How da Vinci Worked
... wings to design wings that people could use. Nobody knows whether or not da Vinci ever fashioned any actual wings. But there is evidence that he made attempts to fly. Da Vinci wrote that the best place to attempt to fly would be over a lake. That way the person trying to fly would land in the water ...
... wings to design wings that people could use. Nobody knows whether or not da Vinci ever fashioned any actual wings. But there is evidence that he made attempts to fly. Da Vinci wrote that the best place to attempt to fly would be over a lake. That way the person trying to fly would land in the water ...
... Christian humanists called for a less worldly church, one based more on Bible study. As early as the 1300s, John Wycliff had begun protests against the Church in England. Jan Hus led a similar protest against the Church in what is today the Czech Republic. He was executed for heresy in 1415. ...
... Christian humanists called for a less worldly church, one based more on Bible study. As early as the 1300s, John Wycliff had begun protests against the Church in England. Jan Hus led a similar protest against the Church in what is today the Czech Republic. He was executed for heresy in 1415. ...
Marco Polo, His Exploration, and How it Affected Renaissance Italy
... knowledge Marco Polo dictated his notes that he had taken throughout his time in the Far East. Rustichello would then write them down in book form.20 This book which would eventually become The Travels of Marco Polo was then published so that others who would come after him could learn about the Far ...
... knowledge Marco Polo dictated his notes that he had taken throughout his time in the Far East. Rustichello would then write them down in book form.20 This book which would eventually become The Travels of Marco Polo was then published so that others who would come after him could learn about the Far ...
Leonardo DaVinci
... Some of Leonardo’s paintings are considered to be the first accurate portrayals of the human anatomy. Leonardo was interested in optics, which is considered with the properties of light. He carefully analyzed such things as the pattern of light and shadow on a sphere before a window. ...
... Some of Leonardo’s paintings are considered to be the first accurate portrayals of the human anatomy. Leonardo was interested in optics, which is considered with the properties of light. He carefully analyzed such things as the pattern of light and shadow on a sphere before a window. ...
the print legacy of albrecht dürer, a renaissance man
... the Revelation of St John. This sale offers the Apocalypse in its entirety of 16 plates complete with text, 1496-1511 (estimate: £80,000-120,000) and also exceptionally dynamic individual works from the series such as The Four Horsemen, circa 1497-98 illustrated right (estimate: £50,000-70,000), an ...
... the Revelation of St John. This sale offers the Apocalypse in its entirety of 16 plates complete with text, 1496-1511 (estimate: £80,000-120,000) and also exceptionally dynamic individual works from the series such as The Four Horsemen, circa 1497-98 illustrated right (estimate: £50,000-70,000), an ...
Leonardo da Vinci: Hand of the Genius Teacher Resource
... marble, and bronze, and painted on both panel and fabric. Leonardo learned to work in all of these media by collaborating closely with his master. These terracotta angels are compatible with one another but also display some distinct differences. One of them is usually associated with Verrocchio, bu ...
... marble, and bronze, and painted on both panel and fabric. Leonardo learned to work in all of these media by collaborating closely with his master. These terracotta angels are compatible with one another but also display some distinct differences. One of them is usually associated with Verrocchio, bu ...
Slide 1
... • printing press: new attitudes toward creation, consumption, and reception of music • international style spread to Italy and throughout the ...
... • printing press: new attitudes toward creation, consumption, and reception of music • international style spread to Italy and throughout the ...
480 Ducats 20 Ducats - Middle School History
... The Roman Catholic Church forbade anyone from charging interest, which the church called usury. When people talk about usury today, they are talking about a very high interest rate. During the Renaissance, though, usury meant charging any interest at all. Since bankers were not able to charge intere ...
... The Roman Catholic Church forbade anyone from charging interest, which the church called usury. When people talk about usury today, they are talking about a very high interest rate. During the Renaissance, though, usury meant charging any interest at all. Since bankers were not able to charge intere ...
Oxford Music Online
... Curt Sachs was the first to apply Wölfflin’s theory of the Baroque systematically to music. He took the five characteristics that Wölfflin had isolated in the visual arts and explained how each fitted musical developments in this period: (i) the suppression of line in favour of the painterly (maleri ...
