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Chemical reactions require the input or release of
______________ reactions require energy to form
new bonds.
______________ release energy when bonds are
_______________ reactions have no net energy
requirements. Energy released from decomposition
portion helps with synthesis portion.
Factors that influence reaction rates:
◦ _________________ of reactants
◦ _________________ of environment
◦ _______________ ______________-the energy required for
the reaction to happen.
◦ Some reactions require presence of a ___________.
 Special proteins that hold the reactants together so they can
 Catalyst is not destroyed, changed, or used up by the
 Reaction speed is increased and activation energy is lowered
when catalyst is present.
 In the body, a catalyst is called an ________________.
________________ molecules- do not contain
hydrocarbon groups (H and C bonded together)
and often have ionic bonding.
◦ Water, Salts, Acids and Bases
________________ molecules- contain hydrocarbon
groups and are usually covalently bonded.
◦ Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids
Both types of molecules are essential for life.
1) Water is the universal solvent (dissolves chemicals).
◦ Chemicals added to water are called: _______________________
◦ The chemical/water mixture is called a: ____________________
 ________________ chemicals dissolve well or mix with water.
 ________________chemicals do not mix well with water.
2) Water is an ideal ________________ medium.
◦ Blanketing power allows molecules in water to move around and be
cushioned from one another. Many molecules dissolve readily in
3) Water has a high heat capacity and a high heat of
◦ It is easily able to absorb heat from reactions so that the overall
_________________ of solution doesn’t change.
◦ Water needs a high temperature to change from a liquid to gas, so
remains a liquid thru wide temperature ranges.
4) Water is used for ________________ of moving parts of the
Compounds that have _________ bonds. (Cation bound to
an Anion)
Principle form of __________ that enter and are stored in
the body.
◦ Na, K, Cl, Ca, P, S, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, I, Se, Mo
When salts are added to water they immediately
_____________ (divide into separate ions).
◦ Salts in ionic form are called _______________________-substances
that have ability to transmit an electrical charge.
 Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-
___________- ionically bonded
substances that when added to
water freely release hydrogen
ions (H+). (ex: HCl)
◦ Called H donors or proton donors
___________- ionically bonded
substances that when added to
water release a hydroxyl ion
(OH-). (ex: NaOH)
◦ Called proton acceptors
H+ and OH- combine to form
Ranges from 1-14.
Lower numbers are the most
___________, higher numbers are
more ____________.
pH of ________ is neutral.
pH of blood is: __________.
Molecules that contain carbon bound to hydrogen.
Divided into 4 groups:
◦ _____________________
◦ ____________________
◦ _____________________
◦ _____________________
Used for energy, storage of energy, and cellular
◦ Composed of ___, ___, and ___ (water-containing carbon)
Simple Sugars-____________________.
◦ Glucose and Fructose
◦ ________________ = sugar with 6 carbon atoms
◦ ________________ = sugar with 5 carbon atoms
________________- when two monosaccharides are
joined together in synthesis reaction.
_________________- combinations of many
________________ synthesis is the removal of water during
a reaction
________________ is the breaking down of complex
molecules into simpler ones by adding water
________________- when a macromolecule is formed out
of a carbohydrate attached to a protein.
AKA fats
4 classes of Lipids:
◦ Triglycerides, phospholipids, steroids, & eicosinoids
Also made of C, H, O (and sometimes P), but their
__ content is much lower than the amount in carbs.
Contains three ________ acids and a ___________ molecule.
◦ Fatty acids are chains of carbon atoms with hydrogen atoms
◦ Glycerol is a modified, 3 carbon sugar
________________ fatty acids- all bonds in the hydrocarbon
chain are single bonds.
_________________fatty acids- when there are some double
bonds between the carbon atoms.
__________________________- macromolecule composed of
proteins and lipids
Have a _______________
backbone like triglycerides
In place of 3rd fatty acid is a
phosphate group (PO4)
Have a lipid bilayer when
placed in water.
◦ ________________ heads are
facing water
 Phosphate groups
◦ _______________ tails line
up with one another.
 Fatty acid side
Four interlocking
hydrocarbon rings with very
little oxygen.
Basic _______________ ring
structure that forms
different steroids
Lipids formed from a 20carbon fatty acid and ring
structure. (____________
Most abundant organic molecules in the body and have
the widest variety of functions.
Made of_____, _____, _____, and _____ (can also include
sulfur, iron, or phosphorus)
Building blocks of proteins are ___________ ________.
◦ The amino acid sequence is what makes each protein unique and
defines the protein’s function.
◦ Central carbon is attached to hydrogen atom, an amino group
(NH2), a carboxyl group (COOH), and a side group.
 Side group defines the amino acid
20 different amino acids used by the body:
Amino acids link together via dehydration synthesis
◦ Carboxyl group of one amino acid links with the amino
group of another amino acid via a peptide bond.
_____peptide: 2 amino acids
_____peptide: 3 amino acids in a chain
_____peptide: more than 3 amino acids in a chain
__________: 100+ amino acids chained together
◦ _________ Structure- sequence
and number of amino acids
that link together to form a
◦ ____________ Structure- the
natural bend of parts of the
chain into pleated sheets or
alpha helices
◦ _____________ StructureBonding between pleated
sheets and helices causes the
chain to change shape.
◦ ______________Structure- when
two or more tertiary structures
join to form a complex
macromolecule consisting of
more than one chain of amino
Functional proteins that ___________ or speed up chemical
◦ Will end in –_____
◦ Enzymes speed up a chemical reaction without being
destroyed or altered.
◦ Enzymes are specific to the reaction that they cataylze and to
the ______________ that the enzyme acts upon.
 Fit like a lock and key
Largest molecules of the body
Composed of ___, ___, ___, ___, and ___
2 classes of Nucleic Acids
◦ _______________________________ (DNA)
 Found in the cell’s nucleus
 Contains all instructions needed by cell to
build proteins.
 Coded in segments called __________
◦ _______________________________ (RNA)
 Coordinates the building of proteins by
using a copy of the cell’s DNA.
The building blocks of nucleic acids.
5 different nucleotides, but all have the same basic structure: sugar,
phosphate group, and nitrogenous base.
◦ Are all composed of a 5-Carbon pentose sugar.
 Sugar in DNA is _____________.
 Sugar in RNA is _____________.
◦ Nucleotides are named for their base.
 Adenine (A), Guanine (G), Cytosine (C), (Thymine), and Uracil (U)
 A,G,C = DNA & RNA
T = DNA only U = RNA only
Consists of two parallel strands of the
nucleotides adenine, guanine, cytosine and
Connected by hydrogen bonds between the
nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides.
◦ Adenine/Thymine and Cytosine/Guanine
Once bound, these two strands twist around
one another to form a double ___________.
Order of nucleotides is what makes the
genetic code of each individual unique.
◦ This code is carried in the nucleus of every cell in the
Consists of a single strand of nucleotides.
Does not have thymine, but instead has uracil.
Pairings are:
◦ Cytosine/Guanine
◦ Adenine/ Uracil
Exists in three forms:
◦ mRNA- ____________ RNA
◦ tRNA- _____________ RNA
◦ rRNA- _____________ RNA
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) = energy currency of the cells.
◦ Cells need ATP to fuel any work that they do.
ATP is an RNA nucleotide containing the nitrogenous base adenine
with two additional phosphate groups attached.
The bonds between the phosphate groups are called high-energy
◦ When bonds between phosphate groups are broken, energy is released.
◦ When phosphate group is lost, resulting molecule is adenosine
diphosphate (ADP).
◦ When a subsequent phosphate is lost, the resulting molecule is adenosine
monophosphate (AMP)