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Early Renaissance
What was the Renaissance?
• Period following the
middle ages (14501550)
• “Rebirth” of classical
Greece and Rome
• Began in Italy
• Moved to northern
Italy is First to Escape the Dark
• Revival of Commerce and
Town Building was more
intense in Italy
• Feudalism had less of a
grip on Italy
• Crusades made Italy quite
• Presence of Classics was
stronger in Italy than
elsewhere in Europe
Causes of the Renaissance
• Lessening of feudalism
– Church disrespected
– Nobility in chaos
– Growth of Middle Class through trade
• Fall of Constantinople to the Turks
– Greek scholars fled to Italy
• Education (universities)
• Italians wanted to recapture the
glory of the Roman empire
Italian Background
• Major city centers
– Venice: Republic ruled by
oligarchy, Byzantine
– Milan: Visconti and
Sforza families
– Florence (Tuscany):
Republic ruled by the
– Papal States: Ruled by
the Pope
– Kingdom of Naples: King
of Aragon
Italian Background
• Florence
Medici's—family of physicians
Money in banking (Very Wealthy)
Financed wool trade
Became defacto rulers of Florence
• Pursuit of individualism
– Recognition that humans are creative
– Appreciation of art as a product of man
• Basic culture needed for all
• Life could be enjoyable
• Love of the classical past
Early Renaissance
Donatello (Purple Ninja Turtle)
Saint George
Donatello was one Mary Magdalene
Of the key artist of
The Renaissance.
His specialty was
Early Renaissance
Dome Construction
Il Duomo
St. Peter’s
St. Paul’s
US capital
Early Renaissance Art
• What was different in the
Classical (pagan) themes
Geometrical arrangement
of figures
Light and shadowing
Softening of edges
Artist able to live from
The Renaissance Man
• Broad knowledge about many things
in different fields
• Deep knowledge of skill in one area
• Able to link areas and create new
Renaissance Scavenger Hunt.
Find the following Questions.
1. What does the word Renaissance mean?
2. What dates was the Early Renaissance?
3. Why was Italy the first place to
experience the Renaissance? (4
4. What is Humanism?
5. Why do you think the Renaissance was
such a big deal for Europe? (paragraph)
Renaissance Men Foldable
Directions: Create a four tab foldable on the
following Renaissance Men (4 Ninja
Turtles) Donatello, Leonardo,
Michelangelo, Raphael.
Inside the foldable
1. Give a description of the artist
2. Name 2 major works completed by them