... Curt Sachs was the first to apply Wölfflin’s theory of the Baroque systematically to music. He took the five characteristics that Wölfflin had isolated in the visual arts and explained how each fitted musical developments in this period: (i) the suppression of line in favour of the painterly (maleri ...
The Enjoyment of Music 11th, Shorter Edition
... Comtessa de Die or the Countess of Dia is an aristocratic trobairitz born about 1140. The Countess is an enigmatic =igure, and scholars are unsure of the exact circumstances of her birth and event ...
... Comtessa de Die or the Countess of Dia is an aristocratic trobairitz born about 1140. The Countess is an enigmatic =igure, and scholars are unsure of the exact circumstances of her birth and event ...
#1 - Leonardo da Vinci ~ Portrait of Mona Lisa ~ 1479
... a) he wanted to make people feel happy when they saw the painting b) she was an unhappy model, but Leonardo could make her laugh c) it was considered in that period a sign of elegance d) she had crooked teeth and was embarrassed to show them 3) Which statement best describes Renaissance man? a) some ...
... a) he wanted to make people feel happy when they saw the painting b) she was an unhappy model, but Leonardo could make her laugh c) it was considered in that period a sign of elegance d) she had crooked teeth and was embarrassed to show them 3) Which statement best describes Renaissance man? a) some ...
Chapter 14 - Learning,_Literature,_and_the_Renaissance
... During 1265 to 1321 a man by the name of Dante Alighieri wrote and completed the Divine Comedy which was a long poem about his journey through hell, purgatory, and Paradise. (Bulliet, 365) In the Divine Comedy it also includes the seven terraces of purgatory which is where the souls that did not des ...
... During 1265 to 1321 a man by the name of Dante Alighieri wrote and completed the Divine Comedy which was a long poem about his journey through hell, purgatory, and Paradise. (Bulliet, 365) In the Divine Comedy it also includes the seven terraces of purgatory which is where the souls that did not des ...
S - cloudfront.net
... business that operated throughout Europe. The bank handled financial affairs for the papacy*, which gave the Medici great power. They could sometimes arrange for their supporters to receive positions within the church. Medici Rulers. During the 1430s the Medici, headed by Cosimo the Elder, took over ...
... business that operated throughout Europe. The bank handled financial affairs for the papacy*, which gave the Medici great power. They could sometimes arrange for their supporters to receive positions within the church. Medici Rulers. During the 1430s the Medici, headed by Cosimo the Elder, took over ...
Confraternitas : the newsletter of the Society for Confraternity Studies
... made by Arnaldo della Torre and Alison Brown that Antoninus opposed humanist learning. Howard offers a persuasive counter- argument, reminding readers of Antoninus' notary father, who had constant exposure to Salutati's chancery, Antoninus' praise of Bruni as eloquentissimus, his friendship with Cos ...
... made by Arnaldo della Torre and Alison Brown that Antoninus opposed humanist learning. Howard offers a persuasive counter- argument, reminding readers of Antoninus' notary father, who had constant exposure to Salutati's chancery, Antoninus' praise of Bruni as eloquentissimus, his friendship with Cos ...
da Vinci and Michelangelo Reading
... “Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity,” he said. ...
... “Nature is the source of all true knowledge. She has her own logic, her own laws, she has no effect without cause nor invention without necessity,” he said. ...
The Impact of Niccolò Machiavelli
... Some people may argue that one of the great Renaissance artists, such as Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci, had a greater influence on history than Machiavelli. Yet, a piece of art, no matter how great the artist, is still just a piece of art. Art can be admired, it can be inspiring, and it can beco ...
... Some people may argue that one of the great Renaissance artists, such as Michelangelo or Leonardo da Vinci, had a greater influence on history than Machiavelli. Yet, a piece of art, no matter how great the artist, is still just a piece of art. Art can be admired, it can be inspiring, and it can beco ...
File - Mr. Butts World History
... abroad. By the autumn of 1508, he was in Rome and was entrusted by Pope Julius II with the decoration of the Stanze, the new papal apartment in the Vatican Palace, an enormous commission for the twenty-six-year-old artist. The first room, probably Julius II’s private (14) ______________, was complet ...
... abroad. By the autumn of 1508, he was in Rome and was entrusted by Pope Julius II with the decoration of the Stanze, the new papal apartment in the Vatican Palace, an enormous commission for the twenty-six-year-old artist. The first room, probably Julius II’s private (14) ______________, was complet ...
