C) Nucleus
D) Nucleolus
E) Chloroplast
F) Smooth ER
• What are the two types of chromosomes in
the human body?
• Autosomal (22)
• Sex Chromosomes (XX or XY)
DNA has many forms, name
• Chromatin- unwound DNA
• Chromatid- Single strand of wound DNA
• Chromosomes- two chromatids held
together by a centromere
• Homologous Chromosomes- Two sets of
identical chromosomes
What is the difference between a
haploid cell and a diploid cell?
• Haploid Cells, or n -have one copy of each
chromatid (Gametes I.e. Sperm/Egg Cell)
• Diploid Cells or 2n- have two copies of
each chromatid (Chromosome). These
make up our somatic or body cells.
How many chromatids do
humans diploid cell have?
• A) 46 chromatids / 23 chromosomes
• B) 42 chromatids / 21 chromosomes
• C) 42 chromatids / 84 chromosomes
What is the job of Mitosis?
A) To create two new cells
B) To create two new nuclei
C) To double the amount of cytoplasm
D) To divide the plasma membrane
What are the four stages of
• Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
• Remember PMAT
Define what happens in each
stage of Mitosis.
• Prophase- Chromosomes become visible,
nucleus disappears, spindle fibers form
• Metaphase- Spindle fibers chromosomes to
the center of the cell.
• Anaphase- Chromosomes are pulled apart to
opposite ends of the cell by spindle fibers.
• Telophase- Two new nuclei are formed
What takes place when the cell is
in interphase?
A) Growth of the cell
B) Metabolic Activities
C) Replication of Chromosomes
D) Cell Replication
E) A, B, and C
Define Meiosis.
• A process that creates 4 unique haploid cells
(gametes: egg/sperm)
• Men create 4 sperm from each germ cell
• Women create 1 egg and 3 polar bodies
Why are cells in meiosis unique?
• A) Crossover occurs in prophase II
• B) Segments of DNA are exchanged
between Chromosomes
• C) Crossover occurs in prophase I
• D) All of the above
• E) B and C
All organisms that can reproduce
with one another and have fertile
offspring are called…
A) Population
B) Species
C) Habitable
D) Gene Pool
The monk. Who was the father
of genetics?
• Gregor Mendel
What were Mendel’s Laws?
• The law of segregation- chromatids separate
from one another when sex cells are formed
(Each parent can give only one copy of each
• The law of independent assortment- traits are
inherited independently from each other (I.e. just
because you have brown eyes does not mean you
will have long toes)
Genetic Vocabulary
• Alleles – different forms of a gene. Purple
vs. Pink Flower color
• Homozygous – two copies of the same
allele (I.e. aa or AA)
• Heterozygous – two copies of different
allele (I.e. Aa)
Phenotype describes ____ while
genotype describes _____.
• A) alleles, appearance
• B) Appearance, alleles
• C) Both show alleles one numerical and one
Know how to Create and Use a
Patterns of Complex Hereditary
Name the five types and explain.
• 1) Polygenic Inheritance- many genes which are
averaged. (I.e. height, eye color)
• 2) Incomplete Dominance- blending of traits (I.e.
hair texture)
• 3) Codominance- All alleles show (I.e. checkered
• 4) Environmental- genes can be influenced by
temperature, nutrition, etc…
• 5) Multiple Alleles- 3 or more alleles for a trait,
like blood type. A, B, O
What scientist(s) were first to
discover the structure of DNA?
• Watson and Crick
What is a nucleotide
made up of and what is the
building block for?
Name the 4 bases of DNA and
how do they connect to each
• Remember GCAT
• Guanine to Cytosine
• Adenine to Thymine
A DNA sequence looks like the
following: AACTG.
What would the complementary
strand look like?
In DNA replication- What
enzyme is responsible for
unwinding the DNA?
• DNA Helicase
During Replication, the enzyme
that adds nucleotides to the
unwound DNA is called what?
• DNA polymerace
Compare and Contrast DNA to
– Double Stranded A-T, C-G
– Double Helix Shape
– Single Stranded
– Adenine- Uracil, C-G
What are the three forms of RNA?
And Tell me what each do.
• Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
– Site where Translation occurs and proteins are made
• Messenger RNA (mRNA)
– Transcribes DNA in the nucleus and travels to rRNA
• Transfer RNA (tRNA)
– Transfers Amino Acid to the Ribosome to make the
protein strand
Every three letters of mRNA is
a_______, while the three hairs on
tRNA are ________.
A) codons, pseudocodon
B) anti-codon, codon
C) pseudocodon, codon
D) codon, anti-codon
Please Transcribe the following
DNA strand into mRNA:
Please take the following mRNA
segment and Translate it into protein,
using the chart on pg. 209:
• Phenylalanine
What are the four types of
microscopes used and what do they
• Stereomicroscope- Views living organisms and
large objects. Objects can be opaque.
• Light microscope- Views slides of small
transparent items.
• Electron Microscope- Can see molecules,
organism must be dead.
• Scanning Tunneling Microscope- Can see atoms,
organism must be dead.