... Renaissance history almost all artwork was of a Christian theme, and nude women were hardly ever portrayed. Many aspects of Botticelli's Birth of Venus are in motion. For example, the leaves of the orange trees in the background, ringlets of hair being blown by the Zephyrs, the roses floating behind ...
... Renaissance history almost all artwork was of a Christian theme, and nude women were hardly ever portrayed. Many aspects of Botticelli's Birth of Venus are in motion. For example, the leaves of the orange trees in the background, ringlets of hair being blown by the Zephyrs, the roses floating behind ...
... Shortly before his death in 1534 Pope Clement VII commissioned Michelangelo to paint a fresco of The Last Judgement on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel. The fresco depicts the Second Coming of Christ and his Judgement of the souls. Michelangelo ignored the usual artistic conventions in portrayin ...
... Shortly before his death in 1534 Pope Clement VII commissioned Michelangelo to paint a fresco of The Last Judgement on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel. The fresco depicts the Second Coming of Christ and his Judgement of the souls. Michelangelo ignored the usual artistic conventions in portrayin ...
Press Kit
... permission of Pope Bonifacio IX. The first courses to be inaugurated were Arts, Theology and Law and were taught by famous teachers such as Bartolomeo Saliceto, an expert among jurists. ...
... permission of Pope Bonifacio IX. The first courses to be inaugurated were Arts, Theology and Law and were taught by famous teachers such as Bartolomeo Saliceto, an expert among jurists. ...
The Medici family ruled the city of Florence throughout the
... bank. He also was the leader of the Florence merchants. His son, Cosimo de Medici became the Gran maestro (leader) of the Florence city-state in 1434. The Medici family ruled Florence for the next 200 years until 1737. Leaders of the Renaissance The Medici are most famous for their patronage of the ...
... bank. He also was the leader of the Florence merchants. His son, Cosimo de Medici became the Gran maestro (leader) of the Florence city-state in 1434. The Medici family ruled Florence for the next 200 years until 1737. Leaders of the Renaissance The Medici are most famous for their patronage of the ...
The Medici family ruled the city of Florence throughout the
... bank. He also was the leader of the Florence merchants. His son, Cosimo de Medici became the Gran maestro (leader) of the Florence city-state in 1434. The Medici family ruled Florence for the next 200 years until 1737. Leaders of the Renaissance The Medici are most famous for their patronage of the ...
... bank. He also was the leader of the Florence merchants. His son, Cosimo de Medici became the Gran maestro (leader) of the Florence city-state in 1434. The Medici family ruled Florence for the next 200 years until 1737. Leaders of the Renaissance The Medici are most famous for their patronage of the ...
Medici Family
... bank. He also was the leader of the Florence merchants. His son, Cosimo de Medici became the Gran maestro (leader) of the Florence city-state in 1434. The Medici family ruled Florence for the next 200 years until 1737. Leaders of the Renaissance The Medici are most famous for their patronage of the ...
... bank. He also was the leader of the Florence merchants. His son, Cosimo de Medici became the Gran maestro (leader) of the Florence city-state in 1434. The Medici family ruled Florence for the next 200 years until 1737. Leaders of the Renaissance The Medici are most famous for their patronage of the ...
Under the Guise of Spring i-48
... beneath their feet. Sandro Botticelli, the unlettered but sophisticated allegorist whose mystical instincts resonated with the Medici circle, would capture the spirit of these times. ...
... beneath their feet. Sandro Botticelli, the unlettered but sophisticated allegorist whose mystical instincts resonated with the Medici circle, would capture the spirit of these times. ...
Medici family The bourgeois Medici family rose to prominence
... established close ties with the masses—a gesture that would distinguish the Medici—Giovanni also became the first in a long line of Medici to patronize the arts. A time of profound social and cultural revival, the European Renaissance began in about the 14th century and reached its climax in the 16t ...
... established close ties with the masses—a gesture that would distinguish the Medici—Giovanni also became the first in a long line of Medici to patronize the arts. A time of profound social and cultural revival, the European Renaissance began in about the 14th century and reached its climax in the 16t ...
Spanish Renaissance literature

Spanish Renaissance literature is the literature written in Spain during the Renaissance.